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/lit/ - Literature

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15620835 No.15620835 [Reply] [Original]

Any history books on Rome that are not written by SJW's? I'm not here to argue with anyone on politics, so don't bother.

Answers are very much appreciated.

>> No.15620846

the primary sources.

>> No.15620849


>> No.15620902
File: 131 KB, 803x1200, vepkbxz5d9m41.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tacitus, Livy, Sallust, Suetonius, Pliny. If you want a more Eastern perspective, Appianus, Dio Cassus, Plutarch, Dionysius. Josephus for Jew stuff. Florus for something obscure. If you want a later, more summarized (but boring) perspective, Eutropius is good.

>> No.15620918

Thanks. I hadn't even considered this. It seems Eutropius will be a safe bet to start with.

>> No.15620937


>> No.15620958
File: 182 KB, 776x1024, 776px-Wien-_Parlament-Tacitus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tacitus is undoubtedly the GOAT Roman history writer, but he goes into a huge amount of detail, has a very advanced writing style, and he mostly writes about a relatively short period of time during the early Empire. So not necessarily very friendly to a beginner. That said, reading the Annals of Tacitus (in Latin) is truly peak /lit/, and should be your eventual goal.

>> No.15620972

I am trying to read him in Latin now and he's the hardest author I've encountered by far. I feel like an absolute brainlet.

>> No.15621104

If I go for Tacitus in English:

Will I be disappointed?

>> No.15621122

Tacitus is known to be a master of allusion and one to say a lot in very few words, hence his name. He's peak Roman writing, don't worry.

>> No.15621131

You shouldn't start with primary sources since they won't give you a good overview of the entirety of Rome's history. Start with Mommsen or Meyer

>> No.15621274

The Roman Revolution by Sir Ronald Some. Written in 1939, but Syme's account is pretty much still the authoritative account on the final years of the Reman Republic and Octavian's takeover of the state.

>> No.15621285
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*Syme, fucking autocorrect

>> No.15621286

i can't get into rome because i can't visualize it sufficiently

>> No.15621291

>I'm not here to argue with anyone on politics
Then don't use retard acronyms like SJW in a retard "any books" thread you fucking moron
Piss off back to pol

>> No.15621318
File: 50 KB, 600x800, 0ae.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Piss of back to pol

>> No.15621331
File: 704 KB, 1995x2001, MV5BNTk4YWYyMjEtN2JlNC00MTI4LWIzMzMtM2QyNzZmMjFjMDU0XkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyMDI2NDg0NQ._V1_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Watch HBO Rome, not only is it a great show but it will help you visualize.

>> No.15621332

What do you mean? You should visualize hot muscular Mediterranean men wearing Lorica segmentatas and marching on marble roads while passing by sexy semi-naked Mediterranean women drinking wine in their Roman villa's balcony.

>> No.15621346

Beard's right tho, White "Supremacists" can only point to mud built rape huts as their great former civilisation.

>> No.15621452

Addressing the frivolity:
And this is how a thread derails.
No need to hide behind sarcasm. Come out into the light.

Addressing other things:
I was wondering about that.
This is a concern of mine. I'll look up Mommsen and Meyer. Thanks.

>> No.15621502

They call themselves social justice warriors because they believe in social justice. Your anger is showing, man.

>> No.15622669

Gibbon - Decline & Fall of the Roman Empire

>> No.15622678

Romans weren’t white though

>> No.15622693

Does it matter if they were white?
