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File: 292 KB, 565x400, Foucault-Chomsky-debate.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15615979 No.15615979 [Reply] [Original]

how do you go from this

>> No.15615986
File: 29 KB, 512x294, unnamed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

to this?

>> No.15615994

Why do both of the commies wear such short socks? Or alternatively, wear pants not long enough?

>> No.15615998

Chomsky is not a commie

>> No.15616005

wait i don’t get it are they the same 3 people?

>> No.15616009

Man on right chair got replaced by a subhuman?

>> No.15616020

Did you see Caleb Maupin debate Stephan Molymeme?

>> No.15616025

Because the avant garde of the social discourse lives on the forefront of media— any debate trying get to replicate what happened between Chomsky’s and Foucault is just a self-serving publicity operation in the paradigm of years past. For confirmation of this look at the age of the people debating

>> No.15616028
File: 223 KB, 492x325, 1585775339673.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>televised "debates"
read books

>> No.15616030 [DELETED] 

What the fuck are these niggers even debating? I've watched the whole damn thing and I don't even know what the fuck they disagree about

>> No.15616138

What happened?

>> No.15616160

Wasn't it about language?

>> No.15616413

CHOMSKY: We should live in a more humane society.
FOUCAULT: Ah, but your idea of “humane” has been shaped by the society you grew up in.
CHOMSKY: Sure, but nevertheless.

>> No.15616519

everytime i see this image i take a good laugh remembering how much a brainlet lobster guy is
it's even more ridiculous by the way the acts, all pompous like he knows shit except saying to young males to clean their bedroom bc some story of bible said so kek

>> No.15616596

Basically this. That debate was wrestlemania for academic plebs. Foucault was the cool attentionwhoring that americans always wanted to be, while rejecting his own nerd, who also thinks the same that the french meme himself, but in another thought structure.

>> No.15616623

rent free

>> No.15616650

peterson read the communist manifesto in preparation for a debate with someone that actually has an understanding of marx. no wonder his benzo cope put him into a coma

>> No.15616814

i personally find peterson smart i mean he was able to con a lot of people and make a lot money out of pretending to be an intellectual thats based on my book

>> No.15616858

Neither debate had anything of substance to even debate, the Peterson debate in particular was about Happiness or something retarded. The topic for these things is always intentionally as nebulous as possible so pseuds from each side can construe whatever conclusions they want as their preferred fraud tells them what to believe with 'their' sophistry.

>> No.15616872

The Peterson-Zizek debate was fucking great. It wasn't a debate at all. Just a conversation that I think everyone was really curious to hear. At the end they came to a point of seeming agreement, though of course not really. Zizek is obviously more well-read and well-spoken about Marxism because that's basically his job. I only watched it back when it aired but I remember thinking it was the best possible outcome. I feel like Peterson really learned something from it, though I don't know if he's said anything about it since.

>> No.15617141 [DELETED] 


you don't have to be smart to grift. just look at dave rubin and candace owens

>> No.15617155


you don't have to be smart to grift. just look at dave rubin and candace owens. that shit isn't based it's just pathetic. yeah they make cash with it but you can also just sell your ass on the street corner and make money. doesn't make hookers smart

>> No.15617165

Mostly hacks. The quality improved.

>> No.15617174

>Chomsky's socks are clearly different colours, one blue and the other black
>anon comments on their length instead
You might be colourblind.

>> No.15617178

>lists only right wing people
>compares it to street prostitution which anyone can do and makes little money
I don't think you're qualified to evaluate who is smart

>> No.15617205

Yeah he's a bit of a loon as psychologists tend to be
He claims to have a 150 IQ btw

>> No.15617228

Not who you're responding to and I don't even know who Dave Rubin is but your post is stupid and he's not wrong. Grifting doesn't require intelligence and plenty of whores out there make more selling their bodies than you do.

>> No.15617230

anarchism is almost identical to communism

>> No.15617271
File: 1001 KB, 140x160, 746FE351-B8D6-41CA-BB87-C0A190F179D5.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.15617594

You're right, communism is anarchism except not pantshittingly retarded.

>> No.15617628

okay grandpa

>> No.15617656

I believe he said that he only read a bit of it.

>> No.15617664

>150 IQ
Why is his book a bunch of rambling nonsense then?

>> No.15617762

>doesn't know the difference between Marxist-Leninism and Communism

Come on butterfly, you're better than this

>> No.15617911

He's a mentally unstable junkie.

>> No.15619028

why the fuck is this debate talked about so much? never have i seen a debate so uneventful create so many threads

>> No.15619048

They're literally polar opposites.

>> No.15619057

pls don't post aggie, moth. she's too good for you.

>> No.15619061

>He claims to have a 150 IQ btw
Kek yeah yeah i'm a 264

>> No.15619107

We would get along nicely.

Hm pardon. Most people confuse communism with Leninism, so I lapsed. Not sure what anon meant.

>> No.15619288

Anarchism is communism without counterintuitive extra steps

>> No.15619313

I love this video so much it triggers tankies so hard

>> No.15619338

Zizek refuted Foucault during this

>> No.15619498 [DELETED] 

They look white and gold to me

>> No.15619529


>> No.15619559

jeebus christmas

>> No.15619608 [DELETED] 

They should get Chomsky and Zizek to debate whether it's Yanny or Laurel

>> No.15619695

It was on human nature. Chomsky argues it comes from within and that it is virtuous via our innate capacity for language. Foucault argues that this nature comes from without-us and is formed by power structures.
>Chomsky: we shape history
>Foucault: history shapes us

>> No.15619723

are you mentally deficient

>> No.15619814 [DELETED] 
File: 194 KB, 1024x849, 1577353498516.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

have you fantasized about her?
>pic related