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15613223 No.15613223 [Reply] [Original]

Any other non fiction reader?

It's like the only books I like to read are non fiction.

I just downloaded the followings:
"Is the market a measure of beauty and truth" (from some mises economist)
"Art of fear (observations of the perils and rewards of artmaking)"

I just can't get enough motivation to read some crappy story about some retard protagonists who lives a crappy middle age life about some shitty BS life issues (oh no, my wife chated on me, I'm going to kill myself) and some pretentious prose.

It seems fiction is literally the realm of literature for children, women and manchildren.

>> No.15613237


>> No.15613241

>hurr durr

>> No.15613252

>Why yes, I do think I’m smarter than everyone because I’m emotionally challenged, how could you tell?
>What? Aspergers? Absolutely not.

>> No.15613257

>Not reading non-fiction written with aesthetics in mind instead of just autistic regurgitation of facts
I seriously hope you guys don't do this

>> No.15613258

>I just can't get enough motivation to read some crappy story about some retard protagonists who lives a crappy middle age life about some shitty BS life issues (oh no, my wife chated on me, I'm going to kill myself) and some pretentious prose
This might be the most childish post I've seen here

>> No.15613261

Yes, hello? Is this the based department?

>> No.15613267

wrong numba

>> No.15613288

I've stopped giving a fuck about fiction, as such I don't watch anime, or watch film or TV or any other crappy fiction.

It's 99% the same crappy hero's journey melodrama.
It's literally remaking the same tropes and reusing the same archetypes, over and over again.

The so called emotion, is nothing more than a technicality, a mere smoke and mirror trick.

Again, entertainment for women, children and manchildren.

I'm not longer a children, so watching puppets play is not longer interesting to me, sorry.
This doesn't mean there's still artistry I'm willingly interested, I'm dowloanding the last movie of makoto shinkai because I really enjoyed his stories.

But is rare to discover a good fiction writer.

>> No.15613303

Let me guess, you’re in your early twenties and you think you’ve figured it all out?

>> No.15613310

lmao. I think you got filtered bud. Read this and tell me its puppet play for children. I doubt you can finish it

>> No.15613351

No, but fictions bores me now.

Let me guess.

It's some avant garde story that uses some form of anti trama (could use something like a framing device) and is filled with edgy shit with techniques from thrillers and horror literature (tropes) to create the emotional harmony of the piece?

Sure, it could be interesting, but again, I can see which storytelling technique 99% of stories use.

The last time I was impressed by a plot twist was the plot twist in wreck it ralph, and I was more impressed by the craft of it, than the use of it.

If I wanted some deep emotional story I would read history or some pol news shit.

>> No.15613362
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>If I wanted some deep emotional story I would read history or some pol news shit.

>> No.15613384


again, if I wanted something that could make me cry I would look at real life stories.

>> No.15613418

You're still thinking its about the plot when the authors you need to read have long since moved past such childish concerns. You can tell the same story a hundred different ways and each time you do is just as unique an art piece as the first one. See Queneau's "Exercises in Style"

Getting back to The Lime Twig... no there aren't any really recognizable techniques or omages to tropes. The author tried his best to write in styles that had not been done before and have rarely if ever been emulated since. Such as writing scenes in the order of importance instead of temporally. Or writing scenes from the perspective of an object instead of a person. The 2nd-person scene where "you" get murdered is particularly gripping.

>> No.15613439
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>dude, my 100% originality new shit
as hilarious as the post schreinberg retards in music.

>dude tonality is totally a cliche, we need to move past tonality in music
>spend next century making total garbage

Avant garde stories, suffer from the same issue as post tonal music.
Which is fine, but can't create the emotional richness of tonal music.

The same shit happens in painting, which the non realistic styles haven't evolved in 100 years (2020 expressionists is literally the same crap as 1920 expressionists, same for cubists and abstract retards).

>> No.15613450

>Which is fine, but can't create the emotional richness of tonal music.
Absolute fucking bullshit. You're a pleb through and through

>> No.15613459

Show me a post tonal chromatic music that can create the same emotions as tonal music.

It all sounds literally like resident evil, silent hill, stravinsky kind of shit.

Which I'm not saying is bad.
But is impossible to make something like chopin musical impressionism with post tonal music without falling back into traditional tonality.

how can u make something like good friends from chrono trigger, by using non tonal music.

It would be impossible to create that delicate feeling of polish without using tonality.

>> No.15613467

Ah, a fellow pseudointellectual I see

>> No.15613472

I'm talking about the writing your metaphor is referring to.

>> No.15613486

I would say they're completelly diferent emotions.

Which I feel traditional tonality (for using better words) is like traditional happy saturated colors, while atonality is more like black, dark violet shit.

Which is fine, now you can use both happy and saturated and clean and white colors, while now you also have black, dark and dark violet new colors.

>> No.15614524

I feel like I've ascended fictionhood, it's got so little meaning and it's so not stimulating

>> No.15614958

Bro what books do u read any examples

>> No.15614979

the only "fiction" I read is poetry
t. philosochad

>> No.15614992

>2020 expressionists is literally the same crap as 1920 expressionists
How can you make such cringe and wrong absolute claims and expect anyone to take you seriously? I don't even care for the plastic arts but the existence of abstract expresionism should be known by anyone who chooses to speak so broadly.

>> No.15615094

Fiction is a medium that plain description of fact (well actually there are many mediums of the that) cannot replicate. This is because human perception and experience is not a listing of facts (such a format is quite limited in terms of the model of knowledge it presupposes).

An advantage of fiction is that it's more setting the conditions for a reader to create a world, this is limited in nonfiction by normativity over initial conditions and arising results. The reader, empathetically, feels the words and conjures a world with all the detail and subtlety and multitude of angles that entails. So it's potentially much more detailed and deeper than nonfiction though unsuited for laying out hard decrees and facts.

Nonfiction can lead to dogmatic one-model mechanistic thinking, where a category or concept has a life of its own imposed upon the mind, which leads to absurdities and delusions in real life.