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File: 508 KB, 2578x1378, protest.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15585553 No.15585553 [Reply] [Original]

Write a kino text about what the black guy is thinking.

>> No.15585624

I'll try my best:

>> No.15585632

Tyrone couldn't help but notice the man, woman.. it beside him. The sight stirred confusion inside of him. It was clearly a man, yet dressed as a woman, the attempt at masquerading the opposite sex was a farce, it was almost parodical. Tyrone wondered if satire was indeed the intent. How could a man claim to be a woman, yet grow a stubble? Tyrone had tasted many XX chromosomed fruits in his life, and not one had fuzz.

An audacious act to be sure. This was a BLM rally, a protest, a place for the Afrikaan to push for change and respect. It was bad enough that Tyrone had to listen to guilt-ridden, virtue signaling white folk soil the movement with their inefficacy, but for this false caricature of a woman to kneel next to him, that was teetering the threshold.

>> No.15585639

I wish I could give back your stupid fucking suits. Every time I even glance at them I think of your stupid fucking family and they get me mad. The dork with the fucking animal ears and the lardass and all of them.

>> No.15585651

I don't hate these whites but damn it feels good to be a gangsta, a real gangsta-ass nigga plays his cards right

>> No.15585674

If they had an average IQ of 100, learned proper English, stopped with the gibs, stopped with the dindus, stopped with the prison fashions, and stopped chimping out over words, then they would be based and nothing would ever get in their way.

>> No.15585675

I will literally have to burn them or give them away or something. Even thinking of your pathetic loser family sends me into a rage.

>> No.15585681 [DELETED] 

Made for BBC

>> No.15585686

I clearly do not like your brother. I was conpletely zoned out as he droned on and even made fun of his weight and that was as a mentally unwell teenager. What do you think I think of him now? Clearly I do not like your stupid fucking family.

>> No.15585691
File: 338 KB, 330x489, kekkk.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kek he's a failed woman

>> No.15585737
File: 355 KB, 1024x770, f43q.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


go back to >>>/tv/

>> No.15585763
File: 167 KB, 700x700, 1425008706107.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just put in his shoes and think:
>I come to pray for my "brother" who was brutality killed by a white police officer
>and next to me is this clown who thinks he's a fucking bitch
>turn around and there's more white fuckers than black brothers and sisters
you can see in his face, he wants to kill that piece of trash next to him.

>> No.15585788

"She" is taking a shit lmao "she" is not kneeling

>> No.15585811

>my family’s perfect

>> No.15585820

Is english your third language?

>> No.15585826

based. went a little heavy on the commas though

>> No.15585832

Go on, this is good

>> No.15585848

I wish I could just wake up tomorrow and we don't know who each other are. Literally whenever I think of the geeks and dweebs in your family it angers me. It angers me that complete and total losers think I would have a grand time watching bazinger with them. Just thinking of your ugly faces sends me into a rage.

>> No.15587003

He just realised his race being lumped in with trannys means hes just as disabled as the mess sitting next to him

>> No.15588483

Good one anon.

>> No.15588519

Pictures like this make me hate white people. I'm lucky these freaks don't live anywhere near me because there's a possibility I would ruin my life, in Minecraft.

>> No.15590249
File: 24 KB, 800x450, CONFUSED_NIGGRAH.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>in Minecraft.

>> No.15590262


>> No.15590280

I wrote a poem