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15573030 No.15573030[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]


>> No.15573067

>tl;dr Fuck trannies.

>> No.15573100

Props to her for condemning SJW and “woke” culture as it should be. I’m not a fan of her novels, but I just gained respect for her as a person.

>> No.15573143

I want to fuck that milf so hard now

>> No.15573162

I thought she was part of the woke SJW culture, didn’t she say that Dumbledore had a sensual homosexual relationship with some other wizard out of nowhere?

>> No.15573180 [DELETED] 

> But, as many women have said before me, ‘woman’ is not a costume. ‘Woman’ is not an idea in a man’s head. ‘Woman’ is not a pink brain, a liking for Jimmy Choos or any of the other sexist ideas now somehow touted as progressive. Moreover, the ‘inclusive’ language that calls female people ‘menstruators’ and ‘people with vulvas’ strikes many women as dehumanising and demeaning.

holy based
fuck trannies

>> No.15573183

>But accusations of TERFery have been sufficient to intimidate many people, institutions and organisations I once admired, who’re cowering before the tactics of the playground. ‘They’ll call us transphobic!’ ‘They’ll say I hate trans people!’ What next, they’ll say you’ve got fleas? Speaking as a biological woman, a lot of people in positions of power really need to grow a pair (which is doubtless literally possible, according to the kind of people who argue that clownfish prove humans aren’t a dimorphic species).


>> No.15573186

Why have there been so many faggots on this board lately? Why do you read THIS of all things?

>> No.15573189

Go choke to death on a fucking cock /pol/tard.

>> No.15573215

You are an idiot.

>> No.15573219
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>> No.15573231

Is there anything she can't do? She'll turn /lit/ into an oldschool feminist board.

>> No.15573241

I respect her as a woman and a writer. I would nut in her old loose pussy and watch my come dribble down her legs when she'd try to walk.

>> No.15573245
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>‘Parents online were describing a very unusual pattern of transgender-identification where multiple friends and even entire friend groups became transgender-identified at the same time. I would have been remiss had I not considered social contagion and peer influences as potential factors.’

>Littman mentioned Tumblr, Reddit, Instagram and YouTube as contributing factors to Rapid Onset Gender Dysphoria, where she believes that in the realm of transgender identification ‘youth have created particularly insular echo chambers.’

>> No.15573259


>> No.15573265

I like how she pointed out that a lot of powerful people just conform with whoever's yelling the loudest. subtle callout to daniel radcliffe there

TRAs are currently telling each other on twitter not to read it, kek

I got into an argument with one who said that "transwomen have never assaulted women in bathrooms" because I linked the fucker to several news reports of that literally happening and then they just said "FUCK OFF"

>> No.15573291

>TRAs are currently telling each other on twitter not to read it, kek

They can’t handle the blackpill that defeats their entire cause

>> No.15573305

The rest of the movement got woker.

>> No.15573310
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what does this mean bros? is... is it working?

>> No.15573311

I love it that she didn't backpedal but instead she doubled down. This a real woman right here.

>> No.15573315
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how woke can one person be before being woke back to sleep?

>> No.15573317
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Do most TERFs hate trannies because of objective morality or because they hate everything that resembles men?

>> No.15573321

Rowling is kind of based ngl

>> No.15573325

Yeah, she tried to kiss SJW ass, even making Hermione black to pander to them, but once you bend to them even a little they demand that you bend over all the way. If she had just stood up to them from the start they would not be bothering her now. SJWs are cowards, basically: if you stand up to them they tend to fade away in search of easier targets.

>> No.15573337


>> No.15573345

"TERFS" basically argue that "women can wear pants if they want". Trannies argue that "woman = someone wearing a dress". that's why they're so fundamentally opposite. TERFs wanted to break stereotypes of women. A tranny believes that if he cries a lot and likes watching Gossip Girl, he is instantly a woman.

>> No.15573360

how do people like that actually take themselves seriously

>> No.15573368
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To add to what >>15573345 said, TERFs view trannies as inherently devaluing and depowering women.

>> No.15573370

>I am a woman because my feelings say so!
>M-my feelings are changing, they must be wrong!


>> No.15573376 [DELETED] 
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>> No.15573396
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>> No.15573407

A man in a dress is not a woman. Actual women do not like having their concerns and politics dragged through the mud to accomodate a fat douchebag in a mumu.

>> No.15573421
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>social contagion
Trannitis confirmed. Trans are a virus. BASED JK.

>> No.15573440

If you have to marry an ugly fucking tranny you are a total loser. If a woman like Cait or Fran would even have looked at you then you wouldn't be married to Buffalo Bill.

>> No.15573453


While calling out trannies is indeed very based, JK Rowling is herself partly responsible for creating this climate where dissenting opinions are not tolerated and met with absolute hate. She didn't mind this at all as long as her opinion aligned nicely with the majority. Only now does she see the nastiness of the crowd she was once part of.

Its good that she sees that now though.

>> No.15573464

>people are sincerely calling the author of Harry Potter a fascist because of an opinion that wouldn't have even been controversial 5 years ago
The world's gone fucking mad

>> No.15573468

>The supreme irony is that the attempt to silence women with the word ‘TERF’ may have pushed more young women towards radical feminism than the movement’s seen in decades.

>> No.15573481

I disagree. "Social justice" is a big tent that includes lots of different viewpoints. What I got from her article is that she's specifically concerned about current trends in trans activism. She isn't suddenly a reactionary.

>> No.15573491

holy based I am so surprised she said this; I guess she's got fuck you money

>> No.15573509

she didn't "create" this climate you dumb fuck. If you remember, when people were also shitting on depp for abusing amber (based on HER ALLEGATIONS ONLY), rowling was the only one who defended him. she's not "women = good, men = bad" clearly, or else she wouldve dropped depp like a hot potato immediately.

>> No.15573513

> I went to the Yale University bookstore and bought and read a copy of "Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone." I suffered a great deal in the process. The writing was dreadful; the book was terrible. As I read, I noticed that every time a character went for a walk, the author wrote instead that the character "stretched his legs." I began marking on the back of an envelope every time that phrase was repeated. I stopped only after I had marked the envelope several dozen times. I was incredulous. Rowling's mind is so governed by cliches and dead metaphors that she has no other style of writing.
Never forget, it's been months now but I miss you sweet prince.

>> No.15573529
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Let loose your sharp tongue my queen. I shall gladly lay my life for your honour and boundless glory.

>> No.15573537

God willing

>> No.15573544
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wtf i love rowling now

>> No.15573551

Autistic girls are hugely overrepresented in their numbers.

Explains why twitter is a cesspool Xd

>> No.15573567

Rowling doesn't give a shit and she knows if she wrote a new Harry Potter today these morons would still go out and buy it in droves no matter what they say on Twitter.

>> No.15573616

I read this in her accent. Based.

>> No.15573641

TERFs aren't about just breaking stereotypes but working towards getting laws on the books regulating men exclusively (which of course they include include transsexuals). For example you used to be allowed to exclude women from private clubs but they worked towards making that sort of gender discrimination illegal but then wanted woman to have the right to discriminate against men because men have power so it's different. Trannies are problematic because they disrupted their work on reforming law to grant woman more positive rights. Besides the genitalia essential world view they believe that hormones in no way effect mental cognition and men and women, should, think and act the same but men are exceptionally dangerous for exclusively sociological reasons. Don't act like it's any less absurd but their work is ultimately doomed to history because their conception of oppression doesn't line up with what most women will ever embrace e.g. makeup and beauty products are a form of oppression and need to be regulated out of existence. It's just two different schizoid legal movements coming into conflict but the trannies embrace makeup so most woman will support them in the end.

>> No.15573660
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Leave us alone. Dunking on these hoes is too easy.

>> No.15573674

>is born a woman
>pretends to be a man multiple times throughout her career
sounds trans to me

>> No.15573733

>"After I was cancelled for the fifth time"


>> No.15573740

>this is considered highly problematic and polemic

>> No.15573846

TERFs hate trannies for the same reason many feminists hate sex work and porn : because they disrupt women's control of the sex economy. More trannies = less attention and money paid per capita to biological women. Inflation of the value of women's sexual appeal must be stopped at all costs if you're a woman who wishes to keep the status quo going.

>> No.15573849

KEK pussconomics 101 I see that you are a graduated redpill user.

>> No.15573861

...and your point is, retard-kun?

>> No.15573888

>she didn't "create" this climate you dumb fuck.

Where did I say that you fucking faggot?
Its a fact that she has been part of this crowd for a long time and hence is partly responsible for it. She could have refused to align herself with these people way earlier.

>> No.15573899

Imagine how good her blowjobs would be

>> No.15573906

>More trannies = less attention and money paid per capita to biological women.

hahaha are you serious? There isn't a single man in the whole world who would trade in a real woman for a trannie. You must be a tranny

>> No.15573908

> TERFs hate trannies for the same reason many feminists hate sex work and porn.

Read a blog post about feminism. Radical feminism has nothing to do with hating trans people.

>> No.15573928

You're right. Radical feminism has to do with hating men. Trannies are just the flavor of the month.

>> No.15573929

What the fuck is a TERF

>> No.15573931

>read a blog post

>> No.15573940

I think he meant social capital/their position in the wokeness hierarchy in general. In that regard trannies are undoubtedly threatening biological women.

>> No.15573954


>> No.15573957

More power to her, but remember she can only to it so freely because she's pretty much uncancellable. What are they going to do to her, unsell the billions copy that were sold in the 2000s?
In fairness the reach of cancel culture is way overrated.

>> No.15573972

her "reasons" should just be a picture of her giving the finger with one hand while burning money with the other.
she doesn't have to explain herself to anyone. fuck 'em

>> No.15573976

Trans exclusionary radical feminist

They're women who view transexuals entering feminism as men invading feminism while being #moreoppressed and that trans issues aren't feminist issues. White women don't want to lose their position of being the top victims. They're really just the fucking worst.

>> No.15573989

lurk moar

>> No.15573995


>> No.15574006
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just let it go, friends.
this is a meaningless distraction.
take a deep breath in.
take a deep exhale.
close this tab, walk away from the computer.
take a deep breath in.
take a deep exhale.
and just move on.

>> No.15574014

You're right. Thanks.

>> No.15574016

Black women are the top victims. Rekt.

>> No.15574021

KEK I need to do my things.

>> No.15574023

Or what

>> No.15574028

Transphobia actually harms lives it isn't just a distraction

>> No.15574039

Black women are invisible.

>> No.15574051

>Help, i think the Kool Aid is starting to taste funny, someone convince me it's actually good

>> No.15574055

I wish

>> No.15574056
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say that to my face

>> No.15574063

Thanks, i'll distract myself with anime instead.

>> No.15574126


>> No.15574170



>> No.15574275
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>> No.15574291

my fucking sides

>> No.15574317

i would suck jessica blaise's dick though

>> No.15574341

Thanks Apu

>> No.15574557

I'm sure her feelings got so hurt as she read these comments sipping champagne in whatever mansion she lives in

>> No.15574773
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suck muh dik TERFs

>> No.15574778

>according to the kind of people who argue that clownfish prove humans aren’t a dimorphic species).
can i get a rundown on this? what did she mean?

>> No.15574817

thank you, based frog meditator

>> No.15574853

>thinking that someone who mutilated their own genitals to fulfill a sexual fetish is in any place to criticize one of the most financially successful women in history

>> No.15574862

It's because they see trans-'women' as men who demand the same special treatment as biological women. Also, they just hate men in general.

>> No.15574863


>> No.15574872

In many animals biological sex is ambiguous because of unconventional reproductive cycles. Humans are not one such animal, however. We aren't even remotely related to animals that do these things.