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File: 90 KB, 965x657, soros police.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15578504 No.15578504 [Reply] [Original]

Who is the best writer after Julius Evola?

>> No.15578532

Most writers.

Cops are all bitches

>> No.15578767

Hard to say. Evola's perspective on the issues that the world faces are so unique and specific that you almost can't 'complete' or supersede them. You can make adjustments based on events that he couldn't predict, but the message remains the same.

Realistically, probably Dugin though.

>> No.15578793

This picture just tells me that blacks are criminals no matter what country they're in.

>> No.15578800

Very suspicious

>> No.15578812

Cops are angels and butterflies are gross retarded dykes

>> No.15578814

Bowden if he wouldn’t have died so young. At least, Bowden was an orator able to perform at a rate comparable to how Evola could write.

>> No.15578816

Algis Uždavinys

>> No.15578819

Based 'Cultured Thug' Bowden. What a cool guy.

>> No.15578822

All three were resisting and all three got immobilized using standard procedures. Only one of them died. Why? Because he was on meth. Fuck him. And don't give me the le boot licker meme you retards we all know that you'd all prefer having functioning cops over ape nigs. Also butterfly you sicken me.

>> No.15578831

Wtf. This guy spent time at a university that I am directly familiar with and no doubt was in contact with some acquaintances of mine.

>> No.15578837
File: 120 KB, 720x755, 1591354668037.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Satan is a liar.

>> No.15578903
File: 22 KB, 700x481, EF9CFA82-267A-4C89-9874-7B229D75A4B6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Clearly not Derek.
Umbrella man might be him though

>> No.15578936

It had to happen

>> No.15579045

If I understand Ebola correctly he kind of BTFO’d himself according to his own philosophy. He believed that your fortune in life was determined by how “pure” your soul is and therefore human hierarchy is always justified, yet he died of colon cancer. I guess his soul just wasn’t pure enough.

>> No.15579092

No that's an antifa provocateur you fucking schizo

>> No.15579135

Aren't blacks supposed to be super strong and chads with horse tier cocks?

>> No.15579188

Chad Cops are putting the knee down against degenerate thugs

>> No.15579196

durrr let me just get outraged about this series of out of context pics so op can finally cum duuuuuurrrrrrr

>> No.15579198

When Colon Kapernack puts his knee down he's a hero. But when Cops do it in solidarity they are racist.

>> No.15579211

Are you Lithuanian?
I thought he was well known in Lithuania.

>> No.15579329

Shut the fuck up, I don't want to agree with you

>> No.15579636

funny to see leftoids stan George the Landlord
even funnier to think they consider BLM a spark of anti capitalist revolution and not a neolib psyop
>inb4 akshully me and my 50 buttbuddies at bunkerchan
when I say leftoid, I mean the twitter kind, most vocal and significant in numbers, idc if you consider him only nominal

>> No.15579655

Unironically yes. Only someone with a soul as pure as adam's pre-fall can escape death

>> No.15579682

the virgin black criminal
The Chad Police Officer

>> No.15579698
File: 107 KB, 1125x943, 1587374876906.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>take a kneel
The irony, no?

>> No.15580253

*smacks lips*
*collects welfare*
*checks for nearest KFC*
*eats a skittle*

>> No.15581053

>Antifas goal in life is to start looting so cops can start a riot and...
Antifas goals are to fight fascists, not instigate shit for the cops
Not what that means.

I’m nice. We’d get along