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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 792 KB, 1080x1250, madison beer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15621136 No.15621136 [Reply] [Original]

What will be your excuse be when the mob comes for you /lit/? You just like the prose?

Clip that started it
>"What's you favourite book?"
>My favourite book is Lolita by Vladimir Nabokov

Struggle Session Conveners:

Forced Confessions:

#madisonbeerisoverparty trending

>> No.15621144

>a slightly grown up lolita like the book Lolita

>> No.15621146

No wonder they only read Harry Potter when this shit happens if they read anything else.

>> No.15621147

Whose next, Charlotte Gainsbourg

>> No.15621154

Yeah this one got me. Mad

But holee fuk that bitch is Hawt

>> No.15621157 [DELETED] 

The funny thing is Madison Beer probably hasn't even read Lolita.

>> No.15621164

brb abusing myself in the dark

>> No.15621176

>this pacific book
Social media was mankinds biggest blunder

>> No.15621178

Never read Lolita and I don't intend to, but books are written with all manner of fucked up taboos as subjects. Like do I advocate murder and rape by liking American Psycho?

>> No.15621182

>it's only some teenagers in the universities, they'll grow out of it

>> No.15621190


The trend of beta females banding together to try and cancel stacies is genuinely interesting from a sociological perspective though

>> No.15621189

You jest but given the current climate, yes, I can see someone getting cancelled over saying they liked that book

>> No.15621191

Cute grill is being attacked for liking a good book. We must save her /lit/!

>> No.15621193

BEE almost got cancelled by feminist activist groups back in the 1990s based on just that reasoning.

>> No.15621197
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Today my boss gave me Lolita, well actually I pick a bunch of books out of a bookshelf and she told me I can take as many as I want.

>> No.15621201

Will you twitter drones fuck off
No one gives a shit

>> No.15621204

Any and all twitter screenshot threads or discussions based on things that happen on twitter should be banned.
That platform did more harm to the world and culture than the entirety of 4chan/tumbler/gaia/etc in their entirety.

>> No.15621208

I remember when these fools found out that their favorite musician was actually papa franku.

>> No.15621209

ITT : simping for an instawhore

>> No.15621213
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>why yes my favourite book is Crash by J.G. Ballard how could you tell?

>> No.15621214

>shut up loser, noone cares about random peoples lives being destroyed by violent, self-righteous ideologues
spotted the commie simpathizers

>> No.15621217

But Bateman isn't even an anti-hero, he isn't raping and pillaging around 80s Manhattan to provide some kind of whiny social commentary where we're supposed to empathize with him. He's very clearly the villain of the story.

>> No.15621221

Enjoy being reported to HR when you try to discuss around the water cooler.

>> No.15621223
File: 54 KB, 781x547, Capture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Twitter's active user base has stagnated, and is actually on a slight decline. The majority of it's userbase is aged 13-24, Russian, Saudi Arabia and India combined out number US users.

If you use Twitter as any kind of representation of humanity, you're way off.

>> No.15621224

I agree completely, but it’s time you accepted it because it’s gonna get a whole helluvalot worse.

>> No.15621228

It's mostly ugly Asian women resentful of White stacies (or in this case a Jewish one).

>> No.15621229

Twitter doesn't understand the moral lesson. It's like the people who are convinced that Humbert must admit there was a rape in the book: they are of such low moral values that they want a rape to read about, and rapists to not lie.

>> No.15621231

It does not need to be representative to be influential, which it certainly is.

>> No.15621232

whatever makes you sleep at night nazi cracker fuck

>> No.15621234

Luckily I don't live in the US, I don't even have HR.

>> No.15621236

You can’t read Harry Potter anymore, JR has been canceled and people are uncovering all the racist symbolism in the book.

>> No.15621238

What can we read?

>> No.15621239

American Psycho features no black people in power so I can see it getting canceled soon.

>> No.15621242

>people are uncovering all the racist symbolism in the book.
Bet they still read Tolkien

>> No.15621243

Well she did name Harry's Asian girlfriend "Ching Chong"

>> No.15621246

arguing is violence, bigot - but yeah.
American Psycho is similar to Notes from Underground. It's a character study of a despicable, self-destructive, resentful man with violent impulses stuck in a fucked up world. It shows why "such persons not only exist in our society but indeed must exist", but it doesn't at any point try to justify the protagonists actions.

>> No.15621247


lot of black women in the kpop stans too

>> No.15621251

Do you really think cancel culture is based in any kind of rationality?

>> No.15621252

Mudblood was pretty blatent kek

>> No.15621257

Yeah but they're trying to point out they get shit on in fancafes while everyone else is praising the larger group for fancam raping hashtags. brb kms for knowing this shit

>> No.15621261
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>communism is when retards on twitter cancel you for liking a pedo book
Just an hero, dude.

>> No.15621262
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Its worse than that even, the majority of political discussion is had by an even smaller percentage

>> No.15621263
File: 110 KB, 479x602, madbee.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am starting to understand the full picture.

>> No.15621266

>instagram girl
she did it for attention

>> No.15621267

>What can we read?
In the end nothing, every form of literature or thought must be suppressed in order to avoid the risk of oppressing a specific community.

>> No.15621269
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It's based on a cult of human sacrifice. The prog sun won't rise in the morning unless saited with the blood of new victims.

>> No.15621271

american psycho had cancel attempts against it by feminists who had heard the book contained rapes and misogyny but they had not actually read the book and didn't know that the book is satire and dark comedy

>> No.15621275

Go back to facebook drone

>> No.15621278

Twitter drama is not oppression, it's an attention ciclejerk
What are you, 13?

>> No.15621279

>Madison Elle Beer (born March 5, 1999) is an American singer. Beer's music career began at the age of 13 when Justin Bieber tweeted a link to a cover she performed on YouTube. She was subsequently signed to Island Records, and she began recording and releasing singles over the next few years.

Why would someone recruited into the music industry at thirteen identify with Lolita /lit/?

>> No.15621282


you got it!

>> No.15621287

It’s like they worship them until they see an opening.

>> No.15621292

Even that is too generous. It’s resentment, pure and simple. It’s just this person is doing better than me and I’m jealous, so let me find something I can weaponize which is becoming easier and easier given the narratives that are being reinforced by this very practice. By contrast Human sacrifice would be a logical act if gods were real.

>> No.15621293


>> No.15621299

>violent mob with roots in the idpol and antifascist movements
>holds individuals responsible for "systemic crimes, demands group justice
>destroys peoples lives for wrongthink, a.k.a. counter-revolutionary activity
>silence is complicity, punching "fascists" is not violence, it's self-defence
what, you going to argue that communism is an economic theory? it was never about that, communism is just left-wing totalitarianism.

>> No.15621301

It's a man's duty to protect the dignity of a lady

>> No.15621311

More worried about the new precendent of having to defend my bookshelf from the thought police and being shut out of the economy desu

>> No.15621312


>> No.15621313
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>> No.15621323

"Why all wypepo are racist ass crackas and must die" by LaQuisha Goldberg

>> No.15621324

But the attention circlejerk often enough has spill-over into reality where peoples livelihoods are in danger when they rely on publicity.
And the bookmarket and literature is something that relies on publicity.

>> No.15621325
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perhaps it is because they saw that she was so talented, and wanted to nurture that talent?

>> No.15621330

I took it as a criticism of people identifying with consumerism, it's not that Bateman should exist, it's just that if he does exist he'd fit in with Yuppie culture pretty well. He describes his acts of mindless violence as being a component of high-class living through extravagance, in the same way he seems to promote to himself that a meaningless pop record like Sports by Huey Lewis and The News is high art.

But anyway, it's certainly not like the movie Joker where it appears that we're supposed to emphasize with the protagonist and root for him in murdering his tormentors, who are actually just you're average, common garden variety dickheads.

>> No.15621339

Unironically, Lolita is an aesthetic some teenage girls adopt. Not because they want to be jailbait for some 30 year old, but it's some kind of semi-ironic fascination with dollies and shit.

>> No.15621343

This pacific book

>> No.15621344

Yeah, honestly I don't actually care about the girl. I would defend anyone's right to express and like whatever they want regardless of how controversial it is.

>> No.15621348
File: 163 KB, 1645x790, nabokov btfo 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This could be you /lit/. You could lose your Asian teen lesbian fanbase in seconds just because of the prose you like.

>> No.15621351

>A tip mister? From you and the pretty lady?

>> No.15621353

I wish I was famous so I could say I like this book and make people mad

It's a great book

Can you turn it around though? Can you make reading this book sound like the moral high ground to the rabid left?

>> No.15621354

I don't know how the goblins got past them. These people are retarded.

>> No.15621357

>P.s stop defending her because she's pretty
And there it is. This isn't cancel culture, this is just what girls do to each other out of jealousy.

>> No.15621360

>This Pacific book
They only get as far west as Colorado in the book, I thought?

>> No.15621361

Yeah, you have millions of people finding any excuse to be a toxic piece of shit and encourage it in others. They need hobbies.

>> No.15621363

yes you can. if you had read it you'd know

>> No.15621364

No, you advocate these digits

>> No.15621365

I think it's a very unironic realisation of the power they hold. She leverged it into a career, it wasn't all Jewish nepotism.

>> No.15621366


>> No.15621367
File: 265 KB, 750x412, 1566882106581.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

whores always love stories about whores, this is why women keep watching soap operas where coomers orbit whores

>> No.15621369

>Can you turn it around though? Can you make reading this book sound like the moral high ground to the rabid left?
The thing you have to understand about ideologues is that they don't read most of the books they appropriate, and even when they do actually engage with the material. they look right through the text and see only a mirror of their own preconceptions.

>> No.15621371

>Communism is just SJWs being able to do whatever they want, there's no economy theory to it
You know Cultural Marxism is a meme invented by Fox News right?

>> No.15621373

Apparently the thing that got these twitter normies mad wasn't that she liked the book but the fact that she romanticized it, which OP conveniently cut out of the video. No one gives a fuck if you like American Psycho but if you start writing fanfic where you self insert as Patrick Bateman, I think it'd be understandable for people to consider you a weirdo.

>> No.15621374

Who cares? Post hot pics of her

>> No.15621376

>Pacific book
The absolute state of animefags. Reminder to never learn a low IQ, low information density language like Japanese. Reminder Nishina said it was impossible to build a nuke and think in Japanese at the same time. Also, I bet this anime fag is projecting big time, that's why there is a visceral hatred here. I've never read it but I'm not upset nor feel the need to point this out. The fact that he is lurking some sexual twitter or Instagram girl is further proof of his pervert intentions.

>> No.15621375
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See >>15621339
The Lolita aesthetic was made popular by Alizee

>> No.15621378

I read it 6 or 7 years ago. I remember "great prose" and "unreliable narrator". No need to dab on me there whipper snapper

>> No.15621379

educate yourself :^)

>> No.15621383

>Gramsci, Marcuse, Post-Colonialism, & Feminism aren't real
Okay sweetie

>> No.15621389

What if you self insert as Patrick Bateman reacting to repeating digits?

>> No.15621394

>how am I infertile after a few abortions
Because some based OB/GYNs "inadvertently" sterilize abortions getters.

>> No.15621396

>peoples livelihoods are in danger
If you turn instagram/twitter bottom feeder attention grabbing into your livelihood you deserve it when they eat you up
Fuck the circlejerk, and fuck all you internet drones

>> No.15621397
File: 360 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20200616-210212.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's a poor, crazy, SEA lesbian monkey. I unironically pity her.

>> No.15621400

my dude, you're on 4chan. Extremist left is shit, extremist right is shit

Have a fucking seat and stop saying things we all know

>> No.15621409

Just start cancelling followers of cancel culture. They won't know what to do.

>> No.15621412
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>> No.15621421
File: 275 KB, 1726x790, defender of high culture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It could be puritan projection. In any case be careful who you admit liking Nabokov to, there are few defenders of literature out there.

>> No.15621427

Who will they come for next? Sade? Bataille?

>> No.15621432

I mean, so is Humbert. The book doesn't push the unreliable narrator so far, like Nabokov makes Humbert a bad enough liar that the narration is interesting.

>> No.15621435

the great thing about being cancelled by retards is that they have a short attention span so this will likely die down in a week only to be arbitrarily picked up once yearly in a “lmao remember when xyz imagine following x lmfao i see y’all anyways here’s the receipts she’s hella problematic educate yaself here’s my paypal”

>> No.15621436

I can tell by your posting style that you spend a lot of your time trying to fit in and failing

>> No.15621439


lolita is a popular book, sade and bataille are only known in academic and literary circles today

>> No.15621440

>don't worry bro, we're all on the same side here, you can shut up now :)
laughing out loud

>> No.15621441

Your diary desu

>> No.15621445
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>this pacific book

>> No.15621446

>sade and bataille are only known in academic and literary circles today
Most people know of Sade for obvious reasons.

>> No.15621447
File: 62 KB, 710x576, CDF67725-DD0D-40D6-8967-34036F76E27C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

“my dude welcome to our notorious no-wing imageboard now RELAX with the opinions”

>> No.15621448

They don't know who those authors are, and I'm pretty sure Lolita is well known because it had a live action adaptation.

>> No.15621449

well she supports blm, she is part of the entire sjw cult
so i don't give a shit

>> No.15621450
File: 71 KB, 629x412, Screenshot from 2020-06-16 08-09-44.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Remember, everyone's existence is equal, everyone is an intelligent individual capable of critical thought, everyone deserves a public forum in which to speak their thoughts. (:

>> No.15621451

>my dude
Hello brainlet.

>> No.15621456

Feminism isn't inherently Marxist, it's older than Marx itself and it was even denounced by several Marxists. Marcus was literally on CIA payroll during the Cold War.

>> No.15621457

I don't have HR, but there are people who sometimes try to act like HR so bear that in mind.

>> No.15621459


you mean because of the word sadism? the average person on the street will have no idea who he is

>> No.15621462

You know when people say shit and it's written on their face that they're actually communicating their own daily existence to you. You feel sad because there's no victory in putting a guy like that down

Enjoy your (You) though

>> No.15621463

yeah for by your side

>> No.15621464


>> No.15621465

Puritans wouldn't be her page, retard.

>> No.15621469

There is no "getting cancelled"
Unless you're some incel linux developer getting targeted by 5 o'clock shadow "women" who never contributed a line of code in their lives, it's all part of the plan
Any attention is good attention, the only loser here is you imbeciles swallowing it hook, line, and sinker just because it's a pair of tits reading your fav pedo book

>> No.15621470

I think you would be surprised, but it probably varies by country. In the USA sure, in Europe I think most know of the Marquis de Sade.

>> No.15621471

My fucking sides, I tell you what

>> No.15621474

false, false, true
even knowing that we aren't all equal and that most people at some times and some people at most times aren't capable of critical thought, everyone should still be given the chance to speak freely.

>> No.15621473

Class war reified to gender IS Marxist sweetie. Marcuse being a paid to subvert the USSR doesn't make his subversion of the West any less subversive.

>> No.15621475

They do seem to be puritans tho.

>> No.15621478

Nah, I think it's one of the rare cases where something was controversial when it was written and has managed to become more controversial and more taboo since.

Whereas something like Catcher in the Rye seemed to be controversial enough to be banned and allegedly resulted in Lennon getting shot, but now is memed about being a pretty boring and harmless book

>> No.15621480

>Clip that started it
>>"What's you favourite book?"
>>My favourite book is Lolita by Vladimir Nabokov
What a fucking lie. Am I on /pol/? Go fuck yourselves lowlife scummy piece of shit retards

This is the video that started it: https://twitter.com/madisonbeer/status/1272752856034979840

Whether it's bad or not, I don't care. But you fucking subhumans lying in the OP deserve permaban

>> No.15621481

I went to hs in France, some of my classmates even went to a stage representation of one of Sade's play with our teacher.
They were more amused at the outrageousness of the whole thing than shocked or aroused, however.

>> No.15621482

>Unless you're some incel linux developer getting targeted by 5 o'clock shadow "women" who never contributed a line of code in their lives, it's all part of the plan
>he thinks contributing code is a career

>> No.15621484

>everyone is an intelligent individual capable of critical thought
Actually writing this on 4chan...

>> No.15621486
File: 108 KB, 424x420, 1536476160114.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yes? what ARE you trying to tell me?

>> No.15621491

>Reading comprehension
Better go back to twitter simp

>> No.15621493

Puritanism is a attitude.

>> No.15621495

Funnily enough puritans left Europe because they were convinced sex was for pleasure, not just procreation

>> No.15621496

> Marcuse being a paid to subvert the USSR doesn't make his subversion of the West any less subversive.
It certainly doesn't make him a Marxist, so it's hard to associate him with cultural marxism, unless words have stopped having meaning recently.

>Class war reified to gender IS Marxist sweetie.
Nonsense word salad. You write like you read too many bastardized cultural "analysis". And division by gender as a way to hide economic class is exactly the kind of tactics Marx denounced.

>> No.15621500

This picture is incredibly sexy

>> No.15621503

best post itt

>> No.15621504

Yeah. I was talking to my landlord when I lived in France last year about Nabokov's Lolita actually, we got on the subject of some names being taboo. I was saying that in English speaking countries no one calls their kid Lolita, and it's the influence of Nabokov writing this book. He thought it was crazy.

>> No.15621507
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>> No.15621509

The sarcasm in the post you were quoting was thick enough to be cut by a knife.

>> No.15621510

yeah, the best thing that can happen to anyone participating in the attention economy is getting spat out before it rots holes in one’s brain. it’s a predatory environment in which both the followers and the ‘models’ (generally already pretty women who curate/edit a version of themselves that exists purely online that their 3 dimensional selves cannot hope to live up to) feed one another’s diseased personae until they reach the findom/cuck entelechy of the dynamic.

>> No.15621514

Romanticise here is a synonym for 'like' idiot. 90% of /lit/ worship Nabokov's prose, let alone romanticise it.

>> No.15621515

Cultural Marxism is not real Marxism, it's just term that was coined by conservatives so they can make being anti-progressive appear like anti-communism.

You can't claim that women considering themselves oppressed by the patriarchy is Marxism because Marx considered the proletariat to be oppressed by the bourg. Marx didn't invent the concept of one group of people subjugating another in society.

>> No.15621518

Especially since it used to be a common nickname. T.b.h. a girl called Lolita would get weird looks in highschool, even in France. But only in the first few weeks.

>> No.15621520
File: 13 KB, 679x121, 1582414676608.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

france is a country of sex addicts bourgeois craving to view themselves as free thinkers, so yeah

>> No.15621521

>Marxist originalist here, contemporary Marxism is not trve Marxism

>> No.15621522

it's just a weird coincidence that all feminists were marxist

>> No.15621524
File: 7 KB, 236x236, rage.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15621525

>sex addicts bourgeois
Fucking hell ESL.

>> No.15621529

Whole school used to joke my mates mum being a sexy nymph because she was called Lolita. Old Asian bag lady.

>> No.15621532

This is actual nonsense, you can analogize Marxist systemic oppression and superimipose it onto anything you'd like, but you all you've got is the foundation of systemic oppression—not Marxism. Feminism isn't Marxism any more than... I don't fucking know, man, you're so good at analogies, invent your own, fuck.

>> No.15621533

>being a CIA shills is compatible with Marxism
>being used by one of the most anti-marxist organization in history to wage ideological war against marxism countries is compatible with being a marxist
>disagreeing with this means you're an "originalist"
(again with the bloated terminology, you're starting to sound like a marxist yourself)

You mean like those feminists in France in the 1790s? They had prophetized the coming of Marx before he was born? Just how much of a historical retard are you?

>> No.15621535

Unless you live in Trumplandia, society is functioning quite well, you just need to get off the internet
And if you are, you only have yourselves to blame

>> No.15621536

No they aren't, they want to be highly paid, highly powered corporate gals. They just want their bit of power to oppress the proles with, just like their male counterparts

>> No.15621537

>you can analogize Marxist systemic oppression and superimipose it onto anything you'd like
Thank you for your definition of contemporary Marxism.

>> No.15621540

stalinist marxist here, the place of a woman is in the kitchen cooking food, taking care of my kids and sucking my dick when i get home from the proletariat owned factory

>> No.15621541

No problem.

Sincerely, Tumblr.

>> No.15621546

>but but what about 300 years ago
The definiton has left you behind anon. You may not like what contemporary Marxism is, but it is that regardless of your quirks.

>> No.15621548

Nah, that's only a subset of the upperclass. Half the working population in France is still made of industrial workers and small-earnings office and administration employees. A good chunk of the rest is farmers and craftsmen, who often inherited their trade. And an increasing portion of the intellectual and executive class is growing more puritan.

>> No.15621553

eh, not necessarily. lots of people cannot handle the pressure of cancellation or whatever and dial back their internet presence because the negative attention often ramps up into real-life stalking. all attention is only good attention if you are a whore. i don’t think this woman is “just like me” or fancy her for doing some kind of eternal-baby lana del rey thing but i also don’t think most instagram models go about creating intentional controversy by flippantly naming some book associated with a popular aesthetic as their favorite read.

>> No.15621554

marx developed the notion of class relations that intersectional oppression olympics has appropriated and uses to this day, and the reason they're totalitarians. "silence is complicity and contradicting our ideology is violence" is peak marxist ideology.

>> No.15621558

I am compelled to conclude you're just a dedicated troll. If so, congrats, you got me.

Just in case, obviously Marxism isn't close to 300 years old, Marx was born in 1818.

>> No.15621561

"Marxism" is now just the conservative equivalent of "Nazi" in the modern age, meaning "You're a person who has ideas and values that are contrary to my own".

>> No.15621569

Are you actually going to pretend people only damage shitty e-celebs? for fucks sake, I personally know professor in my university that got into trouble for not supporting the rioting BLM did. Fucking Kevin heart got into trouble for a decade's old joke and got take off the Oscar's presentation, And he is the most family friendly comedian I have had ever had
the pleasure of listening to...
Don't pretend this is not affecting "real life" because it is.

>> No.15621573

It has nothing to do with her, or this particular incident, it's all par for the course
You are essentially arguing over reading an online celebrity tabloid
On /lit/

>> No.15621574

By that token current SJW discourse is just hegelianism in disguise, which means SJW are actually closeted kantians.

>> No.15621576
File: 13 KB, 319x326, 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bought Lolita because of this thread
What am I in for

>> No.15621579

No one is pretending that, you Whataboutist dumdum.

>> No.15621580


>> No.15621582

First half is written like erotica so a lot of weird boners. The second half is crazy but the best part if you're not a pedo.

>> No.15621585

For complaining about /pol/ you do act a awful lot like a /pol/tard.

>> No.15621586

No friends, no family, no career, weird looks from the neighbors and kids at the park
So nothing will change at all

>> No.15621588
File: 94 KB, 933x740, rslur.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the fuck is the "r slur"???

>> No.15621590

probably retard lol

>> No.15621591


>> No.15621593

Great book, basically read about a man who takes a hit of heroin and then decides to kidnap heroin, doing heroin all the time, except heroin is a girl. Classic drug bender

>> No.15621594

>>By that token current SJW discourse is just hegelianism in disguise
>SJW are actually closeted kantians.
No, Hegelianism is not Kantian.

>> No.15621596

>Hegel was a proto-Marxist meme
The question is where totalitarian thought originated. I'd argze that individual subjectivity, agency and freedom died with the materialist reversal, which does not follow from Hegels thought.

>> No.15621597

Guys, I get I'm probably missing something obvious but there's no need to call me names and use that kind of language.

>> No.15621600

>I would love a sincere apolgy for that
Never market yourself to teenage girls. lmao the entitlement

>> No.15621601


>> No.15621603
File: 16 KB, 412x343, 1587937161148.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Read the first 5 chapters and already got a few semis

Fuck me the author has such a way with words

>> No.15621605

fuck off

>> No.15621606

It's okay, sammy blm is a retard.

>> No.15621611

Yeah Twitter has a lot of people on it that are very mid puberty and still have the morals of High School Musical.

>> No.15621613

>where totalitarian thought originated
Let's see, where did we first encounter the idea, that there was a universal norm to be upheld, and the Authority could see into your very mind, and would punish you for your least thoughtcrime, while emphasizing that you were EVIL from birth?
Let me give you a hint. It has fuck all to do with materialism

>> No.15621614

what do you mean? sammy blm is absolutely deserving of a real apology.

>> No.15621617

I tend to agree but how is Stalin fundamentally different from Napoleon?

>> No.15621619

Lenin would be more like Napoleon.

>> No.15621620

how come Lolita is so controversial while in GoT by our favorite fatty people swoon over Khal Drogo assraping and impregnating a 13 year old Dany?

>> No.15621626

Not at all.
Islam isn't Marxist. Confucianism isn't Marxist. Whigs aren't Marxists.
But a range of ideas that sprung from Marxism over 150 years, with their proponents often self describing as Marxist, can be described as such. These include most if not all of the bait sociopolitical topics of woke leftism, which is indeed an offshoot of Marxism, but are not 'anything I disagree with'.

>> No.15621630

because khal drogo isn't white ;^)

>> No.15621634 [DELETED] 

holy fucking shit stop being a disingenuous brainlet. christianity is practically the religion of subjectivity, agency and freedom. the christian god is a personal god. as a believer you are responsible to the divine as it manifests itself to you, and submitting under earthly authority against your better judgement.

>> No.15621635

Because the dothraki weren't barbarians, that was perfectly legal

>> No.15621638
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I'd never really paid any attention to celebrities getting cancelled before, and I'm still not exactly sure who this jezebel is, but I went to her twitter and read some of the comments and holy shit I cannot think of anything more pathetic or cringe inducing than cancelling someone. I'm not really sure what crime they all think she committed anyway. She didn't say that the relationship in Lolita was good or desirable, but only that she personally romanticized it. It's not clear to me whether they're dragging her to the guillotine because she possesses this dark and aberrant perspective, or rather merely because she expressed that she does. Neither really makes much sense to me. More likely they're all just enjoying tearing down a rich and beautiful celebrity because she is so rich and beautiful and seemingly untouchable. But, holy shit, I cannot imagine typing out one of their trite, moralizing tweets and feeling anything besides an overpowering awareness my own insignificance: the exact inversion of the sensation of power and largeness ancient persons must have felt who were engaged in the mass efforts to construct the ancient wonders, or conquer the known world.

>> No.15621646

holy fucking shit stop being a disingenuous brainlet. christianity is practically the religion of subjectivity, agency and freedom. the christian god is a personal god. as a believer you are responsible to the divine as it manifests itself to you, and submitting under earthly authority against your better judgement is just about the least christian thing you can do.

>> No.15621647

>she knows what she was saying
What the FUCK was that other than she liked a book?

>I condone kiddy diddling
Oh ok. Yeah I dont know how I missed that

>> No.15621651

Actress wasn't 13, also she manages to balance her power with Drogo by being game and giving him an enthusiastic fuck and finally she becomes queen when Drogo dies.

Basically it was Real Housewives of Essos, whereas Lolita is basically a story of a pedo plotting to kidnap and rape a 12 year old girl.

>> No.15621653

Isn't the left pro-pedo? Why are they so angry about this?

>> No.15621654

>No all this shit I disagree with, that isn't mentioned anywhere in Marx's work IS MARXISM!
Whatever you say dood

>> No.15621655

So Hegel would’ve liked Lenin? (Lenin certainly liked him.)

>> No.15621656

They are staunchly pro-power trip

>> No.15621657

I see you got far into the book.

>> No.15621658

I'm applying the same kind of reasoning as you did. Intersectionality builds on Marx. Marx builds on Hegel not only for his historical dynamics but also for the necessary and irresistible character of progress. The impossibility of a real dissenting voice is not exclusive to Marx, it's already present in Hegel where everything must eventually be subsumed to the same single-essence historical movement.

And that impossibility of going beyond the single discourse is grounded on apodictic rationality and the inescapable subjectivity of the perceiving subject, which was most developed by Kant (also the idea of a necessary evolution of history is already present in Kant's Idea of history from a cosmopolitical standpoint, and the idea of progress as an unstoppable force originates in the Englithenment that was contemporary of Kant).

So by your own reasoning it's not wrong to say SJW are kantian. That's excessive, yes, just like saying SJW are marxist is excessive, because they clearly betray some of the core ideas of Marx, and aren't even real materialists in Marx's sense.

The absolute focus on individual subjectivity is a the core of SJW discourse. And as I argue above, it's already there in Hegel. In Hegel's word there is ultimately nothing more than the singular Subject considering itself as object and from there extending its self-consciousness but never ceasing to be a single subject. Only instead of Kant's aperception that subject is now the Spirit and moves all of human history. But it's still only one subject with absolutely no counterpart. The idea of "right side of history" which SJW are so fond of is extremely Hegelian.
>>Hegel was a proto-Marxist meme
More like Marx is a hegelian, not in the sense of being a slavish disciple of Hegel, but in the sense of being his main successor and having been most inspired by Hegel.

>> No.15621662

You've never been around girls have you?

>> No.15621663

hey mr. have you actually read lolita?

>> No.15621667

Have you actually read the books, anon? She was sold into forced marriage to some horsefucker barbarian in exchange for a sweet political deal. If anything, her Stockholm Syndrome revelation make sit more reprehensible because it's effectively condoning toxic, unhealthy relationships.

>> No.15621668
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N-n-no one told me about that

>> No.15621669

Okay, not plotting, he actually did kidnap and attempt to rape a 12 year old girl

>> No.15621670

> In Hegel's word there is ultimately nothing more than the singular Subject considering itself as object and from there extending its self-consciousness but never ceasing to be a single subject. Only instead of Kant's aperception that subject is now the Spirit and moves all of human history. But it's still only one subject with absolutely no counterpart.
you have never read Hegel.

>> No.15621673

Oh, so if Lolita managed to gain power over Humbert or be his equal....your argument doesnt exist

>> No.15621674

>anime pfp

Into the trash it goes

>> No.15621675

Are you going to claim the recent fight for "racial equality" "gender equality" is not a bastardization of Marx's fights of classes? Because that is what they claim that is what their adversaries claim and is pretty plain to see.

>> No.15621676

more like Madison Brap

am i right

>> No.15621677

I am pretty consistently actually but I'm very selective so I don't typically see stuff like this.

>> No.15621679

You can't apply this vague everything-is-in-everything treatment ad infinitum. The contact up to Hegel is somewhat solid. Pushing back to Kant is not. It only rests on analogy, by which you can pretend everything is water and be done with it.

>> No.15621680

>very selective

>> No.15621681

Most christian must submit to a moral authority though, and that authority often is a human institution. Extra ecclesia nulla salus.

>> No.15621685

Yeah but it's a relationship where the female has been able to use sex to gain some kind of sway over a powerful man's emotions. Just like 50 shades.

The question was why wasn't GoT as controversial as Lolita, well it seems like women don't mind being depicted in toxic, unhealthy relationships as long as they're shown to have some kind of unspoken power tied to sex. Hence my comparison to Real Housewives

>> No.15621686

winner of the mental gymnastic's gold medal right here

>> No.15621687

>it's so romantic too <3 they loved eachother very much, all that was needed was some cowgirl action, because that's not rape! :D in the end I cried when she had to put him down with the semen stained pillow :( Also why she not fuck the 40 year old knight? He so handsome.

GRRM has been the most successful moral relativist since Nietzsche

>> No.15621688

Yeah it probably wouldn't be controversial and it'd probably be a lot more popular with girls.

>> No.15621690

I mean he also spends a lot of the book plotting but it's not like that's the whole book, neither is the ... well if anything kidnap is the strong word, he does rape her. There's quite a lot more than any of these plot points, I would suggest reading the thing.

>> No.15621693

Just as every Stalinist Soviet citizen was free
As long as they did what was expected of them, and didn't get themselves accidentally entangled in politics that was spelled out in a language unknown to them, and enforced by a separate cadre of interpreter/enforcers, of course

>> No.15621694


meh hivemind bullying & getting anal about buzzwords give it 48 hours audience barely read anything like posh spice to criticize nabokov and can't even grasp the implied kitten programming

premptive counter to destabilize unconsciousness of masses

>> No.15621695

Reminder that Lolita is Ayn Rand.

>> No.15621696

most retarded teenage girls (well, she is 21 but women like her see themselves as nymphets until they are 50 because they have nothing else but their youth working for them) read lolita and think “this is literally me” because they get all of their validation from giving boners to old people and confuse male attention, the easiest thing in the world to amass, with actual empowerment...so her statement is not even particularly notable or unique. bizarre that she got hammered for it but i don’t really care either because the entire fake instagram world these people (both the thot and the thots who oppose her) exist in needs to be...taken care of.

>> No.15621698

Ugh do I have to? Isn't the wikipedia synopsis enough?

>> No.15621701

Romanticise means to adore. 99% of /lit/ adore Nabokov.

>> No.15621702

In all honestly I think it's because in the end she used Drogo as a stepping stone for her power which not only nullified the rape, turned the rape into a respectable step in her rise to power

>> No.15621705

Clearly it is not. It's a real easy read, if you can't get through it I would suggest not posting on /lit/ any more.

>> No.15621710

>You can't apply this vague everything-is-in-everything treatment ad infinitum.
The anon I'm responding to was being vague. That's what I'm criticizing. What people call cultural marxism is not marxism at all even if it takes some crucial things from marxism.

>It only rests on analogy, by which you can pretend everything is water and be done with it.
The reasoning I was criticizing also rests on an analogy.

>is not a bastardization of Marx's fights of classes
Sure it is, and precisely becaus eit's a very crude bastardization it's not marxism, not even in a loose sense. Unless you also want to argue that millionaire televangelist are actual Christians. You would actually have an easier time making that case, actually.

Simply put, when you go against the central tenet of a philosophy you can't be said to be upholding that phillsophy, even if you have important points of contact with it. I really don't see how that's hard to understand.

Then explain it better.

>> No.15621713

It's not that I can't, it's just that I really don't think I want to

>> No.15621715

that's not the spirit of christianity, it's earthly authorities gatekeeping the word of god to place themselves into a position of power.

>> No.15621716

I Ada or Ardor ;^)

>> No.15621717

Come on
It's because it was a cool tv show, while Lolita is a book for art hos and incel pedos
Only reason

>> No.15621726

I think you're confusing Christianity with humanity. happens all the time

>> No.15621727

I don't see the difference in this case. If you're not going to you can't do it whatever the reason for the can't is.

>> No.15621728

You don’t go in women’s spaces. This is what they do when they “freshen up” in the ladies room.

>> No.15621732

i'd hit that

>> No.15621733

It depends on the woman.

>> No.15621734

I bet you haven't read the new testament or any christian theology either

>> No.15621740

How about you fuck off, you fucking twitter-obsessed mouthbreathing normalshit piss-for-brains cockbreath special ed fucking faggot? I hope SJWs lynch you after sodomizing you with a fucking cactus.

>> No.15621741

above a certain minimum attractiveness, your logic must change to discern for other qualities, especially intelligence and rationality, and perhaps innate goodness. If any of these are even moderately deficient, no amount of physical attractiveness can compensate. Anyone who values their peace-of-mind abides by this maxim. Of course, it wouldn't apply to short-term sexual relationships, but I like to avoid those too.

>> No.15621744

God lets you be faithless. Him acting otherwise is considered a miracle and is very rare.
I mean, take the new testament, he spontaneously fried Simon the Magician. There are claims it happened a few times over the millennia since.
If you think about the Last Judgement, God just doesn't take you for salvation, which is according to His good pleasure. It is not a breach of freedom, and in fact acting any other way would breach it.

>> No.15621745

Nah m8. I’ve seen them in their element. I dress up as a woman all the time so I can sneak in and take creep pics. Kinda my “thing”.

>> No.15621746

Well I read stuff to enjoy myself, not so I can cringe the entire way through for no particular gain in my comprehension of the world.

>> No.15621749

>implying a man should give a shit about the judgement of a woman
I's always incels or pedos with these women. They think we're sexual objects they can pass judgement on. Walking into men's safe spaces, throwing their bullshit around

Seriously who cares

>> No.15621755

of course the way she dealt with it is respectable. But a lot of people romanticize her sexual relationships, the same as with Sansa/the Hound, while ignoring the fact that the story is told from her perspective and she rationalizes these relationships like a teenager would.

>> No.15621760

We weren't talking about partners. Obviously you are never going to know women if the only thing you know is how they act around you
No need to be so defensive

>> No.15621762

This dumb attention whoring bitch hasn't read Lolita, you fucking idiot. You fucking idiot, you think people with that type of spelling and grammar can sit through over 300 pages of Nabokov? You guys are so fucking stupid, you don't even have brains.

>> No.15621768

>not so I can cringe the entire way through
I don't believe that would happen considering the quality of what you're posting. I would say you're impervious to cringing.

>> No.15621769

We weren't talking your LARP headcanon anon

>> No.15621771

I've read enough about human bullshit and religious bullshit to know it all amounts to human bullshit

Or do you think a corporation running a BLM ad gives a shit about BLM? You feed people what they want to eat

>> No.15621773

exactly. you could even change the phrasing on "god doesn't take you to salvation" to "god accepts that you have chosen to reject salvation". It's not punishment, to save you he would have to change you into something you are not against your will. It's an act of respect.

>> No.15621781

And yet I still have more knowledge of women than you, interesting.

>> No.15621782
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>> No.15621783

Oh, fuck off
Seriously, try pulling your head out of your asses sometime

>> No.15621784

This is the 'larp headcanon' of the church.

>> No.15621791

I’m just shitpostin m8 but you actually seem triggered so you might wanna check those insecurities.

>> No.15621792

>It's all the same anyway, everyone's evil and selfish
your point being?

>> No.15621794

Good you found a weekend group for your LARP then, I guess

>> No.15621799

you seem upset

>> No.15621804


>> No.15621805

You were talking about Christianity, so I told you what you had wrong in representing it. Or are you the larper about the church fathers not being the true Christians?

>> No.15621808

Cute reply, but the quality of your posts isn't exactly groundbreaking, all you've done so far is agree that it's about a man kidnapping and raping a 12 year old girl and not explain why that's worth reading.

>> No.15621810

based poster making people hate him because he tells the truth

>> No.15621813

Let's look at a definition then:

>to make romantic : treat as idealized or heroic (Merriam-Webster)

So in this case she is treating a story that deals with pedophilia as ideal or heroic. That's not equal to "like" the book. You can like the book without idealizing it.

>> No.15621815


>> No.15621820

I didn't have anything wrong
The Stalinist secret police also said that as soon as you chose to be a good citizen, you are free
You are always condemning yourself, and the authority is always regretful of your insistence to be punished in any totalitarian system

>> No.15621821

It's a great book about a guy who makes profoundly terrible decisions after terrible decisions for his fix, which is an underage girl. And all he goes through in that "gotta sell my mom's tv for drugs" type of energy. The prose is great and got me hooked on the first page

>> No.15621826

Well that's better, now it's got my interest

>> No.15621832
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>> No.15621835

My point is that you're applying TO CHRISTIANITY traits that are HUMAN

If you would like me to quote you directly and detail how we got here, why you're an idiot for continuing to respond, etc then talk to the air

>> No.15621840


>> No.15621843

What is your point?
Christianity is made up by humans

>> No.15621845

God lets you free, you can be entirely faithless.
He doesn't come for you in this life, and may not actively come to save you at the end of it.
He's full on lolberg. Find a NAP violation in this.

>> No.15621847

then what you describe as humanity is profoundly spiritual.
>d-don't respond to me

>> No.15621852

>The Stalinist secret police also said that as soon as you chose to be a good citizen, you are free
Oooooh so that's like a totally cogent argument

It's got to do with fuck all unless your argument is "hurr durr some people say you are free when you are not" and if your own brain can't tell you how retarded that shit is why bother

>> No.15621855
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I couldn't order it from Amazon and had to go via a third party seller!! I live in Finland!!!

>> No.15621857

Leaving this here for those interested in a historical perspective:

>> No.15621869

I heard chechen and arab gang wars have been going on in france for 3 days no

>> No.15621873

There is no god
There is a religion that claims that there is an all-powerful, all-knowing being, that looks into your every thought, and unless you submit to it absolutely, through it's representation on earth, the Christian church, you will burn for ever and ever and ever, in hell
And just to help you, if you disagree, or don't do what that church says, don't worry, they have the inquisition, and torture, and bonfires to help you
There is no secular totalitarian system that can ever compare to the absolute repulsiveness of this made up bullshit
Now you have fun with your LARP, but don't pretend to be holy

>> No.15621876

The spirit of Christianity is not the human-oozing desire to use it for abusive authoritarian ends. Believe it or not

>thing turns to shit because humans
>wow I guess thing must be shit

>> No.15621881


>> No.15621885

Fuck off

>> No.15621890

>Cute reply, but the quality of your posts isn't exactly groundbreaking
>and not explain why that's worth reading
Stop blaming other people for your problems. If you'd rather be shitposting than reading (at least to this degree) then /lit/ is not for you.

>> No.15621892

Another relevant piece of history:

>> No.15621895

>all that was needed was some cowgirl action
>when she had to put him down with the semen-stained pillow
>Also why she does not fuck the 40-year-old knight? He is so handsome.
None of those happen in the book, all are show-isms. So it's a bit unfair to put it on GRRM.

>> No.15621897

Any music producer would instantly recognise it's the equipment/compressor doing the voice work. I just don't get it /lit/, why would she be whisked away to Hollywood? What would they do with her?

>> No.15621902

Um, you can't exactly stop me from posting here so I don't really care what you think

>> No.15621907

>There is a religion that claims that there is an all-powerful, all-knowing being, that looks into your every thought,
oh wow, just the one? You're gonna have to explain all the other religions I've studied to me, I think you might be more knowledgeable then I am? You are an angry atheist on the internet after all, I never run into you guys (LOL)

>There is no secular totalitarian system
This dude hates christianity so much he forgot to hate totalitarianism

>Now you have fun with your LARP
Funny I was gonna say the same to you. You're coming to the crusade reenactment right?

>> No.15621911

I mean I can because you do. I am feeding on your psychic energy bro.

>> No.15621912

so mad he just had to say something. He knows he has something to say. And yet, he knows he is angry. What a troubled existence

>> No.15621915

Yeah or you see me as a kind of nymphet of /lit/ and it's doing weird things to your balls

>> No.15621931

Get over yourselves
Not my fault you're so thin-skinned about your personal superstitions

>> No.15621941

Whatever you want to imagine bro, you're in awe of me and want my approval and I can use that to drain your love of life gradually. Why do I do this? I dunno, it's pathological.

>> No.15621943

>tells someone to fuck off
>thinks the other person has thin skin
Come on man is there really something you're gonna say that's gonna make you not feel retarded. It ain't happening

>> No.15621956

Just because some people can fake it doesn't mean that everyone can fake it, plus she is attractive.

>> No.15621959

It is a rather peaceful read

>> No.15621960

>compressor doing the voice work
So many people these days are idiots.

>> No.15621967

I'd simply remind them that they are dumb, while I am smart, and thus their opinion means nothing to me.

>> No.15621968

Any music producer would recognize that you don't know what a compressor does

>> No.15621991

Excuse me I use stereotools to make all my music sound like an 80s radio station, I know what a compressor does.

>> No.15622017

You jest, but a lot of """techs"""" in their early 20s are unironically like this.

>> No.15622041

Look it's clearly the gear making her sound like she does. The reverb isn't her. I don't know the technical terms are or what equipment was in vogue then, but I know that it isn't her talent making her sound the way she does.

>> No.15622056

>The reverb isn't her.
Natural reverb is the room bro (wtf?)
>I don't know the technical terms are or what equipment was in vogue then, but I know that it isn't her talent making her sound the way she does.
You don't even know what you don't know, you're an idiot.

>> No.15622061

>twitter e-girl drama thread
>300 replies in 2 hours and 45 minutes
Nice """literature""" discussion lads

>> No.15622065

What a short sighted post

>> No.15622066

>Still projecting this hard
Just stop already

>> No.15622070

We did talk about Lolita a lot tbf, only now we're on sound tech stuff.

>> No.15622085

It's like every thread, pol- and rel-tard shitposts and anons arguing over how stupid women are
At least there isn't the pretense that anyone has half a brain

>> No.15622152

Get your ears checked mate.

>> No.15622166

It's not my problem you don't understand what reverb is. This might be enlightening for you https://youtu.be/fAxHlLK3Oyk

>> No.15622168

A warning shot has been heard by /lit/, the vanguard of intellectualism in our dark times: beware of what literature you publically announce as taking a fancy to, the mob is now coming for you and your bookshelf.

>> No.15622171

they all loved call me by your name right?

>> No.15622172


>> No.15622176

Pathetic. Your inability to argue, your aggressive at that which might change your mind, your constants "no u", they are all pathetic.

>> No.15622180

And here all you have to say is...
>no u
And you are calling me pathetic
Got cry more to your imaginary skydaddy

>> No.15622181

Idc, intuition is enough music knowledge for me.

>> No.15622184

exept that they aren't? all of those happen in the book (you could argue that Jorah isn't handsome but he does kiss her)

>> No.15622187

Clearly not.

>> No.15622192

To be fair, these twitter threads just keep showing you can't even say what your read or what you thought about what you read. Of course they get the attention of people on a brad about reading books and talking about the, it means these completely anonymous forums will be the only one place where one can even talk about books honestly.
Which is scary to say the least.

>> No.15622203

Oh mate you actually are a fedora retard and you are actually mad. I thought you were taking a piss and just jumped in on it. I have nothing to do with this discussion calm down. It's only internet bantz dude.

>> No.15622260

dude they get 100s of thousands of likes on stupid opinions

>> No.15622300

Has society regressed? I can imagine the Marquis de Sade works coming against more hostility in this day then when they first came out.

>> No.15622326
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Which philosophers are pro lolicon?

>> No.15622348

Pretty much all of the French.

>> No.15622432

the irony of all these normies using the phrase 'stan'

>> No.15622453

To be honest, even if you only know good and ethical women, you would know this has happened to them. The majority of them are perpetrators of this kind of social mobbing, but the ones that don't do it are making a very conscious choice to not be the norm. You probably don't see it because you enable the perpetrators in maintaining the fiction they are sweet candy girls.

>> No.15622602

Kek she deserved to get cancelled just for that pronunciation

>> No.15622655

did she really? hahaha

>> No.15622696

Cho Chang.

>> No.15622698

Damn this Jewish bitch is attractive. Would give my Aryan seed.

>> No.15622726

>she told me I can take as many as I want.

What if this was a test?

>> No.15622799

why are you buying from amazon if you're a finn?

>> No.15622856

Because that's where I have an account and I get free shipping on orders over 38 euros so as long as I buy 3-4 books at a time there's no reason to care about that

>> No.15623156

A famous novel without white people so nothing lol

>> No.15623328

What even is Lolita about? Why does it enrage so many people?

>> No.15623455

>says "my dude"
>hates the extreme right
>hates the extreme left
Hmm... let me guess... you frequent /r/destiny?