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15628551 No.15628551 [Reply] [Original]

How do I get rid of spiritual semitism /lit/?
What books should I read?

>> No.15628730

By getting rid of divine centralization. If whatever spiritual path you’re looking into proposes a singular solution for every complex problem in the world, then that’s usually a big red flag.

So avoid thinking schools with a single option. They’re wastes of your time

>> No.15628749

That's actually really helpful. Thank you anon!

>> No.15628754

Read Derrida

>> No.15628894

The Bible. Especially the OT. It is a pure form of spiritual semitism. Just invert the logic

>> No.15628926

spiritual, spirit, inspire, respiration, it all originates from "breath". now what semitism has to do with breathing, FAGGOT?

>> No.15628948

Nose breathing

>> No.15629060

yeah, why do jews have big noses? because air is free.

>> No.15629541

read the Upanishads

>> No.15630417

Get into voodoo and subsaharan animism, also this >>15628730.

>> No.15630613
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Tao Te Ching
Ray Bradbury
Clan of the Cave Bear
The Night Land

>Just invert the logic
This to some extent. But the opposite of crazy is still crazy. What helps me is stuff with "man vs. nature" themes, because nature doesn't give a fuck about your moral code.

>> No.15630700

"Spiritual semitism" is a meme term that would never be used by someone with a knowledge of comparative religion.

With regards to religion, there is Semitic paganism, Semitic gnostic groups, Semitic Christianity, Semitic Islam, Semitic Judaism, a bunch of random mixes of each that survive in folk varieties, and then innumerable other varieties that have since died out.

If having influences from semitic peoples makes one a "spiritual semite" then the Greeks and the Romans are "spiritual semites" just like innumerable other civilizations. The phonecians who influenced the Greeks so heavily, (with the alphabet, culture, seafaring, etc.) were semitic peoples.

>> No.15630875
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He probably means Abrahamic religions.

>> No.15630947

I understand that. But there is a gigantic difference between the two.

Even "Abrahamic religions" is a term that lacks precision since there are, once again, everything from Gnostic sects or certain orders of Masonry that claim lineage from Abraham to traditional Islam/Christianity/Judaism, etc. That isn't even counting all the new age groups that have now thrown their hat in the ring.

The more one studies comparative religion as a whole, the more it becomes incredibly difficult to group them haphazardly into these sorts of categories, especially broad ones around a claimed "founder" or imprecise ethnic group.

>> No.15630997

>there are more Abrahamic religions than the big three
This is well known. It's also well-known that they're no less pants-shittingly retarded than the big three because they use the same intellectually bereft, semitic foundations. The term holds up just fine.

"Man vs. Nature" is one of the central tenets of semitic doctrine, though, and a big part pf why it's philosophically indefensible and practically untenable. The scriptures specifically reference taming wilderness and suppressing one's natural urges; these things can only lead to gross ethical dissonance and unhappiness.

>> No.15631013


>> No.15631043

The Greeks had Semitic foundations in their philosophy and religious practices from the Phoenicians. It is pretty clear you just hate Jews and extrapolate this hatred to every other civilization that falls under the category of semitic.

I would love to see what the "semitic foundations" you claim are, since the Torah is not considered a foundation by plenty of semitic religions. Man vs Nature, once again, is not a principle of semitic paganism and cannot be considered a unifying principle of all semitic religions.

>> No.15631057
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You're giving the OP way more attention and care than he deserves. OP is a moron who's trying to troll, he doesn't actually want a serious answer to his question.

>> No.15631061

He is practically a Jew
He is Jewish

>> No.15631077

> taming wilderness and suppressing one's natural urges
That's a feature of all agricultural societies.

>> No.15631078

I'm not giving anyone any attention. I am just writing because I like writing about world religions and maybe it could be of use to someone.