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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 50 KB, 499x500, 87794C57-EFA1-4ED3-A258-A0988DFDA14E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15606860 No.15606860 [Reply] [Original]

I take her to Barnes and Nobles so she can pet the animals (:

>> No.15607001
File: 28 KB, 334x506, 1588558131497.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Either you have a literal child as a gf or your gf has retained her childish innocence. Based either way.

>> No.15607038

The latest. She’s a Floridian 1 church town girl.

>> No.15607261

Make sure to wife her and make big family.

>> No.15607272

You already made this thread a couple of days ago.

>> No.15607282

BRUV. I fuckin remember having this exact book when I was like 5 and having to learn to read English.

>> No.15607300

Nice anon, do as the other anon said, i hope you have a happy and long lasting family

>> No.15607367

I’m sorry I forgot I did I went again today and thought making a thread about it. Anyway she enjoyed it (:

>> No.15607599

Damn, is my girlfriend cheating on me?

She's literally the same.

>> No.15608332

Is she baby?

>> No.15608361

how did you meet and what does one need to do to attract this type of girl

>> No.15608539
File: 113 KB, 700x696, 36C179CF-38EE-4042-9D68-D63B8DD8E0E1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I literally did nothing, here let me put it on a classic greentext to be more 4chan digestible:
>be me
>first semester of college
>chilling on dorm with two girls that live next door
>5/10 white braphog and 6/10 Indian lanky
>roommate enters my room
>”hey anon can I invite this autistic girl I met at the gym? Lol”
>uh yeah sure
>he calls her
>she arrives, on her DR. Strange PJ’s
>8.5/10 qt, long blonde hair, blue eyes
>I didn’t know she had ADD
>she literally CANT stop talking
>everyone starts making fun of her sending each other snaps
>”Omg shut up already lol”
>”She’s been talking about horseshoe crabs for like 20 minutes what a freak”
>instantly feel bad
>snap her “Hey do you wanna go for a walk tomorrow?” After she leaves

We’ve been together for about 3 years now, and although is hard to date someone with ADD she’s so pure and innocent I fell in love. I’m not even white or extremely good looking for the record, about 8/10 5’11 Cuban/Italian. She likes petting baby cows.

>> No.15608571

me wife is ADD too, I feel you anon. Good job though, seems like you catched a keeper.

>> No.15608583

Going on a walk seems like my type of date. I didn't know girls liked doing this sort of thing. Happy to see it worked out for you anon

>> No.15608597

keep telling yourself that lmao

>> No.15608657

cute story

>> No.15608722

>horseshoe crabs
I remember you, did you get a good book about that?

>> No.15609006

Very sweet if true, which I hope.

>> No.15609034

I will, I know the height to be factual, and I have enough self esteem to believe the self rate.
Yes! I took a couple of the recommendations on the thread I made and added to the cart. But she ended up wanting a different book so I got that for her and a couple of BeyBlades.

>> No.15609036


>> No.15609041

She likes beyblades?

>> No.15609047

cute even if fake. Comfy. And I believe in comfy.

>> No.15609049

Who doesn't like BeyBlades?

>> No.15609051

I'm sorry, anon, but your gf likes to fuck dogs.

>> No.15609083

racial nightmare

>> No.15609092

She does. I honestly got to like them too, they’re thrilling!

>> No.15609106

I could believe the earlier story, but this is just bait, especially considering some other anon said you posted this thread before. No person would say all this about his gf... twice...

>> No.15609118
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>> No.15609175
File: 215 KB, 1334x750, A186446B-BC11-48F6-A0AC-6122F7F32991.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The double post was my bad I’m a little retarded. I never feel the need to prove anything but she’s next to me and so are the BeyBlades so here.

>> No.15609183

...how do you have two left hands.

>> No.15609185

we are reaching levels of based I never thought was possible

>> No.15609238

What other books does she like?

>> No.15609243

i forgot about these anon!! top tier literature ahead of its time

>> No.15609253

fucking lame man

>> No.15609272

Dangerously based. Don’t even listen to the /pol/tarda on this thread, you’re making it.

>> No.15609304

I know! Peak /lit/
I asked her, she said The Very Hungry Caterpillar, Jungle Animals Touch and Feel, Arthur Schopenhauer Essay on Women, The Pensees by Pascal, The Bible, and But not the Hippopotamus!

>> No.15609323

> The Very Hungry Caterpillar, Jungle Animals Touch and Feel, Arthur Schopenhauer Essay on Women, The Pensees by Pascal, The Bible, and But not the Hippopotamus!
one of these is not like the other

>> No.15609341

Yeah, The Very Hungry Caterpillar has literary merit.

>> No.15609345

>That Snapchat bullshit
Do Zoomers really ?

>> No.15609375
File: 43 KB, 300x359, 91213EE4-1F6F-41C4-9E23-8BAB3FD53736.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The Very Hungry Caterpillar, Jungle Animals Touch and Feel

>> No.15609409

You can buy them at Barnes and Nobles if you want anon. Even on amazon (:

>> No.15609471

So much changed last decade. I remember hating every board thinking it was all a waste of time because everyone posted the same shit over and over again but still coming back almost everyday just waiting to see something happen

>> No.15609548
File: 12 KB, 900x139, Alpaca_Accessories_-_decorate_and_style_your_alpaca_toy_with_cool_accessories_-_made_by_Inkari_900x400_crop_center.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get her an Inkari alpaca and thank me later ;^)

>> No.15609575

Oh wow, never heard of these before. Looks like a hobby item more than an average plush. She might like it!

>> No.15609638

>Arthur Schopenhauer Essay on Women
anon, I want to believe you since you posted the beyblade pic but this just stretches your credibility too far

>> No.15609664

That’s ok, I understand most girls would consider misogynistic. She’s conservative so she found out about the essay on an assignment about feminism in her humanities class and ended up liking it (:

>> No.15609674

What’s the best Bayblade launcher?

>> No.15609956

Takara Tony Burstring

>> No.15609968

I wish I had a little girl for a girlfriend too

>> No.15609982

God bless you, anon.

>> No.15609988

Cunny love

>> No.15610015

why did they change this rule :(

>> No.15610059

Holy based. White Diabolos. She has good taste on BeyBlades too.

>> No.15610068

Don’t we all...

>> No.15610076
File: 85 KB, 200x333, image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are disabled girls the only pure ones?

>> No.15610130

All girls are disabled. I consider being a slut a disability. OP’s gf might have ADD but she’s based.

>> No.15610140

No way, the Phoenix Revive launcher is by far the best.

>> No.15610151

Just bought one for my gf, hope she likes it.

>> No.15610163
File: 37 KB, 326x326, 1591470711712.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm going to die alone

>> No.15610167

I really don't like it when people talk about romantic stuff publicly.

>> No.15610182

post the "do you even lift?" one

>> No.15610188

I asked.

>> No.15610196

They're very good for stroking, so if you can't have a pet it's a really good pet substitute. Or if you just like that tactile feeling.

>> No.15610197
File: 14 KB, 226x400, chuck-sipes-019.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Then atleast leave a pretty corpse

>> No.15610202

Don’t furbies do the same?

>> No.15610209

You will understand once you have stroked one.

>> No.15610213

>Then atleast leave a pretty corpse
>Dies in a fire.

>> No.15610214

People need to be a little bit more cautious and thoughtful regarding potential contingencies. It's not good to get too comfy. Such wisdom typically comes with age. It's best to keep this stuff personal.

>> No.15610219

My girlfriend is autistic so this is perfect!

>> No.15610238

Then hang yourself. Or fall on a sword, or shoot yourself. Come on man.

>> No.15610254

>Not dying of fractured pelvis

>> No.15610701

I want to believe

>> No.15610718

Based smasher

>> No.15610906
File: 9 KB, 220x152, 64EE1A34-4525-4424-9E08-041E2C258492.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks I’m actually an Anomalocaris

>> No.15610912
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>> No.15610964
File: 107 KB, 260x272, smile.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


That's very sweet anon. She sounds like a nice person.

>> No.15611034
File: 246 KB, 2021x1348, CB2BFC0C-D5E2-4891-8A81-92D09E06A6BA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is now a prehistoric thread

>> No.15611039
File: 909 KB, 934x530, 1584861065636.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15611042

take her to a petting zoo bro
its fun you can feed little goats

>> No.15611068
File: 142 KB, 640x1149, 21B97835-94E7-4082-ADD7-9F39122822FB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Chad bird coming through

>> No.15611074

I really want to but everything’s still closed as for now. She really wants to pet a baby sloth.

>> No.15611087

>I really want to but everything’s still closed as for now
oh fuck man i completely forgot that shit was still going on
something to look forward to!

>> No.15611090
File: 170 KB, 800x662, 1294EBCC-6E99-40A1-A783-B79FE8A170F8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

good luck getting through me

>> No.15611093

he was defeated by a tiny bird in your image, imagine what a bigger one would do to him

>> No.15611116
File: 1.48 MB, 1500x844, 45500E1D-9D88-4C9B-B8D4-A90322D89FC5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks, she is!
I know, the US is just being the US rn.
What the hell guys haha here’s mine pröööh :~~~)

>> No.15611127
File: 27 KB, 750x530, lio.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are pliosaurs allowed :(

>> No.15611130
File: 107 KB, 618x900, BC687281-1732-40DB-8C26-F14ED635C764.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Mogs every land mammal that’s ever existed

>> No.15611132
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Only if they BTFO Ichthyosaurs

>> No.15611147
File: 65 KB, 1280x720, frend.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would feel bad for him but I feel like a Liopleurodon definitely could

My dino knowledge is waning I had to look up how to spell Liopleurodon

>> No.15611154
File: 46 KB, 400x600, 35FDEC83-E90F-4910-B2B7-27648AC8D355.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes. Let’s eat them retard flying reptiles, tf they thing they are

>> No.15611161

I forgot about these guys
Very strange creatures

>> No.15611192


>> No.15611215

>fucks your arthropod wife
What you gon do about it mammal boy.

>> No.15611221
File: 1.02 MB, 847x1635, E0662C06-9C9A-438E-8E4B-F2EE41696C33.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck forgot pic related

>> No.15611257

Fucking terrifying

>> No.15611276
File: 96 KB, 700x525, wSbHCcw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

for you

>> No.15611290
File: 172 KB, 1200x947, CA645E1B-0568-49A3-90A5-309FDB7581FB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Snibbeti snabb

>> No.15611299

The Bible is not like the others

>> No.15611304
File: 387 KB, 701x1979, Anne Frank.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Plans on marriage yet? Does she want human babies to pet someday?

>> No.15611344

it's always nice seeing a god-tier post like his
brings me back

>> No.15611364

When I thought it couldn’t get more based /lit/ starts posting prehistoric shit. Love it.

>> No.15611396
File: 126 KB, 960x720, 75E9B953-42D3-4254-82C2-152EE5F63106.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Om nom nom

>> No.15611406

do not eat gf

>> No.15611433
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>> No.15611453

they can’t possibly expect us to believe this is real

>> No.15611473

been waiting for this post. voice of reason
all this Pokemon bs - no real bones

>> No.15611480

Ok retard

>> No.15611482


>> No.15611490
File: 31 KB, 438x400, EA63A106-3DA6-4A35-B7CE-87291BC19143.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shit forgot pic related again

>> No.15611566
File: 166 KB, 900x598, cute-calf-sandy-webster.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Reading this warms my heart.

Here, have more calves.

>> No.15611586


>> No.15611591


She should be 6'5 at least.

>> No.15612533

My ancestor :)

>> No.15612565
File: 129 KB, 830x1136, 1590440096708.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i love this thread, this board, and all of you!

>> No.15612583

Women are all children.

>> No.15612660


>> No.15612684

I feel a bit sad now, I pray every day for a (good) woman.

>> No.15612719

This story is true. Just decrease all attractiveness ratings by 4 points.

>> No.15612758
File: 191 KB, 698x768, Scale.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, I read somewhere that our brain perceived us as 5x more attractive than we already are.
OP has probably no idea what an 8 actually looks like since most people tend to use the decile rating without knowing what makes each score attractive.

>> No.15612764

that means I'm a 1.2... shit...

>> No.15612807

No, scratch that. I decided to find where I read about that 5x bullshit and apparently I read it in a rage comic like 10 years ago lol.
It makes no sense to apply that to the decile scale either otherwise a 10/10 chad would be a 2/10 subhuman. You are a 6 which ok, it would be better but it also could be a lot worse.