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/lit/ - Literature

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15570630 No.15570630 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.15570646

Who tf ever said that. Jfc you people.

>> No.15570649
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>voraciously devoured

>> No.15570654
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You need to remember the majority of mankind are no different than dogs. They place sensual and carnal pleasure at the peak of their existence. Orgasm represents to the bugman the greatest of all states of being. After a pig copulate, it usually passes out and sleeps. So it is with men and women. Their whole lives are in a slumber, anesthetized to all other concerns or cares other than getting off. The same reason redditors say "this gives me a boner" to something non sexual. Like animals, they don't know any better.

>> No.15570658
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>this book came all over my bed

>> No.15570771
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>> No.15571159

Almost coomed reading Justine.
Actually got a boner few times, not very proud, but even less surprised.

>> No.15571320

So two or three years ago, I brought a friend over to our family cottage in the countryside and the plan was basically to chill in nature, barbecue, take hikes and shit like that. My aunt of course MUST join (she's one of those) and of course we say ok, but we're kinda concerned because she's eccentric, to say the least. Anyway, the day passes with minor retarded quotes from her, but when lunch came, she started talking about literature. At one point, she started rambling on about '100 years of solitude' and in my head I knew "this is it, she's gonna say something". While my mom was just about to take a seat, my aunt looks at me in the eyes, then my friend's and then at me again and says "I came while reading that book". Mother almost missed her chair, the two of us just standing there fucking petrified, dad almost choked on a potato... The two of us basically swallowed our food and ran outside and we could hear my mom telling her "ARE YOU FUCKING INSANE?"
I'm laughing now but I was sweating back then

>> No.15571664


>> No.15571702
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>this scroll grew my soul's wings

>> No.15571963

ceo of based refuted your post. try posting on /r/ philosophy, faggot.

>> No.15573089

go look on reddit at how many nonsexual things have subreddits with "porn" in the title
These "people" belong face-down in a mass grave

>> No.15573097


>> No.15573099

>I came all over this book

>> No.15573101


>> No.15573133

Niggers tongue my anus

>> No.15573373

fpbp. Some kinds of soaring music obviously, but even lyric poetry at its most ecstatic is essentially anatomizing, as opposed to prompting or nostalgic. As for the explicit bringing on a Return Of The Repressed, I imagine the deafening squeal of those massed bitches pissing their seats at early Beatles or other boy-band concerts, thence ageing into someone like this guy's aunt >>15571320. But NO ONE puts that shit in writing other than as satire of or irony about the type.

>> No.15573556

It's laughable as the root word, pornea in ancient greek means prostitute. So these plebs are in actuality degenerating the very things they claim to be praising.
Found the redditor.

>> No.15573571

People have said it about writing and all other activities. The fact that you are defending its use in any context decisively proves that you need to go back.

>> No.15573575

>it's a dildo shaped book

>> No.15573612
File: 247 KB, 1200x1042, 1564868702994.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You ever read a post and were able to tell by the writing of it that its author was missing more than a few brain cells? This is one such case. How does it feel to be stupid?

Ladies and Genlemen, just imagine this pic related uttering his exact words

>But NO ONE puts that shit in writing other than as satire of or irony about the type.

>> No.15573697

The fact that you lack the detachment to detect irony, self-deprecating or not, is why you shouldn't bother your head with anything literary.

>> No.15573708

>i was only pretending to be retarded uh irony guise.

>> No.15573765

>I am solipsistic as an ape

>> No.15574729

100 years of solitude had erotic parts?
at least she didn't say 50 shades or someshit