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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 155 KB, 1498x1000, Scene-The-Fall-of-the-Roman-Empire.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15570380 No.15570380[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What the fuck is going on? Statues and streets are being renamed in Europe because of some guy getting killed by the police in America, there are literal riots in London because of this shit. It's not even coherent, is the west really falling? If it is how the fuck did it fall to this meme shit?

>> No.15570386

It’s a mix of

1: American cultural domination across the West.

2: Isolation caused by quarantine.

>> No.15570395

Floyd has a criminal record. The bitch deserved it. And yes, it’s over.

>> No.15570400

No he was a good boy he dindu nuffin

>> No.15570406

We've seen police murder people before in America, this is effecting Ireland of all places, it's absolutely ridiculous, I couldn't totally be blamed on quarantine because we've seen the internet full of anarkiddies for years.

>>>>>>>>/pol/ faggot

>> No.15570412

lmao what?
He was literally a criminal? Sorry he wasn't the saint the media keeps trying to push him as
go back to you know where faggot

>> No.15570430

Why is everyone being so dramatic?
It's just a protest. Sure there is a couple of angry people, a few white guys started fires, some seizure of property (boo hoo target go robbed... who cares?), and a self declared anarchist commune popping up... but that happens at every major protest?
It's totally sick how the media is twisting this to only show the bad, and not show the brutality of the police or how many beautiful moments are being shared by POC and allies on the streets. They are literally risking their lives with COVID and all these white boys are crying their white tears about the end times because a couple strip malls got broken into.
Maybe y'all just need to examine your racist biases against Black folx a bit more.

>> No.15570434

So far the people they’re targeting probably shouldn’t have been there in the first place. Britain was the first nation to abolish slavery, so to still have statues commemorating traders doesn’t even fit with our own history.

If I had any kind of control over this mob mentality I’d focus it towards the millions of slaves that exist currently, instead of some old statues. There are slave traders operation RIGHT NOW on a scale far larger than anything the Empire ever did. The fucking World Cup stadium in Qatar is being built by slaves as you read this. If we want to keep western tradition alive, we should have ships sailing around Africa, with the Union Jack striking fear into slave traders.

>> No.15570437


We know he was a criminal.

>It's totally sick how the media is twisting this to only show the bad, and not show the brutality of the police or how many beautiful moments are being shared by POC and allies on the streets. They are literally risking their lives with COVID and all these white boys are crying their white tears about the end times because a couple strip malls got broken into.
Maybe y'all just need to examine your racist biases against Black folx a bit more.

shit bait

>> No.15570438


The left is a cult. There's no rationale for this, it's entirely hysterical resentment morality off the tracks.

>> No.15570450

USA is now the most important country in the world, it's natural that it influences other countries in a significant way.

>> No.15570451

Liberalism is in decline and there is an epistemic collapse happening in the West. The younger generations have absolutely no trust or affinity for their countries or national identities, they’re coked up on Wokeness and consider the West a racist civilization beyond repair.

>> No.15570453

you're a fucking faggot

Also, yeah, he shouldn't have been killed and the police are totally brutal. But they're not going around killing mostly college kids who get straight A's. Floyd wasn't a saint, he doesn't deserve a giant fucking memorial after people had been told for 3 months that they can't go to their grandma's funeral or else they're the same as a mass shooter
Seriously why do you come to 4chan? faggot

>> No.15570470

You retard that as what the other guy said.

>> No.15570482

See the thing is, he actually does. When you get murdered for the pettiest of crimes, when the due process of the law is completely ignored based on a completely arbitrary standard, you deserve to be remembered. This isn't some isolated event, numb nuts. It's representative of a greater trend of constant violence against a specific type of person. People are sick of it. The world is changing. Keep reeing and throwing a temper tantrum you little child.

>> No.15570489

At least now you can ignore the scary virus and protest against american police.

>> No.15570500

Behavioral sink is happening. The upper limit on how large an advanced society can get before the sheer amount of antisocial behavior becomes overwhelming has been reached.

>> No.15570537

You guys literally made a saint guy that was on meth and fentanyl and robbed pregnant woman

>> No.15570540

Fuck you nigger. I'll say what I want about braindead criminal scum niggers and there's nothing you can do about it.

>> No.15570549

> Murdered
He died from a fucking overdose you imbecile. Maybe look at the autopsy before you spout your inane shit everywhere like a retarded monkey.

>> No.15570557

I didn't make a saint out of anybody you retards.

>> No.15570568

When did SJWs start to flood into this place?

>> No.15570570

and with good reason

>> No.15570582

>People are sick of it. The world is changing.
lol you deluded fucking faggot

>> No.15570583

You are incorrect. He died of asphyxiation. There's been ample sources on this.

And the original autopsy never even said the drugs were the cause of death, just that there was a noteworthy amount in his body.

>> No.15570588

>. It's representative of a greater trend of constant violence against a specific type of person.

>> No.15570602

social media is at heights like never before. more influence over peoples lives, especially because of covid.
australian bushfire 'social media charity appeal' that lasted three days was good way to set off trends for the year. companies, celebrities, politicians being shamed for not disclosing how much theyve donated to relief efforts. attacks for not donating enough.
covid rolls around, influences from this dont really need discussing.
everyone is already in social media justice frenzy. any movement needs to be visibly committed to otherwise face ostracisation by peers. racism is a bigger bill than charity.
social media good boy points being shifted from "social distance stay inside" to something that sets off ideological rage.. recipe for disaster

>> No.15570618

Felons still have rights, moron.

>> No.15570627
File: 8 KB, 277x271, drs.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>He died of asphyxiation. There's been ample sources on this.
and don't post the """"autopsy'""" by the guy who just watched the video

>> No.15570655

Yeah can see it in fitness and influencer culture too. Dey be grooming but no babies

>> No.15570666

I ain't googling shit for you dude. The county coroner, the people who left out the asphyxiation cause of death that all the morons claiming he OD'd came from, also say that his death is a homicide. Had the knee not been on that neck, Floyd would not have died. He wasn't going to drop dead in the streets had there been no police confrontation.

Now can we get back to /lit/?

>> No.15570670

>When you get murdered for the pettiest of crimes

Armed robbery is not a petty crime you dumb shit.

Maybe if black people didn't want to be confronted by the police so often, they shouldn't commit so many crimes.

>> No.15570675

The barbarians realised they can do what they want with impunity and now they're taking their revenge on civilisation.

>> No.15570676

>the prince of lies refuses to post evidence
get thee hence satan

>> No.15570678

Please tell me how you’d go about subduing a 6’7 felon who is not only resisting arrest but also an active hard drugs user without force.

>> No.15570679

That happened over 10 years ago, you absolute moron.

>> No.15570680

Indeed. The right is totally cult-free, instead. I'll go back to my syncretic all-religions-are-one-religion Rene Guenon reading now!

>> No.15570684


In order to understand what's going on in the world of humans it stands to reason you need nothing more than to understand humans themselves.
Understand that they are weak willed and feeble minded creatures who are eager to feel part of something bigger than themselves.
The way that people latch onto movements like BLM is functionally the exact same way people latch onto oft ridiculed movements like flat earth theory.
In the case of flat earthers it's much more transparent in terms of the psychology at least to an outside observer but in the case of BLM you could be fooled into thinking most people hold a genuine belief in the movement and in fact (just as in the case of flat earthers perhaps even more so) many of them have even fooled themselves.
To put it simply every generation needs their "war". It could be a war on another country, it could be a war on a war against another country, a war on drugs, religion, corporations, of course racism, regardless if they don't have one they will find one.
This particular generation represents what is perhaps the culmination of what can only be described as a multi-nation wide hero complex. Again you might be fooled into thinking this is simply empathy somehow gone awry but you must also remember that a radical is born only out of an extreme belief that they must be right a stance which is vehemently incompatible with empathy at its core.

>> No.15570690

There were four people subduing him and he was handcuffed -- the act of subduing him is and never was in question. It's the ten minutes of strangulation that happened afterward, all he needed to do was get off and you and I wouldn't be having this retarded conversation.

Answer me this, what does this have to do with literature?

>> No.15570692


So? The man is an armed robber who repeatedly comes into contact with the police. Once again he comes into contact with the police. High on drugs he decides to resist arrest once again.
He died as a consequence of that. He didn't die because he was "murdered over the pettiest of crimes".

>> No.15570693

Sort of a stretch I think but yeah overall humans are obsessed with attracting mates yet reproduce less and less every year.

>> No.15570694

lmao dude was on fent he wasnt going anywhere
"hard drugs user" like he was smoking pcp or shooting meth

>> No.15570695

welcome to the world of idpol lefties
and people wonder why the right is gaining support. instead of supporting ideas that would help the people, lefties focus on idiotic shit like this

>> No.15570697
File: 114 KB, 1280x720, 1462656004078.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

SJWs have always conducted their psyops on 4chan, it's just that now we're in a quarantine and you encounter them at a much higher rate online.

>> No.15570699

>all he needed to do was get off and you and I wouldn't be having this retarded conversation.

All Floyd needed to do was not commit crimes or not resist arrest.

>> No.15570704

'rona really bored people to shit

>> No.15570711

All floyd needed to do was not be black amirite

>> No.15570716

People see things happening elsewhere and relate it to their own situation. See also: 1848 in general.

>> No.15570720

Literally no one will even remember this in 6 months.

>> No.15570724

Imagine thinking it was a racist thing more than just police in America being fucking retardly under-trained.

>> No.15570730

Get your timelines straight, once again, you are wrong. The armed robbery thing was from like 2007 or some shit. He was arrested for forgery of a single dollar bill -- a petty crime.

And once again, none of that matters, literally none of it. If you are arrested, you have still have rights. Even the police disagree with you in this.

Good Lord this place has gotten significantly dumber.

>> No.15570731

He had meth in his system.

>> No.15570735

Fuck off /pol/ unit
>47 replies and 29 posters


>> No.15570740


That wouldn't make a bloody difference and you know it. Overly violent cops are not a race thing and target people of all races. There's plenty of examples of white people getting killed by retarded cops. Besides, among the arresting offficers was an asian and a half african american cop.
This never was a race thing, but of course BLM and the media happily made it about that because they're racist themselves.

>> No.15570745

Why the fuck are you people still arguing about this stupid shit?

The nigger was a violent nigger and the cop was a violent cop.
There's a virtually endless causal chain that made them the way they are, both biologically and culturally.

>> No.15570746

>If you are arrested, you have still have rights. Even the police disagree with you in this.

Yes and when you are arrested and resist arrest you have the right to be subdued by an extremely common police method.

>> No.15570751

The cops were acting like cunts, but I doubt they were even trying to kill him.

The guy they strangled for selling cigarettes a few years back was way way way worse than this. The retard masses are just using Floyd as an excuse to go nuts.

And yeah, this board is a mess.

>> No.15570753

you didn't disprove anything he said though

>> No.15570769

No it wasnt a race thing but police officers are heavier with their use of force when dealing with blacks, especially ones who look thuggish (which is like half of the male population).
Media does what the media does.
I was just making a shit post btw.

>> No.15570770

>laying completely still on the ground
>resisting arrest

You are an idiot.

>> No.15570779


>he wuz a good boy he dindu nuffin

>> No.15570790

>literally dead
>resisting arrest
I mean that's the narrative that people are asking us to believe, they were still kneeling on him when he'd stopped moving forever.

>> No.15570793

Are you a dog?

>> No.15570800

>Statues and streets are being renamed in Europe
Are they? Where? Considering how much of Europe has nothing to do with "the west" I'm guessing you mean the UK?

>> No.15570807

There is literally no evidence one of the four cops ever said something racist

>> No.15570816

Not him, but for example

>> No.15570822

>A damaged statue of former Belgian King Leopold II is removed for possible renovation in Ekeren, Belgium.

>> No.15570824


He would never have been on the ground with a knee in his neck if he hadn't resisted arrest.

>> No.15570834
File: 37 KB, 750x686, DC7CB896-AA86-4CDE-B6AA-F0FB9DCCCD49.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"the west"

>> No.15570836

He'd never have been on the ground with a knee on his neck if the police officer had done his job properly.

>> No.15570839


Yes. So? We have no indeed confirmed that we have a repeat felon armed robber who got arrested once again and resisted arrest at this time.

Hence my conclusion that I don't give a flying fuck and all these people rioting about him are god damn fools. Of all the injustice in the world, they are upset over some lowlife criminal getting himself killed.

>> No.15570849

Pretty poor example since it's being restored after being vandalized instead of turned into scrap metal because of social pressure.

Yes mr. frogposter? Do you disagree with something? Bunching up all of Europe as "the west" is retarded because instead of a geographical area or direction it's used as a name for areas that have certain types of ideologies clearly. Majority of Europe hasn't been renaming their streets or taking down statues. A big and important chunk of Russia is a part of Europe and you wouldn't consider Russia to be part of "the west" right?

>> No.15570850

>Yes. So?
So the police officer and the other police officers deserve their sentences.
>Of all the injustice in the world, they are upset over some lowlife criminal getting himself killed.
Scream "Unclean!" louder, maybe that will make me agree with your opinion more.

>> No.15570854

Look at them try and communicate in simple English. Go back to /pol/ you loser.

>> No.15570857
File: 27 KB, 112x112, 288BBD05-DB97-4398-AE2C-86214444F363.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You seem tense, sweaty.

>> No.15570882

>So the police officer and the other police officers deserve their sentences.

Nobody is denying that. Nobody has ever claimed that these officers should be exempt from the law and ought not to appear in front of a judge. Why are you debating against positions that NOBODY has taken?

Fact is that a bunch of rioters and looters are burning shit down and wreaking havoc because of the death of a violent criminal.



>> No.15570885

>It's totally sick how the media is twisting this to only show the bad, and not show the brutality of the police or how many beautiful moments are being shared by POC and allies on the streets. They are literally risking their lives with COVID and all these white boys are crying their white tears about the end times because a couple strip malls got broken into.
>Maybe y'all just need to examine your racist biases against Black folx a bit more.
Please be bait

>> No.15570887

No one is rioting.

>> No.15570886

NO NO NO!!!!!!!! NOT MY HECKING STATUERINIOS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! THEY'RE LIKE MY HECKING FUNKO POPS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

>> No.15570888

I’m not the same anon, but what do you think of heuristic?

>> No.15570890



>> No.15570899

But won't the protesters and their relatives die from the virus now?

>> No.15570906

>He was arrested for forgery of a single dollar bill -- a petty crime

Yeah, it seems a petty crime for people who know shit about economics.
It's actually one of the worst crimes you can commit outside of murder and rape. Even thievery is more acceptable than trying to disrupt the economic system. He deserved to die for it.

>> No.15570908

i'm not going back anywhere

>> No.15570913

>Nobody is denying that. Nobody has ever claimed that these officers should be exempt from the law and ought not to appear in front of a judge. Why are you debating against positions that NOBODY has taken?
Some people are anon. Anyway, what people are *protesting* are things like the shitty police work being done. Nobody (haha, or at least a tiny minority) is protesting because of George Floyd the man, they're not going "Take down this Colston statue and that Rizzo statue, it is the Will of Floyd". It's because of police brutality and negligence and general dickishness, if they'd have killed another person in a similar way you can believe there'd still be protests.

>> No.15570927

Imagine calling out trump for violence against protesters who deserve it 100% but not calling ut Obama for droning Syrians asses during his 2 mandates. Fuck lmao

>> No.15570935

>Some people are anon
>people are *protesting* are things like the shitty police work being done.
>Nobody is protesting because of George Floyd

At this point I have to conclude you are willfully lying. There is no point in discussing with you anymore.

>> No.15570940

He was executed for trying to pay with a counterfeit bill. Just because someone is a criminal doesn't mean they can be murdered by a cop.

>> No.15570941

Denial is one hell of a defense mechanism.

>> No.15570948

retard alert. read more than one (1) source you moron

>> No.15570955

Is that how some officers decide their handling of situations? To be honest I had to look the term up.

>> No.15570965

>trying to disrupt a fraudulent economic system is deserving of death
fuck you and fuck your fed reserve fake money enslave citizens for debt scam, bitch

>> No.15570977

>Maybe y'all just need to examine your racist biases against Black folx a bit more.

no no, you see, you got greedy

>> No.15570985

Just imagine: Floyd is killed, left comes to protest, everyone catches the corona and dies! Right racists are triumphant!

>> No.15570997

You sound like a sore loser who doesn't understand how the game works and thinks he's getting scammed.
The economic system is not fraudulent at all. The feds print money at a controlled rate to cause inflation which in turn incentives people to spend money rather than store it under their beds. If you don't want to save money then invest it. If you don't know how then learn how. If it wasn't for inflation, many businesses would close and jobs would be lost because people who wouldn't want to spend money at all other than the very basic necessities like food.
Also it's not fake money because it has a value given by people who think its valuable. These people are way smarter than you and they are the ones who keep the world from collapsing.

Tldr: Fuck off commie

>> No.15571003

>It's representative of a greater trend of constant violence against a specific type of person.
It literally isn't. This is what happens when someone builds their worldview on anecdotes.

>> No.15571019

the difference is right wingers are usually totally honest about their religious sentiments, leftists like to LARP as secular humanists who FUCKING LOVE SCIENCE (ironically, they should be familiar with Foucault's work which alone should cool their enthusiasm for science) while ignoring the elephant in the room - namely that their ideology is secularized Calvinism

>> No.15571021

It's just an abstraction for authority that they can get away with. Hurting a politician would land you dead or in jail forever, and cops are running around in ironman suits and would beat the shit out of you if you touched them. But you can break a statue.

>> No.15571026


>> No.15571027

n=1000 is just 1000 n=1's

>> No.15571032

good riddance getting rid of statues of actual slave traders

>> No.15571044

he resisted arrest for nine minutes before hand, was 6'7" and massive compared to any of the cops and they were restraining him because he was high on meth. tell me how you would have arrested this guy in a different way

>> No.15571053

Prove this to me.

By not kneeling on his neck after he was handcuffed and begging for his life.

>> No.15571068

thats how all living beings decide to behave in any specific situation with the least hint of menace

>> No.15571083

/leftypol/ has been trying to capitalize on the riots recently. Redditors and other sorts of tourists also come out in larger number during times like these.

And, of course, it's summer.

>> No.15571095

I don't like niggers or criminals but defending police actions such as these based on what he did in the past is literally, LITERALLY, being a boot liker retard.
>he was a criminal in the past therefore it was ok to kill him like that
holy fucking shit lmao

>> No.15571103

back to /pol/ peabrain

>> No.15571111

nooooo you can’t just criticise people for profiting from what was, at the time, a ubiquitous and acceptable industry, it’s not fair!!!! black people that have never been slaves or even known anybody that was a slave may get upset nooooooooooooooo this can’t be happening!!!

>> No.15571117

>>he was a criminal in the past therefore it was ok to kill him like that
people have died for less

>> No.15571118

>drug addict
>porn actor
He was pretty much asking to get killed.
Yeah, enjoy your #BlackLivesMatter™

>> No.15571121

do you have brain damage?
it's not fair to criticise slave traders because non-slave blacks might get upset?

Try to figure out who you're mocking before you post

>> No.15571125

>He was pretty much asking to get killed.
No he wasn't retard

>> No.15571130

You're insincere or stupid. The pic mocks Russia who claimed there was no evidence where there was plenty and enough.

>> No.15571132

You are at least twelve levels of immersion in the autocosm below me.

>> No.15571135
File: 67 KB, 494x494, 1591264866459.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>what was, at the time, a ubiquitous and acceptable industry
Truth is, in the context of the african slave trade, that most people actually knew it was a questionable trade, yet thrived under this institutionalized bullshit. It was always a question of power, not ethics (no wonder the catholic church incentivized it). That's why there were abolitionist movements early on, and slave traders were people looked down upon, even though many times rich.

>> No.15571136

>By not kneeling on his neck after he was handcuffed and begging for his life.
This guy must have a PhD in policeology!

I really don't get the pushing of the "the police did nothing wrong!" argument from those idiots above, it's a bad argument.

>> No.15571138

noo hecking noo hecking noo hecking nooo heckin nooo amirite /b/rahs?

>> No.15571143

>Maybe y'all just need to examine your racist biases against Black folx a bit more.

You were so close to having a rational point and ya blew it.

>> No.15571146

>acceptable industry
It wasn't, a lot of philosophy at the time was trying to work out how to justify it. Norman culture, which was the prevalent culture of Europe, abhorred anything that looked like slavery, you can even see it in the Domesday book of England.

>> No.15571161

You are like a little rabbit, whimpering in your warren.

>> No.15571166

The fact that it existed automatically made it acceptable. Lots of philosophers (losers) get twisted over fossil fuel industries, doesn’t mean they’re not acceptable (and based).

>> No.15571170

Jokes on you because i dreamt about having a tickle fight with the girl i fancy last night and woke up with a smile on my face


>> No.15571188

>The fact that it existed automatically made it acceptable.
What a retarded statement.
>Lots of philosophers (losers) get twisted over fossil fuel industries, doesn’t mean they’re not acceptable (and based).
You need to educate yourself, philosophers at the time were the elite. Locke justified slavery in a specific way, he also was involved and made lots of money from the slave trade albeit loosely following his own morals.

>> No.15571208

I was in that dream and that never happened
Shut up nerd

>> No.15571214

yeah actually you were sucking my dick

>> No.15571225
File: 77 KB, 563x721, bfd2bb6a6c2b045bfa45516a46e75241f24d880357e84a25742985575832141b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The fact that it existed automatically made it acceptable

>> No.15571234

>you havd to prove a negative
Ok watch the first video >>15571026

>> No.15571241

Yeah, all 1 inch of it!

>> No.15571244

This gave me a good chuckle, canadian.

>> No.15571251

While people are this retarded irl, here, or reddit. You seldom seen folx used unironically but in twitter or some chapo-like cesspit.

>> No.15571252

>he admits to sucking tiny penis

>> No.15571259

I’m pansexual

>> No.15571261

>commits various crimes
>lives a degenerate lifestyle
>was in possession of drugs during arrest
>resists arrest

>> No.15571265

>he admits to having a fetish for kitchenware

>> No.15571269

I thought you were talking about the police at first

>> No.15571270


>> No.15571275

It's when you fuck with god Pan.

>> No.15571283

Oh, I forgot.
>he was a nigger

>> No.15571298

1-not related to lit, go to >>/pol/ or >>/int/
2- no, the west is not being the destroyed
3- seethe, bitch
4- based euros

>> No.15571302

Cultural Revolution

Basically mass hysteria culminating in cultural demolition, a kind of brain death of a society

>> No.15571316

let me give you a small analogy.

some time ago, in my peaceful, quaint, uncorrupted homeland of Croatia, the media was flooded with a rape case.
Croatia, being a peaceful, quaint country, has a small populace.
as chance would have it, i personally know both the girl who came through with the gang rape claim and all four of the men accused of said gang rape.
what the media didn't cover, while demonizing the four men for weeks on end, was that the girl was not an angel herself. many times i saw her with my own pair of eyes, skipping gleefully behind a new man every time.

what i meant by this analogy is that the media are sensationalist filth.
don't trust the media. no matter how unbiased they claim to be, no human being is truly unbiased.

trust only facts backed by evidence.
the man was a criminal with a record of armed violent crime.
the police gladly kneed the man straight through death's door.
neither party was in the right.

punish the policemen for the murder of a man.
forget the man himself - he was a violent criminal, the filth nobody wants around. his life was unneeded, unwanted - but he had a right to it nonetheless.

maybe reform America's police system, after a bit of digging i'm certain the policemen who killed Floyd did so out of sheer fear (racist or not is irrelevant) and incorrect methods of subdual, both aspects due to lack of training.

>> No.15571327

Its called a radical cultural shift, also known as a cultural revolution

>> No.15571338

Peak Multiculturalism.

>> No.15571345
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Whatever roleplay works for you dude.

>> No.15571348

I've heard some claims.

>> No.15571354

I think about posts like these when I see extremely poor black people stood outside the shops their fellow blacks (and whites, but mainly black) have destroyed despite those shops generally being owned and operated by the same demographic as the protesters.
The specificity with which these BLM protesters have chosen their moral demolition targets has been completely indiscriminate - which begs the question why are they even bothering with the veneer of BLM?
If every store, every home, and every individual without prior consideration or forethought could potentially be looted, destroyed or attacked violently then why bother stopping anywhere? Why not just riot all the time, abandon law completely and use this new violent force that is now to this crowd morally justifiable (despite the debate revolving around unnecessary violence) to get what you want? Then they could drop all the adjoining causes and simply use their collective brute force to achieve what they want (until they realise that they all want different things and won't ever agree on a unified cause, bringing the advent of political infighting ad infinitum)

>> No.15571383

>4-Based Euros

>> No.15571402

> What the fuck is going on?
Your governments are bought and paid for by the U.S. State Department and the CIA, that's what.

Welcome to the world of color revolutions, the rest of this world has been living here for the last 20 years.

>> No.15571447

>noo! are you telling me I have to stop being racist?! the west is over!!
grow up

>> No.15571455

>He wasn't going to drop dead in the streets had there been no police confrontation.
With all of those drugs that were in his system - yeah, actually he was.

>> No.15571474
File: 227 KB, 814x1024, books-over-panic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15571477

The dosages in his blood were non-lethal. You are making up lies.

>> No.15571480

Start buying physical copies boys, its worse than just buildings being burned---they are electronically burning books and movies now, too!
This is no joke.

People like Ridley are not kidding, are not looking to make a statement, are not looking for attention. The Woke Fascist Mob is as serious as cancer, is a cancer, and will succeed in bullying corporations to blacklist their own content.

Every movie, TV series, and book you love is at serious risk of quietly and not-so-quietly vanishing. Even if you own digital copies, fascist corporations like Amazon will quietly delete them.

You might not think that’s possible, but it already happened to a Simpsons’ episode… If you purchased the digital copy, they snuck in and took it away from you.

You have to own the hard copies… You have to own the physical discs and books if you wish to protect them.


>> No.15571487
File: 52 KB, 316x475, nigger hitler.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Woke Fascist Mob
Enough of this

>> No.15571489
File: 222 KB, 899x550, Shigong 'Schmidt' Jiang.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

China is undoing liberalism in Hong Kong right as now as we post:

Choose the strong yellow horse.

>> No.15571497

That's not the problem, they are literally destroying our hecking statues
What next? Our white funko pops?

>> No.15571502

I wish I could be that based desu

>> No.15571507

>The dosages in his blood were non-lethal.
Depends on his level of tolerance, but no, they were lethal.

>> No.15571525

-Died with a lethal amount of Fentanyl and meth in his system
-Arrested for counterfeiting currency
-Previously arrested for dealing drugs
-Previously arrested for pointing a gun at a pregnant woman
-Performed in hardcore pornography involving slapping and choking and other abuse

Am I missing anything?

>> No.15571528

Ding ding ding, he had a tolerance, hence they were non-lethal

>> No.15571530

You're the one defending a nigger. Why don't you take the black cock out of your mouth long enough to realise the official report said he died of a drug overdose.
> Noooooo you can't just use the official sourcerino!!!!!!!!

>> No.15571533

he was in hardcore pornerinio!
that deserves a death penalty according to my no fap bronerinios!!!!!!!!!!

>> No.15571536

If the cop had done his job properly the nigger would be taken around the back of the store and shot twice in the back of the head.

>> No.15571538

The medical distinction between lethal and non lethal is the average amount that would kill a normal person because there's no meaningful measure of tolerance.