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15572466 No.15572466 [Reply] [Original]

think i got the 'rona. 101f/38c fever, aches and pains all over. my hysteric female-like personality has already turned this mild symptoms into some dead-like ivan ilych.

>> No.15572472

>getting the rona after it's over

>> No.15572475

Sleep on your front, get a fan, get some vitamin d and plenty of liquid.

>> No.15572487

>after it's over

>> No.15572551

Unless you live in a country that mishandled it, yes it's pretty much over.

>> No.15572962

This + also relax. Stressing about symptoms will weaken your immune system & make the symptoms worse. Accept that you're likely going to be OK, drink lots of liquids + Vitamin C/D, rest, and don't come in contact w/ anyone.

>> No.15574939
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Basically this. If you want to confront your fears about death, do so: We all have to die some time; what Hell would life be if the people in our lives could determinately prevent us from dying whenever they choose; if you truly love your life, then letting it go (when it's time) is the ultimate act of love.

In none of that is there need for panic or anxiety, so try not to get too worked up. It's easy to say for those who aren't dying, but that's probably the perspective you'd want to hear from.

You'll be fine anon, relax. Life is all about risk - every sickness you get is a risk; every time you climb behind the wheel of your car is a risk.

Talk to someone if you need to address your feelings, but the answers may be found inside you.

"Begin to live at once, and count each day as a separate life." -Seneca

>> No.15575352

>yes it's pretty much over.
Stop I can't breathe ahahahah-

>> No.15575829

It's never going to be over. It wasn't contained anywhere but the PRC and now it is here to stay. It is not self limiting in the absence of totalitarian containment and will continue to proliferate. COVID-19 will circulate and will become as common as the flu and common cold striking seasonally for decades and centuries to come.

>> No.15575886
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>don't come in contact w/ anyone.
In point of fact, he hould come in contact with as many people as possible as it is in his self interest. The greater the infected, the greater the public impetus for a cure. It is also beneficial should he survive that the infection curve peaks so as to maximize mortality of the general population infected. This frees up capital resources and jobs and will allow him to succeed in the future. If 5% of people die, an overestimate, the survivors reap the reward. Do you know what followed the Black Death? The Renaissance.

>> No.15577075

Except covid has nowhere near the mortality rate as the black death had. You fell hard for the media panic, retard. Stop watching CNN.

>> No.15577086

I still haven't seen a good study on the mortality rate for various demographics. Whatever happened to the Princess Diamond bunch