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/lit/ - Literature

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15585764 No.15585764 [Reply] [Original]

Hello /lit/, I made a chart for short fiction. I know that there's already a couple similar ones but I still wanted to make mine. This is a beta version. How could I improve it? What should I add/remove? Are the categories retarded?

>> No.15585795


Replace Bradbury with Cheever, and Dick with J. G. Ballard. Carver is probably too important to leave out but I dislike his stories desu.

>> No.15585802

Maybe you should compile a chart of stuff people haven't heard of. A little more diversity wouldn't hurt either.

>> No.15585869

You should try actually reading them before making a chart.

>> No.15585892

Add some Horacio Quiroga there

>> No.15585922

i like the layout. good list.

>> No.15586059

consider adding Ovid to Pre-modern antecessors

>> No.15586070

and Jacobus da Varagine's The Golden legend

>> No.15586184

The Buzzati collection hasn't been translated to English btw.
There are 2 ebooks for his other short stories.
One is titled Restless Nights, which I OCR'd and will upload soon, and the other one I know of is Catastrophe and other stories.

There's some SF, so I'd include H.G. Wells or R.A. Lafferty (perhaps too obscure).
Missing some Akutagawa (the Penguin edition is fine).
Some Gothic Japanese could fit the list. I'd rec any of these
Rampo - Japanese tales of mystery and imagination
Akinari - Ugetsu Monogatari
Kyoka - Japanese Gothic Tales

>> No.15586235

Also this. I only read him in Spanish and he's
really good. Easily a top 5 short stories writer from Latin America.
I checked and there's 2 English collections.

>> No.15586353

Why? Is the selection bad? I admit I haven't read most of these, but that's the reason why I came here to ask.
Maybe a new section with more underground authors?
Didnt know Buzzati wasnt translated to English. I read it in Spanish and just asumed it existed. Will probably change it.
Will add

Also in general. Do you guys think it is better to divide it by time or by country/region?

>> No.15586392
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>I admit I haven't read most of these
>makes book chart
typical /lit/

>> No.15586435
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but anon, making charts is fun

>> No.15586514

Confabulario by Arreola and El Llano en Llamas by Rulfo are some of the best mexican short stories.

Also, you can add Jun'Ichiro Tanizaki (Seikichi is based) and Yasutaka Tsutsui.

Lucia Berlin is a good female writer, Lispector too. Avoid Joyce Carol Oates.

>> No.15586531

I want a jacket like that. W2C?

>> No.15586546

Completly forget about Pavese, Pessoa and Schwob.
The short story (in spanish we call it "cuento"; where r u from, anon? I guess some anglospeaking country) is the hardest literature genre.

I hope to see your improved chart soon.

>> No.15586639
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>Kyoka - Japanese Gothic Tales
No, im actually latino but I guess I let the internet influence my taste too much. Thanks for the recs, ill add them.
Also, are there English versions of Becquer's Leyendas and Dario's short stories?

>> No.15586647

ignore the greentext

>> No.15587041

Look up hardshell hiking jackets.

>> No.15587340

Very nice. Thanks anon.

>> No.15587400

Yeh looks good mate. Been meaning to get more into the short story/novella type of stuff, I realise I really haven't read too much of it but recently read the death of ivan Ilyich and thought it was absolute dynamite, so will definitely be using this for recs. Cheers mate.