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15583857 No.15583857 [Reply] [Original]

The greatest thinker of our time

>> No.15583866
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>> No.15583908

One of the greatest "permitted" thinkers, though that does not say much for him.

>> No.15583930

The greatest drinker of our time ftfy. the man's an alcoholic.

>> No.15583935
File: 85 KB, 546x599, 06036F82-D36C-4F99-BD33-57688E59446C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Refutes your arguments before you even get the ability to argue them
heh, nothing personnel

>> No.15583936

mmmmhhhhhh vote biden mmmmmmmhhhhh

>> No.15583962
File: 245 KB, 1162x1755, 1926A4CF-BFB4-4583-BAA6-95254A94BBDA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He advocates syndicalism as it worked for a solid while.
Bookchin calls out the failing of syndicalists for not seizing power of any kind when they had the chance
Herod suggests doing far more than just syndicalism!

If Bakunin were alive, he’d promote Herod to you

>> No.15584064

It’s a means to overthrowing the capitalist pigs

>> No.15584143
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you posted the wrong pic OP

>> No.15584218
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>of our time
Must be a pretty slow century

>> No.15584424

he never tells people whom to vote for, that goes against everything the man stands for

>> No.15584452

Chomsky did one thing of note and his own wife's research is evidence against its validity.

>t. Lingfag

>> No.15584719


>> No.15584744

What are your views on Sapir-Whorf?
Do you find that a more realistic alternative to Chomsky's "Universal Grammar Organ"??

>> No.15584811

Noam "Vote Biden" Chomsky is definitely one of the greatest thinkers of the 21st century but just like virtually every other post-Kaczynski anarchist, he looks stupid for falling in-line with Democratic establishment every election while simultaneously claiming that "it'll be different next time."

>> No.15584815

you mean greatest gate-keeper.
The guys cringe when he tries to talk about anything except linguistics which, as we are finding out, he didn't even do that well

>> No.15585385

>except linguistics which, as we are finding out, he didn't even do that well

Can you elaborate? I wasn't aware that his ideas are falling out of favor.

>> No.15585474

>The guys cringe when he tries to talk about anything except linguistics
was about to say that, his only meaningful work is the one on formal languages

>> No.15585514

Leftist man bad.

But it's because his work is no good, not because hes a leftist.

>> No.15587282

The guy who has failed to describe anything meaningfully AND failed to predict anything meaningful in his entire career?

I remember when this fag was still running damage control for the Khmer Rouge. How embarrassing.

>> No.15587932

he exposed the msm pretty well in his book manufacturing consent

>> No.15587973

but not greatest doer.

>> No.15587985

Nigga made a career from ctrl+c ctrl+v Bernays and lazily adding 'and that's a bad thing' to the end.

>> No.15587989

He's a living proof that anarchists are just liberals with black and red mask.

>> No.15587992
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