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15587416 No.15587416 [Reply] [Original]

Reminder: please do not start your philosophical reading with Nietzsche. Nietzsche is not an entry-level philosopher. Nietzsche is an exit-level philosopher. Nietzsche is a philosopher who relies on the reader being aware of several other thinkers and ideas that have preceded him in order for them to appreciate the full extent of his ideas.

Please do not read Nietzsche without at least having a basic level of understanding about the following:

>The Bible
>Martin Luther

You do not need to read every single work by every single one of these thinkers. You don't even need to fully read a single work by any of them. But you must have some familiarity with them and their core ideas in order to properly appreciate what Nietzsche is trying to say.

Also you probably need to know a little bit about Wagner, but that's music, not philosophy.

>> No.15587419

ok boomer

>> No.15587427

What do you mean I can't read Nietzsche's critique of Ancient Greek Drama without reading or knowing any Greek plays?!

>> No.15587441


Nietzche is NOT an exit-level philosopher

Heidegger/Hegel/Deleuze/Lacan/Jung are exit-level

>> No.15587451

To understand Nietzsche you only need to read Nietzsche, assuming you have a basic understanding of western culture. Obviously doesn't apply to his critiques of specific works or authors.

>> No.15587456

what does hegel want from me?
what the fuck is his problem?
he made the communists, he made the fascists

>> No.15587459

Yes but he btfoed them retroactivelyt as well

>> No.15587465

>Nietzsche is an exit-level philosopher.
that's the female view on Nietzsche

>> No.15587468

reminder: philosophy is mental masturbation for retarded infantiles compared to true religious teachings. true religion is a science, a system, a path to reach samadhi, reach most inner self, see beyond death.

>> No.15587469
File: 41 KB, 1024x768, 8DE44332-6C82-4A51-A205-C0B60AE8CE07.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shut the fuck up with your gate keeping and let the wastelanders do as they please.

>> No.15587484

Don't worry. I'm never going to read Nietzsche.

>> No.15587521

OPs right. i tried reading nietzsche at 14 and was like "wee woo dionysius". didn't understand much. tried reading him at 21 too, still didn't get it. it wasn't until i was 25 that i could understand nietzsche. have since moved past him though.

>> No.15587537

Religion is like a political ideology. A neat package for the herd to fix their existential issues.

>> No.15587613

You do need an understanding of Platonism, Christianity and Scholasticism to understand Nietzsche's critiques. But that doesn't necessarily entail reading the entire Platonic corpus (Nietzsche never engages in the metaphysics anyways) nor do you need a deep understanding of the Bible (Nietzsche did not attack Christianity from this angle) you really just need to grasp the foundations of the ethical systems in these worldviews and the over-rationalization of the religion by the Schoolmen. Reading Descartes, Spinoza, Hume and Kant may also assist in forming a backdrop but it's hardly necessary to read Hegel (who Nietzsche never really engages with) nor do you really need to read Schope's WaWR. I read Nietzsche after going through the Greeks, Rationalists and Kant and did completely fine, he is not a difficult thinker with a lot of pre-req baggage attached.

>> No.15587617
File: 100 KB, 352x345, 1501647025811.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw my first philosophers were Nietzsche and Marx
Thousands of pages of those guys before I touched anything else.. Is my brain broken forever?

>> No.15587650

Reminder that you're retarded

>> No.15587941

religion is yoga.

>> No.15587948

reminder that you are degenerate blinded by degenerates.

>> No.15588102

Except for Hegel, none of the others are philosophers, anon

>> No.15588129
File: 507 KB, 1206x1071, Pepe Pink Floyd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nietzsche is the refutation of Rationalism, Atheism, Scientism.
He shut the gates of truth and presents us with the key of Intuition and Passion.

>> No.15588188
File: 30 KB, 700x505, nietzsche_0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nothing wrong with that, but please be sure to supplement that with philosophers who've inspired both of them
this is a good list but by no means exhaustive. to understand Nietzsche you need a degree of familiarity with 19th century evolutionary biology. read Darwin, Herbert Spencer and Ernst Haeckel. Nietzsche destroys Darwin in "Twilight of the Idols" and Spencer in "Genealogy of Morality". read the sellected writings of Nietzsche's close friend Paul Ree. Schopenhauer is good but doesn't really give you the full taste of decadent late 19th century pessimism that disgusted Nietzsche so much, add to this Philipp Mainlaender and Eduard Hartmann. read the Cambridge Companion to Fin de Siecle, get a proper understanding of the predicament of the period Nietzsche was reacting to. read John Stuart Mill and Auguste Comte - they were both cringe bugmen and Nietzsche correctly assessed that their philosophy was peak last man and not Ubermensch. read Stirner, R.W. Emerson and Thomas Carlyle all of whom were sort of proto-Nietzscheans

>> No.15588210

pfft hahahahhahahaha

>> No.15588222

That the exact contrary of what he does. He unveils the psychological motivations (passions) behind the need for truth and substitutes with a more rational, scientific approach to life (The Gay Science). Maybe read a book every once in a while

>> No.15588314

Why is science gay?

>> No.15588342

Wagner was an interesting writer about art, and his ideas are worth the acquaintance independently of Nietzsche, if better with him.

>> No.15588353

if youre not having fun what the fuck is the point

>> No.15588498

A guy with a PhD in philosophy told me to read genealogy of morals as a starting point. I’ll take his advice over yours.

>> No.15588507

I started with genealogy, it was my first philosophy book and I understood everything lmao, you don't need any background

>> No.15588513

Yeah OP is a pseud.

>> No.15588657

Zaratustra is just a fantasy novel, you don't need any background to get it.

>> No.15588749

Daily reminder that Nietzsche was a homosexual

>> No.15588771


>> No.15588823


>> No.15589210

Did he rape your ancestors?

>> No.15589447

>Ecce HOMO
>The GAY Science
I think you might be onto something

>> No.15589731

Wagner's influence can not be overstated. The German concept of music is music as philosophy. This is even without considering Wagner's intellectual influence on texts such as The Birth of Tragedy and ASZ.

>> No.15590367

I'm familiar with all of those, have read extensive ancient philosophy, early modern philosophy, German Idealism, and analytic philosophy, with some additional 20th century continental stuff, already have a BA and MA in philosophy and working on PhD, but I still haven't read Nietzsche. Will I be struck by lightning if I continue to exist much longer?

>> No.15590404

>Nietzsche destroys Darwin in "Twilight of the Idols"

>> No.15590557

Nietzsche is a essayist at best

>> No.15590564

Oh! hi Itsagundam!

>> No.15590579

who nigga?

>> No.15590604

Ok brainlet

>> No.15591065
File: 15 KB, 320x320, 1564206863543.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

too late, started with neet when I was 16

>> No.15591157

Are you 17? Because if you were 18 you would know that Jesus Christ is more dionysian than dionysus.

>> No.15591180

False. Nietzsche, like Wittgenstein, ignored most philosophers. You'd be fine reading the Greeks, the bible, and having a basic understanding of Kant and Schopenhauer.

>> No.15591197

This is like saying the guy who made the gun made the psychopath go on a killing spree.
All Hegel did was give people tools. He didn't pull the trigger.

>> No.15591379

no, I'm 18. do you mean dionysian as alike to dyionysus or dionysian by neet's terminology?

>> No.15591391

kek had a stroke spelling diyoniysiysus, I read him in my first language