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15632136 No.15632136 [Reply] [Original]

Is he right? Are the new generations of Americans overly coddled and going to destroy democracy in America?

>> No.15632242

I don't have an opinion on his perceived coddling. What is destroying democracy is the field of psychology. When powerful institutions have super effective means of manipulating and persuading the citizenry, what good is democracy?

>> No.15632291

What? Only a small amount of Americans see a psychologist regularly and listen to their advice. Psychology remained generally non-political. This is changing now because the field is being dominated by women and the APA just released guidelines full of feminist theory and what-not, but that's in the near future, not in the past.

>> No.15632380

Psychology, not psychiatry. Mental healthcare isn't the problem. The problem is powerful institutions (corporations, political orgs, oligarchs) developing the techniques for brain hacking and mass manipulation. Democracy relies upon the ability of individual citizens to act in their best interest. With their ability to do that circumvented, democracy isn't worth much.

>> No.15632427

Kek, why do people insist on being retarded whenever psychology is mentioned. Psychology has never been non-political, besides Wundt perhaps, every major male psychologist has been blatantly political in their work. Freud's focus on hysteria is pure politics and cultural circumstance, and Skinner suggested behaviourism as a political tool.
Study of rhetoric has been around for centuries before psychology established itself as it's own field, it's not as if this is anything new. If you think psychological study is capable of mass-manipulation than you've clearly never gone into much study of the absolute mess of a field psychology is. Psychology is genuine mental healthcare, psychiatry is what you should be worried about if you think there's brainwashing going on.
I hope so.

>> No.15633055

His book is the stupidest thing I ever read. "Rightwing morality is more primitive and contradictory, therefore it's better". What a retard.

>> No.15633285

Read 'The Righteous Mind'. Society needs both left and right to be able to function, and crucially both sides need to be able to talk to each other.

>> No.15633665

studying politics =/= being political. Psychology is going towards literally being a leftist power wing, it's not the same thing as examining humans and politics from a studying perspective. The APA's new guidelines were literally written based on feminist theory books with the expressed goal of changing society through the patients to dismantle the patriarchy. Never happened this blatant before.

>> No.15633950

I agree there's something of a leftist bias in psychology at the moment, but it's merely reflective of larger social trends. The APA has always been reactive to political shifts, what's new? No doubt DSM-VI will remove gender dysphoria as a disorder, and it will be as political a change as the shift in every other mental disorder. Look at a Medieval arabic medicine book and many of the illnesses of the mind described within are totally non-existent in our society, mental illnesses have always been culturally influenced feedback loops until the central cultural trend ends. Humans are being studied just as they ever where, the only difference across time dependent on culture and politics is if you stick a label on the mentally ill, and if so what label.

>> No.15634921

it's not just bias and cultural influence, they're on the verge of using the institution for blatant advocacy of political positions.

>> No.15635109

It's more of a radlib bias. Leftists largely dismiss psychiatry as pseudo-science.

>> No.15635216

You didn’t even ready his shit did you, faggot?

>> No.15635488

Yes he is right. The coddling of zoomer minds has killed any notion of truth seeking in academia which is the whole point of the enterprise. Universities are now credentialling babysitting clubs for the next generation of safe spacers. The thesis of the Coddling book is compelling even if overly charitable to the people such as activist professors who are inciting the problems Haidt and his co-author decries.

>> No.15635506
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>> No.15635513

"Moral foundations theory" is a pile of shit.

>> No.15635523

Is the righteous mind any good? I enjoyed the coddling of the American mind

>> No.15635803
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Yeah it's good.
>tfw someone borrowed my copy and they have not returned it yet

>> No.15636372

How did you get anything close to that out of Coddling?

>> No.15636413

You are naive. Do you think those corporations such as Google aren't developing their technologies without the aid of psychologists and their discoveries? You know the fed had their help to develop torture techniques. And nothing in the PR (civilian propaganda) nor big tech (addictive technologies) industry is possible to implement without the progress psychologists have made. The rise of mass communications renders whoever can master manipulation of human heart and mind the kings of this brave new world.

>> No.15636415

Talking about The Righteous Mind.

>> No.15636420

Meh, AI and clever use of statistics is all Google needs to figure out what works. If there's anything poisoning our minds today it's ourselves and our consumption of media. Academia, with its lack of diversity of opinion in the social sciences does nothing except help ensure the "educated" are no better off than the non-educated.

>> No.15637067

Read Avi Tuschman, Hector Garcia and Hibbing instead/with the Righteous Mind

>> No.15637202

But is that wrong?

>> No.15637656

You are retarded. The fed had the help of a couple rogue psychologists, who were not only expelled by the APA, but developed torture techniques that were totally ineffective in extracting information. Google doesn't need a psychologists help to censor the flow of information. All industrial psychologists do is work to make employees more productive, the field of psychology is not competent enough for mass manipulation. Read a book instead of spouting pop-psychology nonsense.

>> No.15637712

I hope democrcay is destroyed. How is anyone still pro-democracy in 2020?