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/lit/ - Literature

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1558234 No.1558234 [Reply] [Original]

Dear /lit/,
I'd like a penpal. Leave your e-mail if you're interested and I'll e-mail you after I get off work.
A chick who is into British lit and romanticism

pic unrelated

>> No.1558240

you probably think romanticism is any book with fabio on the cover

>> No.1558239

msn or n0thing bitch

>> No.1558244

OP here and hells no.
Hardy, bitch

>> No.1558245

>implying you can name a romantic book that wouldn't be improved by having Fabio on the cover

>> No.1558248

nowhere to go but up~

>> No.1558253
File: 53 KB, 640x480, Ugh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Why not post some details about yourself along with a throw away email account and have people email it with some info about themselves, then you pick the most interesting candidate(s)?

>> No.1558254

It's a trap.

Post your own email if you want someone to write you. Otherwise I'm just going to assume you're a troll.

>> No.1558255

Ok. Sounds good. Just give me a few.
p.s. I'm in my early 20s, have a lit degree (which I know doesn't always mean anything).
I'm passionate about writing and for some reason I write surrealist horror pretty well.

>> No.1558261

>I write surrealist horror pretty well

Proof if you would be so kind. Or, as they say, didn't happen.

>> No.1558263

I'll be the first to leave an e-mail address

>> No.1558264

ok, so don't judge the lack of creative e-mail name..
Hope to hear from some interesting people :)

>> No.1558267

I was in the 2008 ECC student literary competition anthology, but I hesitate to give you my real name.

>> No.1558266
File: 102 KB, 812x545, TyBrax25.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this thread is now about requests for my msn.

state your claims and i may consider adding you!

>> No.1558270

I tend to think you're rather harsh.
Why should I add you?

>> No.1558272
File: 79 KB, 254x262, DavidMitchell13.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck you. This is now a Tom Harper thread.

>> No.1558274

i'm not harsh, i'm sensitive. and you must not be very observant if you dont know why you should add me or realize what an opportunity it is......

>> No.1558275

We all know that you're self-loathing right? Well, if you add me then I'll textually abuse you on demand, any time of the day, on topics ranging from your grammar to your musical taste!
BUT WAIT! There's more! Add me now, and receive the free "tripping is for try-hards" add-on absolutely free!

>> No.1558277

Yeah you've really been one hell of an old man's arse the last few weeks ty the comp sci guy

>> No.1558279

See, I think we would get along, and you should e-mail me. And if not, that's also ok.

>> No.1558281
File: 148 KB, 388x326, DavidMitchell2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ty the comp sci guy
How long did it take you to come up with that?

>> No.1558286
File: 9 KB, 270x187, conradsmiling..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All night, Herper. All fucking night.

>> No.1558293

I would, but I don't use the internet or computers. Thanks all the same!

>> No.1558309
File: 15 KB, 204x247, VanVliet3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not doing comp-sci, its a different degree. i can tell some of the things ive been saying that werent even directed at you have made you ass hurt though since you wont even reply to them in the relevant threads.

so if i come down to _ _ _ _ will you make me a thick one, Barista?

>> No.1558310

Is no one nice on /lit/ anymore?

>> No.1558326

>so if i come down to _ _ _ _ will you make me a thick one, Barista?
No but we can go get fair shitfaced in the pub lads night out you're into that sort of thing right