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15599199 No.15599199 [Reply] [Original]

What is your favorite novel by PKD?

>> No.15599294

A Scanner Darkly

>> No.15599446
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>> No.15599461


>> No.15599484


>> No.15599495

The unteleported man

>> No.15599507


>> No.15599580

ubik was more engaging. valis had more hidden depth. are any of the valis trilogy books good? what is his actually best work if you like mysteries?

>> No.15599593

flow my tears the policeman said
unteleported man
The World Jones Made
Dr. Bloodmoney, or How We Got Along After the Bomb

>> No.15599612

i found VALIS tremendously sweet and sad but Ubik is probably his best. i really feel for the poor guy. a very tormented soul.

>> No.15599617

oh, and the three stigmata of palmer eldritch is really good as well.

>> No.15599621

it's very hard, i love a great deal of his books
i think for me it's martian timeslip

>> No.15599748
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Good choice. Definitely one of my favorites. The movie was great too
I might have to agree with this. Ubik was just so damn entertaining. I need to reread it again
I loved Valis and I just started The Divine Invasion. I like it a lot so far but it pales in comparison to Valis. It doesn’t have any of the autobiographical parts or Dick as a character in this one
I enjoyed Flow My Tears but it wasn’t as good as I was expecting. I hated Taverner as a protagonist. I need to give Dr. Bloodmoney a read
I agree. I like a lot of late stage Dick novels because of how personal they were and how he used his religious experience as fuel for his writing. Very tragic person indeed

>> No.15599756

I just bought Martian Timeslip today. I probably won’t get to it soon because I’m in the middle of the Valis trilogy and I kind of want to read Time Out of Joint next but it’s on the list

>> No.15600316


>> No.15600360

Valis by far
he really poured his beautiful schizo soul into that one

>> No.15600381


The World Jones Made

>> No.15600481

He really did. I loved the novel when I read it but I didn’t appreciate it as much until I started looking into his whole life. It’s a beautiful masterpiece