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15594881 No.15594881 [Reply] [Original]

why work hard?

>> No.15594891

fag question

>> No.15594899

start with the Greeks

>> No.15594907

start and end with Nietzsche before you waste more time reading philosophy

>> No.15594908

I pride myself in my work ethic. It’s the only “I’m just a regular guy” quality I have.

>> No.15594913

isn't this is a signal of not being able to achieve?

>> No.15594916

Do you want to find out?

>> No.15594923

It depends on what your definition of achievement is. I’m doing great at work though— that’s the only area of life I’m doing well at.

>> No.15594924

Capitalists demand the slaves make them more comfy. Bootlickers comply.

>> No.15594931

OP wants to find out

>> No.15594939

Work is fine and necessary, but working *hard* at something that you don’t like and we all don’t need, is done strictly for the money, IE “making a living”

>> No.15594940

Hard work builds character, and you are a weak coward. Working yourself to the bone for the rest of your life is pointless, but denying that hard work has a purpose is being soft and spoiled.

>> No.15594941


>> No.15594949


>> No.15594951

KEK what is wrong with you guys? I read Nietzsche and I'm probably going to reread Descartes.

>> No.15594958

Are you implying that working harder to get more money is inherently a bad thing? Grow the fuck up idiot

>> No.15594962

there's nothing in work, just attach meaning to it.

>> No.15594969

Societal acceptance.
Societal praise.
Positive feeling when the hard work is completed, if you're the type to feel it.
Physical exercise with its benefits, if the hard work is physical.
Usually staves off boredom a while. Usually more helpful after, for example, thinking about one thing for several hours and wanting a change of pace.

>> No.15594970


>> No.15594985


>> No.15594995


>> No.15594997

How else are you gonna live up to the Sweat Pledge anon? You did take the Sweat Pledge didn’t you

>> No.15594999

>enjoy my job
>enjoy how I develop as a result of my work experience
>enjoy the material benefits I recieve from my job
Where's the problem?

>> No.15595003

any book recs regarding this?

>> No.15595009 [DELETED] 

No. I’m implying >>15594940
how many decades have you worked? How many tomes have you required surgery? Have you paid off a student loan? A mortared? The deal is getting harder and harder, and the right get all the surplus value for all this hard work.
Notice the world is turning to shit.

>> No.15595012

No idea honestly, other than for the things I actually want to and to support those things. Wish I knew more ways to work hard that didn’t cause cancer/Alzheimer’s/heart attacks in +/-30-50 yearS

>> No.15595016

someone's gotta build the bridge to the singularity / ladder to heaven. working hard is something to do while time takes you there via death

>> No.15595015 [DELETED] 

Look out the window, freshman.

>> No.15595017

That one book by the smelly booze bum

>> No.15595022 [DELETED] 

Shot spellcheck on this thing

>> No.15595029

yes but saying the problem is capitalism doesn’t fix anything it just introduces more ideology and more ideology isn’t how we get out of this mess

>> No.15595030

No. I’m implying >>15594940
how many decades have you worked? How many times have you required surgery? Have you paid off a student loan? A mortgage? The deal is getting harder and harder, and the right get all the surplus value for all this hard work.
Notice the world is turning to shit.

Look out the window, freshman.

>> No.15595032


>> No.15595033

>implying I attended uni instead of getting a vocation
The limp academic failures on this board make me laugh

>> No.15595040


>> No.15595043
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It is properly identified as the wage slavery of capital.
Take accumulative currency out and even government heals its more odious behavior

>> No.15595046


>> No.15595051

>why work hard?
To get the right answer

>> No.15595053
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Ah, the smug blue collar worker. What job, son?
Hopefully not truck driver. Those are going to start thinning out

>> No.15595054

Care to cite real world examples?

>> No.15595057

>Take accumulative currency out
That’s why your ideology doesn’t make sense. That’s not how the world works. Just because you are a failure doesn’t mean everyone else has to give up their earned dollar. You’re so far up your own ass that you forgot you’re delusional.

>> No.15595068

I'm a paramedic working on my RN. Trying to get into flight medicine.

>> No.15595071

>You see, you are failure. World not work like that now, and for always. Never change.

>> No.15595082

>Care to cite real world examples?
It’s an assignment for you to ponder and find the sources yourself. So you’ll believe them. You won’t believe me.

Sounds nice. Glad you like it.
I’ve said before I wanted to get into filmmaking. Really hard to break into.

>> No.15595097

>translation: I don't have any
I asked you a simple question without any hint of animosity. Your quick turn to dismissive behavior leads me to believe that you're talking out your ass and can't back up a word you say outside of citing titles.

>> No.15595154
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Can’t take the challenge pf an assignment?

I have been giving a lot of thought as to what ails the world over the course of my life, and I and many others see the linchpin as state capitalism. All the biggest problems are systemic failures of a poorly grown monster from our ancient past. Some place the systems of capitalism back 500 years, i see it as accumulative currency, which goes back as far as that soft worthless metal first used as decoration.

Money supports the false status of bullies and thieves. It is Not only corrupting it is corruption itself. It taints every relationship between humans
Read some Thomas Paine
Read MI Finley’s The World of Odysseus

>> No.15595159

I recently started working flipping burgers and apparently I work too slow.

For three years I've been at the army, perfecting the art of working as slowly as possible. Hard to switch now.

>> No.15595212

Former Armyfag here. It gets better. I was an overachieving highspeed, but adjusting to civilian life was difficult for me as well. I’m 26 and in college pursuing the path of a literary editor. Finally becoming less of a prick and more laid back. I did construction labor and car sales for a few years until I realized I wanted more out of life.

>> No.15595218

Outside of low-wage labor and food service your ethic would be appreciated. Been there done that, don't need a brain or skill to succeed. Try your best to find a technically demanding trade or craft, you'll find that your pace will be an asset.

>> No.15595281

Under capitalism, automation is bad.


>> No.15595384

Automation is good no matter what. Under capitalism, it means the eradication of vestigal "humans".

>> No.15596443

capitalism is a series of infinite significance. we, through our separation anxiety from our parents, have a fucked up death instinct that drives us to repeat in our suffering day to day

>> No.15596445

OP is black

>> No.15596450

Jesus Christ this board is nothing but edgy college kids attempting to be deep

>> No.15596454

actually im a high school dropout that read the introduction to an introduction to deleuze


>> No.15596458

Let people have some fun. And I'm a dropout too. KEK.


>> No.15596461

Work, work smart, but don't work "hard", especially don't do it for something you're not truly passionate over. Put in your 8 hours and tell your boss to fuck off, and work smart at home to find ways to make money without having to work for shlomo

>> No.15596464

>How many times have you required surgery? Have you paid off a student loan?

My nigga that only happens in your shitty Murican country. Good countries in Europe can actually have a great balance between working hard and having time to enjoy life. Also there is universal healthcare contrary to your faggot ass country

>> No.15596483

because it feels fucking good
finishing a hard days work with sweat on your neck and a cold beer in hand, fuck yeah

>> No.15596487


>> No.15596493

Your question alone is enough to prove communism will never work.

Also work hard for societies sake, it's supposed to be your extended family. This is why multiculturalism is bad.

>> No.15596511

I find funny how you post that book which only criticizes white collar jobs. If anything, blue collar jobs are real jobs and far from bullshit. Hell, even
pharmacists and doctors which are deemed very useful will probably be replaced by robots before plumbers and electricians.

>> No.15596526
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Working for yourself or God, it is good to work hard.
Working for someone else, especially the state or a business with more than 10 employees is stupid and frankly beta.

>> No.15596529

Sounds self defeating. Finish hard work to ingest poison.

>> No.15596531

You work hard for two possible reasons:
1. Out of passion
2. You got some slut knocked up and now need to support her.

>> No.15596546

I wish I could teach myself to work for God. There are just no authorities in this field these days to listen to and learn from.

>> No.15596563

I live in France and that's not really true. Work-induced injuries requiring surgeries isn't that uncommon for factory or construction workers for instance. Wagecucking for decades is still the norm, many sectors demand literal back-breaking effort or fucked-up time schedule (see restauration and hotel trade, but plenty of other lines of works have night shifts).
It's also getting increasingly difficult to get long-term contracts and health services are getting defunded further every election cycle.
Those kinds of hardship are even more common in developing countries.
The student loan bit is indeed uniquely Anglo-saxon, but most of the other problems apply worldwide.

>> No.15596567

I’m not religious but this notion is a good one to live by:
>And whatsoever ye do, do it heartily, as to the Lord, and not unto men
Just replace god with something greater than yourself

>> No.15596571

No such thing as large-scale monocultural societies though.

>> No.15596672

Hard work is something I do when I want to achieve a goal. After wanting something and planning out how to get it, hard work is what I need to do in order to get it. I would say that you could replace hard work with manipulation and thus not work hard, but I think that most of the times it requires hard work as well. So we could distinguish honest work from dishonest, the latter being more enticing oftentimes, for it shows you are cunning and able to outsmart others. Although thats a different topic.
Honestly, I don't see any other way to be happy. Even if you are born rich, you will be bound to want something that you cannot get and thus will need to work hard for it and then get it. The road and not the goal you could say.

Right now I am working a menial seasonal job that is well paid for me. I need to work every day. And every day I wake up early and go to the field to harvest and every day I sit there without music or anything, just with my thoughts and it has made me more content. I feel less angry at past grievances. I don't feel the need to forgive or accept what has happened to me. I feel that I got other things and always have and I can literally see how wanky rumination holds me back because I work slower when I'm angry. I work by the lot, btw. I dislike working for an hourly wage very much.

>> No.15596756

Hard work okay, why not, but for who, and for what?
Hard work developing open source software, in a non profit organization, hard work growing your own food, or hard work to enrich Shekelstein? The formers are good, and benefit the community and/or yourself. The latter is slave mentality.

>> No.15596777

It doesn’t matter who you are working for, work ethic is a trait you either possess or you don’t. Some people do the bare minimum so they can continue with their lives, others overachieve because they find passion in anything they do. Both types have their pros and cons, and one is not better than the other.

>> No.15596787

how else can America pay for tens of millions of illegals and nignog Dem voters?

>> No.15596799

If you wanna work for others, do it.

>> No.15596813

to play hard

>> No.15596817

So I can flex on these niggas

>> No.15597016

To develop my skill and become the best writer I can be

>> No.15597030

Relativist anon, why not take that desire to graft and apply it to something that isn't your job? If you literally found passion in everything you'd wake up and spend an hour preparing the optimal breakfast. You don't do this. You set another goal as the priority. That goal doesn't have to be your wage engine.

>> No.15597036

>The unhappiest people I know, are the ones in the watering places, the international watering places, like...the south coast of France, and Newport, and Palm Springs and Palm Beach, playing golf every afternoon, then bridge, going to parties every night, drinking too much, talking too much, thinking too little...no purpose.

>> No.15597046

How else you're going to ignore your death anxiety?

>> No.15597049

what a cope lmao

>> No.15597067

Why did it take this long for someone to say this?

>> No.15597125

nietzsche roasted philosophy but he still made me wanna read spinoza, epiktet, schopi and others. Except pascal, he owned that guy so harshly that I wont even bother

>> No.15597257

^See what kind of people inhabit this world thanks to this rotten system? This degeneracy has to stop.

They were once pretty comfy, but the socdem experiment is failing as bad as the ‘merican one.

There aren’t enough jobs. Automation is going to take more and more

>> No.15597636

From that paragon of virtue... Richard 'I am not a crook' Nixon.

>> No.15597655


What the fuck is flight medicine? I've never met a plane with health problems.

>> No.15597664

>but the socdem experiment is failing as bad as the ‘merican one.

t. Never picked up a History book

>> No.15597855


>> No.15598005

every notice how even allegedly subversive notions of masculinity just describe an excellent consumer?

>> No.15598019

interest isn't earned

>> No.15598036

don't listen to this guy, hard work gets zero appreciation in the real world. you need to figure out the level of effort consummate with your wages and not do one iota of work more. don't do management's job for them

>> No.15598060

europeans can afford welfare states because the united states foots the bill for their national defense

>> No.15598105

False causality

>> No.15598175

>hard work gets zero appreciation in the real world.
Accepting this is one of the things that show you have become a well adjusted adult. Working hard is for mugs and kids. If you dont accept this by the time you are 25 you will become a fat, balding, bitter middle aged man who wonders one day why all his hard work hasnt got him the big house, hot wife and tonnes of free time that the system promised.

>> No.15598494
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Work smarter, not harder

>> No.15598700

The virgin flow state v the chad hard work

>> No.15598732

>not valuing your time more than your money
Do Americans really?

>> No.15600093
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We can not escape from consumerism.

>> No.15600123
File: 253 KB, 1024x768, sayitwagie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How are wagies so good at coping? How do you reach this level of cope?

>> No.15600156


The only time when you should work hard is when you are doing the work for yourself basically when you are in control and the work is based on your own vision but at this point it won't seem like hard work it will just seem like work
Working hard for someone else is one of the stupidest things you can do in your entire life

>> No.15600300

Because you want to. If you don't want to, then that's okay too. Just make sure you're not working for anyone else besides yourself, though