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/lit/ - Literature

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15580998 No.15580998[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Reminder for those on this board that still don't get it

>> No.15581019

>Islam bad
>zionism is ok
I'll never like this kike.

>> No.15581024

>yes goy, invade Muslim nations. To protect is... Er I mean for freedom yes

>> No.15581036
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Maybe Islam isn't the enemy...

>> No.15581042

Classical liberals like him will be the first one to get the wall.
Disgusting hack.

>> No.15581047

He's absolutely right. The American political and economic sphere (which includes much of Europe, together called "the West") is at war with Islam, and the West is the unjustified aggressor.

>> No.15581054

>netenyahu says goyims need to eradicated for greater israel
>he sleep
>hamas says they want liberate gaza for the sake of Allah

>> No.15581070

Their religion hardly matters. This is class war.

>> No.15581088

>tranny spams Marxism
Like pottery

>> No.15581102

Damn Ben Stiller really be that crazy huh

>> No.15581105

do you have any other lens to view reality or is it only through dialectical materialism?

>> No.15581118
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Shut the fuck up.

>> No.15581122

It is the Wahabists heretics that are the problem. I know some Muslims from Iran, really good cats.

>> No.15581132 [DELETED] 

there's many people whose death i would really rejoice in, mostly politicians, bit this fucking guy is a serious contender for first place. nothing he says is in any way insightful. he's wrong about so many things and the few things he's correct about aren't things he came up with and they're always explained way more succinctly by those people than by him. this guy prides himself on being oh so rational yet he considers the bell curve credible and has people like ben fucking shapiro on his podcast. it's astonishing that he's taken seriously by so many people. it's very telling that a retard like joe rogan considers him the smartest person he knows.
his take on morality is pathetic btw

>> No.15581146

Don't you mean you know some Shi'ites from Iran.

>> No.15581155

justifications do not matter in a political struggle, its only an optical frame to gain/keep the support of the population

>> No.15581156

I unironically once watched a hamas commando give a military speech in a video, he was wearing a balaclava but you could see his teary eyes and I was so moved by them. It betrayed a deep yearning for freedom and happiness for his people. It was almost like a bittersweet childlike sadness. The man was only speaking of liberation while the zionist like Sam Harris talk about rights and abstract them with words like terrorists to portray them as nothing more than insects to be crushed. This is when I learned to never trust another kike.

>> No.15581163

People that say shit like this are drinking the kool aid. If you’ve ever served and didn’t get brainwashed, you would see that it’s all about money
More like a resource war, like every other one

>> No.15581166

there's many people whose death i would really rejoice in, mostly politicians, but this fucking guy is a serious contender for first place. nothing he says is in any way insightful. he's wrong about so many things and the few things he's correct about aren't things he came up. this guy prides himself on being oh so rational yet he considers the bell curve credible and has people like ben fucking shapiro on his podcast. it's astonishing that he's taken seriously by so many people. it's very telling that a retard like joe rogan considers him the smartest person he knows.
his take on morality is pathetic btw

>> No.15581184

If the parts of a body are at war, how can it live? "Class war" is pretty obviously just a way to pit two aspects of a very complex society against each other so that outside forces can exploit both.

>> No.15581194
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>no Muslims on the list, strange.
Their agenda is too obvious now, I'll never trust another one of these people even if you pointed a gun to my head.

>> No.15581198

Jews have made more meaningful contributions to Western civilization than Muslims have.

>> No.15581212

>timestamp are in Arabic numerals.

>> No.15581217

Depends what we count as Jews and Muslims

>> No.15581222

Yeah man mass immigration, free market capitalism, bolshevism, zionism, the atom bomb. All great contributions made to turn the white man into the perfect slave.

>> No.15581225

The introduction of Christianity it's most meaningful one

>> No.15581232

I don't judge people based on their utilitarian usefulness I judge them based on their moral character. Muslims are ok.

>> No.15581233


name three

>> No.15581241

If you guys were right you wouldnt have to constantly lie to spread your beliefs

>> No.15581254

Yikes sweet, Jews brought you transgendism, interracial pornography and the central banking system.

>> No.15581270

>you wouldn't lie about your beliefs
>yass goy cut off your penis for...err... Health reasons haha yeah that's right.

>> No.15581271


>> No.15581272

No. Read literature or leave the board.

>> No.15581286

Tranny go dial 8

>> No.15581306
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Shia are overly tolerant faggots

>> No.15581338

Gtfo tranny pol. Only leftists defend kikes

>> No.15581347

You don't need to be a leftist to see how antisemitism is for losers.

>> No.15581363

Don't bother. These people are NPCs. No thinking, only a few memorized political "opinions". Trannies bad. Jews bad. If you disagree, leftycuck

>> No.15581369

>Antisemetism is losers
I'm against antisemetism, that's why I defend Palestinian semites from European zionist invasion

>> No.15581376


>> No.15581380


>> No.15581397

>I'm against antisemetism
No you aren't

>> No.15581407
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This but unironically

>> No.15581408

Palestinians are semetic. Ashkenazi are not.

>> No.15581412

NPC response

>> No.15581422

Jidf is in full force today.

>> No.15581429
File: 189 KB, 896x1186, barbartist2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm a liberalist and transhuman proponent

>> No.15581433

>calls others npc
>cuts off its dick to look like anime lolis in jrpg

>> No.15581436

NPCs would never volunteer to cut off their dick

>> No.15581446

Transhumanist is just short hand for I'm a tranny

>> No.15581450
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I respect trannies because they make Christians seethe

>> No.15581452

Way to discredit yourself. Transhumanism is even more retarded than zionism.

>> No.15581461

fuck kikes. and fuck trannies.
Am i doing it right fellow /po-.../lit/bros?

>> No.15581465

I respect Christians because they make trannies seethe.

>> No.15581469
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Reminder that the tv and radio ARE talking to you and you're not just imagining it
pic related

>> No.15581472
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Trannies are the foot soldiers of the satanic army that will liberate mankind from it's ignorance

>> No.15581479

The left can't meme.

>> No.15581488

You can tell they're trannies because they have the cringiest sense of humor. It's very telling that they formed it via years of browsing reddit.

>> No.15581489
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You sound like my boomer dad

>> No.15581492

Baruch Spinoza
Marcel Proust
Franz Kafka

>> No.15581504

This is exactly what I'm referring to

>> No.15581508

pls someone draw him blue

>> No.15581527
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>calls someone's humor cringe
>entire personality revolves around derivative /pol/ memes and terminology

>> No.15581537

You literally have the be the biggest npc known to man to castrate yourself. Brainwashed by the zionist media complex to be the perfect golem. A complete empty vessel to be commanded by the highest ranks of the mossad.

>> No.15581542

Not him, but the reddit here is you. Do you have any self-awareness?
>inb4 cringe, cuck, lefty, tranny, dilate

>> No.15581546

Because /pol/ is funny. You're just cringe.

>> No.15581552

>not him
Yes you are.

>> No.15581563

/pol/ is about as funny as /b/ in 2020

>> No.15581567

So funnier than you then?

>> No.15581582

did you see how trump tweeted LAW AND ORDER yesterday? Man, these libs are SEETHING KEK!!!!!

>> No.15581585
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>/pol/ is funnier than you

>> No.15581594

Jews will often do the opposite of other Jews. Now what?
The class war and those who noticed it came well before Marx, (((anon))).
I don’t even know what that is really. I just see the reality of it.
>Anarchism is totalitarianism
Mud for brains
Reasonable perspective. Labor is considered a sort of resource too. All the upperclass see us as.
So you cote we not stay slaves? For “the body” of humanity’s sake?
The “brains” of this body are twisted and imbecilic though.

>> No.15581601


>> No.15581604
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You realize that you'll always be considered a freak.

>> No.15581628

I dislike trannies as much as you. Just don't want to see it here.

>> No.15581643
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>> No.15581654
File: 916 KB, 1024x1024, 7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not transgendered, nor am I Jewish. I just think those guys are based, that's all I was saying.

>> No.15581700

>I am not transgendered nor am I Jewish
One of those is a lie. Either way both get the wall.

>> No.15581711
File: 188 KB, 1024x998, 1587959017651.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah super based.

>> No.15581734

Did you poop your diaper again? uh oh better go get mommy to wipe and clean babby

>> No.15581757

>hahaha rofl so funny xD... you go on reddit too bro?

>> No.15581765
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>> No.15581773
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>>hahaha rofl so funny xD... you go on reddit too bro?

>> No.15581778

Haber process
Polio vaccine
Many of the pioneers of the internet.

>> No.15581799

Three more:
Greatest violinist ever
Tuberculosis vaccine
The Bible and lots of other literature, considering we were the first 100% literate people in the world its not a surprise.

>> No.15581809


this guy gets it

>> No.15581810

Three more:
Syphilis cure and chemotherapy both by the same guy

>> No.15581827

Three more:
The pacemaker
All the films you love as well as the ones you hate

>> No.15581833

Underrated post
>.t inverted brain Wojak
This. Idealism and materialism are two important aspects of the world, and but materialism is no doubt the much more important of the two.

>> No.15581837
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>I'm a liberalist and transhuman proponent

>> No.15581841

Wait, what does this have to do with literature?

>> No.15581854

Anti-semitism=\= Zionism
Talk to practically any leftists and we will tell you Israel is a bullshit apartheid state.

>> No.15581859

Antisemetism is psyop to make Jews appear like they're an ethnic group and not a cult.

>> No.15581866
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Yes. Unironically tho

>> No.15581877

You can't really call it a war when all they do is strap bombs onto children and shitpost on /pol/.

>> No.15581888

What language is that in the background?

>> No.15581904
File: 60 KB, 750x751, BA268E08-0FE6-43BB-A13C-58554322813D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I respect transgendered individuals because they respected me