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File: 377 KB, 541x507, dugin_meming.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15595839 No.15595839 [Reply] [Original]

>what men want is Duginism
Has he lost his mind or is he really gaining in popularity?

Also, thread about 4PT in general

>> No.15595850
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>> No.15595851

Tbh Nietzsche, Plato and Heidegger are a based combination. Just remove Dugin.

>> No.15595853

Teach me how to Dugin teach me teach me how to

>> No.15595856

Regular social media use seems to have such a corrosive effect on the psyche of intellectual types.
By all means let natural public speakers and professional media managers use it, but almost every time I've seen someone who devoted their life to reading, studying and writing start taking tweeting, their intelligence seems to have dwindled visibly month by month.
Out of a solid dozen cases I can think of maybe three exceptions. That's a bit concerning.

>> No.15595858

Grab a shovel. 1,8-2metres or little over 6 foot of dirt in front of you will stop a rifle bulltet. Now you know how to dig in.

>> No.15595861

What I want is a Russian girlfriend.

How are the fuck you combining Plato and Heidegger? Are you just shitposting or is there a reasonable explanation?

>> No.15595870


>> No.15595879
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The steppe is waking up to EVRASIANISM

>> No.15595887
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>> No.15595891

It'a not about mixing together. It's about reading the thoughts of the great men before you, to think deeply about the problems and the solutions such thoughts provide and to come back as a new man, who after engaging with some of the finest philosophers of the Western thought can now, even for a little, think for himself. By staying on the shoulders of these giants, the horizon is easier to see and such is the opening you seek for the kind of thinking that is authenthic. Reading and truly thinking gives the best of out of philosophy. Merely picking up concepts and sticking them together in a brutish manner will not work. The task of thinking only after a good unerstading of philosophers who in spite on their differences, had one thing with common: the discipline of thinking to try and approach the problems that revealed themselves as meaningful ways of moving forward.

>> No.15595941
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>> No.15596092


He obviously knows nothing about Nietzsche. He would never want a popular movement made out of his ideas.

>> No.15596500

please talk about noomakhia for once

>> No.15596512

>come back as a new man, who after engaging with some of the finest philosophers of the Western thought can now, even for a little, think for himself
And then die like a dog for no good reason, like every other man that came before you
Quit being pretentious

>> No.15596518

>How are the fuck you combining Plato and Heidegger?
Heidegger's rejection of Plato was in large parts superficial and owing to a want to appear as if he were inheriting Nietzsche, specifically metaphysics as a history of mistaken Platonism. This is obviously wrong, and Heidegger new it, but he still saw an enormous metaphysical value in Nietzsche himself.

>> No.15596523

>death is meaningless
How wrong you are anon, from the overtly mythological representations like the immortal soul of Socreates, to the purely world-aware like Heidegger; it does not matter other than you rid yourself of this cowardly mind against death.

>> No.15596562

>Litteral chaos worshippers from the Kurgan steppe

Real life has become a meme.

>> No.15596773

What did he say I cant read tankie

>> No.15596781

It's that age old meme of
>what girls think men want
>what men actually want
I don't know why people are throwing a fit over it, it's obviously just some boomer having fun

>> No.15596804

Kek, I guess for some people seeing their favorite philosopher shitposting on twitter is too much
"Born too early for space exploration..."

>> No.15596857

Shame i couldnt gf the qt Ukrainian at my school

>> No.15596898
File: 180 KB, 543x581, dugin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Given that Dugin's entire political philosophy is just an extremely massive cope to justify Russia being one giant scheme to suck oil out of the ground, Talmudically turn it into money, and then ship said money to Israel, I'm going to say that it's because his "political philosophy" is so vague and nebulous that you can define it in whatever way you want and say "Ah, yes, DUGINISM!".

Like, pic related. This is such a basic analysis of the American Empire that the only people who don't get this are the idiotic man and woman children out rioting because a petty criminal died of a meth overdose. You have to be a spoiled child spending your days in a religious playtime haze fantasy land that exists solely because you're so cozy and safe and opulent that you have to MAKE UP PROBLEMS to not be able to get this. Even Somali tribesmen and Arab goatherders get this.

So, what the fuck is Dugin's solution? "Eurasianism"? "Russia sits on the same patch of land it always has, that no-one wants, not even Russians, and tries to keep shipping money off to Israel until it eventually collapses due to internal corruption"? That's your big-brained high IQ analysis? The only "Eurasian" power that is an actual power is China, and they do actually have a geopolitical strategy (expand via land because China is incapable of managing a navy so that they can sell products to Europe with the eventual goal of invading and conquering Europe).

Duginism is just some airy fairy attempt at giving the Putin regime some kind of intellectual backing. It's like Putin saw that CNN was touting Steve Bannon as this galaxy-brained deep reactionary thinker (lol), so he picked the first loser who could string big words together and called it a day.

>> No.15597544

incredibly based take from dugin

tldr your post...get a grip, loser

>> No.15597568

i fucking hate fourth theory so much its so fucking gay

>> No.15597588

link for his post? Pretty sure he doesn't like Nietzsche ..

>> No.15597703


>> No.15597716
File: 33 KB, 437x633, 17862618_10155331466602287_3564314021016296120_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>link for his post?
Google his vkontakte profile Aлeкcaндp Дyгин

>> No.15597823

a glimpse of our posadist future

>> No.15597921

decadent mercantile civilizations getting rolled by steppe nomads when they reach their end point is the old tradition in the world

>> No.15597953

Fuck off with your weak regressive reactionary Eurasianism and get ready for the future emerging Panamerican civilization. Read Bloom's The American Religion, Tocqueville, Humboldt's Cosmos, the works of Emerson, Vasconcelos, Vallejo, magic realism like Borges and Garcia Marquez, Lovecraft, Mormon scripture, and the Great American Novels. Visit New York City and go to all its museums, zoos, parks. Visit the national parks of the United States. Visit the Aztec and Inca wonders. Visit the natural wonders of South America. Learn Spanish since the USA will flip over to bilingualism and Brazil is already integrated to Hispanic America, Latin America will fully modernize and industrialize over the next century and combine its forces with a newly bilingual United States, the world can't compete with that. You're going to have an entire hemisphere full of natural riches, history, culture, and wonders that speaks one language, nothing comes close except the Arab world in terms of its monolingual geographical scope. Russia is an empty steppe and tundra and has no future which is why it can only try to look to its past, nukes are not enough to be great.

>> No.15597992

>Latin America will fully modernize and industrialize over the next century

>> No.15598006

Basiert und amerikanski gepillt

I unironically support this. Annex central/South America then gunboat diplomacy Asia. Based world government

>> No.15598341

He hasn't become less intelligent, he just boomerposts on VK and Faceberg which is hilarious.

>> No.15598350
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>What I want is a Russian girlfriend.

>> No.15598376


>> No.15598397

The Millerman series on that was pretty good. All the Dark Logos stuff is a bit confusing at first, but it makes sense how it fits into his political philosophy.

>> No.15598420

>t. butthurt Atalanticist

>> No.15598425
File: 67 KB, 610x480, Aleksandr-Dughin_tintind.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It hates you too

>> No.15598446

It's not like Mongolia or Kazakhstan or the Siberian part of Russia have a better hope. Investors have always come to the Americas, not Russia, you can read about the rubber boom to see how opportunity and resources leads to quick development. The only hope of development in Eurasia comes from Russia itself.

>> No.15598451

The American century already happened, do you really think the political situation in the US is gonna lead to continued stability of the American liberal world order?

>> No.15598480

You think you can say that with a straight face after the collapse of Tsarist and Soviet Russia and this regressive Eurasian crap? If anyone's time is past it's Russia's. I didn't say America, but future Panamerica.

>> No.15598515
File: 84 KB, 604x339, OKoI6XtwA54.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Remove yourself

>> No.15598531

Yes, Russia has already been through its hard times, it can only go up from the 90's. Realistically, China will be the next world power.

>> No.15598565

China has no cultural hegemonic ambition otherwise it would have already taken over the world in the last hundred years. They have potential but it's already been squandered, you can hope things change but not while the CCP is still in control. They have no regard for IP and just plagiarize culture as far as they can, and produce nothing of cultural value anymore except TikTok maybe. Being an economic world power with nukes doesn't matter if you're isolated in a corner of the world exporting no new culture.

>> No.15598570

And to clarify, TikTok is complete shit, I just mean it at least gets exported.

>> No.15598670

Cultural power is irrelevant, US exporting liberal culture is probably the biggest weakness it has. US aid and investment always comes with the caveat of having to accept feminism, homosexuality, etc. but Chinese investment comes with no strings attached in that regard. Culture is a product of economics anyhow which is simply a series of commodifiable mass media products sold to every income bracket. China will have no problem picking up this mantle if need be. But again it hardly matters compared to real world production.

>> No.15598687

Why is Dugin the most misunderstood intellectual in the West? I swear no one actually gets his general arguments and simply boils everything about him into based NazBol man, accusations of satanism, or libtards thinking he's Russia hacking man.

>> No.15598895

what is he if he’s not any of that

>> No.15599209

A Russian philosopher who hates liberalism

>> No.15599211

I don't misunderstand him. He uses German thinkers to defend Russian opportunism and foreign policy.

>> No.15599230

Fucking disgusting.

>> No.15599233

I'm ready for 5th position burgerpunk

>> No.15599242

China secretly wants to become burgerpunk with America, they saw what America did to Japan and they want some cock action too

>> No.15599579

duginism is psychotic disorder

>> No.15599594

There is this forgotten quote of the early days of the internet that said: The internet does not make you stupid, it only makes your stupidty more accesible, therefore is not that people are more stupid but rather that they were stupid before and with the internet now we can notice.

>> No.15599598

The only reason to work with China is to benefit yourself. People shit on the US because Zog exports fags and niggers and jews and that's bad, yes, but remember that Italy got hit with the Coronavirus worse than any other European nation because China had replaced an entire city's worth of Italians with Chinks. The only reason to tolerate this is if you're a traitor anyways, so if you've got to choose between being a traitor to Zog or to China, why choose the less profitable evil?

Yes. America is going to go through it's Second Religiousness, akin to the rise of Augustus, and will only come out of this stronger. It will suck for everyone, this is not a good thing, but if you think this is the end you aren't paying attention.

Because of what this dude said >>15596898, he's just dressing up Russia's historical geopolitical strategy into some big ideological struggle. Its Warm Water for Zoomers. That's fun for the memes and all, but if you actually look at his thought beyond "China vs USA, Russian oligarchs should leverage this to benefit" you'll see there's not much to it. Go look at how he maps out the world in his books, it's fucking comical, he has India as a bully and imperialist hegemon while China is lumped into the same category as Africa, and the entire world has historically been trying to invade Russia because ???.

>> No.15599604

Literally irl warhammer

>> No.15599623

How is Duginism any different than capitalism with some mysticism splashed in

>> No.15599631

His wife is cute

>> No.15599647
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You're at the bottom.

>> No.15599703

I am below the bottom.

>> No.15599759
File: 173 KB, 918x1390, C04YD8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know what but there is something that many russian men have that makes them look good (no homo) in some inexplainable way, Dugin has it, Tolstoy has it, something that gives impression of deep wisdom while at the same time real man hardness (again no homo).

>> No.15599795

>round head
>high hairline
>big beard
It's a good look.

>> No.15599797

You're kinda very super homo anon

>> No.15599844

It’s because you are a pencil necked geek. I would call you a nerd but you’re probably a pathetic pseud. Clean my ass with your tongue, then go rope, fucking freak.

>> No.15599956

See >>15599209 If you want to pin him down with anything, he's a Conservative Revolutionary.

>> No.15599962

>intellectual tries to come up with reasons why his country should be hegemonic
A tale as old as time. His 4PT stuff is way more interesting than the Eurasian stuff.

>> No.15599977

>America is going to go through it's Second Religiousness, akin to the rise of Augustus, and will only come out of this stronger.
This is not likely, any civil war in the US is going to be way, way more devastating than the Roman Civil Wars of that period. Heavy weapons change the game, the US will have smashed infrastructure that will take well over a decade to rebuild all way, while China's industry keeps growing at record rates.

>> No.15599997
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>> No.15600004

is that a raëlist commune?

>> No.15600009

>how is socialism any different than capitalism with some statism splashed in

>> No.15600017

also a good question desu

>> No.15600018

>real man hardness
>some metrosexual incel with soft hands who sat around writing lengthy slice of life shitposts about the nobility

i want russophiles to leave

>> No.15600042

There will be no advance in modes of production, industrial civilization is as far as it's gonna go.

>> No.15600054

This board is the only place where I've ran into anyone who understands him.

>> No.15600067

>muh Israel
Back to /pol/ retard

>> No.15600070

>I don't know what but there is something that many russian men have that makes them look good (no homo) in some inexplainable way
Ilya Repin solved that question. Look through his paintings and unveil their mistery, you will understand the beauty of the russian human being.

>> No.15600780

Absolutely based and GREENpilled. REAL American empire when?

>> No.15601171
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>> No.15601415

Fuck off you stupid nigger. Don't ever post that shit on this board again.

>> No.15602130

A low brow. Chimp-like, even.

>> No.15602281

A naturally square and animal type head occasionally mixed with the more intelligent gene to create a Dugin so he connects to a higher with this basic and simple Russian tradition; and on the other hand an absolute genius like Tolstoy.

>> No.15602295
File: 45 KB, 800x559, 0BTOOzqELkU.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I prefer the young Dugin

>> No.15603583

We're witnessing the collapse of America right now and you dream of an umpire?