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/lit/ - Literature

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15601298 No.15601298 [Reply] [Original]

What is the Dark Souls of literature? Serious replies only.

>> No.15601303

Hegel's Science of Logic.

>> No.15601309

gtfo /lit/, brainlet

>> No.15601341


Finnegans Wake

>> No.15601346

Dead Souls

>> No.15601349

Gene Wolfe deep cuts

>> No.15601386

The Faerie Queene
That's more like I Wanna Be The Guy

>> No.15601388


>> No.15601400

Applying info off the books you read to real life

>> No.15601414

That's more like LSD: Dream Emulator.

>> No.15601527

Seconding this. Brilliant book.

>> No.15601565

It’s based on the divine comedy, as well as medieval literature. Read a lot of medieval literature, specifically romances and epics. Stuff like Nibelungenlied, saga of didrik of been, the eddas and Le morte de Arthur are all good.



Good guides

>> No.15601586
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Anyway, here is a direct quote from Miyazaki if you want proof that it’s actually based on those things:
>What did inspire the game was a combination of European mythology and artistic sources outside of the world of videogames. "There aren't any other games [that I'd cite as inspiration], but there are films like Conan the Barbarian and Excalibur, and Frazetta's fantasy art," Miyazaki explains. Demon's Souls' medieval horror aesthetic is itself a product of the back-to-basics approach behind its punishing gameplay; where Japanese action-RPGs are traditionally fond of a historical Japanese setting, From's designers found their inspiration elsewhere.

>"The worlds of the games we used to play, the ones that made us tremble with excitement, were all Western worlds," says Miyazaki, "like series of fantasy game books like Wizardry and Varitmu. When we made Demon's Souls we took a back-to-basics approach, and so it turned into that kind of world - it was perfectly natural... It isn't widely known overseas, but lately in Japan games with that kind of world have all but disappeared."

>The crumbling forts and gothic dungeons of Demon's Souls' world have a European aesthetic to them that Miyazaki thinks is entirely understandable, citing inspirations from Arthurian to bloodsoaked old-Germanic myth. "Aren't all of us, especially those involved in the actual making of games, influenced by the West? It's only my personal taste, but I'm very much drawn to things like King Arthur and Beowolf, and also the Nibelungen, because they're classics. They show the good and evil in the human psyche and you're made to breathe the unvarnished stench of humanity... [Medieval tales] are not trying to put on airs."


So I managed to objectively answer that meme question once and for all, hope everyone is happy with the end result - the Dark Souls of literature has finally been found.

>> No.15601590

Also note, this article is talking about Demon Souls but it still applies to Dark Souls especially since there is an NPC called Kriemhild and obvious influences from Arthurian and Norse mythology

>> No.15601602
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Das Kapital.

Everyone will agree that this book is very difficult to read. It’s extremely long, boring, and uses big words but it’s worth it.

>> No.15601613
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As a fan of Dark Souls and literature, I can tell you honestly that you will not find what you are looking for. There is no rewarding satisfaction of overcoming in literature, or if it is found it is immediately misguided. Read Aquinas' Suma Theologia in the original Latin if you want difficulty, but this will not better your experience or your understanding.

>Literature is not meant to be difficult.
>Those who find it so are of a poorly educated mindset.

Literature is a door to the voice of our fathers. Some books are written less intelligibly, and others intentionally cryptic.This does make them inherently more valuable. If you're looking for themes from Dark Souls such as growing ennui. the fading of good out of the universe, gods and demons, small men in great wars becoming heroes, /lit/ can help you.

>> No.15601622


>> No.15601673

>remastered version

>> No.15601686
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Ho-ly shit.

>> No.15601873

>Everyone will agree that this book is very difficult to read. It’s extremely long, boring, and uses big words but it’s worth it.
Dark Souls isn't very difficult, else it wouldn't have broken into the the mainstream so heavily, and it isn't very long as far as RPGs go. Boring is pretty subjective, but it's a well made action RPG with a lot of combat, not exactly Pathologic levels of walking around for miles on end and talking to random folk.

>> No.15601892

Serious reply

>> No.15603538


>> No.15604310

night land

>> No.15604317
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Considering both the plot and game mechanics, something about an endless cycle of repetition. Dark Souls at its core is a game without a serious story to tell, it doesn't rely on interpersonal relations, interesting personalities, or real-life mysteries. But it's genius in a sense that it manages to combine perfectly well its story and gameplay into a seamless blend of unity. The characters that inhabit its world are slowly fading, their memories fail them, they forget what they came for to Lordran, they are entangled in an endless grinding the same way you are, facing the bosses again and again, calculating your stats and moves, all for nothing, as your victory means nothing to that world or your personal growth. It's all meaningless, as the story of the great old souls will repeat again and again, with new people and hollows, as it did in the second game. The kingdom of Lordran will crumble and rise from its ashes will Drangleic, only to burn again. There will come another Chosen Undead, or Bearer of the Curse, or an Ashen One. So, I guess the book about the nature of repetition or something.

>> No.15604318

>There is no rewarding satisfaction of overcoming in literature
What is there to be found in video games besides a Dopamine rush?

>> No.15604330

Demon Souls > Dark Souls

>> No.15604353

Well that is A good answer, but not THE answer. You answered what inspired dark souls, not necessarily what is the equivalent of it in liturature.

>> No.15604369

Do we use the term deep cuts for books now?
Or are you being a memester?

>> No.15604374

The divine comedy both inspired Dark Souls but also feels a lot like it

>> No.15604381

>There is no rewarding satisfaction of overcoming in literature
wrong. infinite jest is a battle to finish and you feel rewarded being one of the very few who has truly understood that masterpiece.

>> No.15604399

Finnegan's wake

>> No.15604404

I think this might be a better answer. I feel like simply saying what inspired the work is a cop out. Its more about parrelel or largely unconnected developments that five off the same aura. Otherwise, what stops someone from saying the literary equivolent of revenge of the sith is the Revenge of the sith Novelization or Visa versa.

>> No.15604407

Noddy and Friends

>> No.15604414

that's the truth right there.

>> No.15604498

thus spoke zarathustra

>> No.15605016

wtf are you talking about you sperg

nobody is saying that about the basic works that inspired DS

>> No.15605116


>> No.15605171
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Try the Khazar Dictionary.
Written by a serb. Has medieval combat. But most importantly it got dream-hunting and alternate reality/synchronicity.

>> No.15605244

Do you mean in terms of similar atmosphere/subject matter/tone? Or do you mean how they are viewed? If the latter (a work seen as very challenging that’s not actually that difficult but is still among the best in its genre) than Ulysses

>> No.15605931

Should I read Male or Female version? Apparently they are different.
Am man.

>> No.15605984

Pale Fire refutes you.

>> No.15606028


Considering Dark Souls is mostly based around roll dodging, you might consider Infinite Jest because it made me roll my eyes a lot and I've dodged finishing it.

>> No.15606081

I Think it was actually inspired by Lovecraft

>> No.15606176

The very hungry caterpillar

>> No.15607212


>> No.15607246


>> No.15608262

I've been meaning to rewrite this for /fit/ but make it about bulking.

>> No.15608424


>> No.15609428

No it wasn't you retard. That's Bloodborne.