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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 1.74 MB, 1199x1199, Chuck Wendig with book stuffed in mouth.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15628838 No.15628838 [Reply] [Original]

>Destroys Internet Archive.

Is it true? Will the Internet Archive go under, as well as the apparently affiliated Wayback Machine, which archives web pages from across so many years ago? What will the future of internet and old literature preservation be like? Could they be saved, perhaps more along the lines of "cease and desist," for whatever laws they transgress?

>> No.15628843


>> No.15628846

Why is that? This is an ongoing problem for those of us that value the Internet Archive for its numerous antique, obscure texts that are often out of print. I don't read the contemporary stuff, which they seem to be getting in this controversy, over.

>> No.15628976
File: 27 KB, 200x200, 1587377816138.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine a boot stomping on that face forever.

>> No.15629005
File: 126 KB, 921x477, EaUlqX0WsAUcg20.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is what you should aspire to be, /lit/. This is what a successful writer looks like.

>> No.15629072

Stop anon, I can only get so erect.

Libgen is hosted in Russia, and I know China has the capacity and the will to host all sorts of dissident material and activities (Copyright is an inherently theological act), they just make it super fucking hard to do business with them to make it happen. We'll probably just see more of that. If you want to read anything written before the 1970s, you have to go outside of the US to get it, which is just going to continue.

We're in the middle of the Fourth (or Fifth?) Great Awakening, however, so this isn't really new. We'll get our Caesar and Second Religiousness (Second Religiousness = Augustus, NOT Constantine) soon, and that'll probably kill the Great Awakenings for good as it will explicitly codify Liberalism. In that sense, by the time the CCP falls (sometime after the US Caesar arises, resulting in a new regime that's actually willing to throw its weight around on the global stage) the need to have such a thing will be gone because Liberalism won't be as feral, having more tightly secured its position. Everything will either be scrubbed and inaccessible, or Reading Old Books will become nerdy and faux pas such that no one would ever admit to such a thing anyways.

>> No.15629089

this is actually where an actual patrician like rapture comes in. i've been following his threads lately and this seems to be exactly what he is doing:


if you email him and request a title from his lists, he'll queue it for you and will scan it in and send it. so far i've had to wait about a month but ive gotten 2 titles. would recommend.
not sure how he does it beyond that.

>> No.15629131

you know you can just make requests at libraries right? or use amazon? pykewater, if it is even real, has like less than 1% of the work of most big uni libraries

>> No.15629150

>Our Mission:

>To democratize knowledge worth knowing.


He's also explicitly stating that he'll bow down to state narratives in order to crush dissidence and unorthodoxy. So yeah, IRC circles and email chains, definitely, but this guy won't be part of them.

>> No.15629152

>gnawed a lip

>> No.15629178

dude its free
you find me a library with that level of material pre-selected that offers free digital titles and im there
amazon you need to pay
i'm literally trying to convince you of the value of pre-selected academic reading lists with free titles. if you need to be sold on that--yeah, i don't know, go to whatever "library" you've been going to.

>> No.15629204

use your trip, faggot. i dont need someone to tell me what to read, especially when they glow this bright

>> No.15629221
File: 74 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol take your meds you stupid fucking incel
way to prove my point

>> No.15629228

My fat bitch roommate looked like this fuck

>> No.15629230

He isn't a particularly good writer, as he would like to be called, either.

>> No.15629240

literally why should anyone trust you to tell them what to read, every list you make is just the recent secondary literature on a certain topic

>> No.15629248

>keep projecting someone else unto me
>this level of paranoia

yeah like i said, take your fucking meds you pleb piece of shit

>> No.15629251

This was my first thought. It's not the statement, it's the idea that he would, if pressured enough, bow down to the demands of a certain political group and either promote ideologically-friendly material, or hide opposition material. It's an admission of bias as clear as having a political campaign ad appear there. Can't trust. Won't trust..

>> No.15629255

>makes everyone seethe
Seems based to me.

>> No.15629257

>söymale with problem glasses

>> No.15629259

>projecting projection
i asked a simple question. i have no clue whether you are the manlet himself or just a fan; regardless, i've never heard anyone explain why his reading lists are valuable, his only response is to call anyone who disagrees with him names

>> No.15629312

This is almost perfect, but it should say 'untap your land cards.' Shame!

>> No.15629649

It's a joke yet it still makes me cringe. Amazing.

>> No.15629880

I believed it, coming from Chuck.

>> No.15630007
File: 467 KB, 775x607, 2016-07-06_0304.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What will the future of internet and old literature preservation be like?
this is actually a major problem for many large organisations, government departments etc. no one is safe- the universal music fire is proof of that. many companies have warehouses full of paper records going back decades that run the risk of being lost in the same way- as well as electronic records on obscure or outdated storage media or stored in file formats that modern software won't understand.
if you want to find out what people do about it, google format obsolescence or the digital preservation coalition.
pic unrelated

>> No.15630040
File: 593 KB, 1584x803, E7ACFF2D-E3F3-4E9F-B296-027BD0D6D87B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

“For the LORD will pass through to smite the Egyptians; and when he seeth the blood upon the lintel, and on the two side posts, the LORD will pass over the door, and will not suffer the destroyer to come in unto your houses to smite you.”

you boys clearly aren’t that wealthy.

you are simply not my clientele.

>> No.15630095

yeah, i bet those four big publishing companies were entirely unaware of the site's existence until some irrelevant author of substandard ya works tweeted about it! let's blame the guy who probably eats beans that make him less masculine according to my online friends!

>> No.15630190

No one actually thinks Chuck the Cuck is responsible. He's just the face of it. I do agree he's a distraction though.

>> No.15630752

There has to be a feasible way of keeping our literature and our media. There is a concerted effort to erase the past in the West right now. As the /lib/rarians of the internet it's our duty to preserve our culture intact, if for nothing else than to allow a future to look back and say, this is what those idiots thought.

Could there be a way to target controversial data that will be changed? That would reduce the burden of archiving, and increase the speed of doing it.

Like, prioritize the most controversial texts, and texts connected to those in order to understand the context in which it was made?

>> No.15630842

Anyone hit up that Sci-Hub lady yet? Unclear whether she's looking for dick, or a job.

>> No.15631438
File: 192 KB, 621x938, soy4674568.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

maybe i'm way too autistic but I hope everyone like this retard dies. just looking at him i'm able to tell that he stands for everything I don't and is a disingenuous dipshit who'd do anything for attention. nobody wants to see you fatass try and make cutesy feminine faces.

>> No.15631534

There's still no proof that the Internet Archive's legal troubles will amount to anything. Even if the lawsuit does go forward, you can bet their people will do everything they can to back up the servers and keep the project alive however they can.