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15606644 No.15606644 [Reply] [Original]

Are there any books on female Conformism? The root cause of most of the problems in the west is female Conformism.
Just look at these BLM marches. They're 75% white women, virtue signalling how much they confirm to the established anti-racism narrative.

>> No.15606686

It's a bit tough to find contemporary books on female culture that arn't masturbatory feminist literature.

>> No.15606708

women are conformist because back in the old days you could get killed for not conforming, and what motivates women the most is fear. just 100 years ago you could get beaten in the street if people knew you didn't go to church.

>> No.15606738


>> No.15606769

I find second wave feminist philosophy to be still relevant, recommended if you want to decipher such behavior.

>> No.15607060

Any books on male "Individualism"? The root cause of most of the problems in the world is male "Individualism"?

>> No.15607107

If women were really as conformist as you say then all social change would have been brought about by men, since women would just follow the lead of men on all issues. Therefore the alleged conformism of women could not be a "problem" in the west because women would simply be unable to enact change without men leading them into first, making all the "problems in the west" the result of male rebellion.

>> No.15607136
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>> No.15607302

man, i have a friend like this. she's one of those woke SJW types that tries so fucking hard to be a good person that she goes straight through good and back to being an asshole again. she's the type that uses her white privilege to give black people permission to use the n word.

>> No.15607428

Academia formed a cult by which women abide by and gain their moral perspective in which they are loyal to.

>> No.15607494

>not wanting to be a racist is conformism
this is not even a hot take. just go away

>> No.15607617

Let me fix that for you:
>not wanting to be SEEN as racist is conformism
Sadly, most people do not have an internal sense of morality. Morality for them is just conformism.

>> No.15607632
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>> No.15607642

marketing books that have research references likely offer more insight into women than they should

>> No.15607646

I too am a fan of Suave Suarez

>> No.15607749

That doesn't go at all against what OP is saying. Of course conformists will shift their tunes as soon as the perceived master narrative changes.
That is already a problem. It implies that discussion is made artificially difficult (by having to overcome the shifting master narrative bonuses).

>> No.15607757

Freud - Group Psychology and the Analysis of the Ego

>> No.15607769

because a woman derives pleasure from being penetrated during sex. the penetrative act is painful and so women are conditioned to more readily accept pain or displeasure to appease some dominant force, be it a man or society

>> No.15607791

It's women's role in every society to enforce the values of the status quo that their fathers and/or their community implanted within them while they were children among other women (using their social power) and among men (using their sexual power), regardless of whether that status quo is victorian prudism, sharia law, or weimar germany-tier degeneracy/wokeism.

>> No.15607810

All social change is literally the result of men you retard

>> No.15607829

Just say NIGGER you dickless faggot.



>> No.15607831
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>> No.15607834

women are more conformists but they're also more prone to change their opinions upon confronted with different ideas/information then men, they don't have nearly half of the ego attachement men have regarding their opinions.

>> No.15607870


i think its more that their opinions are poorly justified to begin with

>> No.15607889

>>women are more conformists but they're also more prone to change their opinions upon confronted with different ideas/information then men
The second characterization is just as bad as the first. Flip flopping in every direction based on the last thing you've heard isn't exactly a positive. All serious positions are entrenched and hard to change, precisely because they had strong motivations in the first place.

>> No.15607906
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>just 100 years ago you could get beaten in the street if people knew you didn't go to church.

>> No.15607984

the problem lying at the heart of western society is capitalism and female conformity is one way in which the capitalist system is able to maintain power. corporations can and will seize the narratives of any liberatory movement to the tune of capital gain. i frequently recommend books on women and the beauty industry and on female friendship and i can certainly do so here (dworkin, dworkin, dworkin, robin morgan, and jeffreys) but i do want to add my two cents in, too. women are barely given the chance to exist as regular humans before they’re shoehorned into feminine existence—less is expected of them, mediocrity is rewarded, beauty is power, power is ?????? how do i use that ??????

existing as a woman is the path of least resistance so even though a lot of women long for more, few are willing to reject the comfort of applause-for-nothing. what you get is a bunch of depressed women who want to be free but also want to be beautiful princesses so they settle on corporate feminism which tells them some bullshit about how they can be boss babes while having lots of sex and advertising that nonstop and wearing pretty makeup and etc etc. following the herd down the so-called path to liberation is a consolation prize for women. “i can be brave and special if i do what i’m not supposed to because big bad republican men hate this,” you say, tits out, to the delight of an oncoming group of big bad neocon men whose pockets are lines by your insecurities, and who are just ITCHING to cheat on their wives with some dumb tart like you. look at how feminism has grown into a covertly male-centric ad campaign. female socialization is only one facet of a much larger problem. every woman is being USED there is VERY LITTLE HOPE.

>> No.15608164

>I want both the comfortableness and sureness of a female existence while also wanting the unbound, free nature of male existence without the downsides, but I can't have my cake and eat it too, woe is me

>> No.15608396

Trait agreeableness is best predictor for conformism, it's a truism that barely needs stating.
And on average, women are more agreeable than men.
The roots are obvious evolutionary, it's unlikely to have any cultural origin.

>> No.15608406

>big five meme traits

>> No.15608408

please hang yourself desu