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File: 39 KB, 333x500, 22F646C5-4483-45C1-900B-66C73103ED6D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15607550 No.15607550 [Reply] [Original]

Is BAP anonymous because he himself is nowhere near what he promotes in his book? I mean, I’ve been following him on Twitter and he’s pure cringe.

>> No.15607581

Your assumptions tells a lot more about you than BAP.
He has been doxed by the way, and he's an handsome romanian millionaire

>> No.15607605
File: 410 KB, 526x744, PNG image 2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>handsome romanian millionaire

So not white? Guess I was right then.

>> No.15607630

>He has been doxed by the way, and he's an handsome romanian millionaire
prove it

>> No.15607648

well he is just a faggot (unironically) who likes to shizopost and is interested in making money buy selling his ideas to insecure white guys who like to larp as vikangs and shiet

>> No.15607650

In the modern world where ideas are unable to stand by themselves and people simply attack the people instead, presenting something anonymous is not a bad thing.

>> No.15607663


>> No.15607705

a millionare wouldn't need to make a podcast with subscription $$$

>> No.15607863
File: 17 KB, 400x400, costin alamariu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is BAP. Look his name up on the archive, I can't be arsed to explain this shit again.

>> No.15607995

Would get cancelled.

>> No.15608082

thats not bap, you mong

>> No.15608097

the case for that being bap is pretty compelling, why do you think it's not?

>> No.15608485

>be BAP, alias of MIT/Yale educated Romanian millionaire Costin Alamariu
>be one of the most paranoid characters in online culture
>set up your podcast billing to fix your real name rather than pay $200 to establish an LLC

How the fuck does that make sense?

>> No.15608617

The fuck does podcast billing have to do with this? The dox was anonymously posted like a year ago on /pol/

>> No.15608636

How are romanians not white.

>> No.15608680

He explains why in the book.

>> No.15608681

No it wasn't. The earliest references to "Costin" and "Alamariu" are from 2016, from Romanians talking about people other than "Costin Alamariu", in large lists (of cucks, traitors, etc).

The earliest reference to "Costin Alamariu" comes from an anon posting Costin Alamariu's face and saying "BAP's real name is Costin Alamariu" a few times in 2020. The next reference after this anon is various people talking about the Twitter drama. The dates line up with this anon having made these posts in reference to Twitter drama.

The "evidence" is that a guy named Costin Alamariu was paying for BAP's podcast. That's it. Anything more is just gay Twitter drama.

If you're referring to the previous "doxxes" of him being a construction baron in Eastern Europe, or a druglords son in Brazil, well obviously those contradict him being a Romanian millionaire globetrotting academic.

>> No.15608811

I think you're overestimating how paranoid BAP really is. Don't fall for the fucking meme LARP. If you can't recognize BAP's style in Costin's writing then you are functionally illiterate and beyond help.

>> No.15608812

You're in every thread and you're incredibly autistic
It's absolutely impossible for anyone to belive Costin isn't BAP after reading his thesis and BAM

>> No.15608842

No, there was a post in 2019 on /pol/ of an anon saying the BAP is this guy. This guy has the exact background that BAP would need in order to write and talk about the things that he does. The way he writes jumps out clear as day to anyone from Eastern Europe as having the syntax of native speaker of an Eastern European language.

>> No.15608940

Bet you anything he's either Costin or one of his personal rentboy cronies.

>> No.15608956

Link to his thesis

>> No.15608970

Never read BAP, but I heard Costin's thesis is very close to BAP's writings in terms of themes, arguments and styles. What do you make of that?

>> No.15609015

pick one anon

>> No.15609121

This is probably misdirection. We can never confirm this guy is actually BAP.
The writing style is similar, it's all conjecture nonetheless.

>> No.15609167

>tfw no BAP fren to help you get /fit/

>> No.15609191

Eastern Europeans aren't white. Italians, Spaniards and Portuguese barely count.

>> No.15609194

so BAP is a filthy subhuman gypsy????? Chutzpah this faggot has to larp as a Fascist.

>> No.15609211

lol its not that hard

>> No.15609213

Yeah but he acts like an asshole and has controversial opinions, so he's le based epic 4chin approved

>> No.15609225

'barely', they don't count at all anon.

>> No.15609285

Starting to think this "dox" is a marketing campaign by one of BAP's acolytes. More threads been popping up about him lately.

>> No.15609517

White is a state of being, anon. I've met blacks who are fabulously White, and whites who are filthy niggers.

>> No.15609534


White is a broad term to encompass a set of races (nordids, alpinids, anglos) that are responsible for our modern world.

It is not a "state".

>> No.15609570

Quick rundown? Are you talking about that retarded Justin Murphy video?

>> No.15610141

>race is a state of being
>race is mutable
yes but not like you think it is

>> No.15610220

>eastern europeans aren't white
>medniggers are
good one anon

>> No.15610344

He was doxxed by someone in the Ulysse Bouchard clique.
>From a wealthy banker family
>PhD from Yale
>Funded by JINSA
>Mentored by David Sikorsky
>Cute, 5 ft 5 twink
That's all you really need to know.

>> No.15610371
File: 455 KB, 626x496, 1585704135733.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Ulysse Bouchard clique.
God, it depresses me that this is a thing and I know what it is

>> No.15610425

This is a based take

>> No.15610497

I'm starting to think 'white' has lost any definite meaning besides "people I can personally tolerate".
What's next, Germans aren't white and Scandinavians barely count, except for Danes who get a pass?

>> No.15610828
File: 17 KB, 544x410, bap.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OMG . Is this BAP? Thiel has good taste in twinks https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iPis68U7bdo

>> No.15610848

I bet the Bilderbergers ran a train on BAP

>> No.15610862

Doesn't look like him to me (though he does look Slav as fuck).

>> No.15610888

That's right.
Germany lost their right to call themselves white when they killed fellow whites and ruined europe 3 times in 100 years.
Scandinavians and Danes are mountain niggers.

The only whites are England AND NOTHING ELSE.

>> No.15610895

BAP got passed around as the powerful men in the world , all erect on viagra + zoloft. Kissenger, Rothschild, Lloyd Blankfein totally crushed his little twinkhole. my god

>> No.15610948

What a waste of trips, completely 8up opinion.

>u Wana Ave a go m8?
>I tol u, last tym, I'm white, yer brown
>I won be earing no more argwin

>> No.15610988

actually richoids are the most greedy and status-obsessed. the wealthier you get the more jewish.

>> No.15610999

american cope

>> No.15611007

England are Celto-saxonic mutts, so mountain niggers crossed with forest savages and white slaves.

>> No.15611170

i bet bap and glenn greenwald buttfucked in rio

>> No.15611644


>> No.15611666

that's why racist ethnostate will never be a thing, dumb dumbs cant even agree upon what's white

>> No.15611830

only thing that can work is global Manusmriti

>> No.15611883

his book is garbage and yes, he's literally gay.

>> No.15611967

You mean England and France. We brought civilization to England in 1066.

>> No.15611978

Something we regret everyday t.b.h.

>> No.15611986


>> No.15612253

Based and redpilled

>> No.15612255

Nobody in europe thinks they are white. It’s only americans that have these illogical thoughts

>> No.15612268

>What's next, Germans aren't white and Scandinavians barely count, except for Danes who get a pass?
They are, but the rest aren’t

>> No.15612970


>> No.15612970,1 [INTERNAL]  [DELETED] 

>Nobody in europe thinks they are white.
What are you even on about? Romanians are white and literally everyone in Europe that doesn't mistakenly associate them with gypsies sees them as such. "Romanians" from Romania and "Romanis/Romas/Gypsies" are entirely different people that don't have any connection, other than a similar sounding name by coincidence. Tell me, what race do you call a people that are European, that speak a European language, that has and belongs to European history, cultures, traditions, religions, etc, that genetically clusters with other European populations on autosomal PCA's, that has pale/ruddy/white/light European skin with European features and phenotype, that looks as part of the indigenous population of any European country...what race do you classify such a people as? Black? Brown? Asiatic? Arab? You spics need to learn your place. Romanians are white Europeans and they are infinitely whiter than any Med mutt. /thread

>> No.15612970,2 [INTERNAL] 

I don't think he has 100% control of his account and he may not be on it at all. It was hijacked and that is why there has been mostly Israelis>Palestinians, muh capitalism, and various other propaganda advising self-harm like race-mixing or stop using products of Western civilization. The account seems to be in competition with Keith Woods, and most of the material is bland, which Zionist propaganda by nature always is. I am genuinely concerned for his safety.