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/lit/ - Literature

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15575057 No.15575057 [Reply] [Original]

>inb4 muh kindull
Please, this is a serious question

>> No.15575063

KEK buy a printer

>> No.15575071

For god's sake stop being so fucking retard
Tired of fucking summer pol rats like you around here. Society isn't collapsing, go suck some cock, dumbfuck

>> No.15575075

Bootlicking faggot

>> No.15575079

Stop with this alarmist nonsense

>> No.15575082

I've burned freud's "works" from my family library already.

>> No.15575090

This. Fucking pol's latrine is leaking here

>> No.15575122

>book burning
Kek. Nigger do you know how much wincest, gore, shiteating, whump porn and general depravity is in the Western canon? If moralfags ever read anything, people saying nigger would be the least of their problems. Soon as you find a way to make people actually read the western canon, come back to us.

>> No.15575356
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>Society isn't collapsing
>Stop with this alarmist nonsense

>> No.15575373

This. Read Boccaccio, the Carmina Burana and DeSade. Very fun.

>> No.15575382

Lmao what are they gonna do? Most books are saved and backed up on the internet and being sold by multiple distributors

>> No.15575388

So they burned pro-trans books?

>> No.15575394

>I live in america and thought we had civilisation to destroy
You were wrong.

>> No.15575395

What problem?

>> No.15575409

>Society isn't collapsing
Agreed. Some Mexican feminists burning a handful of books on gay conversion therapy is not the death knell of civilization

>> No.15575433
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>> No.15575442

I don't own much but if anybody tried to take away what I owned for the simple reason of me owning it I would lay down my life in defense of my sacred right of property.

>> No.15575444

>America is civilisation
Kek, no.

>> No.15575476
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>> No.15575508

>Lmao what are they gonna do?
Geez I dunno bro, jail you for wrongthink? Why is everyone being so literal, almost purposely autistic? The burning of books is just a symptom of something else, not the end problem.

>> No.15575511

In a world of 7bi, you can cherrypick as much as you can. The exception just proves the rule

>> No.15575512
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>Your bookshelf may be part of the problem

>> No.15575519


>> No.15575522

>Bristol has culture
Pretty much everyone involved in the Bristol sound moved. Skins is set in Bristol for a reason. Even Manchester produced more culture and the peak of Mancunian is the Happy Mondays, a group of junkies who tried living in Barbados and sold their clothes for crack. Stop trying to defend shitholes as high culture.

>> No.15575549
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>hehe that's not civilization
>hehe t-that's not high culture

>> No.15575550

>The Guadalajara International Book Fair, better known as the FIL (from its Spanish name: Feria Internacional del Libro de Guadalajara) is the largest book fair of the Americas, and second largest book fair in the world after Frankfurt's. It is also considered the most important cultural annual event of its kind in the Spanish-speaking world.

>> No.15575564

Two wh*te people getting baited by black supremacists is not the fall of society. kys faggot

>> No.15575574

Only fucking ypipo lmao

>> No.15575586

Leopold made a zoo in the centre of Brussels and all the animals died. To be fair, the human zoos they set up afterwards were an improvement in that the niggers displayed could feed themselves. The whole country got sentenced to death by the Inquisition. Do you not know anything about civilisation?

>> No.15575590

You're a literalist. The webm is a condensed representation of the current state of the Western world.

>> No.15575596

>rhodes scholarship recipients want to tear down statue of rhodes
>"book burnings will never you pessimist fascist meanies !!!"

>> No.15575607

>every example of me being wrong is actually proof that I’m right
the mind of a leftoid is fascinating

>> No.15575608

Looking forward to the western canon becoming more and more niche desu, “I just wanna grill” but for reading

>> No.15575615

>“I just wanna grill” but for reading
This is where we’re currently at

>> No.15575619

>king leopold
wow, a beacon of western civilization. jesus fucking christ, read a book

>> No.15575627

>King Leopold is considered high culture
Since when? He's pretty famous as a fuck up who is only loved by people who wish that Heart of Darkness was real life.

>> No.15575663

You're an actual retard if you think the current situation is even remotely close to that shit

>> No.15575669
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Here a celebrated classicist declares that destroying statues isn't destroying history since the existence of individuals is also preserved in literature, but does this not mean that destroying literature isn't destroying history so long as the contents of that literature are also preserved in statuary?

>> No.15575671

It's an Ameritard. He probably figures deGaulle is loved by the French because his name is on a lot of shit.

>> No.15575682
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>N-nothing is happening, lads, trust me. That's not even civilisation hehe and even if it was, it doesn't matter, do you even civ bro? xD

>> No.15575690

>Who even knows who Ozymandias was?
Good point, I assume Mary Shelley's wife will keep quiet.

>> No.15575695

at least Leopold wasn't a traitor to his own people. Face it, it's fucked up to remove the statues of your ancestors from their own countries

>> No.15575701

>Please cater to my ignorance of history
It would involve you reading books, so let's not hold hope.

>> No.15575705


Also, note the programmatic "y'all" which aligns her with the iconoclastic faction.

>> No.15575710

I hope nigs get fucked over in the long run.

>> No.15575712

Nigger the Belgians literally forced him to abdicate rule of the Congo once they found out about his dumbass.

>> No.15575714
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>You don't know history xD it's good that they're destroying things

>> No.15575721

See >>15575712 You literally don't know history.

>> No.15575723

she also uses ebonics

>> No.15575724

He never ordered someone to cut hands though.

>> No.15575728

>Leopold wasn't a traitor to his own people.
Belgium disagreed.

>> No.15575743

>ITT: the only people worried about book burnings are the ones that never read them

>> No.15575745

no-one cares about Leopold in belgium

>> No.15575747

>Wtf you cant take down statues of people who killed and enslaved countless people, they're symbolic of western society!!!
>What do you mean Western society is built on slavery and genocide???? You leftists just accuse anybody you don't like of that.

>> No.15575749

whoa he did a mean thing, his statue must be removed. I guess we must remove every statue ever, then.

>> No.15575755

Ahh yes someone who's been through the conversion factories agrees with their progressive anti-western values. Very insightful.

>> No.15575761

More like the people burning books are the ones who never read them and just read the synopsis.

>> No.15575772

Leopold's Ghosts being published made him a big thing internationally again recently. Most people in Belgium know about him being an idiot and the decline of monarchist power.
>People should care they removed a statue
Why? Are we meant to break down in tears every time there is graffiti?

>> No.15575782

Like the Americans who found out Harry Potter was a wizard or Ozzy was in a band called Black Sabbath burning shit? Yeah

>> No.15575807

Or the radical leftists who burn a book because its label disagrees with their ideology.

>> No.15575812

>Oh no all statues will be gone!
Really? I'll let the guy who wants La Pieta gone it's finally safe for him to try again.

>> No.15575824

Yeah, just like when people bought Black Sabbath vinyls to hear the devil, I'm sure it's so big a market that Ozzy will finally die.

>> No.15575831

Kek is that guy still alive?

>> No.15575836

Ozzy Osbourne is still alive?? LMAO

>> No.15575843

Yeah, he's still cancelling tours every year.

>> No.15575856

Hah, no. Died in 2012.
>tfw Ozzy Osbourne outlived the sledgehammer maniac
Now this is something really wrong with the world.

>> No.15575857

Every civilization has been made off the labor of warlords I don’t see Mongolians tearing down khan. Because unlike modern whites they are not forced to feel same for their ancestors

>> No.15575865


>> No.15575875

Mongolians were smart though, they only made Ulan Bator a fixed location once everyone was over the khanates.

>> No.15575885

That's a very unenthusiastic bootlicking, it's even merely bootkissing. Disappointing. Would not expect either that woman or that man to be able to give a proper blowjob.

>> No.15575893

Black people also did that kind of stuff a short while ago.

>> No.15575898

So do they ever replace these with someone actually interesting or is it just muh statue representing victims of muh colonialism

>> No.15575910

They replace them with road signage and flowerpots like most things that get destroyed.

>> No.15575924

Does this mean there is a new risen Jesus?

>> No.15575933
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Looks like Alan Moore.

>> No.15575938

Well, if there is, he'd be about seven. I guess you could go check if any kid's been a dick to people in Hungarian temples?

>> No.15575973

theyre debating shutting down archive.org, that's already a book burning

>> No.15575989

That's capitalism though. /pol/ isn't going to give a shit about that and they probably figure libgen is a Russian plot which must be destroyed.

>> No.15575998

A well-composed flower bed is better than any statue

>> No.15576002
File: 142 KB, 768x1024, Z3whRaBL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>That's capitalism though

Capitalism is free exchange. You don't have free exchange in a world of copyrights and "intellectual property" (a misnomer).

>> No.15576005

they should move the servers elswhere

>> No.15576008

That has to do with copyright law

>> No.15576017

Yeah the poppy fields are a much better memorial than those endless rows of crosses. I wish we got more flowerbeds for wars.

>> No.15576018

>Capitalism is free exchange
Myth and propaganda

>> No.15576039

Americans get really butthurt about Shenzhen's sharing culture for tech too. I should have specified American capitalism, but this thread is already picking on Americans for being retarded so I thought it was implied.

>> No.15576046

No, it's to do with profit hoarding. Most books on there are well out of copyright.

>> No.15576048

It's always been niche, only it used to be the high-class. Now it might become a weirdo niche, which is not necessarily a step down.

>> No.15576052

Archive.org messed with in-copyright books, not with books in the free domain. That's the reason for the lawsuit.

>> No.15576054

De Gaulle is still pretty popular in France. Leopold is just a sad joke.

>> No.15576056

>Shut it all down for the few books which are in copyright
>Btw in copyright not to the author but to the publisher
Cry me a river

>> No.15576066

de Gaulle's popularity pretty much ends with the fighting Nazis part (and for some that is a reason to hate him). He's not as bad as Leopold, but people weren't voting for him.

>> No.15576072

I'm not Archive's CEO, so I don't give a shit. He was a literal idiot who was lending millions of in-copyright books. Each book offence is worth hundreds of thousands. The lawsuit total is for billions of rollars. He's fucked if they win.

>> No.15576076


You might argue that this can be only approximated, but then so what? I'm not positing the existence of some ideal reality to be reified.

>> No.15576089


English propaganda played a key role in congo

>> No.15576105

>if they win
That's like hoping Metallica make a massive comeback. He's got a .org not .com domain so they can't even prove he's doing it for profit. Even if he gets sued, they won't see a penny and will have thousands of mirrors outside US jurisdiction to battle.

>> No.15576121

They also kept hammering on about it after Leopold (like the union miniere scandals). Not sure what your point here is.

>> No.15576123

That's good to hear, actually.

>> No.15576129

My main concern is the way back machine. I don't know if anyone's emulating that.

>> No.15576142

Why do people say this like its a summer problem?

>> No.15576164

denial. they can't believe what's happening until it personally affects them.

>> No.15576195

>why read white voices when they are an extension of your own?
Because I don't read "white" literature, I read British, Russian, French, Italian, German, and Spanish literature, among others from a wide range of time periods and perspectives. Is the Latino-american author of the article implying that Central and South American culture and literature is all the same because it is brown? Is there no difference in perspective between a wealthy Brazilian author and a middle class Chilean to him? Seems pretty racist and narrow minded to me.

>> No.15576222

>not the death knell of civilization
keksimus maximus

>> No.15576261

>What will /lit/ do when the book burning starts?
Stay home and read books alone like every other day. Stop promising us that people will come talk to us. You are going to get the younger anons' hopes up.

>> No.15576280

How can someone be so cucked?

>> No.15576299

Kinda hot

>> No.15576312

I want there to be society burning parties like in that science fiction book I read once. You bring the most expensive items, preferably ancient, then destroy them.
Anyone know what the book is? Can't remember

>> No.15576332

The problem for the lawsuit is that archive.org probably has a very good fair use argument. They don't profit and lend on the basis of education.

>> No.15576347

I hate the core of the kind of epistemology they deal with. Though i have nothing innately against a book burning from any perspective.

>> No.15576348

Fuck off, cuck.

>> No.15576357

>Seems pretty racist and narrow minded to me.
Impossible. Only white people can be racist

>> No.15576366

Fahrenheit 451?

>> No.15576367

>Why is everyone being so literal, almost purposely autistic?
>on /lit/
>the board that thinks /a/ is too social and 2dpd is impure
You should know your audience before writing.

>> No.15576402

You mean "purposefully".

>> No.15576404

she’s not even touching the shoes with her lips

>> No.15576416

I’m not a fascist but these people are making me strongly consider it.

>> No.15576427

Seneca was a bootlicker too. Couldn't even an hero until Nero gave permission. Pick a better movement from Rome.

>> No.15576433
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why are they like this?

>> No.15576446


>> No.15576458


>> No.15576466

why should your personal opinion on aesthetics matter to anyone else?
I think gardens look stupid and statues are cool.
so we’re at an impasse.

>> No.15576499

>American dictionary
Into the fire it goes. If you want to check the usage in an English dictionary, and how long anon has been calling you a retard, you will see that purposefully is far more accurate.

>> No.15576503

these people bitch about representation because for some strange reason they can’t empathize with anyone unless they’re the exact same race, age, and socioeconomic status.

>> No.15576510

No, you're just wrong. Not that anon btw

>> No.15576516

It's almost like they read genres where the MC is a Mary Sue.

>> No.15576526

I pick whichever one makes the woke leftist identitarian retards die painfully

>> No.15576534

gardens are for women, statues are for men.

>> No.15576549

That's reading any book that isn't scifi/fantasy schlock. It hasn't really become a specific political movement, because it encompasses most of them. My hobby is quoting Che Guevara on Africans to people wearing t-shirts of him. Try it some time when they don't outnumber you too badly.

>> No.15576561

>he doesn't cultivate his garden

>> No.15576563

I'm ESL. What's wrong with the burger dictionary

>> No.15576576

Yes of course the thing that is useful, takes more commitment and scientific knowledge, and isn't just there to look pretty is for women. Is it opposite day where you are or something?

>> No.15576586

It teaches you to speak like them.

>> No.15576620

Well, that doesn't sound that bad, Muhammad

>> No.15576628

>Lmao what are they gonna do? Most books are saved and backed up on the internet

If the people who are determined to disembowel the First Amendment by passing hate speech laws - and there are many such people - achieve power -- if they get a majority of the Supreme Court -- the literal and virtual book-burning will begin, just like knocking down statues of dead white men they don't like.

The First Amendment was an experiment. There's nothing else like it in the world -- nothing in Europe or Canada. The way things are going, it's not going to last.

And the dopes on this thread mewling about alarmism, oh hell, they'll be the first to jump on the train, when a China-style social credit system is imposed in the US, by our friendly Google/Facebook overlords, who've already have had plenty of practice imposing such a system on a *much* larger population.

The ones who are angry at JK Rowling atm -- they'll be cheering it on.

>> No.15576658

Looks like my printer is working overtime.

>> No.15576666

>The First Amendment was an experiment. There's nothing else like it in the world -- nothing in Europe or Canada. The way things are going, it's not going to last.
How could anything short of another civil war lead to such an extreme and deep constitutional amendment? I mean obviously the scare tactics and chilling effects will continue and intensify, but legally destroying the First Amendment has got to be just about impossible.

>> No.15576677

Honestly I’m starting to think about conspiracy lmao

>> No.15576684

>An history
Enjoy your retard language named after a different country's, Paulo

>> No.15576689


>> No.15576693

Lol, wait until all continental philosophy gets wiped out in favor of our Nubian Kangz!

>> No.15576710

Go kiss nigger boots soiboy

>> No.15576720

who are you quoting, the protesters who care enough about them to deface them?

>> No.15576724

It would just take a couple of votes to flip. There is substantial and growing hostility to the First Amendment among the rising tide of scholars, and the scholars eventually wind up on the bench.

How it can be destroyed is simple: analogize hate speech to the currently accepted exceptions to First Amendment strictures, i.e., defamation and incitement to violence. Say that hate speech belongs in the same category. (This *is* how it will happen; there is no doubt.)

Law is all about "the felt necessities of the time."

Less than ten years after a Supreme Court opinion upholding a law criminalizing sodomy, the court struck down all such laws -- a result produced by the felt necessities of the time.

Likewise Brown and Roe, et al.

And once the nose of the camel gets under the tent, the rest will follow. I mean, even if there's a narrow hate speech exception, it will inevitably grow larger and more encompassing, the way that striking down the contraception law in Connecticut led, in less than ten years, to legalizing abortion in all states. (Thank you, Justice Brennan.)

I don't say it's inevitable, but I do think it's very likely -- because the law ultimately follows the culture, which in turn reflects the felt necessities of the time.

>> No.15576756

Okay, let's wait and see how long that takes. Wanna lay bets? What time frame are we looking at? $100 for every year? Or do you think we can do this in months or weeks?

>> No.15576767

Probably the people who think statues are literature.

>> No.15576773
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>Enjoy your retard language
It's not mine, and I never have enjoyed it. I don't have to. My mother tongue is far more sophisticated.

>> No.15576783

Mine too. I'd still not choose US English over any other. Including baboo English.

>> No.15576812

Parties still campaign using gaullist welfare ideas in their economic program (see: the FN last election).
He was effectively voted out of the presidency but he's still a reference.

>> No.15576834

"Free exchange" is absolutely not an approximation of capitalism, unless you consider "people in charge of stuff" to be an approximation of monarchism.
A system without private ownership of the modes of production is not capitalist. So, for instance tribesmen hunting, foraging and exchanging food directly is not capitalism. Most folk agrarian systems (ie what gave its subsistance to most of the world's population until the 18th century) are not capitalistic either.

>> No.15576860

Yeah the FN are not the people who like him for fighting Nazis. Weird that.

>> No.15577006

she conveniently forgets the lament of most other classicists that early christianity's destruction of classical art cost us a great deal. Not to mention the sometimes intentional, sometimes careless destruction of the literature that would've told us more about the destroyed art.

>> No.15577129 [DELETED] 
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>> No.15577139
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>> No.15577226

>You must be with us or on the other team
>You can't hate everything /lit/
kek good luck with that theory

>> No.15577252
File: 472 KB, 750x698, 38776D29-8E6E-48D9-AB2C-3755D2201893.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kek I love NOOOOOposting

>> No.15577285
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We must protect books and treat them gently.

>> No.15577618
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>> No.15578026

Because y'all is casual and seen as almost uneducated (or at least was, thanks to my people, the Southerners) so people use it to put on an air of informality and sounding like "one of the people"
It's just pandering, especially since I'm fairly sure y'all is also naturally occurring/retained in a number of "black" Englishes occurring throughout the rest of the country, but I'm not positive on that one as the only black people I know are from around me
t. white dude from the south

>> No.15578034

I've met 0 people who say "an history", the rest of them are spot on

>> No.15578068

and now I'm hard

>> No.15578147

>Have you considered that, if you identify as white and read only the work of white authors, you are in some ways listening to an extension of your own voice on repeat?
What the fuck did I just read?

>> No.15578189

>>If you identify as white and read only the work of white authors, you are in some ways listening to an extension of your own voice on repeat?
It's saying if you only read authors that are your race, you're in a hugbox more or less, because it assumes that all white people write the same and/or have the same experiences

>> No.15578202

You can't call someone a bootlicker when you are a shill for the police and expect it to have a punch

>> No.15578215


>> No.15578254

>calling people bootlickers for wanting safe communities while literally kneeling and prostrating to appease the progressive stack.

>> No.15578500

If you want safe communities maybe you should consider demilitarization of the police force.

>> No.15578649

>Burning tranny core
I'm ok with this

>> No.15579343


>Not sawing one of his hands off


>> No.15579362


Lucky for /lit/ nobody cares that much about books any more
The new Library of Alexandria goes by many names Twitter, Wikipedia, etc... and it is being razed every day

>> No.15580351

I have a book that's a collection of black poets, no problem here

>> No.15580372

People who moan about summer are usually summerfags themselves trying to fit in

>> No.15580453

Not an argument lol. This is getting awfully tedious.

>> No.15580483

Take a look at the political landscape that has become dominated by identity politics. That theory is the dominant one today.

>> No.15580504

/pol/ loves Russia though?

>> No.15580529

The 1A and 2A are doomed. Over half the country is actively hostile to them. They will only survive if Donald wins again and replaces RBG, otherwise they will both be overturned by the end of the decade.

>> No.15580609

As it should be. Heard of what Eco said about the books we never read?

>> No.15580615

Good thing our mesure is of nations and not of "white amalgamation".

>> No.15580657

Can't blame people for exerting themselves when they have the opportunity. If I had the chance to destroy everything that Joyce, Brecht, and Baldwin ever wrote, I would.

>> No.15580703

Complete bullshit. He was and is the most popular French politician in history after Napoleon. He won every single election he ran for by enormous and unequaled margins. The one time he only won on the second turn of the election it made national news because everyone thought it was impossible he could get less than a crushing victory.

>> No.15580713

>A system without private ownership of the modes of production
What defines private ownership? If I say "This is my kill and I'll share it with you but you can't just take it without my permission" how is that not private ownership? Sharing is a kind of exchange. People generally don't share without purpose, the exchange in sharing a kill is the bonds of tribesmanship, which mean that your willingness to share your kill is indicative that the other party is expected to share their kills if you have a bad hunt, or to care for you or your family if they're sick, or some other basic good. Tribes would collapse immediately if you were expected to share your kill but received nothing in return.

Capitalism does not solely exist when you pen in the herds and start slaughtering them and selling them for money. Capitalism is a complex phenomena that is principally the result of people having to make decisions based on their access to limited resources. This is why underground markets exist even in heavily communist countries. The necessity for resources that aren't readily available creates a need for them, which is fulfilled by people who want or expect something from those requesting the goods.

It's a good heuristic that when someone starts talking like magically something isn't an exchange because money or barter isn't involved, that they're a hopeless nihilist. Friendship has its own benefits, including reciprocity.