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15579724 No.15579724[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Is Christianity a cucked religion?

>> No.15579729

no but it's in the process of being completely warped by people like in your pic.

>> No.15579792

That is not accurate. As a Christian, I love Christ, and I hate absolutely everyone else, except those who also love Christ. Those who do not love Christ are followers of Satan, and hatred is their due. It is not possible to be a nigger or a faggot and love Christ because those who love Christ and nothing but Christians. Unless they abandon their ways and follow Christ alongside me, I am well within my beliefs to hate them and their father, the Devil.

>loving jesus means you have to love everyone including those who don't love jesus
Where did this shit come from?

>> No.15579801
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based. thank fuck based e-trads exist. deus vault brothers.

>> No.15579818

Christians were cucks before it was a thing
Jews were the ones who had all the manly things toting inbred Evangelists scream about
Christcucks were slaves and got fed to the Lions while their wives entertained centurions

>> No.15579848



Biblically speaking, if you've read the entire Bible (I have, though it was the New American Standard Bible rather than the classical King James, or any of the various other translations and compilations that certain councils have deemed as "official"), then you have a crisis of conscience to solve:

There are entire chapters of the Bible that enumerate guidelines for treating slaves (whom were seen therein as inevitable prisoners of wars against whomever the Biblical God had designated as their "chosen") fairly, and how you were allowed to, depending on what kind of slave you had (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Bible_and_slavery)) commission some amount of money so as to release them.

I am not a Christian.

But one thing that has always struck me is the phrase "Ye cannot serve both God and Mammon" (Matthew 6:24)" (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Matthew_6:24).).

I just feel like there's a bunch of motherfuckers lying to my face while claiming to represent some happy-go-lucky god who told all the slaveowners and mammon-worshippers to go fuck themselves while I'm still living in a world where I have a price on my head.

I'd honestly probably be worth more dead than alive, considering my life insurance policies as compared to the massive student loan debt I owe, and I'm just tired of arguing that my life has any more meaning than the monetary value that it has managed to accrue.

I don't really care if Yahweh decided to send their only son to die on a crucifix erected by the Romans, and whose mysterious absence three days later built a mystical gnostic religion.

I'm just wondering why, if what the Bible says is true, I haven't already been killed.

>> No.15579858

lol repent you dumb LARPers

>> No.15579879
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>> No.15579886

Modern Christianity, tolerance was never a Christian virtue

>> No.15579889

She is correct. Paul says this explicitly. Of course you shouldn’t support gay behaviour, but you should lovingly urge them to repent and come to Christ, to put down their same sex attraction, and to live celibate.

>> No.15579890

Yes it is, and that woman in the pic is correct.
Jesus spoke and healed lepers who people would look at in disgust and not go near, those people were put on Islands away from healthy people to die, as to not spread the disease.
He befriended and saw prostitutes as gods children and loved everyone.
Trannies, gays, blacks, in general even being nice wouldn't be a thing if Christianity never existed. Undesirable people hate on Christians because of these >>15579792 kinds of people, but the only person they have to thank for not being thrown off a building for being gay, is Jesus.

>> No.15579892
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>> No.15579897

Just read Schmitt:
>As German and other languages do not distinguish between the private and political enemy, many misconceptions and falsifications are possible. The often quoted “love your enemies” … reads “diligite inimicos vestros” … and not diligite hostes vestros. No mention is made of the political enemy. Never in the thousand-year struggle between Christians and Muslims did it occur to a Christian to surrender rather than defend Europe out of love towards the Saracens or Turks.
And Spengler:
>And where, on the heights of Faustian morale, from the Crusades to the World War, do we find anything of the “slave-morale," the meek resignation, the deaconess's Caritas? Only in pious and honoured words, nowhere else.
I'm not even a Christian and I understand you have to be completely retarded to take Nietzsche's critique of Christianity seriously at all. It was literally based on nothing, I legitimately have no idea how Nietzsche was this far off the mark because most of what he said was extremely accurate.

>> No.15579919

Ok? You can still be Christian and deport them or bar them from your country. You can be Christian and outlaw gay marriage. You can be Christian and believe in IQ differences

>> No.15579924

Real quick question from to someone who knows about Christianity and isnt a skitzo.
How is Mary a virgin who was a consecrated virgin, the Mother of Jesus. There has to be some kind of reason or understanding. I have not read the bible or looked into Christianity yet, and google results are kinda shitty.

>> No.15579930

Pic related is right though. You are not supposed to hate as a Christian.

>> No.15579931


>> No.15579937

You're not exactly a christian if you go around hating people. Hate the sin love the sinner is a pretty central tenant in Christianity. I even looked up some bible verses for you (since you've clearly not read it).

Matthew 6:14-15
For if you forgive others their trespasses, your heavenly Father will also forgive you, but if you do not forgive others their trespasses, neither will your Father forgive your trespasses.

So it doesn't look like you're getting into heaven...

Romans 5:6-8
For while we were still weak, at the right time Christ died for the ungodly. For one will scarcely die for a righteous person—though perhaps for a good person one would dare even to die— but God shows his love for us in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us.

Matthew 7:1
Judge not, that you be not judged.

Jude 1:22
And have mercy on those who doubt.

Matthew 5:43-48
“You have heard that it was said, ‘You shall love your neighbor and hate your enemy.’ But I say to you, Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you, so that you may be sons of your Father who is in heaven. For he makes his sun rise on the evil and on the good, and sends rain on the just and on the unjust. For if you love those who love you, what reward do you have? Do not even the tax collectors do the same? And if you greet only your brothers, what more are you doing than others? Do not even the Gentiles do the same?

>> No.15579939

I can't believe a question this retarded is being asked unironically
Fucking kill yourself you retard.
/lit/ has gone to absolute shit, I'm out of here.

>> No.15579942

Well you shouldn't hate but you shouldn't really let them live rent free in your head. IF they are in need of help - help them. If they are walking around with their dicks out in other country why the fuck should i really care? Am i wrong?

>> No.15579945

>deus vault
You must be over 18 to post here. Also repent.

>> No.15579954

Well then they can't hate racists and homophobes and be Christian either

>> No.15579956

>Actually believing that you deserve to go to a place of eternal torment because of your own nature
Yes. It's 100% cucked. The fact that trads are always slapping each other on the back saying "based" is hilarious.

>> No.15579958


>> No.15579959

*Jesus Synth plays louder*

>> No.15579968

It was a miracle. Don't question it

>> No.15579973

I really do not give a shit for faggot technicalitists who think they can dictate other people's beliefs to them by quibbling over bits here and there, like the Bible is a legal document. It would subordinate the living God who created everything, including logic, to logic. God is Love, Love is Truth, and those who do not adhere to God, Love and Truth are outside its domain, warrant only hatred and death. I will not engage your bullshit quibbling technicality legalistic gibbering by countering its shit in its domain of proofs. The only proof is the faith of the heart, and how you quibble suggests yours is in a bad condition, legalistic quibbling about Christianity when you are certainly no believer.

>> No.15579984

It's not that retarded of a question. Mary was not married to Joseph.
And if she had sex, she would have been guilty of fornication and stoned to death under Jewish law
Joseph then married her, saving her from shame and possible stoning to death.
But then if you look at the Islam texts, the story is completely different.

>> No.15579986


>> No.15580027

The main theme of the Bible and Christianity is faith.

>> No.15580278

They are completely right,
And that's why Christianity needs to be purged from the West

>> No.15580341 [DELETED] 
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>> No.15580357

>modern Christians

>> No.15580369
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>> No.15580376

>Being addicted to peer pressurs

>> No.15580383

Every religion that teaches herd morality is cucked

>> No.15580384

Homos get the stone to be quite honest

>> No.15580393
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Yes. It is a foreign religion that promotes doormat slave morality, laying the foundations for political equality with spiritual equality. Christianity has been in a tailspin ever since Copernicus and Darwin BTFO anthropocentrism and the illusionary gulf between man and lower animals

>> No.15580397

Reminder that progressivism started with the social gospel movement

>> No.15580402

Is turning the other cheek as you're forced to lick the boot cucked?

>> No.15580410

Mary was a whore who slept around

>> No.15580412

No, it is Christlike

>> No.15580414

Read the Bible, moron

>> No.15580427

Surely a reward awaits in the next world

>> No.15580433

Of course, be a good goy and obey, have faith

>> No.15580482

enjoy the hellfire bro

>> No.15580485

How much are you earning from my faith, sir? My reward will be tenfold!

>> No.15580486

These people need Jesus or a bullet.

>> No.15581411
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Saint Athanasius was more Christian than her or any so called pro LGBT Christians. He slapped the shit out of a heretic he hated. Aruis wasn't an enemy of athanasius rather an enemy of God.
Forgiving and loving your enemies makes you rather happy and mature, Jesus knew how pity our problems with our people are. Like seriously most of the things that can make us an enemy to each other are stupid and childlich. Getting over it benifits you more. but loving the enemies of God and tolerating them is absurd and none of the first church fathers act upon it.If any of the early fathers did this, shit like arainism and nestourianism would be mainstream Christianity today.
I'm not saying you must hate every gay person you know but you aren't forced to love them and love their ideology to be a Christian.

>> No.15581455

Christianity is a cult. That’s all that matters

>> No.15581478

>>loving jesus means you have to love everyone including those who don't love jesus
>Where did this shit come from?
literally from jesus

>> No.15581486

You can hate their sin, however. Hence, why you fight against them and their influence, but still try to save your opponent as best as you can. It's like a doctor hating his patient rather than the patient's illness, even though "hate" is not really the best word to be using

>> No.15581502


>You can't belong to X group and exhibit Y behavior

How about you go eat a massive dick?

>> No.15581505

>So it doesn't look like you're getting into heaven
Thou shalt not judge. It is correct that you must forgive those who trespass against you, but you most certainly don't believe in that, so why are you holding me to a standard you don't follow?

>muh "I read the Bible and obviously you didn't"
Skimming through the Bible while on the toilet doesn't count, and neither does hurriedly searching on Google for passages that support your position.

>> No.15581512

anything approved by CIA is for cucks.

>> No.15581513

>fuck you for reading the bible you aren’t a real christian!!!!!

>> No.15581524

what if I love both gays and those who hate gays?

>> No.15581554

So is your mind. Instead of staying with God, your mind is a whore that sleeps around with vain ideas and time-wasting philosophies.

>if I repeat what he said and add "Of course/Yes" and "Goy," maybe I'll convince him
Rinse and repeat for every faith-based idea and you have someone who never does anything due to rampant skepticism.

Posters like you make me doubt this, but I think it's crystal clear that there's a gulf between man and lower animals.

What is a cult? Is "Christianity" this monolith so that you can confidently say the actions of one sect or church represent all of Christianity (which you will likely do). No, for that would be a generalization. What is it in Christian belief that makes it a "cult?"

Reductionism makes it easier for people to understand the world and attack generalized strawmen instead of delving into the peculiarities of who they argue against.

>> No.15581897
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There is a very deliberate restatement of the elements of the old testament in the new, for example Jesus is born in a manger in Bethlehem because there was no room in the inn which is a deliberate call back to Genesis 18 and the story of Lot and a censor of contemporary Jewish morality as Abraham fed and housed two men who he had never seen before while the Jews of Bethlehem would not house a member of their own tribe and his pregnant wife.

The virginity of the blessed Mary is a restatement of the power of God to create, as Philo of Alexanderia ( In On creation Paragraph 45 & 46 http://earlyjewishwritings.com/text/philo/book1.html))

God tells us in the genesis narrative that he created and gave life to the plants before he created the sun in order to show that his power was not dependent on preliminary factors. that he could do what ever he wants and that he his not bound a reality which he created. Hence the virgin birth is a reminder of God's omnipotence and his ultimate control over the very fabric of reality.
while The bible is a product of the inspiration of the holy ghost, a being to whom all our rational scientific certainties are little more dreams which have no objective reality.

Keep in mind that the bible is 1 allegory and 2 a product of the oriental mentality that values a insight into universal principles rather that objective fact see Rene geuon's introduction to the Study of the Hindu Doctrines for further clarification. Dont think of what you read as literal fact but as pointing towards a deeper meaning.

>> No.15581902

Assblasted crosscuck

>> No.15581915

>but I think it's crystal clear that there's a gulf between man and lower animals.
prove it

>> No.15581924
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‘Yes, I am a Ethiopian, and while the ancestors of the right honorable gentleman were brutal savages in an unknown island, mine were baptised in the Holy Ghost and priests in the temple of Solomon.'”

BTFO Takfiri pagan. scum