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15605276 No.15605276[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Books about the human race being a giant fucking disappointment?

>> No.15605279

Whitey got rocked. This picture makes /pol/ seethe

>> No.15605281

your diary faggot

>> No.15605282
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>> No.15605283

What's happening there?

>> No.15605317


>> No.15605409

The human race is fine, stop going out of your way to only focus on trash people. All over the world you will find good people

>> No.15605418

>noo?! what do you mean I have to stop being racist and respect other humans?!!
Cope more dumb neonazi

>> No.15605421

get help, schizo. think about something else than /pol/ for a second and if you can't you are better off leaving for reddit.

>> No.15605422

>All over the world you will find good people
Name one (1) good person in Mongolia.

>> No.15605429
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But oceans are literally dirty

>> No.15605433

You would have to go there to meet them, have them take you into their home, feed you, tell you stories about their life and way of living. People are mostly good, anywhere in the world.

>> No.15605443
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>> No.15605446

Oceans are magnificent

>> No.15605452

Is this really what they learn in training?

>> No.15605468
File: 2.86 MB, 1280x720, 1592077883214.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"Peaceful" BLM protesters roaming the Streets of London looking for white people to beat. Just a reminder: BLM is the front of the new Bolsheviks.

>> No.15605480

And the police are all Nazis. We allied with the Communists to defeat the Nazis

>> No.15605500
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>Imagine being on the side of people actively murdering in the streets because some gangbanger got killed by a corrupt cop half a world away

Kicking people while they are down is literally the exact thing they are supposed to be protesting against. This is just more proof that this is a communist front. And all commies get the bullet.

>> No.15605508

Maintaining the power stance while apprehending criminal scum is important

>> No.15605513

Wow, such a brave statement.
>Everyone I hate is a nazi
That's why the mob of 20 attacked and nearly beat this man to death. 20 to 1, that seems like good odds for indolent nigger commies.

>> No.15605514

Lol I bet you’re typing this from the comfort of a well-policed neighborhood

>> No.15605523

I'd be surprised if there's a nogster on this planet who even knows the word "Bolshevik", much less history beyond whatever kang stories about egyptians are told during black history month

>> No.15605525
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>> No.15605533

>Everyone I hate is a nazi
>Just a reminder: BLM is the front of the new Bolsheviks.

I hope you appreciate the irony

>> No.15605566
File: 999 KB, 991x861, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

white anglos kick people when they're down all the time
jumping random people is anglo tradition
white football hooligans love ganging up on people, even ex soldiers

>> No.15605575
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>> No.15605589
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Those bloody blacks coming over ere and stealing the limelight

>> No.15605599

Looks like Killer Mike

>> No.15605601
File: 456 KB, 677x2144, 1592068836386.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The real irony is that they went from tools on a plantation to tools in the streets. Their movement is meant to fail, to challenge authority purposefully to inflict the iron hand of reaction.

Everyone thinks Trump is Hitler, but he is not. He is Neville Chamberlain allowing China and Russia to do what they please and annex what they want. And these tools are doing exactly what the system wants. To create a reason to role out the tanks domestically.

>> No.15605627
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And yet for some reason you equate bad people doing bad things to all anglos, but decry when bad people doing bad things are equated to all blacks.
>pic related
This "peaceful" protestor just "peacefully" cutting the throat of a random anglo. I guess all niggers are cowardly throat cutters when they have the advantage of the crowd right?

>> No.15605630

Haha the /pol/ uprising. They're going to take down the statues and the alt-right shits are going to do nothing because they're a bunch of incel NEETs. The real racists are too wrecked by outsourcing and opiods to do anything either. You're going to get some terrorism jihad style but look what that got the Middle East

>> No.15605635

You’re dumb they probably beat that guy up for being a white supremacist. You can literally see in the picture a white girl walking with a BLM sign and they haven’t beat her up. In fact go to any protest and you’ll see there are both white and black people marching. The protests are peaceful by and large, but there are some violent people on both sides.

>> No.15605637


>> No.15605640
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>> No.15605647
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>The protests are peaceful by and large, but there are some violent people on both sides.

>> No.15605648

BLM is casting a wide net I see.

>> No.15605659

Gandhi was a terrorist

>> No.15605660
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You’re dumb they probably beat that guy up for being a white supremacist. You can literally see in the picture a white girl walking with a BLM sign and they haven’t beat her up. In fact go to any protest and you’ll see there are both white and black people marching. The protests are peaceful by and large, but there are some violent people on both sides.

Yea totally peaceful. That amazon truck was being a WHITE SUPREMACIST. It's all these "peaceful protestors" could do was rob it.

>> No.15605677
File: 54 KB, 760x428, nn_cbe_emt_killed_by_police_200513_1920x1080.focal-760x428.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shot eight times during a drug raid on the wrong house

>> No.15605682

>BLM in london
literally why

>> No.15605683
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>They're going to take down the statues and the alt-right shits are going to do nothing because they're a bunch of incel NEETs.
The UK is not the US. They have come out in defense of the statues and despite being labeled far-right for defending WW2 memorials and a statue of Sir Winston Churchill from more vandalism by the mob, they successfully defended it.

>> No.15605694

I watched video of the handful of people that got beat down during protests. They almost always started shit. Just like people who get shot by the cops. Don't start none, there's won't be none, as they say.

>> No.15605704
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>> No.15605705
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>BLM in london
Because it's not about police, it's about control.

>> No.15605717

If I don't take it off will you die?

>> No.15605718

no no no!!! not muh hecking (((merchant society))) backed slaver!!!!!

>> No.15605720
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>Peaceful protests

>55 Million dollars in damage

If blacks stop attacking white people at 60 times the rate whites attack blacks then the beatings will stop.

>> No.15605726

Google says it was just a street dance gone wrong.

>> No.15605728

you're an actual retard

>> No.15605730

>Gandhi was a terrorist
t. Anglo

>> No.15605734

I admitted there were some violent people in the protests. But BY AND LARGE they are peaceful. Posting instances of violence proves nothing.

>> No.15605742

Yes, but you're suppossed to get off their neck once they're properly cuffed.

>> No.15605747
File: 167 KB, 750x835, 0C333340-3E58-4340-BC2D-CC0A340A5246.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is why.

>> No.15605750
File: 1.47 MB, 616x5370, 1581347304233.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She is a victim of police brutality. Brutality deemed necessary in these cities due to the murderous lives of her kin.

>> No.15605751

Is this the Irish white guy who got attacked by blacks or is this another victim? I'm out of the loop.

>> No.15605752
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>> No.15605757

And so rioting is necessary due to police brutality. Blame the police for the riots just like you seem to blaming black people for shooting her

>> No.15605761
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>you're an actual retard

>> No.15605764

>black doctor dies of covid

>> No.15605772

Trump is trying to blame corona on the chinese

>> No.15605774

>And so rioting is necessary due to police brutality
alternately blacks could just commit fewer crimes

>> No.15605782

Or the police could just do less brutality. Which the rioting is going make happen

>> No.15605786

>black communities are more likely to be overpoliced due to the drug war
>therefore blacks get caught more in cases of violent crime
Woah, who’d’ve thunk it!

>> No.15605787

>b-but look at drumpf!!!
CNN taught me that this is called whataboutism and you’re a nazi for engaging in it

>> No.15605796

>the human race
I think you mean non-whites.

>> No.15605799

>Which the rioting is going make happen

>> No.15605804
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>And so rioting is necessary due to police brutality. Blame the police for the riots just like you seem to blaming black people for shooting her
I don't think that, I am just applying the same mentality that you are. Anglos deserve to have their neck cut by rioters because police in America are unrestrained, therefore blacks in America deserve to be killed by police because of unnecessarily violent actions of other blacks.

It's not nice to be blamed for others actions is it?

>> No.15605809

the police should be more brutal

>> No.15605811

You can see white football hooligans doing the exact same thing in response to the protestors, punching the police and whatnot. To act like whites are some sort of superior race is disingenuous. White working classes are just as vile and disgusting as any other poor community.

>> No.15605814

>in cases of violent crime
The drug war is only relevant to non-violent offenses. This pertains to the fact that 52% of all murders in the US are carried out by 6% of the population (black males).

>> No.15605815
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The police almost never brutalize people for unjust reasons. Blacks on the other hand...

>> No.15605819
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Did this get posted yet?

>> No.15605822

This dude clearly made himself vocal about his dislike for the protests, probably used slurs. Perfect representation of white supremacy- to weak to actually fight its boogeyman and totally surprised when those it relentlessly targets fight back.

>> No.15605829
File: 297 KB, 607x699, hold it right there.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I see more non-whites being retards punching police than whites. All data supports that they are more violent, less intelligent, poorer, and less capable of meaningful growth. Shut the fuck up.

>> No.15605835
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>> No.15605839

Except the police brutality happened before the riots. And that BLM is not slitting Anglos throats just like not all the police are killing black people all the time

>> No.15605844

>the police brutality happened before the riots
underaged& pls go

>> No.15605845

I'm not reading that run on.

>> No.15605848

Ten bucks says the guy who saved him is an undercover cop, just like that random "security guard" who ripped that AR-15 out of the hands of some antifa dipshit in NYC or wherever. No way that guy was a civilian.

>> No.15605856

>blaming china for corona
Did it originate elsewhere, did some other government initially hide the virus just to save face which caused a global pandemic?

>> No.15605860

Bite size: You are fucking stupid. Blacks are like animals. Learn to read.

>> No.15605863

>Ten bucks says the guy who saved him is an undercover cop
Sure, are you going to pay me by bitcoin or what?

>> No.15605866

That guy who got horrible brutalized in Texas could have just went home, but he ran at the crowd with what looked like a sword, then got a skateboard to the dome for his trouble. That was brutal, but he escalated it.

>> No.15605870
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>> No.15605876

I'm white and Aryan.

>> No.15605880

George Floyd died May 25, 2020 and rioters burned down the police station May 28. Do racists have a different notion of time than normal people? Like black people doing stuff now can justify being racist in the past?

>> No.15605882
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>Posting instances of violence proves nothing.
How about posting proof that this is all just a coverup being pushed by the MSM to coverup whats happening in Hong Kong right now. We went from stay inside or you are a murderer to because it's black people, corona doesn't spread, while condemning white people for doing the exact same thing.

>> No.15605885

Oh right, the people who smash window are all undercover cop agent-provaoteurs, but the random people in crowds deescalating situations are just random good guys.

>> No.15605890

So fucking what? You are retarded. Kill yourself.

>> No.15605892

Bezos doesn’t care if one truck full of stuff gets looted, but the working-class people who bought said stuff probably do. Why do anarkiddies hate poor people so much?

>> No.15605895

>I'd be surprised if there's a nogster on this planet who even knows the word "Bolshevik"
Does Hepatitis know its own name? How is the nog's knowledge base relevant to its status?

>> No.15605897

Talk shit get hit, bitch boy. Walk it off.

>> No.15605898

If anything believing both those things is massive cognitive dissonance.

>> No.15605899

Finally someone realizes what's really going on. This is payback for Hong Kong.

>> No.15605901

Give me your shit.

>> No.15605902

I said that in response to this >>15605764
If china is responsible for corona then white people are responsible for black people dieing at a higher rate than them from it in the same country due to unequal access to medical care

>> No.15605903

Your posts are genuine fucking gaslighting.

>> No.15605906

I am you're genetic superier. You are a bad wrighter.

>> No.15605908

>the working-class people who bought said stuff probably do

>> No.15605909

>George Floyd
like I said, underageb&

>> No.15605913

Amazon has amazing refund policies. One time my order of a case of Starbucks Tripleshot was fucked up, they delivered another one the very next day no questions asked. Meanwhile Walmart ripped me off for some protein bars and never refunded me. Fuck Walmart.

>> No.15605915

So you're saying there were riots before George Floyd died? You've gone past /pol/ into /x/. What did the latest Q drop say

>> No.15605916

Do anarkiddies really think poor people don’t use amazon?

>> No.15605918

Lol, like most of those statistics arent because they are an immagrant non-established background from poor countries. Is it so suprising that a poor group of immigrants doesnt get the same exact livelyhood of the natural population?

>> No.15605924

>You've gone past /pol/ into /x/. What did the latest Q drop say
What the FUCK are you talking about??

>> No.15605927

>Which the rioting is going make happen
Shouldn't you be on the streets chimping out instead of attempting to write?

>> No.15605928

Aside from being a whataboutist nazi you’re also a retard who can’t think

>> No.15605936

>If china is responsible for corona then white people are responsible for black people dieing at a higher rate than them from it in the same country due to unequal access to medical care

>if one person does something wrong in china then it's white peoples fault for blacks not heading health warnings and continuing life as normal until the plague hits them

Imagine being so privileged that you can blame all your problems on whites.

>> No.15605938

His idiot cult, he's probably a level 6 laser lotus.

>> No.15605939

>So you're saying there were riots before George Floyd died?
Yes, you literal child.

>> No.15605942

Look how skinny Chauvin's little arms are. They don't even fill out his uniform. Fuck that guy so much.

>> No.15605945

>You are a bad wrighter.
Cringe. Get off this board you fucking twelve year old.

>> No.15605946

Did you forget your meds, schizo?

>> No.15605947

Original post that you're responding to >>15605844

>the police brutality happened before the riots
underaged& pls go

Obviously George Floyd was killed before the riots. Your lack of reading comprehension is not helping your cause

>> No.15605950

>customers must pay for items lost in transit and never delivered
You really have no clue how the world works, do you?

>> No.15605953

Look at what another one of your /pol/ friends is saying >>15605939 and I'm the schizo?

>> No.15605965

>He's disagreeing with me, therefore he is a /pol/bab
Don't you have some subreddit to be in?

>> No.15605967

The whole world should legitimately be putting pressure on China. It is without a doubt their negligence to regulate their meat that caused this and their denial of it is worse than the worst of trump. If they don't make major changes or repentance (they won't) it should be the whole world against China to prevent this from happening again.

>> No.15605982
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>Look how skinny Chauvin's little arms are. They don't even fill out his uniform. Fuck that guy so much.
lmao right? This little faggot fucking killed him because of a domestic dispute and yet all these fucking idiots can't even read into it for a minute to see that they worked with each other at a nightclub and argued all the time. This wasn't a racial thing this was him being a murderous lunatic killing a gangbanger with a long list of crimes like robbing a pregnant woman at gunpoint.

>> No.15605990

Wait, do people on 4chan still seriously think Covid didn't come from the Wuhan Virology lab? I figured you guys would be way ahead of the curve on this shit.

>> No.15605991
File: 162 KB, 1078x844, covidgraph.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The earliest known cases were not linked to the wet market.

>> No.15605993

Batzorig Vaanchig

>> No.15606002

Guys guys its all good this one police killing wasn't racially motivated so lets just ignore the four other widely publicized ones in the past three weeks

>> No.15606008
File: 12 KB, 259x160, burn.it.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The riots did not start after the death of George Floyd. We have been well under way for some time. Pic related.

>> No.15606009

>argued all the time
Citation needed.

>> No.15606011

Mongols are based.

>> No.15606015

>be a drug dealer
>unlike white-owned businesses, you have no protection from the state
>that means people can steal from you with impunity
>you have to protect your business yourself
>create a violent gang to do so
>police start over policing your community
>suddenly, violent crime (which actually means rates of successful prosecution) goes up in your community

>> No.15606016

And the differential rates of death among whites and blacks in America due to corona is from unequal access to healthcare. And any epidemiologist will tell you the major risk for zoological transfer is American feedlots with huge numbers of animals fed large amounts of antibiotics. Are we going to outlaw the burger?

>> No.15606020

Can't believe the cops in Atlanta killed another "unarmed" black guy by shooting him in the back this weekend. I know he stole the cops tazer and shot it at them, but still, in this climate take one for the team. Jesus.

>> No.15606025

The Floyd riots started before Floyd died? Was time travel involved?

>> No.15606033

>so lets just ignore the four other widely publicized ones in the past three weeks
Yes. They’re all equally hollow.

>> No.15606040
File: 334 KB, 814x1024, 1582554866899.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>from the Wuhan Virology lab
Some are so demoralized that they can't even do the research to wade through the propaganda. This was just released today


The ccp has infiltrators everywhere and they use their influence to shift it from "escaped bio-weapon due to negligence" to "why won't white people stop killing black people"

>> No.15606042

>and I'm the schizo?

>> No.15606043

That's what I was saying but then
and best of all

Fucking /pol/ rots your brains

>> No.15606045

>And the differential rates of death among whites and blacks in America due to corona is from unequal access to healthcare

it's due to niggers not social distancing or staying the fuck home

>> No.15606046

>The earliest known cases were not linked to the wet market.
One official requirement of the Chinese government for diagnosis of Covid-19 was contact with the Huanan market. Many of the statistics are based on faulty semantics so there is going to be a lot of confusion.

>> No.15606050

I don't understand the point of protesting, nothing will ever change if all you did was hold signs and walk in the streets like a retard.
Why doesn't someone just go and assassinate politicians? or maybe billionaires? like how hard could it be to put a bullet in Bezos's skull while he's exiting one of his Amazon events or something
You can easily get a gun in burgerland, yet no one gets assassinated, either Americans are way too incompetent or this is all just a farce

>> No.15606054


>> No.15606055

Read the cited paper.