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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 22 KB, 632x281, LibetExperiment.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15590492 No.15590492[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>*blocks your path*
>*proves all literature ever written was just the result of the predetermined neuronal behavior in the author's brain that they mistakenly took for a voluntary act*

>> No.15590509

yeah, and?

>> No.15590539

show me where the apple is that im imagining in my head

>> No.15590558
File: 45 KB, 800x320, libets-experiment.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so it means that 600 page Russian epic you wank your self off to for having read is really nothing but the expression of a few chemicals and electrical pulses. you are literally reading something that unconscious bits of the universe decided to print out for some reason.

there is an absurdism here that i find intriguing.

give me an fMRI scanner and I easily could.

>> No.15590575

>give me an fMRI scanner and I easily could.
so your fMRI will tell us the location of the place I see in my head? I would like to go there

>> No.15590627

If being a knock-on effect of particle interactions prevents you from enjoying literature then why don't you just kill yourself and leave the rest of us out of your juvenile revelation?

>> No.15590689

Is it just reaction without will if I now decide to go drink a glass of water in five minutes just to prove a point? I'm not thirsty so the action will not come from survival instinct. If the person didn't decide to press the button if the red dot appeared beforehand, would he have reacted at all? The test just shows that free will does exist and we can control our bodies to act in the future outside of instinct and without even having to use our minds a second time in the moment we have to act.

>> No.15590704

Scientists don’t even know what ‚voluntarily‘ means

>> No.15590738

>give me an fMRI scanner and I easily could.
>he doesn't know about the serious flaws in fMRI research

>> No.15590763

How does it feel to know that you got blown the fuck out by an image of Donald Duck like five, six years ago

>> No.15590764

See Peter Ultric Tse “Neurological and Philosophical Arguments for Libertarian Free Will”

>> No.15590768

It takes a second to move your finger after neurons were activated to recognize it. We certainly think but you'd want something prior to conscious recognition

>> No.15590777


>billiard balls can write Russian novels
the absolute state

>> No.15590783
File: 481 KB, 500x324, source.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your action to drink was determined by your encounter with the stimulus of this thread and your previous neuronal structure is programmed in such a way that it decided executing the act of drinking a glass of water five minutes from now would be the most auspicious means by which it could preserve the safety mechanism of the delusion of freewill that you harbor since the current strucutre of your environment and neurons have determined this behavior to be that which procures maximal survivability.

>> No.15590791
File: 104 KB, 480x608, 103.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I see you've chosen to perish like a dog

>> No.15590807

yeah, and?

>> No.15590824
File: 238 KB, 942x960, 1581749382173.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You haven't even finished the comic. It's a cautionary tale

>> No.15590840

>he thinks it started out as a four-panel
It started as a single panel. The other three were manufactured post hoc by an assblasted gnostic materialist like you.

>> No.15590858
File: 236 KB, 800x1097, Sistine Madonna (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>so it means that 600 page Russian epic you wank your self off to for having read is really nothing but the expression of a few chemicals and electrical pulses. you are literally reading something that unconscious bits of the universe decided to print out for some reason.
Man are you dumb, you still haven't figured it out yet? The secret knowledge which only I harbour; and for this you will take it for irony, whereas it is not, and you are lacking in faith. Of a predetermined neuronal pattern, where is your predetermined faith! If a man is stupid, and best completely lacks the Falstaffic notion of beauty, he is not worth calling dead; Without Azrael who would call life a thing? Would it be not all as it is nothing? This fundamentalie -- a joyful insubordinflection --, you look and "see", without a prerequisite for which to see, yet you persist to see, this is nihilism my friend, if you only see; and ignore the endemic reality of formation, the eternal flame -- now this is true irony, unlike you-- which by own "motific"(mythological or symbolic, alternatively) creative-reflection, shall also burn out one day. It knows itself in formation, basic idea, and in this essence is being, so we may call it alive the truth of the matter: not lie but self-conception! Just as the life of the lizard crawls out of the trickling rain of the swamp pond, so the life unconscious, metaphorical and symbolical, connotates it existence to you through this. A wonderful act of nature!--; And through what we know, we not as I, do I accept and affirm this wonderful act, as the souls of the world, like a flower, or we may call the musical revelation of itself, since as identity existent GOD IS REAL, GOD IS GREAT! And beauty becomes subordinate be-to the good.

>> No.15590863

The experiment just proves that there was a build up of brain potential 500 milliseconds before the conscious awareness of wanting to press the button. The conscious still had 200 milliseconds to veto the decision. But, anyway, this experiment applies to choosing when to press the button. The conscious already choose to press the button before deciding when to do so. It could be argued that the experiment just proves in the moment decisions have a subconscious origin. But authors often have the conscious idea of what to write before writing it and do heavy revising and editing after writing it, so it's not comparable to an in the moment decision. Nevertheless, the conscious is just a bunch of chemical reactions anyway so there is no free will either way

>> No.15590868


The two exclude themselves. Gnosticism rejects the material universe as an imperfect creation of an idiot, it doesn't affirm it in any way. To accept it is to place oneself in the mouth of falsehood. The enlightened are those uneaten by the world.

>> No.15590879

>humans can't have belief in self-awareness
>self-awareness is not merely a voluntary extrapolation, among other things
>belief self-evident in being-as-such

>> No.15590882

>he doesnt understand what subconsciousness is
>he actually argues that things dont matter
>he worships scientists

look at this dood

>> No.15590884


>> No.15590889

You're like that guy that everyone knows. The, "Dude why fall in love that shit is just chemicals dude," guy in high school philosophy class.

>> No.15590890

If I'm being controlled by forces unseen, how am I free?

>> No.15590900

The third panel really betrays the second panel. Donald chooses to perish like a dog, and Mickey's line is just put in to to undermine his point. The point Mickey makes is never addressed.

>> No.15590906

what does it mean

>> No.15590910

>implying the forces are unseen
>implying they are forces at all by definition
>implying implication

>> No.15590918

If I were conscious of my subconscious, it wouldn't be subconscious but conscious

>> No.15590955

Thinking backwards in terms of cause and effect is for space plebs and post rationalization aka cope
t. Banry Hergson

>> No.15590982

Why does this matter?
Are you autistic by any chance? (not trying to be mean. I'm just curious as you guys seem to have a hard time with art.)

>> No.15591003

oh to be fifteen again

>> No.15591033

he just wants to remove that pesky guilt, responsibility and agency from the world
that way he becomes a blameless observer, and all he can do is await oblivion

>> No.15591058


>> No.15591127

Your point?

>> No.15591132

that guy >>15590910 wasnt me, but,

what you're doing here is not honest. You use alleged lack of will/awareness to bash others and propably as an universal excuse for your actions. You should start being critical and disciplined in your thinking and one day maybe you will stop asking stupid questions.

>> No.15591322

Not what they think

>> No.15591988

i must be predetermined to read the book as you are to be a shitter about it

>> No.15592068 [DELETED] 



>> No.15592076

ok so what does it actually mean

>> No.15592136

Can we just stop with the retarded dichotomy between Predeterminism and Free Will? Neither can be proven on our level of existence, so it's a superfluous discussion.

>> No.15592137

Wow, so many wodds but you said absolutely nothing

>> No.15592147
File: 51 KB, 1000x1000, 1591671464451.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You actually read all of that?

>> No.15592188

woah crazy peepee

>> No.15593071


this over analytical bullshit sucks the spirit out of everything

>> No.15593095


>> No.15593120
File: 210 KB, 717x654, Brain-activity-produced-by-maternal-love-and-romantic-love-in-both-males-and-females.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah not sure about the rest of that autism but this is literally true. As in verified scientific fact.

Are you also upset that we also discovered thunder and lightning aren't Zeus being pissed off at Hera?

>> No.15593129

>thunder and lightning aren't Zeus being pissed off at Hera?
Wait, I thought bowling was involved?

>> No.15593158

What are you talking about

>> No.15593163


>> No.15593192

this sort of materialism self-refutes. if you can't be certain that consciousness itself is real how can you be certain the FMRI - monitor - room - hospital - medicine complex is real?

>> No.15593206
File: 23 KB, 128x93, 1591101043141.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's another "retard misinterprets Libet's findings" #7458295

>> No.15593219


>> No.15593226

Sorry mac, i'm not a RolePlayer...

>> No.15593236

it's another "anon is unable to explain how the Libet's findings are "misinterpreted"" #8827636372849

>> No.15593238

But dude
What if we're all made of atoms

>> No.15593239

i thought this shit got debunked?

>> No.15593247

Are there scans like this of fetishists?
Is there a way to cure those sorts of mental illnesses? Or is sexual attraction in another part of the brain?

>> No.15593251

doesn't this just show that the body reacts faster than the brain?
secondly, aren't all these experiments based on spinal cord reactions?

>> No.15593348

It's not about the validity of the statement, it's about the inanity of the statement. Pointing out love is chemicals doesn't change a thing about how you live.