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File: 38 KB, 463x575, 7e650010375af8aff901ed350c3566de--jesus-painting-lds-art.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15579263 No.15579263 [Reply] [Original]

What church is most faithful to Yeshua and his message?

>> No.15580130

Eastern Orthodox Church.

>> No.15580134

the big church of reddit

>> No.15580233


>> No.15580289

the independent fundamentalist baptist one down the street from you of course

>> No.15580322


>> No.15580361

A synagogue

>> No.15580389

Blessed Burgers and Bible Church, The Messiah's Greater Circumcision Church, Zionist Ideal Diabetes Church, braaaaapppphhh

>> No.15580411

>muh serbian country club

>> No.15580426

Glad you asked. You can be a part of pretty much any church so long as you keep your Bible close and remember to put God first.

>> No.15580462

Yes, Orthodox

>> No.15580509


>> No.15580524
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>> No.15580715


>> No.15580807

All non-liberal churches that do not allow women or the lgbt agenda.

>> No.15581025
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>> No.15581265
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>> No.15581279

The correct answer.

>> No.15581288

One not run by pedos

So none of them

>> No.15581297

Castaneda obviously.

>> No.15581319


>> No.15582304
File: 58 KB, 258x327, Cyprian_von_Karthago2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Cyrpus of Catharge was born in the middle ages
Use your brain instead of your shoe when making an argument. Also, the Five Solas are pretty much idiot by definition, not only on a biblical but in a logical context.


>> No.15582423

Close enough.

>> No.15582430

Who's the girl in your pic? Jerking off to her later
She probably has a delicious powerbottom booty

>> No.15582439

The Coptic Church.

>> No.15582471

A bunch of corrupt pigs, stealing the last pennies from poor and gullible old people. If anything, modern christianity is the work of the antichrist.

>> No.15582733

Reformed Church

>> No.15582763
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This. The internet romanticizes the Orthos WAY too much because most of you people have never actually been to a majority-Orthodox country. They've got just as many problems as the Catholics. In some ways they're worse. You only love the Orthos because they're exotic.

>> No.15582772

none if it. jesus was against larping.

>> No.15582786


>> No.15582798

Reformed aka Catholic (not Roman Catholic)

>> No.15582959

Orthodox > Catholic > Protestant, but Mormon is still the right answer.

>> No.15583073

LDS. Come home, white man. It's the only chance you have to develop the in-group preference needed save America.

>> No.15583094

Tares among wheat. Jesus will let you grow in his church til the end times but he'll burn you up in the end. You should only join a religion if you actually believe it.

>> No.15583103

I can believe in something and still recognize the overwhelming practical value of it. It's not a contradiction.

>> No.15583105

Just being cautious.

>> No.15583108

Who appointed you the gatekeeper of Mormonism? Piss off.

>> No.15583180

August 15 2017:
>White supremacist attitudes are morally wrong and sinful, and we condemn them. Church members who promote or pursue a ‘white culture’ or white supremacy agenda are not in harmony with the teachings of the Church.
August 13 2017:
>“It has been called to our attention that there are some among the various pro-white and white supremacy communities who assert that the Church is neutral toward or in support of their views. Nothing could be further from the truth. In the New Testament, Jesus said: ‘Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind. This is the first and great commandment. And the second is like unto it, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself’ (Matthew 22:37–39). The Book of Mormon teaches ‘all are alike unto God’” (2 Nephi 26:33).
>More than a decade ago, the late Church President Gordon B. Hinckley (1910–2008) addressed the topic of racism when speaking to members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. He powerfully and clearly taught this principle: ‘No man who makes disparaging remarks concerning those of another race can consider himself a true disciple of Christ. Nor can he consider himself to be in harmony with the teachings of the Church of Christ.’ For members of the Church, we reaffirm that teaching today and the Savior’s admonition to love our neighbor.
Best repent, brother.

>> No.15583206

Sure, dude. I'll verbally disavow the curiously undefined "white supremacy" all day in the comfort of my white church.

>> No.15583225

Remember that God sees the content of your heart.

>> No.15583236

Yes that's true. He'll see that I love everybody even though I have preferences.

>> No.15583248
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The Manichaean Church

>> No.15583249

the one with most members

>> No.15583259

God himself created the various races and when humanity tried to come together to create one race he purposely confused the tongues and sent people to the various corners of the world. Separatism is not supremacy and good judgement is not hatred. Nowhere are we called to mix together and create conflict.

>> No.15583270

That's your takeaway from the Babel story?

>> No.15583278

It's one takeaway, yes. Is there any more evidence needed that God recognized race than his treatment of Jews throughout history?

>> No.15583298
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>> No.15583564

Semi-Marcionite Para-Essene Arianist Arabic Pre-Islamic Christianity

>> No.15583578


>> No.15584176

>most of you people have never actually been to a majority-Orthodox country. They've got just as many problems as the Catholics.
>shows Pic of Patriarch of Constantinople in fucking turkey.

>> No.15584250

Seethe harder at churches better than yours

>> No.15584802

That one that actually followed jesus' words and went to preach to all corners of the world. Orthodox churches are national churches. It is important to note that they are in heresy since after the schism and establishment of palamism.

>but muh orthodox aesthetics
Caring about the anesthetics in spiritual matter? Not gonna make it.

>> No.15584813

>went to preach to all corners of the world.
Presbyterians then

>> No.15584844

I'm not a person who has an affinity for attacking the Catholic Church, but isn't this kinda ad hoc?

>> No.15585926
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>> No.15585955

Jews are not a race, there are Indian Jews, Chinese Jews and Black Jews too.

>> No.15585962

They're an ethnoreligious group; they were originally Hebrews, they began accepting converts/immigrants and now it's a lot fuzzier

>> No.15585978
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If one of our criteria for the One True Church is that they have evangelized every portion of the globe, how is the Catholic Church not the most likely candidate? They're on every continent and in every nation. They're also the most populous Church, with the most members. Haven't they done a better job than any other Church actually bringing the Gospels to everyone everywhere?

>> No.15586002

Definitely not a Christian church.

>> No.15586020

Jesus literally commands his followers not to "store up treasures on Earth" -- yet take a look at the Vatican and its all its shiny baubles. No, Catholicism is about are far from the teachings of Jesus as it is possible to get.

>> No.15586033

>and Black Jews too

>> No.15586062
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Convert to the true Roman Church.

>most of you people have never actually been to a majority-Orthodox country
I am Russian. There are many non-American Orthodox people here. Surely even some middle-eastern people too.

>> No.15586067

I really don't want to give you this, but I fuckin kekked hard as shit, tearing up a little rn

>> No.15586101

Demons literally fit everything you listed there. They are also everywhere and are converting people to their heresy, they can even quote scripture and spread their false view of it very effectively.

>> No.15586126

What is palomaism, orthodog? Didn't Jesus say that being able to see God in heaven is the ultimate reward for the saved?

>> No.15586147
File: 152 KB, 787x525, Cardinal-Arinze-081-CNS-WEB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So the largest Christian denomination in the world is just demonic?

This is why I love being Catholic. I know I'm on the right side because we have all the best enemies. We're hated by all the right people, which is a sign that we are still on the side of Christ, even after all our troubles. The Devil has attacked us from every angle, but the Spirit is with us, and the prayers of the saints and the angels still keep us strong. God will never abandon us.

>> No.15586149

Seeing Jesus Christ in heaven does not preclude seeing Him in this life (which any Christian has to believe already because of the Eucharist).
It is the same reward we will see in heaven, since Jesus Christ and his Love is the same and unchanging.

>> No.15586159

>So the largest Christian denomination in the world is just demonic?
Yes. A lot of Christians will fall away as the end nears. Numbers don't show correctness if you are spreading a false heretical teaching. Heresy and schism is a sin and leads people into damnation.

>> No.15586168

He was mainly known as Ἰησοῦς in his time. Hebrew wasn't even a language commonly spoken by people in 1st century Palestine.
You got memed by Evangelical brainlets and American atheist pinheads who unironically got all their knowledge from their local pastor.

>> No.15586182

Nah. You can keep your superstitions.

>> No.15586193

Wow, way to undermine the need for salvation.

>> No.15586198


The invisible one.

>> No.15586215
File: 219 KB, 685x1024, J.C. Ryle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Evangelical Anglicanism

>> No.15586221

How does participating in Christ's inner life and becoming Christ-like "undermine" salvation? That's litetrally what salvation is...

>> No.15586222

also this

>> No.15586228

>the church stopped existing for more than 1500 years bros!

>> No.15586244

Who are you quoting?

>> No.15586245

Honestly thought that pic was going to be Charles Sanders Peirce

>> No.15586251

Nobody, it's some dumbass that thinks Anglicans claim Anglicanism is the only correct form of Christianity or something. Anglo-Catholicism and other high church forms of Anglicanism > Evangelical Anglicanism imo, but you guys are fine

>> No.15586259

>thinks Anglicans claim Anglicanism is the only correct form of Christianity
so they don't even claim to have the truth? i thought they were atleast somewhat less pathetic.

>> No.15586275

John Henry Newman pls go
>but you guys are fine
It doesn't feel like it. Even the REC is becoming Anglo-Catholic.

>> No.15586287
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19th century beards make everyone look alike

>> No.15586330

Branch theory, the Catholics do similar with the Orthodox. So I guess they don't have the truth either, time to go be Orthodox (which isn't that bad sounding, in all honesty)
no u.
Is it? I think you guys merged with the ACNA so that explains it, the ACNA is far from perfect, though I'm an Episcopalian so I'm fair game to shit on too desu

>> No.15586395
File: 30 KB, 678x375, jhnewman_painting-678x375.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why don't you just cut to the chase and join the Church that Newman eventually joined? We recently declared him a saint. We had a big party about it.

>> No.15586407


Seventh Day Adventists. And non denominational Christian's who strive to follow Christs example and live without Sin. It's the Holy spirit we should all seek, not necessarily a specific denomination. Everything is compromised in these last days, but there are good Christian's scattered throughout all Churches I would think. But Catholicism is not Christianity.

>> No.15586441
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Because I am not superstitious.

>> No.15586445
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>It's the Holy spirit we should all seek
The Holy Spirit was given to a specific group of apostles, not to a scattered invisible group with contradictory teachings spread all over the world.

>> No.15586473

Roman Catholic. If you care about christian tradition, that is.

>> No.15586481

So which group would you say is the one possessing the Holy Spirit?

>> No.15586485

>Roman Catholic. If you worship christian tradition, that is.

>> No.15586493

Also, what your saying sounds like something the Pharisees would say. Or the Pope for that matter.

>> No.15586518

I can see why people turn to Eastern Orthodoxy, but protestantism? Imagine having literally zero awareness of early christianity and still trying to act cool. You guys would call the apostles idolaters, would call the martyrs that got eaten by lions heretics, would tell the desert fathers that they are wrong in their creeds. That's just so much arrogance, it's so crazy to me how someone would think like that after reaching the age of 18

>> No.15586532

The one that despises the Jew.

>> No.15586533

Denominations and “churches” are a spook

>> No.15586538

The one which preserved the teaching of the Christ, the apostles and their successors and did not schism, the Orthodox Church.

The pharisees would be right in saying that revelation and the divine help in interpreting it was given to a group of people (Israel) though. The pharisees wrongly thought that their position gave them the right to make additions/changes to God's word and elevate their laws to a divine status. Now the Church is the New Israel, calling all the nations to receive these gifts of the Holy Spirit.

>> No.15586557

Being this blue pilled

>> No.15586568

You must be 18 to post here.

>> No.15586574

Learn what ''worship'' means. Learn the differences of ''worship'' and ''respect'', of ''worship'' and ''venerate'' and so on. That must be kinda hard for americans, who are mostly monoglot cultureless dogs

>> No.15586584
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>> No.15586587

Learn how to read. I meant exactly what I said. You worship history and not God. That is why you are a Romanist. Because you are superstitious.

>> No.15586589


"Both the Russian Orthodox and Greek Orthodox churches have held extensive ecumenical discussions with Rome, and the patriarchs of both these churches have sought reconciliation with Rome."
RECONCILIATION with the Antichrist?

>> No.15586622

Rome isn't the actual antichrist, since he will be a known Jew and not a Christian priest. Reconcilliation is good, Rome as a lost brother needs to reconcile itself to the truth.

>> No.15586652

Any Gnostic group desu, no matter how much they differ from each other they're all still closer than any form of Nic*ne Christianity.

>> No.15586665

Well thank you for that comment. I now know that I wholeheartedly disagree with your point of view and there's no reason for any more discussion.

>> No.15586674

I'll stick with Sola Scriptura.

>> No.15586681


>> No.15586687
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The vast, vast majority if Orthodox posting I see online all feels like it's of exactly the same type. It's all teens and twentysomethings who grew up in Protestant households, going to either evangelical or nondenominational churches. They then went through an atheist phase, but as they've gotten older they've realized that God is real and Christianity has some truth to it.

But they still hate the Catholic Church, just like they were taught as good little Protestants, and their hatred has endured so much that the idea of becoming Catholic horrifies them. So what can they do, if they hate their original Protestantism but can't bare to be Catholic? Orthodox!

And that's where all the OrthoLARPers come from. Or, that's been my experience, being online as much as I have.

>> No.15586703

A proper understanding of history is not worship. Understanding that Jesus himself founded a Church and that the Holy Spirit guides it is not worship.

You are just a protestant fundamentalist that simply don't know anything about history because your whole heresy sect is based on that: not knowing. Not knowing shit about the early christians, not knowing about the martyrs, never studying philosophy, never studying linguistics.

Your wicked country was founded on that: ditch the western christianity as a whole so we can brainwash our future citizens enlightenment bullshit

>> No.15586713

There's a difference between hating the Catholic Church, or doing a little digging and realizing Catholicism is putrid, idolatrous, perverted, bloodthirsty, powerhungry, Pagan filth.

>> No.15586721

As compared to the endless numbers of online tradcaths still fuming about the 30 Years War.

>> No.15586728

how is this /lit/

>> No.15586741

We can discuss philosophy all day, but not religion. Why? There's plenty of literature involved.

>> No.15586743

>the idea of becoming Catholic horrifies them
Going to hell should rightly horrify absolutely anyone. It's great that protestants are converting to the truth. You just seem butthurt that they split your church into pieces and diminished its importance in the West.

>> No.15586750

Haha get 'em, my based dude.

>> No.15586762
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Holy Mother Mary is praying for you, you know.

>> No.15586770

Dont you mean Isis? You do know that is who the Cathic "Mary" really is right? Goddess worship much?

>> No.15586779

way, light, and truthpilled

>> No.15586797
File: 701 KB, 1000x1500, 1584665798303.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe you should actually read something about what the Church says about Mary, instead of going to conspiracy websites.

>> No.15586807

My info is not from any "conspiracy website". And maybe you should try reading outside of the views of your Satanic deception you call a church.

>> No.15586823

What do you believe about Mary?

>> No.15586843
File: 1.38 MB, 994x1399, fatima12c-seers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I believe she is the Immaculate Conception, born without the stain of original sin specifically to be the bearer of the Messiah. Nonetheless, I believe it was within her power to refuse this destiny when the Archangel Gabriel appeared to her at the Annunciation, so her "yes" was freely given, and represented her immense virtue and purity and her great love for God and for the world. I believe she was assumed into Heaven at the point of her death, rather than decaying in the grave, and I believe that today she is rightly treated with great honor, and among all the saints and angels who intercede on our behalf, she is the one whose intercession is the strongest. I believe she is queen of the angels and rightly beloved by all men of good will.

I also believe that God allows her to wield immense divine power for His benefit, from time to time, as she has at her numerous apparitions, such as at Guadalupe, at Lordes, and at Fatima.

>> No.15586860

so you basically see her as a goddess, gotcha

>> No.15586885

Mother of God, pray for us

>> No.15586907
File: 2.76 MB, 2500x3981, Mother of God.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It is truly right to bless thee, O Theotokos,
thou the ever blessed, and most pure, and the Mother of our God.
Thou the more honorable than the cherubim,
and beyond compare more glorious than the seraphim,
who without corruption gavest birth to God the Word,
thou the true Theotokos, we magnify thee.

>> No.15586910
File: 413 KB, 903x1230, 3b0441139f1b131253c52df670af327b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it really so hard to believe that God would allow the blessed saints in Heaven to wield His power on His behalf, to do His will? If you believe that the angels exist, and that they do God's will when they act, why don't you believe that the saints can do the same thing? It's not like their power belongs to them, it doesn't. It belongs to God. They're servants. Everyone in Heaven is God's servant, and they work on His behalf to help us.

>> No.15586927

If you dont even see what's wrong with saying the words "Mother of God", you are lost. Once again folks, this is called GODDESS WORSHIP which is PAGANISM. Hello? Anybody in there? Wakey wakey!

>> No.15586938

So if something is "not hard to believe", we should believe it? This is why Sola Scriptura is so important. Where in the Bible does it talk about these things? And please dont quote the Catholic version, or give me misinterpreted scripture.

>> No.15586947

You rootless animal, your terrible ''interpretation'' of the (ripped) bible doesn't make any sense and doesn't have any valor to me

>> No.15586954

You sound like a mindless Catholic drone, regurgitating what was brainwashed into you. Sorry I chose not to be swayed by a horrible deception that has murdered, tortured, and raped millions of innocent souls. Yeah, that's who you bow down to. The beast. I hope you see the light one day.

>> No.15586978

Jesus is God.
Mary is the Mother of Jesus.
QED Mary is the Mother of God.
Not the Father, and not the divine ousia (technically) but she did bear it, and can hence be called the Mother of God.
I believe it was the Nestorians who denied calling her such (preferring the term Christotokos) and you don't wanna be a Nestorian, do you?

>> No.15586980

''You are just regurgitating what was brainwashed into you''
Oh, so you really wanna talk theology
What do you tell me about John 19? If Jesus himself metaphorically said that His mother was ours too, who are you to say the contrary?

In the subject of ''goddess worship'' how is it possible to worship someone (a saint, or in this case, Mary) if it's clear in all of catholic theology that God is the highest being in the universe and that every saint is just powerful or capable of doing anything because God wants them to?

I mean, it's not a hard question if you know the basics of exegesis and linguistics. You know that there are 2 different words in greek, one for ''veneration'' and other for ''worship'', right? You are not THAT dumb, right?

>> No.15587043

I get what you are saying, but acknowledging that Jesus had a mother and her name was Mary is fine. But what is the point of worshipping (yes WORSHIPPING, as in bowing down to, which you idiots do) besides the insidious trick that it is to sneakily have you engaging in a completely different religion than the worship of the one and only true Father God. I dont care about your splitting of hairs argument about the linguistics of the difference between "veneration" and "worship", you fucking blind fools make ALTARS of a woman and exalt her as a goddess. And by the way, it's a completely different goddess you are bowing down to than the one you think you are. You joined the side of child raping deceivers and I'm done arguing with you fools. You're trying to be smart, wellthen actually BE smart and go research something outside of your little Roman "The pope says" box. Watch some Walter Veith or something. Open your eyes.

>> No.15587063

Is that Roman soldier, Panthera, technically considered to be the Father of God, or is it only a mitochondrial kind of deal?

>> No.15587114


>> No.15587181

guys, how can you know this if you don't understand what is to be jesus, buddha, holy (whole), enlightened (endarkened ego)? all mainstream religions are complete lies. all you discuss here is absolute nonsense. is it so difficult to admit that true teaching is opposite of what churches teach? I understand why schizos post christian delirium on /x, but why here?

>> No.15587218

>I dont care about your splitting of hairs argument about the linguistics of the difference between "veneration" and "worship"

Then you are willfully dumb, congrats

>> No.15587237

What do I read to believe in God? Besides the Bible. I started reading Mere Christianity, but I got really bogged down in the early chapters where Lewis kept going on about Is-Ought and never actually got to the point.

>> No.15587260

why don't you step back and realize that "believe" is "larp" and schizo? if someone says "I believe in Blah" there's no way he can prove it, he cannot be sure that he "believes" exactly as another guy, and technically he only believes that he believes, and wants us to believe that he believes. believe is parasitic word.

>> No.15587275

>wrong with saying the words "Mother of God"
What's wrong with it in your opinion? Nestorianism is a cringe debunked heresy. Jesus Christ is the Logos and Mary gave birth to Him. If she is not the mother of God, then who exactly did she give birth to? Protestantism is just rehashing old heresies which were destroyed more than a thousand years ago.

>> No.15587279

>What do I read to believe in God?
Nothing. You pray to Him to grant you belief.

>> No.15587287

>all mainstream religions are complete lies.
then i guess this extremely mainstream religious position is a lie too?...

>> No.15587291

translation from schizo: you schizo to schizo so schizo grants you schizo.

>> No.15587299

start with discovering meaning of word religion.

>> No.15587846

cringe bug

>> No.15587891

oof. the truth of the matter is, its not about which Church you belong. it is about the faith you possess. The Orthodox Faith is the most untouched by time.

>> No.15587893

totally false; clearly have not read Calvin. Not a fan myself, but come on.

>> No.15587898

Does anyone here actually attempt to live their lives in a virtuous Christian manner, or do they just sit at home and fling shit at each other's denomination from their keyboard?

>> No.15587906

based. europe went protestant but then jesuits came through with the 30 year war and the assassination of King Henry of France

>> No.15587931

I worship god, not the actions of men.

>> No.15587938

apostles are still men, they sinned like the rest of us.

>> No.15587955


Only if that means the Iconoclastic movement, which mostly existed within Eastern Orthodox Christianity between the 8th through 9th centuries, though it was still around in Anatolia for a time later than that.

>> No.15587957

grow up.

>> No.15587962

are you doing correctly or like the others?

>> No.15587970

a non-denominational local church following the teachings of christ rather than teachings of men. jesus did not support massive hierarchical churches where one man serves another instead of god.

>> No.15587993

how can you serve god if you don't know what is god or where he is. or did you read it in a book? it is like know what The Beatles is by reading wikipedia page.

>> No.15588010
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>> No.15588085



>John 14:6, “I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.”

>> No.15588135

>one knows god by licking him off a bishop's taint
reading the teachings of god is how we come to know and accept god thus enabling us to experience the spiritual.

>> No.15588236

>reading the teachings of god
where did you get these teachings from? who told them to you?

>> No.15588303

Are you retarded?

>> No.15588326
File: 905 KB, 3543x2362, 1531677993250.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What church is most faithful to Yeshua and his message?
The Catholic Church

>> No.15588332

This guy knows his shit


>> No.15588818

"we need document"
What did they mean by this? They want citizen ID?

>> No.15589222

reading about love has nothing to do with love, quite opposite.

>> No.15589241

how do you know that what you experience is spiritual, and not spiritual?

>> No.15589253

This. Possibly oriental orthodox as well

>> No.15589287

Non-denominationals are just Protestants who don’t know who Martin Luther is.

>> No.15589405

I don’t hate Catholics. My gf is catholic. I don’t think Catholics go to hell.
Sola Scriptora is heretical.
Read a modern saint, like the Russian martyrs. Usually very practical writing that isn’t too confusing imo
Yes, Calvin was fairly well read as was Luther. Their interpretations are still heretical.
I try, but’s very difficult
More like they’re Protestants who can’t agree on anything and often have no backbone.

>> No.15589518

the essence-energy distinction was enough to attract me to orthodoxy

>> No.15589540

>reading the teachings of god
yes, bible and all patristic and post-patristic writings

>> No.15589597

There seems to be a correlation between more education and decreased religiosity. What do Christians thing about this? Why is this the case?

>> No.15589600

How does it not devolve into polytheism?

>> No.15589613

There are no churches faithful to his message.

>> No.15589623

>all these brainless alcoholic slavs and Putin-worshippers ITT

>> No.15589831
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I'm so lost bros

>> No.15589922
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this lmao

>> No.15589943

>You only love the Orthos because they're exotic.
No, I like their theology and traditions more than the Catholic theology and traditions.
The aesthetic is a plus, but I also like the aesthetics of Catholicism and even some Prot churches.

>> No.15589986

As much as I'd like to say the Eastern Orthodox Church, and as much as it pains me to admit this, the Quakers are the most faithful to Yeshua and his message.

>> No.15590026

BLM and Marx

>> No.15590042

Provide a concise summary of His message, if you please.

>> No.15590062
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>> No.15590078

You'll find genuinely good people in non denominational evangelicism. Trad Christianity is full of larpers and evil people

>> No.15590137

The indoctrination from education cancels out the indoctrination from religion

>> No.15590160

The less sheltered you are, the more the idea that Satan is lurking in every corner becomes ridiculous. You start to study other cultures, and different religious traditions and realize how similar they are to your own, and how people are all really the same overall. It doesn't necessarily mean you drop religion, but it's hard to be a fundamentalist

>> No.15590174

guys, did not jesus tell you that the only thing you can save yourself from is stupidity, idiocy? well, I tell you now. your larping won't help you.

>> No.15590177

It's too bad they're all mental midgets whose faith collapses the minute they start interrogating their own beliefs of sola scriptura or even why the bible is considered holy. They believe the bible is the word of God because the bible says its the word of God and this is obviously circular reasoning but they don't care.

Mormons, Catholics, Orthodox, and maybe even Lutherans can make the claim that in treating the gospels as historical records, they document the founding of a Church with the authority to determine matters of faith, including which books belong in the bible. They don't have the ridiculous anarchy that comes with personal interpretations on very serious, mutually exclusive doctrines like baptism or the Eucharist. There's dozens of different views on what the Eucharist is and they can't all be valid. One of them is right and the rest are dangerously wrong. I think Jesus cared about us enough to actually guide us throughout our lives with a physical Church.

>> No.15590180

Retard alert

>> No.15590205

>they're all mental midgets
That's what makes them good people, they have a simple faith and do their best to be good people without dissecting what a goodness is. Some Thomists particularly can be incredibly cruel and disconnected from reality

>> No.15590228

Any church that insists on being political and likewise claims jesus was a politician are not real christians.

>> No.15590237

You need to keep in mind that these are also people who believe they are true original church, and that the Bible is the fount of the church, not the (correct) other way around. Many of them quite literally believe the Bible is why the church exists.

>> No.15590250

They believe that what they read in the scriptures is true, and see how various churches contradict the scriptures. When all the supposed authorities are corrupt, it makes sense to be suspicious.

>> No.15590264

This idea that the church should stay out of politics is a heresy called Americanism and it doesn't even make any sense because politics is morality on a larger scale. Surely you wouldn't argue that the church should have nothing to say about morals, right?

>> No.15590272

No church contradicts scriptures, but only an interpretation of that scripture. Who interprets scripture matters.

>> No.15590308

Well to be fair the gospels and sayings of Jesus are fairly straight forward. Most of the disputes are about the old testament, the entire message of Christ is simply about turning your life around and hoping for the world to come.

>> No.15590355

If they were straight forward there wouldn't be literally hundreds of mutually exclusive beliefs about the sacraments like baptism, the Eucharist, or confession. These interpretations can't all be valid and when they're wrong, they condemn people to hell. If the Eucharist is just a symbol but I treat it as the literal body of Christ, I'm committing idolatry.

Do you think the Pharisees and pagans didn't have hope for the world to come? This is a complete trivialization of the message of Christ because "turning your life around" could mean anything. You can't 'just be good" without actually knowing how to be a good, and this can only come from truth. This relativism inherent in fundamentalist Christianity is contrary to the very notion of truth. If all interpretations are valid, none of them are.

>> No.15590360

That is an anachronism.

>> No.15590408

>If all interpretations are valid, none of them are.
I think the case is more that there are a lot of false interpretations of inconsequential bullshit, which people have used to commit atrocious real world actions. Jesus preached a simple message, which has been over complicated.

>> No.15590445

all true teachings are about ceasing internal monologue, achieve internal silence.
that means to stop any "interpretations" at all, interpretations are product of ego.

and that means that the perfect teaching about silent knowledge is carlos castaneda.

>> No.15590460

I really don't see how anyone who read the gospels can say anything Jesus said was simple. Even so, how can there be so many interpretations if what he said was truly simple?

You say there's a lot of false interpretations but who are you say what is false? This goes back to my point about authority. Jesus and the apostles he promised to protect from teaching error can tell us what is false. The Eucharist is not inconsequential because if people are wrong, they go to hell.

>> No.15590489

>if people are wrong, they go to hell.
You don't know anything about the afterlife, you just internalize dogmas and repeat them mechanically like a parrot.

>> No.15590676

>internalize dogmas and repeat them mechanically like a parrot
How can you be this unaware ? Kek

>> No.15590685

>How can you be this unaware?
Unaware of what? I've read Denzinger, I've read the lives of various saints, I've read the catechism, I've read the papal encyclicals, I've read Vatican II. I'm not unaware of where you're coming from, I'm very aware.

>> No.15590715

fpbp. Truth

>> No.15590782
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Ethiopian Orthodox Tewahedo Church

>> No.15591133
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On the other hand, how do you account for some of the greatest thinkers of our time being religious, or even becoming religious after being atheist? Alisdair MacIntyre converted to Catholicism after being an atheist for the longest time. There's tons of extremely smart people who are religious.

Everyone who claims they're "smart" and who reads themselves out of Christianity is almost always a midwit, rather than being genuinely smart.

>> No.15591137

should one join the LDS church because it has a lot of anti-racist white people (right at this moment), or because its teachings and doctrines are all literally true, and exclusively so?

>> No.15591156

Also niggers weren't allowed in the priesthood until a few decades ago when god changed his mind.

>> No.15591168

Lmao. I’m not even Catholic.

>> No.15591174

People who convert to Catholicism aren't usually stupid, they're just afraid of death and hell

>> No.15591224

You should be a Mormon because it's true. The leadership is playing politics now but they can't change the inherently racist nature of the scripture. Mormonism is the only chance white America has for a future because they have the collectivism and strong in-group preference to gain and maintain positions of power even as a minority. Even if you don't believe you would be wise to get in and raise your kids as Mormon.

>> No.15591264

They’re going to be subverted and corrupted and coopted like everyone else, there is no escape

>> No.15591277

I don't think they will because the scripture is often very explicit about the preeminence of white people but even if it is corrupted in the end, it is still the best chance we have at survival.

>> No.15591286

I wish I had the wisdom to see the answer to OPs question. As it is I am stuck in denomination limbo, I cannot determine who has the truth

>> No.15591287

This kind of crass, utilitarian politics has been the standard for the LDS church since Joseph Smith founded it. Whatever doctrinal changes are necessary to maintain tax exempt status and their various financial and industrial investments will be made. The leadership has "played politics" since the birth of the LDS church. And look, I'm not trying to be anti-LDS here, but the church decided over a century ago that they will make whatever concessions necessary to continue playing ball with the status quo. The church had the chance to make a serious play against the USG when they had a bigger standing army than the US Army, but instead they chose the easier way of integration. Sure, they have resisted social changes for maybe 20 years longer than other churches or social institutions, but ultimately they expanded the priesthood to blacks just like they will eventually give it to open homosexuals, women, trannies, etc. The quorum are all white octogenarians for now, but they won't be forever. By the end of the century they will be all mestizos and other "based minorities".

>> No.15591301

>Black Jews

>> No.15591305

The bible doesn't say anything about white Americans

>> No.15591330

When I say they're playing politics here I mean they're coming out and saying it's wrong to be hateful and similar pandering to black people. I can agree with that, it is wrong to hate other people. This kind of stuff doesn't make any meaningful changes and it doesn't suddenly make white Mormons protecting white Mormons bad.

Right, but the book of Mormon does.

>> No.15591375

Don’t worry they’ll just edit the problematic passages out

>> No.15591414

>This kind of stuff doesn't make any meaningful changes
Are you really going to say that ending racial segregation in the church and expanding the priesthood to people who by their birth were denied it is not a meaningful change? This kind of dishonesty is why I ultimately decided not to join the church. There is a lot of interesting theology in the church but it's bogged down by this dishonesty apologia.

>> No.15591431

Joseph Smith is such an obvious conman, it is unbelievable. How the fuck can anybody believe the LDS’s bullshit when they’re founder has been proven to be a lying, polygamist scoundrel?

>> No.15591444

Joseph Smith has a serial liar and probably a philanderer but if you actually read about his life, like in books such as No Man Knows my History by Fawn Brodie, you realize he's a pretty sympathetic guy despite all this. I see no reason to believe he was malicious.

>> No.15591452

I'm talking about the politics right now in the present day. The priesthood should be open to all races because the church itself is open to all people. It's not right for black Mormons to have to deal exclusively with white priests.

It might seem like he is when you get such a one sided account of who he was. Some things are misrepresented and given the least charitble interpretation by non Mormons and often times there's great explanations for things. You can't South Park to be fair in its treatment of Joseph Smith yet people trust stuff like that. Look into these things for yourself.

>> No.15591455
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>> No.15591471

>The priesthood should be open to all races because the church itself is open to all people
You literally would not believe this 70 years ago. You would have had the exact opposite opinion just like everyone else in the church.

>It might seem like he is when you get such a one sided account of who he was.
See here we go, the classic mormon apologetics they always deploy. Wheel out South Park like it's the only thing that ever challenged mormon doctrines or ideals, and never mind the fact that the church's presentation of Joseph Smith is just as one-sided. In fact, the church has a more biased view of Joseph Smith since they are existentially dependent on a certain narrative about the man, whereas South Park just did it for laughs.

>> No.15591523

I am Anglican but at this point anon just join any church and remember that prioritizing the relationship with Jesus Christ is the most important thing, try and find a church that is godly and that is not pozzed, I would suggest non-pozzed Anglicanism,Catholicism,Orthodox or any non-liberal Protestant church, really just try and find the closest church that meets this criteria and stick to it.

>> No.15591548

The most hilarious example comes from his “translations” of the JSP. He was a conman.

>> No.15591690
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Or they believe it's true.

And, frankly, that seems to be the hardest thing for so many people on /lit/. So many people talk about the "cultural" benefits of things like Catholicism or Orthodoxy, what if you just think it's all real? What if you think Jesus really did rise from the dead? What if you really do think Jesus is God Incarnate, and that eternal life is open to everyone who believes in Him? What if you think that Jesus founded a Church to carry on His will and spread His gospel to the far corners of the Earth, so that all, in time, would believe?

There is no point to any of this if it's not true. Christianity is a waste of time if it's not actually, literally true. All the rituals, all the beauty, all the grandeur and the ceremony, it's all worthless without the factual reality of the Incarnation and the Resurrection. This is the hump you have to get over. There's no point being a "practical" Christian if you're not going to be a believing Christian too. You have to literally believe that Christianity is true, otherwise all of this is a waste of time.

>> No.15591735

Most Roman Catholic converts only convert for marriage.

>> No.15591783

>All the rituals, all the beauty, all the grandeur and the ceremony, it's all worthless without the factual reality of the Incarnation and the Resurrection
I wouldn't say they're worthless, but something can be true in a different way than what you're probably thinking. The papacy historically has tried to claim a monopoly over all reality, in the 1960s the church has opened up to the rest of the world and chilled itself out instead of condemning the world to hell ad nauseam. All religions have the perennial truth, and just as the Christian system they all lead to God realization

>> No.15591795

>So the largest Christian denomination in the world is just demonic?

Yes. The massacres and pedophilia didn't give you a hint?

>> No.15591798
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No it has to be literally true. There's no point to it if it's not literally true. St. Paul himself says it:

>And if Christ has not been raised, then our preaching is in vain and your faith is in vain. We are even found to be misrepresenting God, because we testified about God that he raised Christ, whom he did not raise if it is true that the dead are not raised. For if the dead are not raised, not even Christ has been raised. And if Christ has not been raised, your faith is futile and you are still in your sins. Then those also who have fallen asleep in Christ have perished. If in Christ we have hope in this life only, we are of all people most to be pitied.

>> No.15591824


Titans on Earth one thing, Titans in Heaven...so absurd it can only be exclusively Catholic. "Is it really so hard to believe"? My God.

>> No.15591856

>Mormons, Catholics, Orthodox, and maybe even Lutherans can make the claim that in treating the gospels as historical records, they document the founding of a Church with the authority to determine matters of faith, including which books belong in the bible.

What does this sentence mean?

>> No.15591892

two by twos. they have a bunch of cultural things messed up but most of them are trying to figure it out for real

>> No.15591904

Some Christians initially treat the gospels as merely historical documents which show Jesus founding a church and priestly hierarchy and giving it the authority to make definitive declarations on matters of faith and morals. The reason they believe the bible is the word of God is because this hierarchy of priests declared it to be so. This is in contrast with many protestants who reject this earthly church and hierarchy, and thus don't have reason to accept the bible as being the word of God.

>> No.15591916

>So the largest Christian denomination in the world is just demonic?
well, yes.

>> No.15591917

Who even cares, the hierarchy is a bunch of pedophile vampires. Most people just want to believe in a benevolent God who loves them, and who they can put their trust into.

>> No.15591936

Well it matters if this benevolent God founded a Church on earth and declared that you needed to be a part of it in order to enter his presence in heaven. Relativism doesn't work here.

>> No.15591966

Are you a member?

>> No.15592017

>So the largest Christian denomination in the world is just demonic?
Wide is the gate and broad is the way that leads to destruction

>> No.15592151

Absolute fact.

>> No.15592186

Seethe. Your “church” is a sham.

>> No.15592193

I dont have a church I'm not a christian

>> No.15592210

Dont believe anyone who claims to speak on behalf of an omnipotent God

>> No.15592213

russian orthodox church is in anathema retard

>> No.15592220

>All religions have the perennial truth
What makes you say this? Is this an evidence-based statement? A logical one? Did you just hear this at some point and decide it felt good to say, and started repeating it? What is your foundation for this idea?

>> No.15592232

I've studied various world religions

>> No.15592248

All of them? Does every world religion have the same amount of perennial truth, or do some have more than others? How would you know you studied all of them anyway?

>> No.15592255

Hinduism is closer to the truth than Roman Catholicism

>> No.15592367
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You're all literally incapable of granting a single inch of legitimacy to the Catholic Church, aren't you? Even under pain of death you wouldn't be willing to say a single nice thing about the Roman Church.

>> No.15592381
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No peace with Rome

>> No.15592386

Dont get me wrong, I think the mass is beautiful. The church has produced wonderful works of art and architecture, and I generally like Catholic culture.

>> No.15592424

Prots gonna prot

>> No.15592439
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This is why ecumenism was a mistake. It was the single biggest blunder of Vatican 2. There's no point in extending a welcoming hand to Prots and Muslims if all they're ever going to do is spit in it. We should just go back to killing each other like we did in the Thirty Years War. At least we never had to compromise our beliefs back then.

>> No.15592445

>We should just go back to killing
Spoken like a true Romanist. A Christian wouldn't say that.

>> No.15592507

let dead bury their dead. let dead kill other dead.
- Jesus.

>> No.15592527

No Church has been and no Church will be. The true message of Yeshua cannot be bounded by a Church. Read the Gnostic Scripts, my friend.

>> No.15592531

Quoting a single line from Jesus is not sufficient to support an idea, especially when there is so much material in the Bible that anything can be supported by removing enough context.

>> No.15592547

Stuff about, or written by, Saints
Story of a Soul - St. Therese of Lisieux (the Edmonson translation is great if you can't read French)
Revelations of Divine Love- Julian of Norwich
Catherine of Siena: Spiritual Development in Her Life and Teaching - Thomas McDermott, OP
The Maid of Orleans - Sven Stolpe
Joan of Arc: Her Story - Regine Pernoud

>> No.15592560
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>> No.15592580
File: 150 KB, 1200x800, 1200px-Badshahi_Mosque_July_1_2005_pic32_by_Ali_Imran_(1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15592660

Nah i was raised in a muslim household. History however disproves the Catholic ideas about the Church of Rome

>> No.15592668

yes im sure theres other groups out there that are seeking truth too, though

>> No.15592678

Orthodox are a meme church, completely irrelevant

>> No.15592683

how does the Holy Trinity not "devolve" into polytheism? because there is only one God the Father who is the sole cause of all.

>> No.15592687

وَمِنَ الَّذِينَ قَالُوا إِنَّا نَصَارَىٰ أَخَذْنَا مِيثَاقَهُمْ فَنَسُوا حَظًّا مِّمَّا ذُكِّرُوا بِهِ فَأَغْرَيْنَا بَيْنَهُمُ الْعَدَاوَةَ وَالْبَغْضَاءَ إِلَىٰ يَوْمِ الْقِيَامَةِ وَسَوْفَ يُنَبِّئُهُمُ اللَّهُ بِمَا كَانُوا يَصْنَعُونَ
And from those who say, "We are Christians" We took their covenant; but they forgot a portion of that of which they were reminded. So We caused among them animosity and hatred until the Day of Resurrection. And Allah is going to inform them about what they used to do.

>> No.15592696
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Lol, ok.

>> No.15592698

where in the Bible does it say you are supposed to reject tradition and just follow the bible? Sola scripture is not from scripture but a product of anti-clerical social movements and the enlightenment.

Tradition and the Bible are supposed to be a pair and literally every Church besides protestants realize this. The Orthodox, the Copts, the Oriental Orthodox, and the Catholics all understand this basic fact.

>> No.15592699

>good people
Good works do not earn you salvation without correct faith.

>> No.15592705

Jehovah Witness

>> No.15592712

I'm not a cathocuck or protestant, but eastern orthodox are literally a meme

>> No.15592736
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I reject these barbaric psychotic ideas about mass damnata and original sin. People are inherently good, and le true religion ruins them. A young child has more spiritual insight than Thomas Aquinas

>> No.15592750
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>The true church founded by Christ 2000 years ago is a meme.

>> No.15592762

How does that apply to Shia, sunnies, alwaites and Sufism?

>> No.15592763
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What good has the religion done in 2000 years? Nothing.

>> No.15592772

with 90% being sunni

>> No.15592783
File: 66 KB, 640x421, st_seraphim_of_sarov_with_bear_3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Read lives of saints, and figure it out for yourself.

>> No.15592811

>mass damnata and original sin
These are false latin heresies, but it doesn't mean that people will just go into heaven without believing in Christ.
>People are inherently good
How this deny the need for becoming sanctified like Christ and believing in Him without perverting His message? Christ says that we need to be born of water and Spirit to enter into the kingdom of God. It's not a perennialist subjective free-for-all where every muslim and atheist is going to enter even when they blaspheme Christ by perverting the Gospel.
>A young child has more spiritual insight than Thomas Aquinas
Thomas Aquinas was a heretic and schimatic, so using him as a measure of spirituality isn't a good idea.

>> No.15592827

converted the entire roman empire, converted the slavs, etc.

>> No.15593068

No anon, tradition is bullshit, except traditions like what books are in the bible, the trinity, consubstantiality, etc. -- those traditions are okay

>> No.15593075

Produced saints

>> No.15593099

produced celebrities lol

>> No.15593109

true. but you don't know what original sin is.

>> No.15593121

was Jesus ileterate, amongs other things?
Good with his hands-carpentry
My god, the son was a common one.

>> No.15593123

of course, unless you have a consciousness of christ/buddha. then it becomes clear where is diamond and where is shit.

>> No.15593168

You don't know what a saint is.

>> No.15593176

>was Jesus ileterate
No. Jesus is God.

>> No.15593190

it is you don't know what saint is.

>> No.15593202

jesus was instrument of God, just like any man.

>> No.15593262


>> No.15593269

Jesus was a man as much as he was the incarnate word of God

>> No.15593279
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The only true Church is the Roman Church.

>mfw the Orthos allow divorce and even allow birth control

>> No.15593284

>no u

>> No.15593291

because in the same way there is distinction in the persons of god but no parts and no division, there is essence-energy distinction without division

>> No.15593293

Jesus is both fully God and fully man.

>> No.15593300

>implying papists don't have as much divorce
you just call it a different name

>> No.15593309

jesus was a leaf on a tree (father) which became absolutely one, alone in universe, and thus merged with tree, saw tree inside him, achieved consciousness of tree, and spoke on behalf of tree. for nerds jesus was admin of the server who logged in as regular user to remind other players that this is all just a game and attachment to loot and karma points is toxic to experience.

>> No.15593320

lmao holy shit this meme is obscure

>> No.15593324

Annulment is not divorce. It's very pointedly not divorce.

>> No.15593326

>Christianity is a waste of time if it's not actually, literally true. All the rituals, all the beauty, all the grandeur and the ceremony, it's all worthless without the factual reality of the Incarnation and the Resurrection.
That may be the case for mainstream 'Christianity', but adhering to the commandments of Jesus is certainly not "useless", whether or not the incarnation/resurrection/trinity mumbo-jumbo added by later (((theologians))) is true.

>> No.15593331
File: 41 KB, 501x215, totalromistmoment.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Get married in RCC
>Have children
>Get annulment
>Marriage never happened
>Kids are suddenly bastards
This is what romists believe.

>> No.15593337

>There's no point in extending a welcoming hand to Prots and Muslims if all they're ever going to do is spit in it.
t. someone who has never read the words of Jesus in the gospels and has no clue what Christ was trying to do.

>> No.15593345

read below. and please, start telling only what you know, and not what you have read.
- God

>> No.15593349

"Give not that which is holy unto the dogs, neither cast ye your pearls before swine, lest they trample them under their feet, and turn again and rend you."

>> No.15593350

Jesus never said "Let dead kill other dead". You must be confusing him with a character in a different zombie horror movie.

>> No.15593351

>is certainly not "useless"
what use is it if you're going to die later?

>> No.15593363
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We were drawing in converts just fine without ecumenism. We were proselytizing just fine and spreading the Gospel around the world just fine without ecumenism. What we didn't do was roll over on our backs and beg for mercy from our enemies. We should have never done this. We must defeat Satan, not appease him. We must drive heresy, heathenism, and paganism from the world, not dialogue with it. Jesus never gave an inch to the enemies of God. He proclaimed the Truth and knew it would attract some, but not all.

Our saints have preferred to die and be killed rather than forsake the Truth that the Church teaches. It is not a thing one gives up without a fight.

>> No.15593364

The kingdom of god is not a physical place you visit. The kingdom of god is within you.

>> No.15593372

You make the very common mistake of assuming death in this world is the end.

>> No.15593378

You sound like a stupid atheist. Heaven is a real place. So is Hell. It's all absolutely real. Everything supernatural in the Bible is true. The Resurrection really happened, it's not some metaphor, Jesus literally rose from the dead. If you're not prepared to accept that then Christianity is not for you.

>> No.15593384


>> No.15593395

okay so what is the end?
sounds like a new-age interpretation of that passage.

>> No.15593397

Whatever your religion is, it has nothing to do with the teachings of Jesus. The attitude you exhibit here is precisely what Jesus commanded his followers to abandon.

>> No.15593398
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>> No.15593408

t. Jim Bob Cletus the non-denom Calvinistic Baptist

>> No.15593417

looks like a modern atheist/deist gathering.

>> No.15593426
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>Jim Bob

>> No.15593436
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>I came to the faith after watching X anime

>> No.15593437

The end is heaven or hell. Which you choose is up to you.

>> No.15593440


>sounds like a new-age interpretation of that passage
What Jesus said is pretty straightforward and unambiguous:

"When he was asked by the Pharisees when the kingdom of God would come, he answered them and said, The kingdom of God does not come with watching for it. Neither may men say, See here, look there! For behold, the kingdom of God is within you." -- Luke 17:20-21

>> No.15593444
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My religion has thousands of men and women who have gone to their deaths rather than deny a single word of what my Church teaches. Does yours?

>> No.15593457

>Does yours?
Not him but yes.

>> No.15593462

Do you believe in the literal Resurrection of Jesus, or don't you?

>> No.15593496

Competing to be "the biggest" is diametrically opposed to the teachings of Jesus. Everything in your post here >>15593363 is diametrically opposed to the teachings of Jesus. You are exactly the kind of person Jesus devoted his time on earth to denouncing.

>> No.15593522

Not catholic.
Μετανόησατε και βαπτισθητω

>> No.15593558
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You envision Jesus as some milquetoast weakling who just wants to get along with everyone. Jesus never compromises an inch on the Truth of God. Jesus demands perfection, and absolute loyalty to God, and a determination to avoid sin and embrace righteousness. Jesus hated evil and demanded that His followers flee from sin and embrace goodness and truth.

Everything about Jesus' mercy and His forgiveness is predicated on a desire to do better. He forgives tax collectors and prostitutes and sinners because they wish to cast their old lives off and embrace a new life. Jesus loves repentant sinners because to repent of one's sin is to hate one's sin and hope and demand to do better. Jesus calls sinners because sinners need God's mercy and love the most, but He absolutely does NOT tolerate sinners staying in their sin.

Jesus comes to us to pull us up from the mud and the muck of our sinful lives, our wickedness, and to call us to higher things. Jesus never backs down from or compromises about a single aspect of the moral teaching of God. Jesus never bends. Jesus calls souls to perfection. What Jesus does do is recognize that seeking after justice and righteousness is hard and difficult, and we cannot do it without God's help. So He grants us the help of the Holy Spirit, and the prayers and the intercessions of the saints.

But we must never compromise on Truth. That's not what Jesus wants. Jesus wants to help us achieve the Truth of the Gospels in all its high, grand beauty. He wants to assist us along and give us reassurance that we are on the right track. But He never wishes to compromise the Truth itself. He calls us to be saints. He calls us to be "perfect, as your Heavenly Father is perfect." This is a thing we can only do with God's help, and if we are meek and humble enough to ask for that help. But there is never a compromise about the moral standard, the standard of holiness, that Christ asks for us.

>> No.15593577

>You envision Jesus as some milquetoast weakling who just wants to get along with everyone.
I don't "envision" him at all. I read the words his spoke in the gospels. I suggest you do the same some time. Because right now you are missing the entire point.

>> No.15593598

What is the entire point

>> No.15593602

reform your filthy ass you serpent

>> No.15593621

Reformed are Catholic
You are Roman Catholic

>> No.15593627

Lets manufacture slot machines and belong to a cult that forbids gambling. Go getchur bike and shityntie.

>> No.15593632

they only started existing in the 16th century though?

>> No.15593640

No. The Roman Catholic church began existing in the 16th century at the council of Trent in which they became an apostate church.
Reformed churches are real Catholics.

>> No.15593646

Because in the bible it says Sola Scriptura in the book of ? chapter? verse?

>> No.15593657

And 4chan is differrent ?? But still shows up to worship/post

>> No.15593685

Your a lying demon and no doubt a part of a protty church, a pack of swine that should run off a cliff.

>> No.15593700

I added it. I am Jesus. You either follow Jesus or those SJWs

>> No.15593704


>> No.15593717

ok this post slaps

>> No.15593729

Why you didn't die?

>> No.15593766

To conform to the will of the Father, as elucidated by Jesus Christ. Jesus provided his followers with exact instructions on how to do God's will. The commandments involve aspiring to virtues like forgiveness and avoiding vices like judging others, hatred, violence, vanity/conceit, and greed/avarice. Notice that these are all internal qualities, unlike the behaviorally-focused commandments of Moses. They therefore represent a much higher and more difficult spiritual standard. Finally, those who follow his commandments will enjoy everlasting life in the kingdom of god. That's the message in a nutshell.

>> No.15593815
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>> No.15593837


>> No.15593844

>"You have heard that it was said, 'An eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth.' But I say to you, Do not resist an evildoer. But if anyone strikes you on the right cheek, turn the other also; and if anyone wants to sue you and take your coat, give your cloak as well; and if anyone forces you to go one mile, go also the second mile." -- Matthew 5:38-41

>> No.15593862

It's telling that you hold the opinions of an organization staffed by mere men above the words of christ. It is not virtuous to die upholding trash.

>> No.15593864

What does any of this have to do with compromising with those in error? With giving any ground to those in error? The very values you speak of are not shared by the enemies of the Church. Ecumenism involves trying to find common ground with other religions, but I say we have no common ground. The One True Church of Jesus Christ, which is the Catholic Church, never had to compromise its Truth. We still do not. We must be gentle but firm. We do not need to make peace with the enemies of Jesus Christ. What we need to do is preach the Gospel to them, and send out missionaries among them. If they kill us, so be it. We must be unyielding and exacting in our dealings with people outside the faith.

>> No.15593873

Anyone can do whatever they want with the "words of Christ." The Devil can quote Scripture to suit his needs. This is one of the major reasons the Church exists, to prevent a perversion of Scripture.

>> No.15593888

>council of Trent

>> No.15593896

>the church doesn't flagrantly pervert scripture.
keep licking your "father's" balls.

>> No.15593928

Oh ye of little faith.

>> No.15593950

>Just then a lawyer stood up to test Jesus. "Teacher," he said, "what must I do to inherit eternal life?" He said to him, "What is written in the law? What do you read there?" He answered, "You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your strength, and with all your mind; and your neighbor as yourself." And he said to him, "You have given the right answer; do this, and you will live."

>But wanting to justify himself, he asked Jesus, "And who is my neighbor?" Jesus replied, "A man was going down from Jerusalem to Jericho, and fell into the hands of robbers, who stripped him, beat him, and went away, leaving him half dead. Now by chance a priest was going down that road; and when he saw him, he passed by on the other side. So likewise a Levite, when he came to the place and saw him, passed by on the other side. But a Samaritan while traveling came near him; and when he saw him, he was moved with pity. He went to him and bandaged his wounds, having poured oil and wine on them. Then he put him on his own animal, brought him to an inn, and took care of him. The next day he took out two denarii, gave them to the innkeeper, and said, 'Take care of him; and when I come back, I will repay you whatever more you spend.' Which of these three, do you think, was a neighbor to the man who fell into the hands of the robbers?" He said, "The one who showed him mercy." Jesus said to him, "Go and do likewise." -- Luke 10:25-37

>> No.15593962

We love our neighbors best by guiding them to the Truth. We don't need to compromise our Truth but to share it, in good faith, to all. This was not achieved with ecumenism.

>> No.15593978

Unbelievably retarded

>> No.15594114

Have you looked into High Church Anglicanism?

>> No.15594237

YAH part is important

>> No.15594276

Jesus very clearly tells you not to call these men father for your father is in heaven. But I do not expect cucklicks to have read the bible.

>> No.15594388

Not too much since there aren't many Anglican churches near me, there are a handful of Episcopal churches but they've adopted some disagreeable changes in doctrine