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15593356 No.15593356 [Reply] [Original]

Whatever happened to the popularity of Anarcho communism within the -chansphere? You used to have anons shilling Proudhon and Kropotkin and saying Catalonia this and Spanish civil war that. Did they finally get tired and just embrace the state?

>> No.15593382

The irony and shitposting was lost on the right-wingers

>> No.15593396

> You used to have anons shilling Proudhon and Kropotkin and saying Catalonia this and Spanish civil war that.
when was that?

>> No.15593414

abt a week ago

>> No.15593422

Anarcho-communism is pure cringe. Bread Tube ruined it. When you have people like Thought Slime (link below) preaching it, you know you’re on the wrong side.


>> No.15593430

Decentralized non-hierarchical societies will always be beaten by a centralized state for purely logistical reasons.

>> No.15593438

oh fuck off, that was only the troll topic of the week then.

>> No.15593448

>Fucking thoughtslime

>> No.15593454

This. An anarcho-communist collective is just a very informal and an accordingly handicapped state.

>> No.15593458

OP here, I'd say 3-5 years ago

>> No.15593471

its retarded and cringe
ancoms are all LARPy bugmen
ancom theory is bunk
Generative Anthropology annihilated anarchism forever - decentralisation is not possible qua the inherently centralised mode of human sociality.
There will always be a centre, regardless of however ephemerally held because there will always be someone or something that holds the most shared attention and thus the most influence.
And even if it were possible to establish an ancom social order theres no manner in which a sustainable communal order of any significant size could ever be geopolitically feasible.
Collective decision making is bunk because a desires beyond memetic desire are constructed by an intentional agent.
There is always a prime-mover in any decision making body.
Read C.A. Bond, read Dennis Bouvard.

>> No.15593495

It's hard to ignore when anarchists share 99% of their social worldviews with Goldman Sachs and JPMorgan

>> No.15593500


>> No.15593521

social progressivism is a tool of capital
even more fundamentally it is a tool employed by the insecure power centres for further centralisation

>> No.15593530

like unless youre some kind of socially conservative ancom which doesn't seem to exist and is a contradiction

>> No.15593539

buttertard ruined it

>> No.15593569

I’ll ask again: where?

>> No.15593599

Go read C.A. Bond.
Any political identity claiming to forward equality, freedom from the political order etc., is a tool for centralisation.
He documents it well with empirical examples.
In the ancom support for racial equality, LGBT etc.,
The New Left of the 60s was bankrolled by the Carnegie Corporation, Ford and Rockefeller Foundation.
BLM is Open Societies.
And so on and so forth.

>> No.15593604

Audience grew up

>> No.15593615

Anyone who's intelligent realizes that globalism is a better way of achieving local sovereignty

>> No.15593674

I guess the years of right-wingers defending corporations never really existed outside of my head

>> No.15593732

feixista llepa culs. me cago en la creu i les cinc llagues de Crist

>> No.15593744

Please stop shilling this. You're not making a good case for it.

>> No.15593748

>never really existed outside of my head
Don't pretend to be retarded. Of course the conservatives were defending them. The conservatives were totally snowed.

>> No.15593754

I think they moved to leftypol

>> No.15593758

Well being socially conservative an pro-capital is an antinomy.
The Catholic position has historically always been anti-capital (anti-usury) and was the first to suffer under captialism.
Father Coughlin is a good example of anti-captialist right wing Catholicism pre-WWII.
Older than that is Rerum Novarum.
Seethe harder faggot Bond destroyed everything that isn't ontologically absolute

>> No.15593790

AntiFa ruined it for everyone.

>> No.15593801

I've been GA-pilled for 3 years. Please just stop. You don't pass the IQ-check, you're not qualified to shill it.

>> No.15593828

s'ha acabat el bròquil feixista de merda

>> No.15593840
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Antifa is based though

>> No.15593860


>> No.15593894

No one actually believes any of these meme ideologies.

>> No.15593925
File: 213 KB, 720x1280, IMG_6082.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they totally do though

>> No.15593938

antifa is no more than a wing of the elites and you are a fool if you don't see this. Look at their targets, low income areas, places needed by the poor and the working class. thing sin Dc were fairly calm and subdued, the places of the powerful and the rich remain undamaged.

>> No.15593943
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>> No.15593999

They grew up.

>> No.15594022

Proudhon was not communist

>> No.15594038

>Bread Tube
Has anyone ever fell out of relevancy faster than these people?

>> No.15594092

anomalous was never explicitly marxist when it was relevant and it took leftypol guys a couple years to actually read all the shit they kept telling each other to read. nobody who's still using 4chan at this point is going to willingly associate with transgender wiccan system administrators or greasy rust belt pubebeards who spend all day tweeting that's not a realistic expectation

>> No.15594196
File: 245 KB, 1162x1755, A8BAF282-496C-4DF7-A64A-582C13EE4568.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hopefully out and about making their dreams come true.
Can’t do it online.
Here, read the latest a greatest chapter in anarcho-communist thought

>> No.15594231

What a minute. Why is the CHAZ now called the CHOP?

>> No.15594247


They're Petersonfags now.

>> No.15594266

it went mainstream

>> No.15594269

How so?

You wish.

>> No.15594337

most of these are Marxists not anarchists

>> No.15594344

I'm joking of course, in case you didn't know

>> No.15594356

AnCom is cringe (not as cringe as statist cucks though). Individualist anarchism, mutualism, egoism are based.

>> No.15594360

That died with Occupy

>> No.15594368

I’ve been shilling the book since I started on it. I am not kidding around here.

>> No.15594385
File: 96 KB, 1200x800, DB7696A8-EA5F-45D2-9F1B-B88E7537785B.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I’m still an egoist individual, but you must know that movement will never bring about the end of capitalism. You have to make peace with the collective. We need everyone to help build the union of egoists

>> No.15594393

Take the globalist pill butterfly

>> No.15594459


>> No.15594475

Would you consider christian communes like the shakers or more hard core quakers right wing ancom?

>> No.15594500

Yah, but they are usually more honest about it. The two faced holier than thou lefty is far more annoying. I can at least respect a capitalist pig for waring the nametag on their shirt welcoming me to mcdonalds instead of throwing shit at the golden archs before going in to get a 6 piece chicken mcnugget after their little show is over.

>> No.15594680

>Two faced
One face is left-liberal, “soc-dem”. The other are anti capitalistS, socialists.
It’s not two faces. It’s two different groups with radically different ideologies.
Fast food workers aren’t capitalist. They’re just wage slaves. they may dream of becoming a capitalist, but more often grind their souls to dust

>> No.15594797

Well this is anecdotal but for me I realized that thought slime, non complete, etc. were cringe and dumb.
Also found out that Marx BTFO'd Anarchism by being more anarchist than the anarchists while being less cringe about it.

>> No.15594822

Ha! He completely misunderstood Stirner and Bakunin, and then layer Lenin misunderstood him.

I bet ya if you Put Michael Parenti and Caleb Maupin into a room together a fight would break out
“Scientific socialism” bah

>> No.15594842
File: 176 KB, 669x465, stuff.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the chans were never leftist
/lit/ had one or two marxists prior to 2014 but when 8 ch*n leftypol came out they left

>> No.15594890

what is thought slime?

>> No.15594920

Nope. That was always just stormfag leakage. You were always invaders.

>> No.15594979

Is that moot in the second pic in the second row?

>> No.15596181

>quoting Stirner
lmao the problem with modern """anarchists""" is that they're almost without exception fundamentally radical progressives, they talk big about revolt, violence and moral legitimacy of disobedience towards the state but they wouldn't be able to last 2 weeks in a society without state power. an anarchist community is only possible between Nietzschean Ubermenschen

>> No.15596772

Damn, an insane homeless man destroyed The People's Garden! Why didn't somebody call the c... oh, right.

>> No.15596800

Anarcho communism doesn't work. The moment two people need and want something inside the commune stack then boom, a totalitarian state will be formed. Self destructive thought.

>> No.15596809

The state wasn't a conspiracy like anarchists think, it's a natural outcome of agriculture.

>> No.15596822

none of that ever happend.
The only anarchism that was popular for 2 seconds was max stirner and ted k

>> No.15596829

And the Ted K stuff was really just viral marketing for a Netflix special.

>> No.15596845

Is more like, the "for each according to his needs" thought of anarcho communists is just outright retarded, it renders the efforts, passion, intelligence, etc of someone, useless since all you do will be taken away in the stack because anyone at any time can want it or need it. This is just shit that is doomed to end in conflict between people.

>> No.15596858


>> No.15596859

Anarchism hasn't been attractive outside of largely peasant societies as a serious model that would have any popular support.

>> No.15596863

Yeah, do anarchists think guys that amass huge wealth like Jeff Bezos or Larry Ellison will stop wanting stuff?

>> No.15596866

Maybe you should try reading about anarchism instead of coming up with headcanons

>> No.15596896

anarcho communism, that's what we are talking about, not anarchism in genereal.

>> No.15596917

They went to other websites, like leftypol. It’s also a moribund ideology whose only adherents are confused teens and 20-somethings desperate for a just and perfect world.
It doesn’t help that nobody can explain it on paper, and in practice you get something resembling the CHAZ.

>> No.15596925

Ever notice how these anarchist things spring up every ten years or so? 1999 Seattle, 2008 Zucotti, 2020 Seattle again, etc. It's because that's how long it takes for another crop of naive young kids to come up.

>> No.15596926

Your understanding is pretty superficial regardless

>> No.15596946

Obviously not, but Bezos and Ellison would be private property owners and Ancoms are against private ownership.

>> No.15596951

Is not though, that's how it literally is, at least point out why is it superficial.

>> No.15596958

The place turned into a midwit shithole of normie phoneposters and poltards
Before you got your phone and heard about the internet hate machine

>> No.15596969

I've been on here long enough to know you are talking out your ass. Pool's closed

>> No.15596984

They all fucked off to infinity chan and after the kill, they moved to twitter and discord.

>> No.15596993

my guess is they would say people like Bezos would be executed and then once private property is abolished people like that "just won't exist anymore man, they won't be allowed to" (which would require coercion, which would require granting a group of people the legit rites of using coercion, which would create a monopoly on the legitimate use of force, which would create....?) ancoms aren't the brightest

>> No.15596994

We were pissing about because since Hitler offed himself no one has ever taken fascist retards seriously
And then you all came along and had no idea what irony was

>> No.15597003

yeah this shit is basically a Seattle tradition, I feel bad for their police

>> No.15597005

Sounds like an extreme religion where any non-believer has to be executed in order to keep the fantasy going.

>> No.15597021

that's why the idea can persist, because it could actually work with a small enough group of people, then they falsely extrapolate it to nations of millions

>> No.15597115

Pick one and only one

>> No.15597118

Socialism is beneficial to the individual, what's the issue?

>> No.15597128

if you plan on being a parasite

>> No.15597142

>Socialism is beneficial to the individual
Socialism is a collectivist ideology.

>> No.15597143

Radical egalitarian thought always breeds a social justice inclination and slave morality.

>> No.15597168

>I’ve been here since Boxxy!
I’ve been longer, sadly enough. And I’m hardly saying the place was all lefties, I’m just denying is was always one sided full of genuine racists.
They’re a vanishing group and they get irritable about it and pretend their base is growing, but it just isn’t so.

Seattle was alway socialist at its roots

>> No.15597170

140iq+ brothers are mutualists

>> No.15597183

>socialism is when the state does stuff!
No. Stop talking about it till you what it is.
It’s both. It’s based in reality, and yes, some adherents get too wrapped up in their favourite extreme, but they can’t do without the other

>> No.15597239

People grew up and realized anarcho-communism is no different from anarcho-primitivism in practice.

>> No.15597246

>muh individualism
>muh collectivism
Can people please stop using these highly context-specific meme words as if they're somehow clearly defined? Please thanks.

>> No.15597249

Human beings are social animals, we benefit from being in a social collective

>> No.15597263

Good. Now you can justify the existance of a state. The only thing preventing you from being an adult is realizing that market forces are the only effective way to coordinate large-scale production in a way where you don't end up with massive shortages or excessive surpluses of goods and services.

>> No.15597273

I believe in a globalist state, and local communities

>> No.15597274

Assuming you're an anarcho-communist*

>> No.15597283

How would you justify an international state?

>> No.15597304

socialism literally ends up being “vanguard party seizes the state, nationalizes assets, and expands welfare” 99% of the time though

>> No.15597307

An international state is beneficial for most people, most evil is perpetrated through small scale tyranny having a global world order will help protect more vulnerable communities. I'm a supporter of NATO and international law as well, as you know I'm not exactly an anarchist in a strict sense but I have sympathies for them.

>> No.15597323

>heard about the internet hate machine
This. The unironic "le internet hate machine" posters we're seeing more and more of are the true cancer.
>Pool's closed
You've probably never even been on Habbo, stop living vicariously through knowyourmaymay entries.

>> No.15597335

I found the butthurt lefty

>> No.15597343

So you would prefer the entire world look like Brazil and India instead of a place like say, Japan, Iceland or the Netherlands?

>> No.15597347
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>pro-NATO anarchist sympathizer
what the fuck did they mean by this?

>> No.15597356

>The Catholic position has historically always been anti-capital (anti-usury) and was the first to suffer under captialism.
It's way more complicated than that. It's never been anti-usury because usury was permitted through non-Christians, it's anti-uncontrolled usury. Similarly it took a pro-feudal stance from the early Renaissance, which has elements of capitalism and eventually led to the industrial revolution and what not.

>> No.15597376
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Might makes right

>> No.15597379

The issue is it's kind of not unless you're popular. There is no such thing as "going your own way" in socialism. If the majority doesn't like you for whatever reason, you're absolutely fucked.
Perhaps but that's a red herring insofar that mentioning this only serves to refuse discussion on egalitarian socialism/communism if it was stable.

>> No.15597401

The truth is that you being antisocial or autistic as an individual doesn't affect society. Most people can find their place socially, you don't have to be "popular" to be accepted by other people and it beats living in a cave and jerking off all day

>> No.15597418

normies now think of this place as a nazi alt right message board so as people grow out of this place they are replaced at a disproportionate rate by trumpers who think this is their safe space.

>> No.15597421

It’s usually used to shut down conversations yes, but it’s also a necessary part of an honest discussion.

>> No.15597448


Lefties completely and irreversibly btfo.


>> No.15597462


Or maybe the winds of culture have switched back to the right by grace of the Lord, whilst leftoids trannyfi themselves and have a yearly 1/2 chance of offing. We own the memes of production now commie bitch

>> No.15597465

nope 4chan was always far right and racist
the anarchkiddie stuff were just pseudo leakage

>> No.15597470

>nope 4chan was always far right
We were on totally different 4chans

>> No.15597478
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All of these things are being used to create a better world, the only people who seethe are either the retarded, fascist states, or genuinely fucked in the head individuals. Having a benevolent centralized global government is ultimately necessary, some people will kick and scream but they're bad people and the losers of history.

>> No.15597481


>I'm a supporter of NATO and international law as wel

Yeah well those Iraqis, Syrians and Libyans must be hella grateful for your approved bombs. NATO is the only reason Turkey is able to shit on the Syrians, Greeks and Kurds simultanously and thoroughly loot their borderregions.
INT law and int orgs are just a way for the many to rule over the few

>> No.15597488


Few over the many*

>> No.15597497

The NY Times actually published an op-ed calling for the abolition of the police! Finally, a solution to high rent in NYC!

>> No.15597506

no you're just making things up at this point

>> No.15597520

So are you if you think 4chan was always "far right", I'm not saying 4chan was leftist but things only began to change when stormfront got shut and they migrated here

>> No.15597620

I don't think you understand - neither what authority does to people, nor what socialism entails when you consider what authority does to people.
As you seem to expect basic decency of most, what you fail to consider is that people under the influence of authority are corrupted by incentive into viscious sociopaths who abuse without conscience to satisfy their twisted desires.
So then if you consider that socialism means for your freedom and livelihood to be at the mercy of the majority's whims, you will see that if they want your house, they'll take it over and kick you out or tell you to sleep in the basement. That if they want your clothes, they'll strip you naked. That if they want to chain you up and beat you to shit, that's what they'll do. That if they want to rape you, they'll be sure to stuff up every hole in your body. And that if they want to lynch you over a dissenting opinion, you will quickly find yourself on a cross or in a noose.

>> No.15597647

It's embarrassing to admit this now, but I was in fact one of the people trolling on habbo back in the day. The pool will in fact, forever be closed due to AIDS. 4chan wasn't always /pol/, but to claim that it was lefty is ridiculous. If anything it was apolitical, hence the "doing it for the lulz" mentality

>> No.15597891

Old 4chan was full of anti-authoritarians that leaned libertarian. None of you were here for chanology and miscontrued the racism as something genuine with an ideology behind it. Hate you stupid /pol/ fuckers trying to appropriate everything. Look at how weev was like before he got radicalized in prison, that was the average *channer back in the day.

>> No.15597920

kill yoursself commie

>> No.15597954

Yeah, I remember all that shit. Fucking stormfags.
>4chan wasn't always /pol/, but to claim that it was lefty is ridiculous. If anything it was apolitical, hence the "doing it for the lulz" mentality
That was my point, it wasn't "far right", it wasn't much of anything. If anything, it was boringly middle of the road American (center-right in most of the rest of the world), I can remember the odd time communism popped up in an animoo that you had that typical "wah they are being childish because communism is childish for some reason" US response.

Discussion of anarchism and communism was definitely a bit of a thing on /lit/ and a few other boards, nowhere was sympathetic to neo-naziism or whatever.

>> No.15597961

Isn't all "real" Marxist communism "anarcho"-communism? Isn't the goal of Marxism inherently anti-state?

>> No.15597965
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ancoms when they see a hobo doing mortal kombat over carrots in the CHAZ garden: thats a CIA asset


>> No.15597976

That fucking normie meme.

>> No.15598063

Nah, i remembered a few neo naziis here. Nowhere near the amount there was later on, but there was a similar (maybe slightly less) then anarch and commie threads. People blame stormfrobt but thats partially polemic, there was some before hand and stormfags were just a big stimulus package.

>> No.15598101

Imagine passing all the background checks, lie detectors, vetting, etc. to get into the CIA, and they send you to dance around on some anarchist carrots. I guess it's better than having to video tape ISIS executions and post them to Twitter though.

>> No.15598118

Stop making nonsense up brah, there's a reason there isn't a stormfag equivalent.

>> No.15598119

Is there anything more pretentious, attention-seeking?

>> No.15598144

woah bugs easy on the carrots

>> No.15598183

I can't find it on libgen or lib.eu - too bad I wanted to read it.

>> No.15598226

collectivism and individualism are well defined in sociology and you have famous studies like the IBM workplaces from the 90's which show these traits out over people from different nations, working for the same shit and having been filtered already for their work skills.

America, UK, Sweden tend to be indiviudalistic.
Romania, Greece, Portugal, Slovenia, Russia tend to be collectivistic.

East Germany after the Berlin Wall fell down surprise, surprise was scoring high on collectivism.

Collectivism can be boiled down brutishly to " who do I call to fix my problem? "

>> No.15598468

This, everyone should read Against the Grain.

>> No.15598526

Ancom was never popular on the chans, not even leftypol. It's mostly a reddit thing.

>> No.15598548

>let me just cite this contrarian thesis not supported by the majority of research
how about I just countercite wilhelm reich

>> No.15598599

The advent of socialism is so remote that no egoist would waste its effort pushing for it when this energy would be better employed furthering its self interest in the framework of the capitalist system. Right now you MUST be spooked to be a true believer in socialism in the west.

>> No.15598615

4chan was always kinda racist but it wasn't militant then. And the dominant political paradigm was Libertarianism. Ron Paul was 4chan's favorite for two consecutive elections.

>> No.15598635

It's only true if the other people are nothing to you. If you live in a small commune as many anarchists envision, the other members of the commune are like (and often literally) family.

>> No.15598649

Leftists in general kept getting trolled and it never stopped.

>> No.15598671

The neo nazis were here from the beginning but they were concentrated in /n/ which was a tiny board with little influence.

>> No.15598691

Just Google it man I found a PDF

>> No.15599058

You mean /new/. From what I remember /n/ was bus and train autism.

>> No.15599253

>Did they finally get tired and just embrace the state?
Not tired, educated.

>> No.15599725

Don't care, You will all hang

>> No.15599810



>A détournement is a technique developed in the 1950s by the Letterist International,[7][8] and consist in "turning expressions of the capitalist system against itself,"[66] like turning slogans and logos against the advertisers or the political status quo.[67] Détournement was prominently used to set up subversive political pranks, an influential tactic called situationist prank that was reprised by the punk movement in the late 1970s[68] and inspired the culture jamming movement in the late 1980s.[66]

>The SI rejected all art that separated itself from politics, the concept of 20th-century art that is separated from topical political events.[3][28] The SI believed that the notion of artistic expression being separated from politics and current events is one proliferated by reactionary considerations to render artwork that expresses comprehensive critiques of society impotent.[3] They recognized there was a precise mechanism followed by reactionaries to defuse the role of subversive artists and intellectuals, that is, to reframe them as separated from the most topical events, and divert from them the taste for the new that may dangerously appeal the masses; after such separation, such artworks are sterilized, banalized, degraded, and can be safely integrated into the official culture and the public discourse, where they can add new flavors to old dominant ideas and play the role of a gear wheel in the mechanism of the society of the spectacle.

>The first edition of Internationale Situationniste defines the constructed situation as "a moment of life concretely and deliberately constructed by the collective organization of a unitary ambiance and a game of events."

>As the SI embraced dialectical Marxism, the situation came to refer less to a specific avant-garde practice than to the dialectical unification of art and life more generally. Beyond this theoretical definition, the situation as a practical manifestation thus slipped between a series of proposals.

>The SI thus were first led to distinguish the situation from the mere artistic practice of the happening, and later identified it in historical events such as the Paris Commune in which it exhibited itself as the revolutionary moment. The SI's interest in the Paris Commune was expressed in 1962 in their fourteen "Theses on the Paris Commune".

>> No.15600075

There was definitely a strong situationist presence on the chans, if the subject ever came up you would get a lot of talk suddenly. I can remember some high quality posts nonchalantly discussing how Andy Warhol was a response to the '68 ... I think probably SCUM manifesto but a lot of things happened in '68. Similarly the continuous posting of that video of the guy fucking with Lacan's shit.

I mean I think the telling thing is that we had the Chomsky Foucault debate posted regularly here, and Zizek, and Chris Hitchens, and almost any interesting left thinker. There weren't the equivalent postings of guys like Buckley back then, there isn't really now even. The closest was probably interest in Pope Benedict's work around 2013-5ish (so in the early Francis years), and that DFW was a Reaganite (although that barely comes up if at all).

>> No.15601081

In these days of imaginary diseases, money printing, fake civil war, and police whose role is just to stop people going out of their home, i wouldn't be so sure.

>> No.15601151

>doing it for the lulz
And what would you say that was if not anarchism? It's saying fuck you to everyone trying to tell you what to do
It's not apolotical, that would be passive, doing as you're told
It's not rightist, because that is telling others to do what you are told to tell them to do
Fuck commies, but fuck pol moreso for turning the site into a shithole version of every other online media

>> No.15601174 [DELETED] 

It seems like a lot more POCs are interested in using Citibike now that they saw everyone riding them during the riots, I mean, protests last week. About time people realize how rad bike share are.

>> No.15601188

Fuck off twerp

>> No.15601194


>> No.15601444

Bruhs, what just happened in Atlanta? I just took a look at the woke stream and it's all tuned to Atlanta streamers and there are fucking cops everywhere!

>> No.15601460

Oh, I guess some protesters are burning down a Wendy's. Meh.

>> No.15601470

Current narrator says they are lighting gas lines or something.

>> No.15601542

The guy that got shot in Atlanta last night was fucking up two cops and almost stole their tazer, but the clips on news don't show that part.

>> No.15601581

Does Atlanta not have fire trucks or what? Are they going to even attempt to put that shit out before it blow up the gas station?

>> No.15601588

The anons from 2011-2013 are all mostly dead from being obese and idle in their computer chairs for years on end. They were all useless fucks, even if they were more literate than the douchebags browsing this board now.

>> No.15601604 [DELETED] 

Wow, the reason rioters go for Wendy's is because they apparently have gas lines for cooking inside that can be lit up easily. I did not know that!

>> No.15602879
File: 879 KB, 628x799, bruh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We still exist, comrade.

>> No.15602899
File: 111 KB, 424x553, 1538857968295.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This site used to be a lot more libertarian in general, it's gotten more authoritarian along with the rest of American society. That said, fuck you anarkiddie.

>> No.15602905

>don't divide people by race
>antifa attacks 'class reductionist' leftists

>> No.15602911

Fuck off nigger we don't want them

>> No.15603008
File: 14 KB, 480x360, BFF7778C-C6AC-4842-9CC4-CBD3ABD4B0CA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Add Herod to the list

Go be stupid somewhere else.

>> No.15603140

Can someone explain how anarcho-communism works and how it worked in Catalonia? seems like a meme that was pushed hard by chomsky and other leftists

>> No.15603219

>I don’t want to stretch the parallel too far but in America in early 60s as the New Left movement was beginning there was a wide spread hostility to Marxism and in the course of 6-8 years, these kinds of libertarian rejections of Marxism went into decline and people became more and more attracted to different kinds of Marxism.
>And I believe something similar is happening today. There’s a real Marxist renaissance going on in western Europe and the US and many people that I’m familiar with have started out as anarchists, and Situationists and they relatively quickly find their way to the study of Capital and the serious study of the failures of the old revolutionary movement and become left communist or close to left communist.
>Anarchism, for example, is really not very interesting as a theory of contemporary capitalist society and people who are attracted to it because it rejects Soviet Marxist or Maoist models, very quickly get bored with it and that’s when they begin to discover the richer Marxist alternative.

>> No.15603240

Syndicalism was what was employed in Catalonia. It's unionism writ large.
AnCom is that plus a union of the whole community. What I've been shilling with Herod's Getting Free.
It's like equal parts Thomas Paine, Mikhail Bakunin and Murray Bookchin in 170 pages

>> No.15603400

So is there capitalism in anarcho communism (since its anarchism)? Is there private property? Why would people bother innovating and designing new shit in anarcho communism

>> No.15603659
File: 85 KB, 803x645, B for Bendetta.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15603762

It was different time.

>> No.15603771

All the anarcho kiddies here picked up Marx and are now full blown statists, much like how all the ancaps are now fascists

>> No.15604031

That's genius and if you don't like it or find it "cringe" you don't belong here.

>> No.15604036

I remember the ancap trolls.

>> No.15604698

The right can't meme

>> No.15604709

>imaginary diseases
Press C to make this anon get corona

>> No.15604720

Krop is so fucking cute. He's like the cutest grandpa ever, almost like Santa, but the bonus of being an anarchist and a revolutionary

>> No.15604923

> Anarcho communism.

>> No.15606053

>ancaps are now fascists
It's not a coincidence that /pol/ used to have sizable libertarian presence.

>> No.15606082

I wouldnt. Because it wasnt necissarily opposed to hierarchy either. It was upposed to stick up your ass caring about shit, INCLUDING any idea of systematicly deconstructing systems. If anything it was egoist.

>> No.15606093

Or egoist libertarian.

>> No.15606177


>> No.15606348
File: 405 KB, 1280x960, pTvewQW.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is this ideology so appealing to limp-wristed faggot suburbanites like >>15593422? This is what happens when you read Wikipedia and not the source material. Did Marx not say the revolution needs to be backed by the WORKING class?

>> No.15607484
File: 97 KB, 500x499, stirner.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I’m still an egoist individual

>> No.15608417
File: 79 KB, 382x630, 25456946._UY630_SR1200,630_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Did Marx not say the revolution needs to be backed by the WORKING class?
Well, as it turns out, that's dumb and no longer useful. It has to be everyone in the lower classes. For instance, Mothers work too.

>> No.15608436
File: 156 KB, 1280x720, 7DF6FBD0-509C-453F-9A29-9EC9B81DE9E5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There are no real communists in the West.
Self-identifies Communists and Anarchi-Communists are really just Anarcho-Parasites.
You can’t be a communist if you’re not a worker

>> No.15608561
File: 118 KB, 1399x787, alex jones.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


that is why if it is even possible it needs to follow the dismantling of the dominance of class society globally, so that there is no mechanism for a counter-revolution. That will probably involve maintaining the state initially in order to abolish the present class society by overthrowing the private property owners. If the soviets had actually won and spread soviet style communism to all of europe and america, then the next step would either be a steady political thaw or it would be a revolt against the sclerotic, authoritarian state to become more democratic. But there'd be no outside pressure for a return to private property, either through intervention by global enemies or through the necessities of global trade, so it is more conceivable that the abolition of the bourgeoisie could be maintained along with an abolition of the privileged party apparatchiks, and the state would actually "whither away".

>> No.15609153

stupid question but does ancom/related have various factions who are against each other for ideological reasons?

>> No.15609164

absolutely; all anarchists hate each other

>> No.15609637

what are some factions who names aren't usually mentioned?

>> No.15609733

Tankie fundamentalism. This isn’t 1880 Germany or 1917 Russia. A lot has changed and you must adapt.

Ancom is just one faction of anarchism. All the hyphenations are at some odds with each other, but anarchists are usually just chill about it. It’s the statists who get militant. They still worship Lenin like a prophet. But flush all idealism and follow what will work.
We need to appeal to the largest of masses and *replace* the status quo. We have the means to do this now. And it must be now for ecological reasons

>> No.15609805

>factions who names aren't usually mentioned?
Mutualism is an old Proudhon ideal, it’s okay I guess. As said above syndicalism is just a narrower AnCom, Anarcho-primitivism is at odd with “transhumanism” (anarcho-futurism sounds better. It has nothing to do with transgenders), anarcho-individualism is just a teenager phase, yes, exercise your autonomy, but know you cannot live in a bubble and make peace with the collective. And there’s no need to even label Yourself “anarcha-feminst” as it’s a socialist program as it is.
“Anarcho-capitalism is an oxymoron. They’re liberals and everyone with a brain knows it.

>> No.15610770

A parade of anarchists is marching to the other Seattle precinct to try to take it over. Are the democrats going to let this go until the election? Can Democrats really let this mob take over there entirety of Seattle?

>> No.15610795
File: 83 KB, 500x372, libertarian socialist rants.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15610800


>> No.15610808 [DELETED] 

>butterfly doesn't have links to the CHOP livestreams

And you claim to be woke? Pfft.

>> No.15610812

>maintaining an actual working class position is tankie fundamentalism
The absolute state of 'socialist' coping

>> No.15610816

You haven’t read the thread. CHAZ is doomed to failure. They need to read Getting Free

>> No.15610824

>Getting Free
>Book about low self-esteem thots who get abused


>> No.15610857

March got deescalated by undercovers. Anarchists want to rumble, but POCs trying to make it all about George Floyd or whatever. Cameraman even said "Fuck CHAZ" lol

>> No.15610866


>> No.15610927


>> No.15610941
File: 22 KB, 500x466, 103D0899-53B9-4099-8DEE-5BCB57A4AC10.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Liberal posting

>> No.15610944

Instead of trying to overthrow all of human history, why not just go back to school and get a job you actually like? That's the easiest and most realistic way to stop being a whiney little bitch.

>> No.15610950

>Post some rehashed hippy shit that denounces revolutionary socialism
>calls others liberals


>> No.15610958
File: 51 KB, 1280x720, C334665C-4B37-4E08-80F7-DD2FF7E16B1D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>More ignorant liberal posting

>> No.15610963

once your state withers away you leave a power vacuum for new states. What say my city, home to the People's ammunition factory, start conquering its neighbours and re-establishing private property - becoming lords in newly conquered lands.

These aren't just "outside" pressures, they can equally emanate from within. No matter how effective your propaganda curriculum, the human will can stumble onto these desires on its own.

>> No.15610969

>get some solar panels and grow some tomatoes out back
>not liberal

Hehe, You're on a roll!

>> No.15610973

Ah! You’re a Leninist? One of those naive “scientific socialists”. Okay.
Hard to see you with that liberal name on.

>> No.15610987

Did you even read your own hippy pamphlet? It's obviously written by miserable person who wants to blame "capitalism" for their problems.

>> No.15611025

>A parade of anarchists is marching to the other Seattle precinct to try to take it over. Are the democrats going to let this go until the election? Can Democrats really let this mob take over there entirety of Seattle?
It's literally just another Woodstock event lel, they're going to monetize it and turn it into a tourist attraction.

>> No.15611043

I actually think that's why the Mayor is allowing it. They want to make it a tourist destination. A lot of liberal cities are opening "pedestrian plazas" that are closed to traffic. This will be another, but with radical branding to bring in college kids and hippies from all over the west coast.

>> No.15611104

even during the french revolution bakers would rather be hung than fed ancoms tells you all you need to know

>> No.15611131
File: 75 KB, 680x680, EYAoP5dXYAMszAq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Whatever happened to the popularity blah blah political system blah blah bunch of shit
All political systems are non functional and human procedural activity is doomed to remain the same forever despite whatever rules you shit out onto a piece of paper with spread fucking asshole. Fuck. you. Rodent.

>> No.15612548
File: 44 KB, 651x436, PNG_file_at_sector_813280.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good job Butterfly, you actively killed this thread.

>> No.15612879

an anarchist calling leninists naive lmao

>> No.15612915

Technically the ones in Copenhagen are still going after decades.

>> No.15613000

In practice, anarchism is a transitional period from one power structure to the next. I think that's why it's impossible to take it seriously.

>> No.15613040
File: 50 KB, 615x621, 1586703314507.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the problem is that the working class is dying out and/or ageing and they are fine with the current status quo.

>> No.15613042

Yes, I remember that mechanic from my Civ games. Amazing take, fucking moron.

>> No.15613043

Grew up and got job :^)

>> No.15613065


>> No.15613073

Based way to go if im to be honest.

>> No.15613087

I just read the dispossed by ursula and with all of it's fault, the anarcho communism described there seems utopian. Are you saying it won't work because of the dissolution of family?

>> No.15613097

You do what you want, and in a community of brotherly love you will want to work for the community. That's the theory, anyhow. You will step in line with the social dogmas because social stigma is a powerful tool, but if you believe in yourself enough you will break them and the society will need to form around you, or outcast you.

>> No.15613119

I know this is a silly idea, but i always thought it would be interesting to place AI in some sort of government rooe that requires some sort of consistancy. Idk something like the UK system where the ai acts as the queen and a human elected representative acts as the primw minister. Except the ai has very little direct power and is largely a figurehead and advice figure. The programming is open sorce for anyone to look at to see if there is any factoring that may seem bias. I guess what i want is the pros of democracy and direct rule. It would be great if we always had an enlightened monarch who does not need to deal with beirocrasy and partisan interests, but you cannot assure that You will always get a Fredrick or Trajan. I like the final rule if the vote when apropriate, but having a god king as an advisor might be a middleground.

There might be other uses too, but i think smart ai would be an interesting hypothetical for politics.

>> No.15613133

Someone can't take criticism.

I always thought the opposite. I want to see a video of Bush and Clinton playing Sim City.

>> No.15613165

Those anarcho communes are always filthy and disgusting as fuck
Every time I see those smelly fucks here in Germany I always cringe how they manage to fuck up a decent building and the surrounding area
It’s like you take some fucking degenerate unwashed student “activists” and you just wait until they fuck everything up and leave - of course paid by taxes because those useless apes have only useless degrees like sociology so they leechmax government gibs

>> No.15613175

Hot take.

>> No.15613178
File: 27 KB, 250x360, napoleon-3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/lit/ is a neo-bonapartist board

>> No.15613212

Not really, seems to be pretty standard among the so-called "moral majority"

>> No.15613304

you clearly can't

>> No.15613325

Why cant polotics just be total war where you make a trade agreement then just steamrole them with doomstacks when your marketplace is done in 3 turns...

>> No.15613355

I don't know if seethe is really a criticism there.

I'd like to see if they'd cheat and by how much and things like that. There's a governance mod I want to develop for minecraft or something like it that's built for developing an AI from though.

>> No.15613409

that was an observation, you moron

>> No.15613461

>he thinks wanting to homegrow veggies to have a better diet and cuck the food (((industry))) is leftist
what even is real

>> No.15613481

But they don't actually attack the (((piggie))).
They attack middle-class white people and random stores in inner cities. It's not like they are out there attack Silicon Valley offices, Wall Street, politicians, or actual billionaires. It's all empty posturing, and hatred of white people. These guys are not the RAF.

>> No.15613492

No need for outside pressure to rstablish private property. Once the central state has started crumbling individuals and groups of individuals can just seize property for themselves. There is no reason to expect the citizenry of the waning centralized state to be ancom-minded so what would succeed would be anomie rather than anarchy then local warlords and armed groups would establish their own rules.

>> No.15613506

Unironically the correct take.
Politics & philosophy are downstream from aesthetics, and I can't think of anything more unappealing than AnarchoCommunists.

>> No.15613678

I'm saying "the working class" is an outdated Marxian term. It's too narrow, and was one of the failures of the Spanish revolution. Syndicalism being a working class tactic works well enough, but you need everyone's needs met. In a world of total war, we seem to need total revolution for it to work out.

>> No.15614088
File: 24 KB, 512x500, 1565004183509.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fellow Hoppe chads..?

>> No.15614127

It's not wanting to be independent from the food industry so much as the methods used to be independent from it. Solar panels and a small vegetable garden will not sustain you. It's basically a meme in practicality.

>> No.15614210

Why poke around for hoppeheads in an anarchist thread?

Yeah, we want bigger yards. What of it?

>> No.15614472
File: 25 KB, 611x611, EX3gDIPXsAAqzKX.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These people are always crass, vulgar, and they reek of shit. Knots in their hair. You can see the layer of filth accumulating on their skin. Their mouths smell like they're rotting. Constantly stealing things. Just fucking evil rat people. Death penalty if they don't pass the shopping cart test.

>> No.15614547

>Death penalty if they don't pass the shopping cart test.
American idiocy, have a coin slot on it and it's fine.

Also this sounds like the average 4chan user.

>> No.15614584
File: 2.14 MB, 400x166, 8317595257.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>people so ratlike they need incentive to bring back a fucking shopping cart
Put fuck all on it. Just fucking get rid of these filthy evil rodents. Don't change the world to placate these fucking disgusting creatures.

>> No.15614607

Based. Don't worry, fellow Hoppe-Chad, we can physically remove all these retarded marxists in the future

>> No.15614612

Instant favourite.

>> No.15614616

>Put fuck all on it.
Enjoy your American bollocks of bag boys and shopping cart attendants.

>> No.15614626

Not even American. Saying bollocks is extremely gay and cringe.

>> No.15614637

>Not even American.
>Saying bollocks is extremely gay and cringe.
I really really believe you.

>> No.15614654

>the only 2 countries in the world are the UK and the US
>500+ IQ anglo

>> No.15614664

The coin thing is common everywhere that isn't the US. All over Europe, Asia, Africa, S. America, Australasia...

>> No.15614674

You're fucking stupid if you think people actually put coins in those. People just grab the cart. There's nothing stopping them. I've never seen anyone put a coin in the coin slot.

>> No.15614685

>There's nothing stopping them.
This is how everyone knows you're American, you've never even seen one. I know Aldi does them in the US, go to one of their malls or whatever you call it.

>> No.15614705

>not American

>> No.15614736

Just googled it and holy fuck you anglos are retards. Actually have to put fucking chains on your shopping carts. Can't have the goodheartedness to bring back a fucking shopping cart. I'm actually from Canada and our shopping carts just have a fucking random coin slot integrated on the handle.

>> No.15614757

I want you to think about why you might want to put a coin in and what the purpose of the chain (which they have in Canada and everywhere else too) might be. I won't expect a reply, this will take a good ol US of A citizen several months to work out.

>> No.15614787
File: 152 KB, 680x587, 544.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're a fucking retard anglo who's never been to Canada in his life. I want YOU to think about why anyone who can't bother to bring back a shopping cart without an incentive should be allowed to live in polite society.

>> No.15614797

Oh wow, rekt. What brought you to /lit/ bro?

>> No.15614804
File: 52 KB, 349x642, 6kGliTj.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can only assume this.

>> No.15614816

Go have kebabs with Khalid you fucking inbred anglo rat.

>> No.15614820

Oh wow, double rekt, this guy can't be stopped!

>> No.15614840
File: 31 KB, 601x508, 1267843.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>If I keep being sarcastic it'll seem like I don't care

>> No.15614847

>if I keep replying it'll seem like I don't care
Tee hee.

>> No.15614860

>tee hee
see >>15614804

>> No.15614879

You want me to see my own post?
Also learn2quote

>> No.15614899

I agree with anon here but it's off topic at this point.

>> No.15614908

>maybe if I keep acting like a retard he'll keep replying
Quoted the post because you're fucking projecting retard. Every fucking thread there's one of you. Derailing ever topic. Fucking subhuman fucking brainlet. Kill yourself.

>> No.15614923

man what happened to that weird maoist guy. didn't he become a woman or something?

>> No.15614934

Everything decays eventually.

>> No.15614965

I hate you. I hate you fucking people for letting idiots exist. You walk around saying shit like "pay no mind" and "just ignore". You're complacent in these peoples' acts. You let these people continue to exist for no fucking reason. When you see these people getting beaten unconscious because they said some stupid shit, you say "stop" and call the police. You actively participate in the propagation of dysgenic behavior.

>> No.15614972

Don't get so butthurt, I'd known I'd won when you admitted to spending 10 minutes googling trolley coin systems (also that you are retarded and have never traveled).

>> No.15614978

Kill yourself.

>> No.15614983

For someone who's so quick to call for the death of dysgenics, maybe you should kill *your*self. Food for though ;^)

>> No.15614994

Kill yourself.

>> No.15614997

maybe you should kill *your*self. Food for though ;^)

>> No.15614999

imagine actually thinking like this.
it's not difficult to see why the rightoids won out online.

>> No.15615000

Sorry anon.

>> No.15615009

Stick a fucking butter knife through your neck angloid.

>> No.15615015

>create a better world

>> No.15615023

maybe you should Stick a fucking butter knife through *your* neck. Food for though ;^)

>> No.15615039

>why the rightoids won out online
Really seems like it. Look at this thread m80, what they won is fucking nothing.

>> No.15615048

they don't have sperg views on hierarchy and class, which are essential to amcomism.

>> No.15615052

>they don't have sperg views on hierarchy and class
I wouldn't be so sure...

>> No.15615066

white hiroyuki

>> No.15615076

because they are racist caucasophobes. no one likes them other than there skaven financiers that are only using them to start a civil war.

>> No.15615082

You're talking to a retarded fucking boomer that thinks idpol = left

>> No.15615103

ted isn't even an anarchist

>> No.15615105

mods please just delete this thread already; I think we got our answers

>> No.15615118

>290 posts in
>pls delet dis
Hey newfag.

>> No.15615145
File: 156 KB, 933x933, EXrC1TQXgAEnfRg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>waah waaah mooods please delete thread I don't liike it

>> No.15615200

entirely dependant on the outside world and could be crushed at any time.

>> No.15615244

Based digits

>> No.15615264

>entirely dependant on the outside world
Some of the independent houses get government funding, but that's quite recent. All of those places ran independently for 30 odd years, and if you talk to people on either side they will tell you that the money being given isn't out of a desire to keep them going, they just have to at this point. Too useful, too integrated, you couldn't get rid of Christiania or any of the similar things at this point. I'm not saying they're eternal, but you'd need significant changes before they disappeared.

>> No.15615283

you're making yourself seem the more retarded one of the two of you.

>> No.15615293


>> No.15615295

>why yes I am a new poster and not a retard who cannot let this go
Good job bro ;^)

>> No.15615301

"independently," you mean.

>> No.15615315


>> No.15615323

Don't even bother with this fucking retard dude.

>> No.15615324

I'm not sure what you're getting at. You want them to be hardline isolationist?

>> No.15615342

I suggested some of the best readings, casual.

Yeah. You heard me.

>Called out for seething
Grow up.

>> No.15615344

You stupid anglo, go put more chains on things so you remember to have some basic fucking goodheartedness

>> No.15615354

This fucking guy again...

>> No.15615372

Kill yourself.

>> No.15615375

Nice samefagging trying to drag this out after I've started to ignore you retard. You're pathetic.

>> No.15615406

Did you just samefag, and then accused that single post as being samefagging? It's one post bro, it's can't be samefagging.

>> No.15615434

no, just not entirely dependent on and at the mercy of the society outside of them.

>> No.15615436

The hell is even going on here anymore?

>> No.15615440
File: 35 KB, 1041x607, 00000000.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


This guy >>15615344 >>15615354 >>15615372 is samefagging. He's trying to this shit out cause I stopped replying to him.

>> No.15615450

>trying to this shit out
Trying to drag this shit out I meant.

>> No.15615467

Wtf bro... drop it.

>> No.15615472
File: 176 KB, 638x1021, Left wing communism.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They're still reeling from one of the best diss tracks of all time

>> No.15615481

Could you just fuck off? You gotta do this shit on every fucking thread? Half the fucking threads I'm in this shit happens to somebody and I'm starting to think you're just one guy that goes around derailing threads.

>> No.15615482

Well, they're not at the mercy of the society outside of them. The powerful parts of that society (government/state apparatus) are hostile and have always been hostile to their existence.

The independent buildings are predominantly, maybe all, community centers but I don't think that is somehow a weakness or criticism.

>> No.15615494

What was >>15615454?

>> No.15615509

Fake (You) screencap trying to claim he was me.

>> No.15615510

they are quite literally at their mercy, or they would have been removed.

>> No.15615517

That is ideology.

>> No.15615531

This guy >>15615440 posted the unedited version of that screencap.

Are you really getting possessive on who is anonymous? Get a trip, then we can identify you (and filter you) and you wouldn't have to try so hard.

>> No.15615571

I wouldn't be getting possessive if this fucking retard wasn't going around derailing every thread. I'm not the only one who's noticed either.
>starts meandering pointless argument
>accuses posters of being mentally ill or schizophrenic
>unsubstantiated personal claims about the poster
>if argument dies starts samefagging
>if argument doesn't die he drags it out the whole thread
>accuses others of samefagging
>posts face screencaps
Start paying attention to this fucking sperg because he shows up in most threads.

>> No.15615588

Sounds like you're being gangstalked bro.

>> No.15615746

do you have any self-awareness of how insufferable you are?

>> No.15616396

great inside

>> No.15616524

what do you mean?

>> No.15616879

Anarcho-capitalists from /pol/ hijacked the anarchosphere.