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15598254 No.15598254 [Reply] [Original]

Books about Buddhist doctrine differs in India, China, Japan, Tibet, Mongolia etc. I say this because someone here said "Chinese Buddhism is not real Buddhism" and im curious as to why.

>> No.15598473

Chinese Buddhism is a modified version of Bactrian-Ghandaran buddhism

>> No.15598503
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Go on

>> No.15598695

Buddhism in World Cultures: Comparative Perspectives (Religion in Contemporary Cultures)

I have not read it myself yet. But according to the old /lit/ tradition - I recommend, heh.

Also "Studies in The Buddhistic Culture of India during the seventh and eighth centuries A.D." by Lal Mani Joshi


There it is Indian Buddhism, but it gives a great cultural perspective.

If, suddenly, you know Russian, than look https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Evgeny_Torchinov
"Bвeдeниe в бyддoлoгию. Кypc лeкций. CПб., Пeтepбypгcкoe филocoфcкoe oбщecтвo, 2000. — 304 c."
He is a specialist in Chinese Buddhism. There are very interesting details.

>"Chinese Buddhism is not real Buddhism"
This everyone (Buddhist) can say about each other. Nothing new.

>> No.15598956

I've been reading about this recently. Chan has had a huge influence on Chinese culture. Bodhidharma was apart of the Ghandaran Mahayana Buddhism, which also had some influence from Zoroastrianism. Nothing wrong with this though, just fascinating. Chinese Buddhism now is more just a Neo Confucian practice. Japanese Buddhism seems more influence by taoism without the Confucianism pollution.

>> No.15598976

Not to say that Chinese Buddhism isnt real Buddhism. Sheng yen and Xu Yun are great teachers. I just find the Japanese flavor more appealing. They also had some synchronicity with Shinto and although that's been seperated now you cannot deny the influence that Japanese animism has had on their Buddhist tradition.

>> No.15599098
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The best critical book on Buddhism. Covers the differences between Vajrayana (Tibetan) and Chan (Chinese) Buddhism where relevant. Focus is on Vajrayana and the Kalachakra Tantra, the history and internal disputes of the diffierent factions within Tibetan Buddhism:
>The Shadow of the Dalai Lama: Sexuality, Magic and Politics in Tibetan Buddhism
English translation is online and google has pdf and epub versions: