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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 1.00 MB, 596x593, peterson.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15599367 No.15599367 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.15599372

You can not tell me they're not fucking

>> No.15599374

He looks like a fucking Martian

>> No.15599375

Clean your daughters room

>> No.15599377

the internet has corrupted your mind

>> No.15599379

Very clearly brain dead.

>> No.15599380

He was sick?

>> No.15599389

clean your daughters used panties

>> No.15599395

is that a rack of ribs with a birthday candle in it??
this is just what happens when you've never in your life participated in a healthy relationship, platonic or otherwise.

>> No.15599399
File: 17 KB, 250x208, coomer-2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15599403

He's spent the last year trying to recover from benzodiazepine addiction in Russia.

>> No.15599405

He's on some stupid all meat diet that his daughter made up. He claimed on Joe Rogan that drinking a glass of apple juice almost killed him. Dude is a quack

>> No.15599409

You just fucking know it dude. That kind of contentment only comes after leaving a thick load in your own flesh and blood. Nothing more pure than father/daughter love.

>> No.15599410

clean her

>> No.15599431

you just know he's gonna come back an act like the fucking messiah for having a year long vacation. rich people cannot experience suffering.

>> No.15599434

>rich people cannot experience suffering.

Nice Ressentiment faggot

>> No.15599448

nice buzzword, speud

>> No.15599449

Addiction recovery is not a vacation you resentful fag.

>> No.15599452

Nice cope, slave

>> No.15599454

I heard he can somewhat communicate now using a very primitive kind of sign language. So that's a step forward.

>> No.15599458

except it literally is.

>> No.15599460

I don't know about messiah, but he's definitely gonna use this as a career move. Like how he used his own principles to pull himself up by his own bootstraps.

>> No.15599469

Imagine how putrid the farts must be in that steak-only-diet household.

>> No.15599472
File: 17 KB, 860x821, wojak.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Yeah bro I think mental health is retarded. I'm so superior to problems bro

>> No.15599478

It’s not a fun one. I’ve been in and out of rehabs for a while. Not great. The only good part is not having to go to work. Beyond that it’s miserable.

>> No.15599481

Do you think this experience will have humbled him and caused him to realise his faults and the gaps in his knowledge, allowing him to claim his rightful place as Saviour of Western Civilization or will he double down on being a fucking pseud?

>> No.15599487

>now excuse me while I check in to Passages Malibu for my 17th stay

>> No.15599519

So far one could get the impression that he can't even write a short blog post, let alone an article of some sort responding to current events. Even his tweets seem to be ghostwritten and almost completely trivial now.

>> No.15599551

imagine eating nothing but red meat every day and then going out and telling poor people that they should do it to. i can't think of anything more bougie.

>> No.15599657

>just pull yourselves up by your bootstraps and have a prime rib roast at every meal.

>> No.15599782

lets goooooooooo

>> No.15599796

he aight nigga


>> No.15599802


unironically sounds horrid lmfao

>> No.15599803

No I think its possible that he actually regrets pulling people into the alt right and realized a lot of the people he was in business with were just lazy e grifters

>> No.15599808

He doesn't recommend this diet to anyone but those with autoimmune disorders.

>> No.15599917

He is definitely a false prophet on the individualism stuff, but I've seen the positive effect he's had on a couple of my own friends, so I'm glad he's doing well. Hope his recovery continues to go well. Good to see he's not eating through a tube.

>> No.15600003

Peterson didn't pull anyone into the alt right

>> No.15600039


>> No.15600040

Maybe, but his books get recycled.

>> No.15600043


>> No.15600064

Holy fuck cool it with the steak Jordo, theres other fuckin' receipes and food out there

>> No.15600161

hope he had the time to read at least one book about postmodernism that is credible. if you want to dedicate your entire life at slaying that dragon you might as well know what you are talking about. waht a poor ressentful fello, poor dumbass don quixotes

>> No.15600167

well observed m8tey. what a loon. if he can gobble that what else you think he can gobble

>> No.15600172

Her face and body posture is too respectful

>> No.15600180


reminder that he is rich because he took patreon money from little dweebs raised by single mothers, and told them that they needed to be honest and submit to corporate hierarchies

>> No.15600190

it's a ribeye
t. meat department employee

>> No.15600191

>Dad, eat your steak, you need to eat something
>...D-dad, yeah, it's your b-birthday... w-what's wrong?
If he is like that it's nice that they are doing this for him anyway.

>> No.15600197

>and told them that they needed to be honest and submit to corporate hierarchies

Why does /lit/ convert any type of self-improvement as wagecucking slavery? Are people in this board THIS delusional?

>> No.15600206

That is what his self improvement was though.

>> No.15600234

Have you ever watched a JP video?

>> No.15600258

thank you for your service

>> No.15600273

look at that slampiece JBP you absolute dog!

>> No.15600284

He's basically a meat puppet at this point.

>> No.15600295 [DELETED] 

That's what you get for marrying a kike and supporting their nefarious shit. Eat shit, and I hope you suffer all the way to hell. I want to drink your tears, kike worshiper.

>> No.15600299

That's what you get for marrying a kike and defending their nefarious doings. Eat shit, and I hope you suffer all the way to hell. I want to drink your tears, kike worshiper.

>> No.15600324

Have you even petted a cat in the street?

>> No.15600332

>rich people cannot experience suffering
Oh no no no no no

>> No.15600340


>> No.15600359

yeah i read his book. it was shit.

>> No.15600523

>He's spent the last year trying to recover from benzodiazepine addiction in Russia.
>this is the guy giving you lessons
Holy fuck, he can't hold on become more and more of a hack

>> No.15600533


He looks pretty healthy here.

>> No.15600546

He probably posed several times like an instragram whore until you couldn't see half his face is droopy.

>> No.15600607

He fell for mainstream psychiatry. He might have even known it was a bad idea to get on benzos, but he believes you should care for yourself the way you would care for a friend. If he saw a friend was terribly depressed because his wife got cancer, Peterson would tell him to seek psychiatric help. If this friend went to a doctor, and got a prescription, Peterson would tell him to take his "medicine." So when this happened to him, he followed all his own advice.

Now, because it was his OWN brain getting fucked up, he might realize that neither doctors nor your friends are always giving you good advice when they tell you to get help and take your pills. I have to wonder how many other people have been fucked over by his advice. After giving this advice to millions of people, he suddenly turns around and goes "holy shit! I had no idea these drugs were so addictive!"

>> No.15600623

Is it true he's basically a retard now?

>> No.15600632

i think the real question is:
is he happier?

>> No.15600651


>> No.15600664
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>implying he wasn't already a fucking retard.

>> No.15600693

Benzos aren't that addictive though. You just dry wretch for a few days after withdrawing. It's enduring three days of feeling miserable. Then cured.

>> No.15600699

You can have seizures and die with benzo withdrawal. It depends how heavily you're taking them.

>> No.15600707

>Benzos aren't that addictive though
They’re extremely addictive. Even moreso than opiates from my experience

>> No.15600710

Never let your retarded whore daughter take over your medical care. Many people who remember their medically induced comas say they are like torture. And it almost definitely causes brain damage to sedate someone for that long. Don't trust doctors. If I get seriously sick I will just put myself down.

>> No.15600713

2 weeks of benzo use are enough to get a pretty serious addiction.

>> No.15600715

If the retards here listened to 3% of his advice we'd all be a lot better off

>> No.15600722

True, her joints were probably too fucked up for her to get away the first time

>> No.15600733


>> No.15600757

We were too focused on the fucking but never thought to ask ourselves why the FUCK is there a candle on a steak?

>> No.15600770
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Based mao poster.

>> No.15600787

>no gut grumbling from starvation or 24/7 chronic stress over no money for making it from one week to the next
E Z.

>> No.15600896
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>> No.15600923

Yeah but it’s not free, you still have bills, and most of the day is filled with group therapy and classes relating to drug abuse.

>> No.15601123
File: 53 KB, 707x1024, 1568368085788m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Michaela Peterson has started some wierd members club for coaching people on how to go into a meat only diet.
Shes charging like $600 per person.

Shes been pictured with some wierd all purpose life coach bitcoin guru called tate and it seems like she might have learned from him regarding scamming rubes into paying for memey lifestyle stuff. This is turning into a major lolwut fest.

>> No.15601156

Are you retarded?
Benzos are basically the absolute worst drug you can become addicted to.
Even short usage can cause extremely bad withdrawals, long term usage, there's a very high chance of seizures, psychosis, and death resulting from withdrawals.

>> No.15601207
File: 274 KB, 1525x2313, our diet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15601262

Declare bankruptcy.

>> No.15601269

I use a credit card usually, and paying it off from my many mental breakdowns has actually increased my credit score tremendously.

>> No.15601284

she tryna get him to die of cancer in the next decade goddamn

>> No.15601300
File: 229 KB, 750x731, 1592020579814.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the best part is if he gave himself brain damage, he literally did it to himself, he went to Russia for the explicit reason that they would let him go cold turkey off of benzos, fucking benzos

>> No.15601304
File: 13 KB, 480x360, jordanpotato.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Has he displayed any form of high intellect after the coma that proves he is still somewhat the same? Do we know for sure he is not a braindead retard being pushed around?

I havent really kept up with any updates.

>> No.15601315

Nietzsche has his own mental collapse and he lost all his faculties as well, much younger too

>> No.15601320

whats so bad about going cold turkey off benzos?

>> No.15601324
File: 191 KB, 1242x250, 6723555F-3642-45B6-9D5D-DF079A0229F1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Absolutely based

>> No.15601332

But how much do we actually know? I know he had some brain damage but to what extent? Has it been confirmed that he is/isnt retarded?

>> No.15601336


>> No.15601348

i fail to see how he could become retarded from getting off a drug. some explain it like i'm retarded because i am.

>> No.15601360

Bad enough seizures can lead to brain damage or death, he was using benzos for a year at least, therefore his seizures coming off of it cold turkey probably should have BTFO'd him

>> No.15601366

He was put under an experimental induced coma and it went wrong.

>> No.15601406

600 freedom units to hear a trannyface tell me to only eat meat?

>> No.15601410

t. retard. You cant cold turkey benzos, you literally die. Even worse than alcohol withdraw.

>> No.15601425

ist hat because the retards hee would OD?

>> No.15601429
File: 140 KB, 1080x684, C6BF135B-E83E-43DA-A50E-0A4F1673AB51.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ya just know

>> No.15601433

its the american dream

>> No.15601435

Last time I was in rehab I saw a dude have a seizure because he went cold turkey off of Xanax. Scary stuff

>> No.15601436
File: 65 KB, 1600x1066, pepehead.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this isnt a joke

>> No.15601453

lol was he on medical advice? I would advice to constatly drop a fraction of the dose in use, like an hiperbole until he is in a tresshold dose.

>> No.15601461

It wasn’t his first day in, and he was getting his vitals checked every morning like the rest of us. I would’ve figured that they’d taper him off, but I guess he got lost in the mix and they forgot.

>> No.15601476

I get withdrawals a few weeks after taking this shit once for one single night of insomnia. Took me a while to realize why I got randomly depressed and connect it with the rare occasions of taking these as sleeping aids.

>> No.15601480

It's a fake book published by some Mongolian, random collections of shit he's said in interviews and shit

>> No.15601495

yeah i supposed, i was just baiting
ouch. did he dead?

>> No.15601513

Nope. Luckily he survived, but suffered a concussion from hitting the tile floor with his skull. He was a big dude. It took 6 people to hold him down while he was seizing

>> No.15601531

what did you take anon? why where you on rehab?

>> No.15601535

I’m a pleb alcoholic

>> No.15601536

t. doctor shopping junkie trying to scam a script "aaaaaa please doc i'll fit give me 50x valium rpts x5 mdu prn"

And the cure is three days of feeling a bit off. Endure it. The pills aren't there to be your permanent crutch, life isn't meant to be enjoyed 24/7.

t. junkie scammer. You do fine when the cops lock you up and decide to wait a few days before acknowledging receipt of your doctors correspondence.

t. another junkie scammer perfecting the sob story he tells three different doctors a week.

Psychosomatic neurotic.

>> No.15601551
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>> No.15601560

Junkies are incredibly dedicated to their narrative for script scamming. Many are known to dislocate limbs and fake seizures in doctors surgeries to scam opiates and benzos.

>> No.15601563

It's his birthday cake. She put him on a meat only diet.

>> No.15601584

This was very real. You have a strange and unsettling agenda.

>> No.15601596

take your meds

>> No.15601617

That's exactly what i thought: He is alive, and he fucks his own daughter.

>> No.15601630

When you have fucked a few women you know, you'll know that this arm behind a womans back, is only when you fuck her, or are going to fuck her.

>> No.15601755

did they get you to tapper off with benzos?
>t. another junkie scammer perfecting the sob story he tells three different doctors a week.
gr8 b8

>> No.15601758

I mean I guess GABA just isn't a thing anymore, pack it up boys

>> No.15601772

/lit/ -Literature, ladies and gentlemen,

>> No.15601838

It's not the benzos. The retardation is from being sedated for a long time. The treatment he used to go off them was a "medically induced coma." This usually just means prolonged deep sedation. You are drugged into unconsciousness (or at least immobility). This is usually used for people who can't breathe without a respirator, but afaik the idea here was for him to just sleep through the withdrawal. As you might guess, being on mind altering drugs continuously for days or weeks can cause brain damage.

>> No.15601845

Imagine not dumping a thick load into your failure of a whore daughters cum-crusted womb, just as the benzos hit—absolutely sublime bliss.

>> No.15601908

And now he is going for round 2 in fucking Serbia? Will this be like Hostel part 2?

>> No.15601954

Seriously, I've yet to get a straightforward answer, what's the confirmed status of current mental faculties?

>> No.15601963

Trad 2.0.

>> No.15601978

Honestly at this point being polyamorous is less degenerate.

>> No.15602013

What do you care, faculties or not, it's not like he would read Marx or Hegel.

>> No.15602019

>a step forward.
I guess. He's never getting that next book published though.

>> No.15602025

Sigh. By the lack of any actual answers I guess I'm going to assume no one actually knows.

>> No.15602047

It's not like i care. But i have to admit, the guy amuses me. He represent the fall of the online tradcells fatherfigure. Now that the father is dead, it's time to put on the real work: read. Or find an other father figure, a real one, this time. Do both.

>> No.15602059

>he’s never had a birthday steak

>> No.15602065

here’s that (You) that you were desperately hoping for

>> No.15602081

sadly there is no rehab for what’s wrong with you

>> No.15602091

Yes, you are right, i confess.

>> No.15602096

thought that was his wife

>> No.15602100


>> No.15602128

it’s amazing how much this guy makes some people absolutely seethe.
kind of impressive desu

>> No.15602136

Why fuck niggers, when you can fuck your own daughter. It's so much more intimate.

>> No.15602144

imagine being this mad
holy shit I literally can’t

>> No.15602167

same, except it was a middle aged lady withdrawing from booze. it was scary to see her just drop and start seizing right in front of me.

>> No.15602189

>i-it’s not like I care b-baka!!

>> No.15602202

Mutt law, coomer, fried brain, what else?

>> No.15602208

Yeah, that would fix anybody right up! Tell him bro

>> No.15602679

his brain is fucked up https://vocaroo.com/8qxFaYMZGse

>> No.15602766


where is this from? it's not taken out of context and edited?

>> No.15602773


>> No.15602807

who cares you fucking pseud.

>> No.15602813

That's the most sense he's ever made.

>> No.15602886

the site itself is shut down, but:

>> No.15602903


how disappointing

>> No.15602956

cultural marxists btfo

>> No.15603152


>> No.15603560

They are 100%

>> No.15603814

Yikes my guy

>> No.15603914

I've had to do benzo withdrawal for violent people that some idiots end up giving too much and it's a pain, but it's rare that you have to have them monitored at a hospital.

>> No.15604110

he would never say such thing. He's always been so defensive, he can't admit mistakes
>that's not what I meant
>well depends on what you mean by this
>I didn't say that
and so on and so on

>> No.15604802

he is

>> No.15604912

>even wrote it wrong

>> No.15604924
File: 200 KB, 1200x1200, 4FCB1FB7-24DD-45CE-81AB-DBDB6CFC2ED8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tick tock, rich fags.

>> No.15605365

Fuck off mao

>> No.15605382

Check your privilege, white boys.

>> No.15605420
File: 71 KB, 1024x958, 1591918462592.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Unless you need over a million dollars of credit and can obtain an AmEx Black, then this is retarded and truly is proof of your mental deficiencies. Meanwhile chapter 7 chads like me have had $100ks of debt absolved. Ironically at just 4 years past a bankruptcy my credit is in the 700s and in another 2 years will be nearly perfect whereupon I can take advantage of bankruptcy laws again. Stay cucked and keep listening to Ramsey and the only thing you have to show for it is no money, no assets and just a good boy score which, I would be remissed to state the obvious, that even the best rating won't increase the principle borrowing limit by much relative to salary/securable assets. You are NOT going to make it. *ashes cigar in face.*

>> No.15605475

I’m doing the best I can with what I’ve got. For being the local crazy man, I’m doing pretty great. It doesn’t bother me that other people are more successful than me, because I know it isn’t relevant to my life. I derive my pleasure from the writing and drawing I do, not measuring myself to the people around me.

>> No.15605491

FN had brain cancer, though...

>> No.15605536

Cope. My advice is to take advantage of your credit and try to obtain 10 unsecured loans from different institutions of say around $8k each and next time you are in the nut houses don't pay them a dime. Contact a bankruptcy attorney and wallah, your creditors are the ones getting cucked instead if you. Furthermore, I would advise contacting a disability attorney so taxpayers pay you a respectable salary of around $3000 a month with free medical care in exchange for doing nothing which should be possible if you know what you're doing with FICA taxes and that lump sum you hypothetically are to get. Enough, you won't take this advice to heart so please get out of my office.

>> No.15605551

>recommending disability

>> No.15605577

And check.

>> No.15605618

Be JP. Be a psychiatrist that idolizes "great intellectuals" like Nietzsche. Become wildly successful and make more money than you know what to do with. Holy shit, this is exhausting. Remember you have 20+ years of psychology practice. Remember Nietzsche.

I'm not saying this with certainty, but I think this was the eccentric's weirdo retirement plan. He crashed his own ship in a planned way to create a mythos around himself as a reincarnated Nietzsche. He did it in such a way that all critique of his work is parried by his alleged fallen state. 20+ years of practicing psychology.

>> No.15605644

This website thinks every woman is fucking whoever is next to her I stg. It's probably because none of you have even touched a woman.

>> No.15605656

He probably got syphilis from his daughter

>> No.15605674

Nice I can't wait for Jordan Peterson DEMOLISHES libtard SJW's with FACTS and LOGIC Part 4

>> No.15605676

His daughter is cute

>> No.15605691

this. Most of the obsessed incels here didn't grow up with a sister and it shows

>> No.15605700

Is that a birthday candle in the steak?

>> No.15606220


>> No.15606378
File: 45 KB, 340x419, isthereanythingmorecuckedthanhavingadaughter.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15606869


>> No.15606879


>> No.15606888

Wtf how is he not dead... there is no way the quality of his debating and writing won't be shit after all of the holes that have been taken out of his brain.

>> No.15606932

Please explain, I dont want to be a newfag UwU

>> No.15606973

Sue me for being an only child left to my own devices, the internet was my only friend, who else is gonna raise me and take care of me when I'm 10 years old. I've seen what real family units look like and I really just no sympathy for whatever brand of struggles they have in life

>> No.15606988
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>> No.15607021


>> No.15607030


>> No.15607125

I mean probably not but there are some hard daddy issues

>> No.15607295

you just know

>> No.15607523


>> No.15607534

You’re delusional

>> No.15607882

he also claimed going 25 days without sleep.

>> No.15607914
File: 75 KB, 500x500, 2E657248-DEFE-409C-902F-4A837C24D729.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Make it beautiful

>> No.15607936

Eppicc the curse of Lot stikes again

>> No.15608282


>> No.15608303

No you.

>> No.15608317
File: 161 KB, 774x500, 1583756718000.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>michela's face when she convinces her mother to go on a salt and meat diet and then she gets cancer so her husband starts taking xanax and almost dies so she kidnaps him and takes him to russia while at the same time dumping her husband and kid to go and smoke weed with an arab cage fighting drug smuggler

>> No.15608334

The dude on the right is way hotter tho

>> No.15608339

t. Tranny outcasts projecting

>> No.15608391

It’s part of the all-carnivore diet shit he and his daughter have been shilling. Pure snake oil

>> No.15608398

no he isn't, he's bald and a tryhard

>> No.15608415

The real reason I don't like this guy is because he actually fooled me. I was dumb enough to fall for his rhetoric, the way he simplifies everything - women, society, psychology, relationships, even fucking nutrition. But he has his way with words and fooled me into thinking he was actually a smart and insightful person. Instead all his views can be summarised in 5 minutes. Big Five traits, eat meat, women stay home, communism bad, religion good. He is quintessentially midwit tier. Not a bad person, not necessarily wrong about everything, but I wasted my time and his face pisses me off now.

His daughter is a bitch though. I wish her harm more than him.

>> No.15608481

he's literally bald you retard. left has horrible fashion sense but he's more attractive. AND HE HAS FUCKING HAIR.

>> No.15608508


Dude on the left looks like a simp. The one on the right looks like an actual man

t. femanon

>> No.15608516

tits or gtfo

>> No.15608524

>his brain fried by benzo abuse
>his popularity diminished by zizek
>his arguments completely btfo by almost anyone

>> No.15608543

>actual man
they both have penises and Y chrmosomes, so they are in fact both "actual men." women are so fucking retarded

>> No.15608556

cope more

>> No.15608557
File: 101 KB, 785x731, k0IGUXx.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15608567

This is the time for the redemption arc. This is when arc 2 ends and arc 3 begins

>> No.15608575

Im more interested in what an 'actual woman' is. Some requirements might be having children, not dressing like a whore, etc.

>> No.15608628

>dumping your retarded dad, wealthy husband, and baby to hang out with a broke bald manlet
so did lobsterman drop her on her head or what?

>> No.15608629

i'm not even coping, i'm way more feral than the bald faggot anyway, i just hate when people try to qualify manhood to fit their own worldview. all it does is confuse people, especially children, about their identities and might be the first inkling in their head that could make them start thinking they might be a tranny.
and anyway if you think a real man is supposed to be tough and shit, that dude is sitting in some fancy ass post modern building with full length windows and a giant TV like some pampered little princess. i bet he sleeps in a nice comfy bed too lmao, so tough.
a vagina and two X chromosomes.

>> No.15608656

I'm trans btw if it matters

>> No.15608661

I didnt write that

>> No.15608701

post feet or gtfo already for fuck sake

>> No.15608709

>peterson is not dead
>this makes the trannoids seethe
how do we cleanse evil from this corporeal domain, /lit/?

>> No.15608785

Laundry is a woman's job

>> No.15608888

Maybe he's smart and crazy enough to do it. Maybe it's just that these things are in the destiny of figures like this.

The stuff he says here is legit phenomenal. He might ramble sometimes and talk about esoteric literature that you don't need to hear outside of academia, but he does say profound things and he can pick apart issues in a great way.
His interview with the BBC woman was great, and many of the things he's said relating to politics were well done.
He also has a much better personality than nearly all other memey internet figures.
He's read a lot of big brain books and he helps to distill some of these things for the everyday person so they don't have to read the super dry impenetrable masterworks of ye olde scholars, most people just will not ever encounter these types of books.

>> No.15609274
File: 18 KB, 314x450, Jacques-Derrida.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jordan Peterson wasn't smart enough to be a psychiatrist.

>> No.15609357

If anything he might've pulled a few people out. Zizek has many of the same criticisms of SJWs/political correctness, would you say he also pulled people into the alt right?

>> No.15609431

he won't really come back though
old minds are soft minds
even if he fully unfucks his shit he won't attain any kind of spark of insight that would make him write or say anything new or compelling

>> No.15609472

If you want to be trans about it..

>> No.15609479

>His interview with the BBC woman was great
What an idiot.

>> No.15609601

Why would someone who is so terrified that Marxists are undermining the Capitalist west he gets hysterics go to a hospital in Russia?

>> No.15609954

Something about solzhenitsyn

>> No.15610028

Pass me the benzo

>> No.15610045

YEEEEHH this thread has made me very happy. Thanks for breaking me the news.

>> No.15610063

because Russia is not Marxist...What kind of idiotic post is this

>> No.15610152
File: 863 KB, 1920x1080, 1568855537408.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what decade are you living in?

>> No.15611753

imagine the smell

>> No.15611897


>> No.15612239


>> No.15612261

Weekend at Jordans

>> No.15612638


>> No.15612913

>When your daughter gets stuck under the bed while you're making her clean her room

>> No.15612932

>Dude on the left looks like a simp.
You don't know what simp means.

The main difference is that one has tattoos, they're pretty much the same otherwise apart from the baldness. You might have a baldness fetish but you're way more likely to have a tatts fetish.

>> No.15613209

This anon masturbates to this fantasy
t. Freud Pro

>> No.15613846


>Candle in a steak instead of an actual cake

Is this guy fucking serious? Does he actually believe that eating nothing but red meat is good for him? It's probably what's making him loopy.

>> No.15613869

Terry Davis?

>> No.15613916

you have no idea what the fuck you're talking about
it's certainly not 3 days "and cured" you imbecile
first month or so feels like absolute hell and then after you still feel awful quite often for any number of months
t. benzo addict

>> No.15613932

Just don't feel awful lol

>> No.15614066

I guess it still follows the carnivore diet...

>> No.15614377

well she is smoking hot

>> No.15614832

I hope you die

>> No.15614842


>> No.15614850

is he fukking this chick?

>> No.15614881

Do you think Peterson fucks his daughter? Do you think it's hot wet dirty sex?

>> No.15614925

I'll admit it: I'm very jealous and resentful of the fact that this guy has the success (and money) that he does, despite the fact that his ideas are mediocre at best. He should have taken the millions from the book deal and retreated to a quiet beach or mountain town and get out of public life entirely.

>> No.15614984

Maps of Meaning was good

>> No.15615033

>Washyor Penisson thread
>over 200 replies
I cant believe /sci/ invented time travel and they are frittering it away on this nonsense.

>> No.15615086

Were you also fooled by this guy? Few of my friends were really into him, I also bought his 12 rules, but never fully read it, mostly because of laziness kek.
Overall I started getting off him after Žižek debate, he really was outclassed there.
All of this in my opinion completely disregards him, not only as a writer, but as a psychologist. I doubt he will be able to return to his life as a professor, not mentioning being so popular and influential to get a gig with Žižek.
Also his daughter is completely lulwat.

>> No.15615144

god i wish

>> No.15615280

Can't tell if you're joking. Are there any recent videos of him talking or communicating?

>> No.15615402

>Are there any recent videos of him talking or communicating?
No, because it's embarrassing. The daughter is still hoping he will just "snap out of it" some day. Sad.

>> No.15615578

This post is prime example of why we need patriarchy

>> No.15615881


>> No.15616185


>> No.15616484

based femanon sticking up for baldies

>> No.15616565

where is this from?
who is the guy?

>> No.15617028


>> No.15617078
File: 24 KB, 300x250, nietzschefrog.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please come back JP

>> No.15617486

He's the Soviet superhero "The Amazing Rollerman". His only weakness is descending low stairs while trying to keep up with other WWII veterans.

>> No.15617541

Oh god theres a lot of people who can't get their PHD funded who are venting their jealousy in this thread lmao

>> No.15617877

Based beyond belief

>> No.15617878


>primitive sign language

You mean Jungian psychoanalysis?

>> No.15617883

JP's brain is on an extended leave of absence, I'm afraid. We'll have to wait and see if it's a permanent retirement or just an extended vacation.

>> No.15617902

It's on sabbatical to research JP's forthcoming book called "Wirrdkjosmhfejnsdjsjjdm,mmrf".

>> No.15617909


i don't want a phd, i want patreon bucks...

subscribe to my cult...

>> No.15617920
File: 1.37 MB, 207x207, laughing gentleman.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15618174

Besides being a meme and having a retarded fanbase, is there anything legit wrong with Peterson's work?

>> No.15618214

Writers tend to get the audiences they deserve qualitatively, but not quantitatively.

>> No.15618218


From what I hear, Maps of Meaning is the substantive work, 12 Rules the meme.

>> No.15618227
File: 922 KB, 400x225, tumblr_mn2ihif4dp1srb4uqo1_400.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maps of Memeing.

>> No.15618272


You could post the stupidest bullshit in the world and I'd still agree with you because I love that .gif.

>> No.15618284
File: 1.47 MB, 320x180, ibrow.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Means of Mapping.

>> No.15618333


how old are you?