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File: 127 KB, 1039x769, chaz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15618647 No.15618647[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Is Marx right about second time being a farce?

>> No.15618663

well the third, fourth, and fifth times barely even qualify as farce

>> No.15618666

Are you saying the first instance is the Paris Commune and the second instance is CHAZ?

>> No.15618675

That's an interesting point, I guess I'll have to brush up on the 18th Brumaire.

>> No.15618695

The strength of the US military is so vast, nothing like the Paris Commune is even conceivable without the separatists obtaining a nuke.

>> No.15618707

Raz has been trying to form alliances with Iran and North Korea for this very reason.

>> No.15618714

Fuck hippies
Fuck Jacobins
Fuck anarchists

>> No.15618730

no u

>> No.15618736

Get a loud of this Christian black guy on the mic preaching against abortion, and saying he accepts all lifestyles like "Gay, Mexican, Homeless".

lol @ Based Christians infiltrating the CHOP.

But that's what always happens in a power vacuum, religion fills the void, just like the Taliban in Afghanistan or ISIS in Syria border region.

>> No.15618743

>muh precious cops.
Do you lap up shoe polish when lathering their boots, or do you just give them a spit shine?

>> No.15618753

First or second edition? ;^)

>> No.15618756

>ISIS in Syria
Bad example. Those are just mercenaries paid by the US. Though I basically agree

>> No.15618811


what is US military going to do? nuke itself?

>> No.15618828 [DELETED] 

Yeah, people don't realize the US central government is way stronger than Mexico, Syria, Brazil, or any other place where some autonomous crapola was allowed to fester.

>> No.15618833

Long live the Pope and long live the King.

>> No.15618862
File: 160 KB, 700x378, FF337747-4224-414D-9F37-85063DD7729E.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He’s saying they’d nuke, say Austin, in order to get rid of insurrectionists
They wouldn’t likely because they care about The property of Austin. 5is is why they wanted a neutron bomb to kill people but not damage property

Nope. We do nothing for the next ten to twenty years and we’ll have about 80 to 100 left. Give or take

>> No.15618884

This would be the funniest turn of events

>> No.15618891

Capitol Hill is Kurdish land.

>> No.15618892

Shut up tranny

>> No.15618911

Lol the biggest neet benificiary of the system calling others bootlickers is precious

>> No.15618913
File: 229 KB, 841x454, FC83D589-AB48-4354-8E0F-DA2646DAD574.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You wanna check the trunk officer?
Well, suite yourself

>> No.15618922
File: 50 KB, 578x721, 281275AC-98F5-4A37-8632-D9E6AD9E16CB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I’m not a neet. You people can’t stop making shit up about me. Just stop.

>> No.15618924

oh god butters please don't tell me you actually support these absolute buffons who call themselves communist anarchists

>> No.15618930

You can pretend youre not a neet but being a neet is a state of mind and you embody it

>> No.15618939

This is directionless exuberance from a good hearted people. It might cause a few reforms but it will be swept away sooner or later. I don’t care how “progressive” the mayor and police chief are
They all need to read Getting Free


>> No.15618952

I am partially furloughed and *self* educating.
You wants NEETs; here >>>/a/

>> No.15618953

Nah it would just have to take up an insurgent strategy. Jihadists in Iraq were able to control territory despite being underground.

>> No.15618965

Butters spends her (his) time crusading for communism on a spic supremacy bootlicker forum from PST 10:00 to 23:00 of course she (he) supports them.

>> No.15618974


>> No.15618985

The Paris Commune was a farce too.

>> No.15619029 [DELETED] 

If you got a real education instead of reading communist pamphlets on the internet, you'd probably have less run-ins with the cops. When I stopped doing drugs and went to college, suddenly my law enforcement problems evaporated. It's almost like my behavior was the problem!

>> No.15619065 [DELETED] 

I respect the honesty but man if this isn't kind of pathetic

>> No.15619094

>good hearted people

>> No.15619109

After the farce it's irony, then the Disneyfied , then post-irony

>> No.15619125

Most often one in the same

>> No.15619212

yup all of them parasites that serve as noting more than being part of the autodestruction that further reinforces capitalism itself
except for hippies who don't, and didn't even serve as the autodestruction part but were entirely astroturfed by capital

>> No.15619300

Anarchism was a farce every time, so no.

>> No.15619310

It's six neighborhood blocks that the police willingly vacated. This is not a world historical event. Who gives a fuck?

>> No.15619323

What's wrong with being a NEET anyways?

>> No.15619329

lmao if you think that's happening with this crowd you're delusional. I personally want a civil war to put an end to larping for another century after everybody is thoroughly traumatized

>> No.15619334

He didn't mean it literally

>> No.15619366

And ML was a very sincere failure lmao

>> No.15619403

no one's going to nuke anybody, but you'd be taken seriously

>> No.15619448
File: 842 KB, 2865x2044, wish we could turn back time.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

74 years, about half of which was as the second most powerful nation on earth ain't bad, certainly much better than anything any anarkiddie could dream up.

>> No.15619456

I'm merely describing a possible strategy. Obviously professional class larpers don't have the ability or even will to actually carry that out.

>> No.15619574

Yes yes, very impressive industrialization, defeated the Nazis and all too. Tremendous people when they put their mind to it. Something I believe all people are capable of.
But please stop rubbing failure in the faces of genuine socialism when it was quite often the statists, Trotsky, Lenin and Stalin executing them. Daring to call them childish and murdering them.

Turns out capitalism, or "socialism" doesn't magically turn into socialism/communims

>> No.15621029

>rioters who want to watch the world burn
>freeloaders who want the world to pay for their existence
>extremists who are arguably more racist than any group still in existence
>"good hearted people"
Sure bub

>> No.15621057

American protests are some kiddy shit. The University of Paris literally got split in 13 parts because they rioted so much

>> No.15621071

yeah because the US is gonna do what it did in iraq in seattle you dumb bitch

>> No.15621076

This, I studied in the university of Orsay, the whole campus has been designed to make mass gathering impossible because they were expecting students to riot at some point.

>> No.15621096

Nah fug that, without ML Russia would have been caught as an agricultural commune who hadn't even cracked the internal combustion engine by the time the Nazis invaded.

>> No.15621158

big deal in the capital of capitalism

>> No.15621161

>the whole campus has been designed to make mass gathering impossible because they were expecting students to riot at some point.
not on purpose, that's just the hills

>> No.15621170
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>> No.15621171

Well the hills don't help but there is certainly room for more than a big plaza and yet it's all interlocking roads.

>> No.15621177

They're not similar at all. CHAZ is very obviously a petite-bourgeois hippie commune. The Paris Commune was a commune of workers that organised themselves.

>> No.15621200


kys you disgusting tranny piece of shit

>> No.15621216

Now I'm pissed

>Uncle Hugo's Science Fiction Bookstore was founded on March 2, 1974. It is the oldest independent science fiction bookstore in the U.S. and belongs to the same owner as Uncle Edgar's Mystery Bookstore - Don Blyly. The two bookstores, which are neighbors, have long been popular with American readers and are cultural landmarks in Minneapolis.

> The fire destroyed more than 100,000 copies of books, including many of the authors' signature versions and books that had been stored for decades, and caused damage worth over 1 million U.S. dollars.

Fuck communists.

>> No.15621233

No one gives a shit what you think

>> No.15621253

>fail at agriculture
>place the blame on poc
wow, just wow

>> No.15621256

Looking forward to seeing all the millions of guilt dollars donated by corporations and bleeding heart wokesters vanishing into thin air. Seriously, what the fuck do they think this money is going to do? Buy every jogger in America a crown and a scepter?

>> No.15621259

well at least those joggers smart enough to start a gofundme can live like pimp daddy or scrogge mcduck for a few years now

>> No.15621270

I've heard some radio noise about the fact that average lefties are starting to be made aware of the fact that they're not really sure how the money they're throwing at DONATE buttons is being put to use. Evidently for these people, it comes as a great shock that the money doesn't go straight to the victims of systemic racism, for which they assumed there is a finite body determined under a well-defined metric.

There's something about modern society and assuming that everything is clear, well-defined, and systemic that rubs me the wrong way. Folks are way too trusting and think the world's way more ordered than it is.

>> No.15621283

Damn, I was born the wrong race then...

>> No.15621526

You faggots literally kiss blacks feet so you cant call anyone a bootlicker tranny.

>> No.15621528

Chaz is glowing...

>> No.15621531

Only if they put it in Euros or Yen or something.

>> No.15621547

>There's something about modern society and assuming that everything is clear, well-defined, and systemic that rubs me the wrong way. Folks are way too trusting and think the world's way more ordered than it is.
I mean I assume you've been in a discussion with an idiot where they've suddenly turned to "anon, why do you have to make things so complicated, it's SOOO SIMPLE" and then they present a diatribe based on a laughably naive and uneducated view of something.

>> No.15621555

Its all rhetoric, Insitutional and systemic makes you sound like you know what youre talking about but you ask most of them to pindown exact things then they get lost

>> No.15621566

Licking nigger feet but calling others bootlickers

>> No.15621572
File: 2.99 MB, 550x310, bootlickign niggs.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>these are the people calling you bootlicker
Let's defund the police actually so we can move straight to ancapistan.

>> No.15621577

Stop posting propaganda from that terrorist organisation.

>> No.15621587

Just because they are Jewish doesn't make them terro... never mind.

>> No.15621589

>#Blacktranslivesmatter protest in brooklyn

Alright maybe clown world people were on to something desu

>> No.15621607

Dude, sounds like a great setting for an rpg. There are 13 different “races” to choose from, each with their seperate fluff and special machanicis.

>> No.15621631

>This is not a world historical event
its pretty historic that the cops and state authorities just peaced the fuck out of a single inch of a major metropolis in the global hegemonic power. Its a gay shambles but in my country the authorities don't kneel to rioters and let them play house in capital cities. They just gave up its a huge deal

>> No.15621637

this is a clear attack on police unions. right now cops are just chilling, only doing the minimal, getting paid a fuckton of overtime

>> No.15621644

They call themselves Israelites, nobody recognises them as such. Rejected from Judaism, rejected from Christianity...

>> No.15621650

>right now cops are just chilling, only doing the minimal, getting paid a fuckton of overtime
A lot of people are losing jobs friend.

>> No.15621652

I guarantee it's an election year ploy by somebody and in October "something" will happen in/to the CHOP with the intent of affecting the outcome of the election. Watch for it.

>> No.15621659

>Seriously, what the fuck do they think this money is going to do? Buy every jogger in America a crown and a scepter?
Unironically funding many small local level Democrat campaigns over the US that would have been broke without it.

>> No.15621684 [DELETED] 

The two actual policy achievements of BLM are smash a public sector union, and fill the campaign coffers of centrist Democrats. Anyone who thinks a revolution can happen in American under-appreciates how damn sneaky the ruling class is. All of your donations to BLM are going to support the campaign of the guy who wrote the bill that contributed most significantly to mass incarceration! The ruling class is running circles around you kids, but then again that's why they're the ruling class and you are "the masses".

>> No.15621699


>> No.15621712

lmao holy shit

>> No.15621719

Then memery.

>> No.15621735

>Pro Strawmaning: Strawmaster Edition.

>> No.15621747

Why do you sound just like the most stupid people who think that the system is fair and is established so as to support all its citizens to achieve their best in life, who think capitalism is impartial and meritocratic? You are just on the opposite extreme of idiocy and naiveté. No wonder you hold the opinions you post here. Fully brainwashed.

>> No.15621774

>Fully brainwashed

>> No.15621814

I'm not, I have unironically been in favor of the private production of security for some time.
It's just funny seeing buttertranny, or any leftist call anyone a bootlicker, especially in an event that saw their cheerleaders prostrate themselves for niggers in a manner that would be vulgar and servile in front of a king.

>> No.15621833
File: 1.36 MB, 745x1053, barricade.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>comrades, you have created autonomous zone
>you must now choose your barricade to defend this accomplishment
>do you build stone walls with holes in the top level to shoot the incoming french army with rifles and cannons
>or effectively no barricade

>> No.15621854

Being ok with defunding the police doens't imply paving the way for a private cohercive system instead.

You speak of leftism as a unity, which is funy taking into account "the left" has always failed thanks to it's eternally divisive nature, which isn't a bad thing per se but it's knid of self-destructive when trying create some big organization to fight capitalism.

>> No.15621856

They all got stand-down orders mate, now the police recognize that they just shouldn't bother because the rest of the State apparatus won't allow them to police. This isn't a "Revolutionary Moment" - It's an extended Biden campaign ad and nothing else. The only things that will come of this are busting the police union, funneling money via BLM to Democratic campaigns, and perhaps a federalization of the police.

>> No.15621866

Fuck off, retard. You're too fucking stupid to belong on this board, and that's pretty fucking stupid considering how fucking stupid it is nowadays.

>> No.15622129


How about just stand around the ""commune"" blocking all goods going in for a week or two?

>> No.15622158

Is the top on the pic from CHAZ? Damn that's some half-assed barricading. I've seen a dozen highschoolers in France do it better.

>> No.15622196

Have you ever watched passport to Pimlico?

>> No.15622200

I don't think it's that bad now, but they are mostly using barricades that the police left behind.

>> No.15622214

Ok that is a legitimate tactic, you gotta make do with what you got.

>> No.15622217

This pretty much. Anarchists are the dumbest people to live on the planet. Power is always conserved

>> No.15622246


>> No.15622377
File: 382 KB, 642x1024, 642px-Leviathan_by_Thomas_Hobbes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tortured souls of the consoom culture who don't know any better i.e. naive idiots. Pity them and pray for their redemption. Meanwhile their farce will only serve to reinforce the system as it will adapt and become more ready for the contingent, and everyone will suffer as a consequence.
A mob is the most destructive and evil force of culture, greater than any tyrant as seen in library of Alexandria, French revolution and the Spanish republicans. They only bring death and destruction of which the only conceivable positive -but still morbid- end-result is the vacancies (in housing and jobs) left by the dead.
Perhaps in this case it will serve as accelerationism for the better, as democracy has grown lethargic and is dying, and whose replacement can leave space for the coming renaissance, God willing.

>> No.15622385

>t. spends most of his time on /lit/ and thinks he is an intellectual

>> No.15622507

No, it has just been 3 months or so. But I want someone to crush, correct and refute my worldview as I'm always open to persuasion.

>> No.15622916
File: 68 KB, 1024x768, A7E175D2-F5EE-481C-BE3E-39E37C78F986.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cops rioted. Some people looted, including the cops. The people who started this CHOP thing aren’t any of those.
>Freeloaders who...
You don’t know one thing about socialism
>Anti-racists are the most racist
Oh, you’re insane

That’s not what I think, that’s a fact. They’re proxy troops of the US.

Those are hippy dippy left-liberals with guilt complexes who like to virtue signal. “These crops are for blacks and indigenous peoples”. Give me a break. Why do you believe everyone on the left is all one thing?

>Why do you sound just like the most stupid people who think that the system is fair and is established
I donno, did you read my post? It doesn’t look like you read any of it, because I said the exact opposite. The best they can hope for is a few bits of reforms from the ruling class and then they get swatted away. I suggest they take up a more comprehensive strategy. This flashy one doesn’t work.
> You are just on the opposite extreme of idiocy and naiveté.
Yeah, I like to think so. Thanks.

>> No.15622957
File: 84 KB, 454x960, copslootbiz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Some people looted, including the cops.

>> No.15622968

This is why I think Marx is a fucking brainlet and only appeals to brainlets. No fucking shit the "second time around" won't be as good as the first. Every fucking child learns that via nostalgia. God damn how did this retard get so popular.

>> No.15622988
File: 16 KB, 283x447, 1453571333587.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Is Marx right

>> No.15623020

Marx appeals to people with no life experience. Young people who are in the stage Stirner talks about where they think they can change the world to their ideals because they have grown physically strong enough to disobey their parents or whatever.

>> No.15623297

This is the true face of Marxism.

>> No.15623321

Probably went up for insurance purposes. Lockdown is strangling small businesses.

That’s capitalism for you.

>> No.15623356

Some country with nukes might support them to take US down. An external attack coinciding with civil unrest within.

>> No.15623389
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This hurts.

>> No.15623541

>Cops rioted
Absolute cope. Toddler DARVOing. "I'm not rioting, you are." Put the dumb prepared talking points back on the shelf.

>> No.15623881
File: 22 KB, 700x481, 90D88BA0-6C7A-4799-AC5F-9DC2094B4E2E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Schizo, people went out to protest *police brutality*.
A riot happens when the cops show up to beat them down.
Pic related. Minneapolis’ finest right there

>> No.15623954

>one broken window means that I am compelled to loot and burn everything in sight.
The left has fully weaponized the symbiotic relationship between so-called peaceful protesters and rioters for decades. The distinction trotted out by the the talking heads of the progressive establishment is a false one.

>> No.15624124

>boots on the ground, Waco style to let these fags get matryred
>vacate, sit back, and let the fags broadcast their ineptitude and masturbatorily spin themselves into self-destruction at high volume
C'mon retard.

>> No.15624136

China wants to cause an American Tiananmen, but we're not going to take the bait. The cops will come at 4am some morning and clear the whole shit out, and it will be forgotten in a week, just like Occupy Wall Street before it.

>> No.15624169

While I do think the autonomous zone is stupid, Marx made that remark because he was upset that Napoleon III made himself emperor. So when it comes to that comment, no.

>> No.15624184

This, why not let them make a mess of themselves. They're destroying their own place. If we actually wanted to do something we should make a billionare hunting season.

>> No.15624194
File: 181 KB, 1280x720, 6244951_more-shots-of-suspect-3-img.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you think these guys are cops too?

>> No.15624204

Fuck sci-fi, stick to your containment thread.

>> No.15624214

Who is the worse?
-the poor man (in means and character) who steals for some gains in lean times
-the cop who vandalizes in order to sanction his precincts acts of violence against people protesting police brutality
Capitalism is to blame here. I would prefer a world that has neither sort lumbering around.

>> No.15624216

It's probably too late for that to work now. A whiff of grapeshot on the first or second night would have likely solved the problem. It's only a matter of time before China achieves global influence significant enough that their manner of handling dissidents becomes the accepted standard by most nations. At this point any if the government wants to achieve stability in the future, it has to find a way to simultaneously reduce the populations of all major urban areas to an number below that which is required to fight.

>> No.15624243

As everyone knows there were no police in the Soviet Union and East Germany.

God, how stupid does someone have to be to be a communist in the 21st century.

>> No.15624304
File: 69 KB, 995x796, E159B74A-4697-434E-A98B-E3C6DEED9344.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You have no idea what socialism is, much less what this world I speak of would be like.
If you want to ask here, go ahead.

>> No.15624322

Tell your mom what the world would be like if you were queen for a day, because I surely don't give a shit.

>> No.15624352

If my mother were still alive, I’d have to tell her I’d renounce such a crown.
But you should refrain from ever speaking/typing on such a weighty topic as this since you know jackshit of it. Thanks.

>> No.15624381

Why don't you go to school and get a real job? Then you can spend less time being resentful on the internet.

>> No.15624383

The middle class anarkidie (99% of antifa) that burns and destroys to get his kick.

>> No.15624400

Anarchists are pissed that they majored in something dumb and are now stuck teaching 101 classes as adjuncts while other people from their graduating class are succeeding in their careers.

>> No.15624408

In stateless socialism you'd still have citizen self organized militias and they would simply lynch the antifa rioters.

>> No.15624427

There are no jobs. There will be less jobs in the future.

>middle class
I think you have a skewed sense of the classes.
I am working class. Middle class is like the Kardasians. They have wealth but still have to hustle to support their baubles and glitz.

>> No.15624448

Fascism is the minority. More people are anti-fascist
Not even the rebranding “eco fascism” will salvage it.

>> No.15624450


You seriously think anti-fa types are responsible for more than 95% percent of the fires?

>> No.15624470

It's by and large blacks that have no clue what anarchism means.

>> No.15624522

I'm sick and tired of these people getting compared to past revolutionaries. They are backed by the system for crying out loud. They aren't really a threat to the status quo because the status quo supports them. Most of these people aren't protesting about real injustice, they are protesting about perceived injustice.

>> No.15624574

>They are backed by the system for crying out loud.
>They aren't really a threat to the status quo
>because the status quo supports them.
The mayor knows the city is very leftist and is tolerating them for now.
>Most of these people aren't protesting about real injustice,
Who are “most of these people”? It’s become something of a tourist spot now, and a place to pick up some free stuff.
>they are protesting about perceived injustice.
Police brutality is an actual thing, anon.

>> No.15624646

>They are backed by the system for crying out loud.
They aren't backed by the system. they are the system. Powerful entities are caving to them, not endorsing them.

>> No.15624711

Yes. It's well documented that plenty of organizations, celebrities, etc that have supported the BLM cause.
>The mayor knows the city is very leftist and is tolerating them for now.
Yeah Status Quo
>Who are “most of these people”?
I'm not talking exclusively the zone. I'm talking about around the world.
>Police brutality is an actual thing, anon.
Yes but it's become more than that. They are hurting minorities more than actually helping. Anybody that isn't pro-BLM is declared racist. We're having people being forced to kneel in front of these protesters. It's about what they perceive as "racist".You actually think destroying local businesses are helping their cause?
>Powerful entities are caving to them, not endorsing them.
You're naive if you think this

>> No.15624759

Antifa aren't antifascist though. They just want to break things and bash people for fun. The majority is against antisocial behavior like that and that would be true under socialism as well.

>> No.15624811

>they are the system
>doesn't know the difference between agents and useful idiots.

>> No.15624833

What do you mean support them? It's like six blocks, a single squad of Marines could go kill everyone in the zone

>> No.15624842

>Probably went up for insurance purposes.
Except the owner said his insurance didn't cover destruction due to civil unrest, sorry sweeite

>> No.15624852

Proposed C H A Z T H E M E
Why? I'll let you guys decide, I think it's divisive in how you interpret it and it's about political stuff in Seattle.

>> No.15624869

Imagine torching your own stuff and being told you can't collect on the insurance.

Insurance companies often say this btw, but fold under the slightest pressure.

>> No.15624886

>Imagine torching your own stuff and being told you can't collect on the insurance.
>Blacks destroying half their city
>Bookstore burn down
>It was probably the owner not the precious blackerinos

>> No.15624908

I believe riots fall under the "acts of God" escape clause, so I really doubt they're going to cover it. I could be wrong though, the answer will come in time. Probably at the end of June where they have to pay up 3 months of rent at once.

>> No.15624944

The owner supposedly turned up to the store not long after the smoke detectors went off. Either way, the way it went up seemed planned, somebody broke all the windows and systematically poured accelerant through the store. It's not someone throwing a molotov through a window.

>> No.15625019

Imagine being so sheltered you think the Kardashians are working class. What fucking planet are you on? Is this bait?

>> No.15625039

Middle class* but my point still stands

>> No.15625369

>Celebs support ending police brutality
That’s not the same as funds and organizing going into the CHOP thing.
>status quo
The mayor would rather none of this was happening. Pleasing constituents and donors is the balancing act they all play.
> I'm talking about around the world.
Ah. Well yes. Anyone who wakes up to the reality of the situation, Greta for one, I don’t care who puts money i to it or not, they’re trying to end actual injustices
> Yes but it's become more than that.
It’s always been more than that. Capitalist statism on a whole. Our whole way of live if fucked in the head and doesn’t work.
The liberal media are twisting it (easily enough) into a race issue even though it is the same old class war.
The Cares Act is going to destroy ore businesses than the cop riots of 2020, trust me.

There are some front operations that take advantage of their decentralized nature, but actual antifa are actually anti fascists.

No, your point is lost. That’s the tax bracket of the middle class. Upper proletariats aren’t middle class. I don’t care how successful your plumbing business is doing.

>> No.15625407

>science fiction
>cultural landmarks in Minneapolis

>> No.15625585
File: 47 KB, 350x350, emet_selch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


rich billionaires prefer that activists occupy police stations rather than wall street

>> No.15625592
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rich billionaires prefer that activists occupy police stations rather than wall street

>> No.15625655

You're honestly living in a day dream. This has gone beyond George Floyd. People are burning down local businesses, tearing down statues, being forced to kneel because of their skin, and all other kinds of things. You really think that is more effective than talking things out? Instead of working together to talk about the issue of police brutality, we should just cause more division by beating up people on the streets? Floyd's own family came out against the riots. This doesn't seem like a working towards equality to me.
>The mayor would rather none of this was happening.
It's his job to have his city under control. If he isn't doing that, he's not doing his job well.
>Capitalist statism on a whole
Things would still suck under Socialism and there would still be things like Class divides. But keep thinking Socialism is efficient.

>> No.15625676

You will hang first

>> No.15625776

Marx is right about almost everything.

>> No.15625861

Jeez you are stupid. Mainstream media is a gigantic psy-op. Those events are completely fabricated in order to be a cover up for the CURRENT financial crisis. In order to ensure the transition between the quarantine and the next phase of the cover up, they pulled the racial tension out of their hat.
By the way, i've read on /biz, yesterday, that now, the FED will buy corporate bonds, 3 month (march) after having suppressed the mandatory fractional reserves in the US, and 6 month after the negative interests rate.
But i guess for a stupid snow ape like you, only slightly above the coconut ape, there is actually something real happening regarding what was talked about recently on TV and social medias.

>> No.15625885

>Those events are completely fabricated in order to be a cover up for the CURRENT financial crisis.
They're not completely fabricated. Neither the coronavirus nor these weird pseudo-race riots or whatever the fuck they are entirely inorganic, they're just being amplified and used as a cover.

You're right that the oligarchs are basically avoiding attention but what else is new. Everyone saw in 2011 and class will never be addressed while attention can be diverted to race.

>> No.15625965

It's funny that around 5-7 years ago, i've seen on the internet one video of a negro hobo living in a tent literally being snipped by the police, an other negro hobo being handcuffed, and then killed because he was resisting, and an other negro in Jew York, wandering with a knife, surouded by 5-6 cops, and being shot like a dog when they could have easily shot the legs or at least the belly.
Nobody gave a shit. Not the medias, not the minority association, not even the negroes themselves.
It's very bizare that know we are exiting the corona psy-op, one little negro killed makes all this mess.
It's a psy-op. And they choose this criminal porn actor deliberately, knowing that whites will enter into the narrative a La "well he was a criminal after all, it's deserved".
Corona psy-op: success.
Racial tension psy-op: success.
What's next, the usual terrorist attack? Or an earthquake? Perhaps a tsunami, or a foreign war?

>> No.15626007

idk, I've never understood the end game here in the first place.

>> No.15626016

Cover up for the 2020 economocal crisis.

>> No.15626021

except for the immiseration of the working class, the tendency of the rate of profit to fall, the labor theory of value, the inevitability of revolutions, and countless other things integral to his theory. but yeah other than that he's golden.

>> No.15626025

I mean in a larger sense, looking at their actions over time

>> No.15626057

>class will never be addressed while attention can be diverted to race
Black people have essentially become a chess piece for the oligarchs that puts you in check whenever the issue arises.

>> No.15626067


>> No.15626071

They just have to close borders for 5 years, but that wouldn't fly with corporate interests so...

>> No.15626084

>don't want feral niggers torching the neighborhood
you will never be a real woman

>> No.15626135

I didn’t advocate any of that. Fuck the statues, and that stupid kneeling shit, I’ve been advocating a different strategy in the book Getting Free. In it Herod points out how protests and demonstrations don’t work.
> It's his job to have his city under control
Her. Politicians are always most concerned with maintaining their position. It wouldn’t be good for her to take the same stance as Trump, much less let him send troops in. Hey, that happens and more chaos will happen. The grip of “law and order” has that effect on a peaceful protests.
Not, social-democracy, not authoritarian-socialism. Actual full throated, no money system, direct democracy, socialism. The only class divide would be the parent/child, the teacher/student, and the expert/novice.

Cops torched quite a few and allowed quite a lot of looting. But how many homes went up?

>> No.15626144

>the tendency of the rate of profit to fall
This is not even a pure Marxian theory, and it's right. Those who disagree are in denial.
>I mean in a larger sense, looking at their actions over time
Perpetrating Capitalism, with them as the owners of the means of production. It's not that complicated. Eventually perhaps, going post Capitalism, but still with them as the owners of the means of production.
Agree with this. Diversity is easily manipulated.
Mass immigration is the number 1 tool for the Capitalists to counter the tendency of the rate of profit to fall, and break class consciousness.