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15574329 No.15574329 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.15574337

>cis gender

>> No.15574404
File: 31 KB, 320x320, 7768.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yall im literally prolly finna whoop this nigga op ass so hard right now. on god

>> No.15574442

”so” is fine as a conjunctive

>> No.15574468

you can perfectly imitate a twitter nigger. nice work, anon.

>> No.15575204

When I came to the US in 2000, I was confused when someone used "Word" as a sort of a greeting. I did not know how to respond to that.

>> No.15575212

It's like "[You have my] word."

>> No.15575235


>> No.15575255


>> No.15575256

Most of these are just abbreviations, you probably do it all the time in your own speech without realizing it

>> No.15575267

>, you probably do it all the time in your own speech without realizing it
Not really.

>> No.15575271

Pescrivitivist trash.

Y'all is fine as a contraction of you all. See, Voces, vosotros, vos, etc.

>> No.15575310

>everything is lowercased
>sentences are just incoherent rambling, but on purpose
>v instead of very, p instead of pretty, etc.
>improper usage of the word “aesthetic”
I’m fine with pseudo intellectual tier language, at least they put in effort.

>> No.15575311

Prescritivism is based. Niggers are cringe.

>> No.15575325

Usually just an expression of agreement from colored folk.

>> No.15575340

>t. English Major

Prescriptivism is gay. Basketball Americans are cringe. Nothing wrong with dumb slang, its only trash if nogs invent it.

>> No.15575342

>women S consonance
>mmhhmmmm-HHMMMmmmm (with an upward inflection)

>> No.15575347

Prescriptivism is the cornerstone of civilization. Nogs need to fuck off.

>> No.15575362

no it isn’t, it’s the nonsensical version of okay

>> No.15575383

What is wrong with you?

>> No.15575393

Nah, prescripitivism is losing battle.

>> No.15575397

that's where it comes from.

>> No.15575411

For now. Every action has a reaction. The backlash will be worse.

>> No.15575431

As a French person, I fucking hate 'American English.' They've fucked it up with their stupid spelling, introduction of words and abbreviations. Now they're exporting their cultural bullshit to Europe.

>> No.15575447

You should be more mad at French's retarded orthography.

>> No.15575463


>> No.15575480


>> No.15575490


>> No.15575560

like like like like like like like uhhhhhh like like amiright

>> No.15575572


>> No.15575588
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>> No.15575610

I'm not though, because French came from France. This is our language. English came from England and you are changing it and making it worse. We French are not imposing our French grammar and rules on other francophones - on the contrary, Quebec goes very hard in keeping their Frenchness. But the US is making English shittier. There's a reason why American English is literally 'simplified' compared to British English. Is it so confusing to say 'colour' and not 'color'?

Gangster London English is also shit compared to the rest of England's English.

>> No.15575632

Go watch some footy on the telly you posh wanker

>> No.15575640


>> No.15575672

French came from Latin, frog. Butchering common sense spelling with a million silent letters. You Frankish pigs forced French on the Britons, Basque, and the Occittans.

>> No.15575982


>> No.15575991

English came from Anglo-Saxon and it's now Ebonics. Cope.

>> No.15577223


>> No.15577241

Linguists are always saying languages don't degenerate but how else is anyone supposed to interpret Latin turning into French, Italian, Spanish, etc. ?

Also anyone know how/why they developed articles?

>> No.15577292

second person (singular): you
second person (plural): you
In today's English, "y'all" is the only second-person plural pronoun we have.
Y'all gets overused a shit-ton, especially by larping carpetbaggers who think a month in Austin produces 'just a lil' southern drawl, y'all', so I fully get the hate.

>> No.15577325

Damn you're an idiot

>> No.15577331

Honest question from a white male:
What is "finna" replacing in English?

Is it "finally going to"?

>> No.15577819


>> No.15577848

t. zoomer nog

>> No.15578065


>> No.15578077

They developed articles from demonstrative. Why? Dunno. Also, languages don't degenerate, they just change.

>> No.15578106

fixing to
as in, It is fixing to rain, or I am fixing to rob your house

>> No.15578108


>> No.15578109

saying word is cool & frankly that's obvious

>> No.15578117

>mental health

>> No.15578130

I'm from Gatineau, Quebec and we've got 2 versions of French. We got joual and "français propre" (proper french). Night and day difference but most people switch from one to the other depending on the situation. You could compare joual to the way Irish travelers speak.

>> No.15578137

have you ever tried to explain to someone who wasn't interested in literature or well read why you don't like a word? It's fucking painful.

>> No.15578142

abbreviations in general are vile

>> No.15578166

The only thing I hate is starting a sentence with so. Fucking disgusting.

>> No.15578196


>> No.15578204

I agree, what is that shit

>> No.15578205
File: 57 KB, 840x1094, EXj-hh5XgAApyQp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looks like someone's got bad vibes

>> No.15578369
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>I vibe with that

>> No.15578823



>> No.15578849

It’s “gonna” but a bit to the left as you type. It’s a typo that caught on. I, for one, am here for it.

>> No.15578861

>be like

>> No.15578882


>> No.15578890


when used as a verb

>> No.15579127

Far too based for this board

>> No.15579152

you could at least use yous, or something that is at least a single word rather than a contraction of two.

>> No.15579162

it's often painful because of the retarded academia nonsense in the english speaking world that claims all changes in a language are equal are good.

>> No.15579176
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>in combination with each other

>> No.15579888
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As a southerner, y'all is fine if you have the rest of the dialect. Otherwise you sound retarded.

My choices that haven't been said so far
>lit (I don't think this is on its way out though)

I don't even hate rap music. I just hate Twitter.

>> No.15579993

I think I hate this because I can't stand the people who use it.

Also "life admin". Whatever happened to "running errands".

>> No.15580002

>women S consonance
Got any examples of words? It may be different depending on the accent as I can't think of any.

>> No.15580037

Nigga pressed

>> No.15580050

Axe me a question

>> No.15580256

>prescriptivism is so great its grammatic rules have to reformed every other decade

>> No.15580693

> people of color
why not just say colored people?

>> No.15580754

>I did not know how to respond to that.

>> No.15580782

"Word" means different things in different contexts and when said in different tones. It can mean, "I agree with those words," "I'm confounded by those words," "how have you been since we last met," "what have you heard" and other things like that.

>> No.15581251

>I think I hate this because I can't stand the people who use it

I do too. It's used too often by crybabies who try to justify being a lazy asshole or entitled cunt by blaming their diagnoses.

And even in a therapeutic setting I really don't understand what the word is supposed to mean. Can they just not tell someone to "take it easy?"

>> No.15581304

French PIG is upset no gives a shit about his asshole language.

French pig is “speaking” English on an AMERICAN website haha leap you froggy fuck

>> No.15581424

>literally when pronounced as "litch-rally"

>> No.15581434

>I say prolly

>> No.15581487

>let's not even make an attempt at keeping standards for our language

>> No.15581555

Any Ebonics really

>> No.15581647

Quite obvious that Quebec insists on their Frenchness in order to separate their identity from the rest of Canada, so the US had to separate themselves culturally from the UK so they wouldn't seem as another Commonwealth country

>> No.15582203

>>literally when pronounced as "litch-rally"
people do that with many other words but i can't remember right now

>> No.15582343

I started saying bro ironically when I was 15, now I’m 26 and can’t stop saying it.

>> No.15582418

>"life admin"
Never heard this one before

>> No.15583746


>> No.15583791


>For all intense and porpoises
>dog and puppy show
>Deaf as a death knell

>> No.15584465

so you are a faggot?

>> No.15584622

Those don't make sense, can you explain further?

>> No.15584627

It means the same thing as “going to.” I’m from Mississippi and I catch myself saying often.

>> No.15585189

Word, dog

>> No.15585293

>literally when pronounced as "litch-rally"
How do you say it?
t. ESL, no bully

>> No.15585458


>> No.15585536


>> No.15585547


>> No.15585563


>> No.15585574

>replies in a language that ripped from multiple languages and has no standardized ruleset as a result

>> No.15585605

American English grammar and British English grammar are the same you retard. No one is imposing shit on any country. Just because the US cucked your pig countrymen doesn’t mean the country is “exporting” their grammar.

The difference between British English and American English is the accent. Dummy boi French bitch.

>> No.15585614

Can't stand folk/folks either. It feels hokey to me. It evokes the image of an intellectual trying too hard to connect with the common folk.

>> No.15585621

What a ridiculous post. Quebecois French is more different than France French than American English is from British English.

>> No.15585663

clap back
Y ' A L L
of color
food deserts
autonomous zone
"n-word" (nigger is fine)
nigga (nigger is fine)
The Left
hate speech
alt right

>> No.15585706

wait, are we on the same side??

>> No.15585712

I HATE "y'all". Loathed. Wish I could murder a word.

>> No.15585713
File: 6 KB, 225x225, download.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lowkey marginalized folks spacing deadass cis capitalist food deserts, a systemically underfunded autonomous zone of cringey based and redpilled n-words inclusive of neoliberal reactionaries of racist alt right colonizer hate speech: The Left, clap back trap niggas Y ' A L L orange whiteness.

>> No.15585733

and on top of that
As if that wasn't enough,
one wonders

>> No.15585864


>> No.15585880


>> No.15585889

and replace it with what?

>> No.15585953

>I was going to go, but I didnt.
I didnt go.
>He thought it was one thing, but it was another.
It wasnt what he thought.

>> No.15585985
File: 135 KB, 720x1280, 1591840209317.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"problematic" is the most weasel word bullshit to deflower academia with its profane existence. Fuck anyone who uses this word and may it fade from existence

>> No.15585995

I use this word only to enrage my older coworkers. It always works.

>> No.15586023

i hate the words 'huwhite people'

>> No.15586035


>> No.15587323

imagine thinking that
the fact that
no wonder that
at it's finest
sex life
love life
the real issue is
history repeats itself
common sense
food for thought
you just went there
you just did a thing
i just lost faith in humanity
are you done
stream of consciousness
now you're thinking with portals
but here we are
or are you just happy to see me
obvious x is obvious
on this week of x
what are we
that's frankly
but you do you
i did not need to see that while eating
by the way
we gucci
this ain't it cheif
this is why we can't have nice things
can you translate that to english
based nordic chad
i don't want to live on this planet anymore
everyone needs a dream
you can't just
not cool
too soon
you do realize
love hate relationship
a special place in hell
let that sink in
hopeless romantic
a whole nother beast
it's so bad it's good
that's just how this works
should i go there
i'm dying
hindsight is 2020
sets a bad precedent
when in doubt
i'm crying
stop caring about that shit
that's p x
you must be fun at parties
peak x
congratz on being x
x is a hell of a drug
i have a tendency to procrastinate
water weight
wrong side of history
such a x
word salad
did you cum
porn would be easier to explain than x
my whole life is flashing before my eyes
a: dude you're a glorified x
b: that's an insult to x
that escalated quickly
third wheel
ight imma head out
gearing up to go fight in a battle, person helping you gear up: "well, that should be everything, oh and also good luck out there"
1. do x
2. ???
3. profit
you happy?
to each his own

>> No.15587352
File: 14 KB, 299x299, genie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm ESL and lately I've started to see even native britbongs type "oki" instead of okay, or OK. Why? How does it turn to that? It's often followed by emoticons too and looks retarded. I cringe every time I see it.

>> No.15587361
File: 21 KB, 454x750, C3D98AF5-88A1-42E0-929F-3752A2EDD1F7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>people experiencing homelessness

>> No.15587681

few things piss me off more than cringy fucking white suburbanites copying how black people talk so they can fit in on twitter. you know a couple years ago not nearly so many people said "y'all" or left out words like "is" or "are". fuck all of them

>> No.15587747

the point is not that change won't happen. it's that you command the reigns of change somewhat so as to not end up with mass niggerfication of your language. how is this difficult to understand?

>> No.15587759

So, is Ebonics just a "change"? Is it change that I can believe in?

>> No.15587858

basically how it is spelled. lit-er-ally

>> No.15587862


>> No.15587863

all the french i've meet dislike quebecois

>> No.15587872
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>> No.15587877

americans have their gay spelling changes

>> No.15587888

theres's nothing wrong with imagine posting aside from the obnoxious snark inherent to it.

>> No.15587890

okie dokie?

>> No.15588056

English orthography is far worse what are you on about

>> No.15588063

It’s lit, y’all, yas,

>> No.15588091

>Butchering common sense spelling with a million silent letters.

That's the essence of French you retard.

>> No.15588154

do the needful

>> No.15588166

Go back

>> No.15588192

Most often it expresses an emphatic agreement, with the prolonged vowel. As when someone on a board replies with a THIS as opposed to a this, with the degree of it left to inflection. There's even over-the-top or affected inflections of it, that express agreement, but with contempt for the statement being obvious or a platitude. Almost every other expression of assent or approbation also has some ironic mode or other like that.

>> No.15588205

most of what people complain about in english orthography is directly from the french, and hen how poorly it functions with germanic english.

>> No.15588211

you can usually figure out the french pronunciation from simply pronouncing a word as lazily and slurred as possible while still maintaining some distinct syllables.

>> No.15588255

>now that the dust has settled
Always makes me stop reading.

>> No.15589764

You seem bitter

>> No.15589904

as an autistic person, I basically demand anyone to respond with oki, because it sounds less ignorant towards the subject matter.

inb4 "okay or OK"

>> No.15590041

British English > NZ English > Australian English > Canadian English >>>>>>>>>> Simplified Burger English

>> No.15590057
