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/lit/ - Literature

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15592759 No.15592759 [Reply] [Original]

Anyone else notice the recent increase in shill tactics?
>/pol/ resentment
>using memes to deflect arguments
>slide threads

>> No.15592794

Seems like the regular tards doing their thing. As always.

>> No.15592815

This thread in particular. >>15589374
Heavy presence of /leftypol/

>> No.15592868

/lit/ is pretty well known for one of the boards that leftist "soldiers" or however they refer to themselves frequent to spam

>> No.15592877

its pretty obvious that pol is invading yes

>> No.15592905

>if my board isn't a /pol/ copycat, it's the work of shills
>>slide threads
Shut the fuck up retard, slide threads are a myth

>> No.15592926

yes. ever since 2016 i stopped reading pol because one day i realized it was basically indifferentiable from markov bot crosstalk

>> No.15592936

Yeah the political crap keeps coming

>> No.15592957

Just go back to your comfortable judenfrei board

>> No.15592963

/pol must be renamed to /cia

>> No.15592971
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>> No.15592981
File: 65 KB, 474x474, based terry.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's has been some intense glowie, wumao and russian bot activity last month

>> No.15592992

Not suspicious at all, you brainlets just made lit pol2.0 and carried your silly games here. Why can't you retards stay in your respective boards is the real question.

>> No.15592996

/lit/ was /pol/ before /pol/, newfriend

>> No.15593007

How did we do that?

>> No.15593022
File: 36 KB, 1000x1000, 4chan_b_tell_em_all.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


People have been locked in by their governments for too long. People are really bored: they are drinking and drugging too much. Being locked in and half drunk most of the time will lower your IQ after all. The quality of the bait sinks accordingly, getting down to /pol/ level and even (God help us!) /b/.

>> No.15593028

/pol/ is nothing but cancer that every sane board wants to get rid of for good. Your perceived influence here exists only in your schizoid head, much like the rest of the boogeymen.

>> No.15593036

I remember when /b/ was the closest thing to /pol/... It could be an interesting place, but no longer.
Last time I went to /b/ my eyes got cancer.

>> No.15593055
File: 1.12 MB, 824x1398, notfbi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, but if you kill /pol/ the /pol/acks will spread throughout the rest of the chans... Better to give them their play space, just as you have yours.

>> No.15593070

>2016 election trash gets bullied like the losers they are
>"omg lefty pol discord is raiding us omg omg"
wake up lmfao. you are easy shit post targets.

>> No.15593076

You can't help but sounding like you're writing a twitter post

>> No.15593085

Ive never seen anyone greentext on twitter
Is you brain really that fucked? You see a post with less than like 200 characters and atomically assume 'twitter'?

>> No.15593115


>> No.15593128

/pol/ is still the best source of news out there tho.

>> No.15593136

>a literal frogposter tries to critique board culture

>> No.15593155

Of course /pol/ has a monopoly on /pol/ shit.
When you invent conspiracies out of whole cloth, who else could possibly report on them?

>> No.15593164

>seething replies
Thank you for proving OP's point, shills

>> No.15593188

give me one good reason for you to invade this board with your 70 iq "le shill conspiracy" rhetoric

>> No.15593227

I'm no prude, but why are people so keen on viewing random pornographic images 24/7? The traffic on that board is still immense.

>> No.15593256

>a post attempting to refute, proves point of frogposter

>> No.15593278

>having a point

>> No.15593298


>> No.15593357

shits funny cuz it seems like
>/pol/ resentment
was meant to mean resentment of /pol/ attitudes, but since this is just one of the boards with the most leftists, the majority of faggots in this thread (mis)interpreted it as pol-style resentment (of jews and their puppets)
depending how you interpret that, OP's point is either proven or refuted

>> No.15593377

Yeah the board is somehow always getting shittier. Someone needs to host a forum with paid membership.

>> No.15594610

It's a US election year.

>> No.15594654

your life is ultra gay

>> No.15594668

I noticed it too. Americucks keep making threads of their protests, we don't care about that shit.

>> No.15594690

I mean... given current events its only logical that a specific denomination of posters and topics becone more present.

>> No.15595401

Yes anon I have noticed this.

My guess is that /lit/ and any other place where people are free to express their thoughts in a free and open way are gradually falling prey to various conflicting operations by various agents and groups of agents with contradictory motives. Reddit groups, organized activist groups who want to tilt /lit/ either left or right are two pretty obvious ones: you can sometimes pick these out by noting them making outlandish, false, gaslight-y claims about what /lit/ used to be : totalizing claims that anyone who has been here for even a little while will see are complete bullshit. These are annoying, because they are so shallow,

I think the problem with lit is a worse problem: the internet is lurching in a strange direction, towards a future where any and all discussion must be sanitized and cordoned off and be made safe for big business to advertise: and this means actual thought must be slowly stopped, because thinking is the most dangerous act a man can do. But such thinking must be stopped, in order to create a world safe for Netflix, Twitter, porn and video games. This future is inevitable, we are told.

Also definitely intelligence agencies both domestic and abroad watch 4chan in general, so /lit/ probably has a few agents doing scurrilous things for good or ill. I often wonder if any agent tasked to this board has changed their reading habits because of threads here!

I wish that we could be left alone: but “we”, the genuine /lit/ community, is mostly gone for good, and will be eroded completely in a short span. The charts remain though, as monuments to the books we loved to share with others. And I think that is a worthy task that /lit/ completed: we created a remnant, a canon all our own, which we can each use to guide our steps aright as the days darken.