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File: 151 KB, 1200x1800, Abigail Shapiro.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15624690 No.15624690 [Reply] [Original]

Any worthwhile books about International Jewish conspiracy?

>> No.15624747

I'm successfully unattracted to ppl. Idk if that was the goal I don't see how it could not be so thx

>> No.15625121

"Die Juden und Ihre Lügen"
"Mein Kampf"
"Protokolle der Weisen von Zion"

>> No.15626157

Secrets of the Federal Reserve - Mullins

>> No.15626200
File: 298 KB, 956x453, 1XdoAQF.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is OP the biggest, stupidest /pol/ bait thread we've ever seen on this board? Not only is it the usual /pol/ retardation about Jews, he accompanies it with a sexy picture of a beautiful woman, which is always a very easy way to identify someone who is stupid and making a thread.

I genuinely cannot think of a thread that was a more perfect example of how incredibly dumb /pol/ is than this one. It's almost impressive.

>> No.15626256
File: 43 KB, 512x457, pol on left.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What I don't understand about the constant insinuations that poltards are "incredibly stupid" is that by pic related's logic they are right? Because they are so stupid and stupid people come to the same conclusions that a 130+ would arrive at. Nearly all of lit propagates the midwit meme, but also at the same time many say that poltards are retarded, not just midwit retarded, but genuinely low iq so i guess they are right?

>> No.15626312
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Pardes by Israel Shamir

You can read it here, it's only 58 pages but it packs quite a punch


>> No.15626321

These are three great suggestions

>> No.15626401

that’s not Abigail Shapiro

>> No.15626518

Read Henry Ford

>> No.15626530

peace be upon rene guenon

>> No.15626553

Retarded is one way of saying it. /pol/tards really are like 115 IQ.

><100 IQ: socialism
>130+ IQ: socialism

>> No.15626564

Culture of Critique

>> No.15626569
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>> No.15626625

>Five witnesses who had worked on Able Danger and had been questioned by the Defense Department's Inspector General later told investigative journalists that their statements to the IG were distorted by investigators in the final IG's report, or the report omitted essential information that they had provided.

>> No.15626630

It’s kind of weird that I’ve seen, not only her anus, but literally the ruby red inside of her anal canal. It’s KIND OF weird.

>> No.15627306

Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion
Apotheosis of the Jew - A.K. Chesterton
Behold the International Jew! - Gordon Jack Mohr
Boycott the Jewish Weapon - Eustace Mullins
Columbus a Spaniard and a Jew - Henry Vigaud
Communism a Jewish Talmudic Concept - Willie Martin
The American Jew, An Espose of his Career
The Conquering Jew - John Foster Fraser
The Jewish Genocide of Armenian Christians - Christopher Jon Bjerkens
Waters Flowing Eastward - Denis Fahey
Chinese Communism and Chinese Jews - Itsvan Bakony

for starters

>> No.15627320

The truly big-brained political position is to be a reactionary.

>> No.15627327

the inverse of this is true

>> No.15627335

I want to be your plunger for life

>> No.15627337

cringe, believing that being a socialist cuck is smart is just cope for limp-wristed feminist cuckolds like you

>> No.15628008

What is the difference between a reactionary and conservatism?

>> No.15628070
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The Controversy of Zion

It's not like Jews have some secret volcano base where they plot world domination. A parasitic subspecies doesn't need leadership; they're just doing what comes naturally.

>> No.15628092

Why are egalitarian countries so much more successful then? Why are people generally happier in places like Norway, Denmark, New Zealand, Australia, Ireland, and Canada than elsewhere?

>> No.15628096
File: 40 KB, 1022x458, guenon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this really the full text? I read this two years ago and I was going to buy the book because I thought that this was just the opening.

>> No.15628101

Here you go

>> No.15628102

Go straight to the source material, also:
>Inside the Concentration Camps
>Germany Must Perish

>> No.15628103

Coffee is my favorite drink. What's yours?

>> No.15628113

Because they're white.
Also those countries aren't socialist you fucking redditor, they're neoliberal capitalists.

>> No.15628118

Hello sir, what is your opinion on coffee?

>> No.15628122

>Because they're white.
And 100-200 years ago they were absolute shitholes. So did whiteness suddenly become a positive trait in the past century or so? How do you explain that?

>> No.15628131

>A parasitic subspecies doesn't need leadership
>Proverbs 30:27
>locusts have no king, yet they advance together in ranks

>> No.15628132

Hello sir, what is your opinion on coffee?

>> No.15628141

>And 100-200 years ago they were absolute shitholes
No they weren't.
Great people make great countries, Africans do not make great countries.
How is this so difficult to understand?

>> No.15628143

ALL books are about the international Jewish conspiracy...

So I'd recommend finding an otherwise good book and just reading between the lines

>> No.15628145

Hello sirs, what is your opinion on coffee?

>> No.15628155
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>> No.15628174

Hello sir,

Yes, that is my question.

>> No.15628432
File: 1.95 MB, 680x2590, hibernian_truth_1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Jewish conspiracy
Once you see the bigger picture life will never be the same

>> No.15628440
File: 3.52 MB, 680x4581, hibernian_truth_2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15628444
File: 1.77 MB, 680x2753, hibernian_truth_3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
