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15566027 No.15566027 [Reply] [Original]

Write what's on your mind, /lit/

>> No.15566064

I think I actually hate black people now

>> No.15566093
File: 173 KB, 1056x738, SmartSelect_20191106-115756_Firefox.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I need to stop procrastinating and start writing a name for myself

>> No.15566099

life is a tale told by an idiot

>> No.15566106

my god you're deep

>> No.15566113

No, just pessimistic at this time.

>> No.15566117

been reading a bit of Shakespeare?

>> No.15566130


ha, no


>> No.15566141
File: 85 KB, 450x420, bws_450.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Barry Windsor-Smith seems like a good artist. Thanks for sharing. Any works of his you recommend?

>> No.15566151

Underacted, inexpresssive, no sense of rhythm or meter, trying too hard yet failing.

>> No.15566164

Would you recommend another performance? I would genuinely appreciate it.

>> No.15566215

bobs and vegana

>> No.15566363

No, I just picked a picture off Google to have something to open his thread with a generic search term.

I'm glad you like it though.

>> No.15566397

What's the deal with left-wing people refusing to use capitalization and syntax online? I'm not baiting here (not intentionally at least). I've noticed that more often than not, when someone calls someone else racist on this or any other website, they don't use capitalization or punctuation at all. I've even seen some e-celebs go from using correct syntax to dropping it as they veer more left. Is it a "to be cute" thing?

>> No.15566404

Idk I only ever read them.

>> No.15566429

Appeal to the lowest common denominator. You'll be acting "too white" if you don't.

>> No.15566438

My gut feeling is that the sort of left wing person who is the type to accuse someone of being racist on 4chan of all places is simply not that gifted.

That's a real shame, as only reading Shakespeare's plays causes you to miss out on a whole new dimension of appreciating them.

>> No.15566458

Lmao I hope that's not what they think. I know a ton of Black, Mexican, and of course Azn people with fantastic writing skills. It would be especially embarrassing if that was the reason because just about all the people I see use that "style" are indeed White.

>> No.15566518
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>> No.15566581

Butterdyke is unironically a narcissist
>She think is perfect
>She think she is a unique snowflake
>She always want to be right
>Never cares about the opinion of others
>Forces your opinion to others.
>Acts childish when comfronted with evidence.
>She always want to be the center of attention
>She thinks society own her something.
>Incredible arrogant and egotistic
>Monopolize conversations and belittle or look down on people they perceive as inferior
>Be preoccupied with fantasies about success(overthrown society)
>She becomes impatient or angry when she don't receive special treatment
>Quiet Smugness/Superiority
>Lack ofEmpathy
>Highly Sensitive
>The “Misunderstood Special Person”
>Impersonal and Difficult Relationships

>> No.15566596

She's not banned yet? I thought she got kicked for having impostors banned just for getting under her skin.

>> No.15566627
File: 103 KB, 1305x686, kino on the left, cringe on the right.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Manga really is the superior medium.
Manga is the brainchild of an artist, wether the art style looks good or not depends entirely on the mangaka's drawing skills. By contrast, anime is filled to the brim with QUALITY offmodel animation produced by Zainichi quasi-slave labor who are underpaid and overworked. An average episode of a Western cartoon has a bigger budget than an average anime episode. And don't even get me started on CGI.
Manga can get away with showing far more nudity, sex and violence than anime, which has to adhere to tv broadcast standards (actually it's so they don't get angry letters from parents because their otaku baby started crying and peed himself LOL).
There's a ton of highly experimental manga out there with unconventional premises, the only things that get adapted to anime are cliché predictable LNs with the same cookie cutter moe isekai plots with overly long titles.
It's also a testament to the quality of anime as a product that most of its profit comes not from being broadcast on tv or box sets, but from overpriced figurines and other merchandise crap produced in China. Manga either succeeds or fails to sell based purely on its inherent quality.
Anime otaku have perpetual chunni syndrome, they love over-the-top flamboyant shit like the potato scene from Death Note despite it ruining the mood because they are manchildren at heart.
The voice-acting in anime is just atrocious. They have these seiyuus shouting at the top of their lungs and calling out KANEDDAAAAAAAAAAA TETSUOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO and otaku think this is how actual Japanese people talk, they sound no better than Saturday Morning cartoons. This goes DOUBLE for the poor bastards that decide its a good idea to do voice work for hentai. Imagine the embarrassment of having that on your resumé.
Take the manga pill.

>> No.15566636
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I fear doing normal things that most people wouldn't even think twice about.

>> No.15566676

I'm really at a loss as to what I should spend my time doing. For some reason, the idea of being totally obsessed with one thing and being incredibly knowledgeable about it is appealing to me, yet I can't think of a single thing I have any interest in. I suppose it isn't that important, but I also can't think of any other reason why I should continue existing if I don't devote myself to something.

>> No.15566832
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She also tried to refute my this post. Now I will disprove it.
You ironically tried to show how superior you are to anons in several ways. Maybe not perfect but superior.
>We are all rather unique in many respects, but always changing from moment to moment
Typical retarded excuse. The fact that everyone isn't the same doesn't give you the right to act like you are unique and special snowflake. Many people may have similar problems or similar qualities. Maybe not 100% equal, but you can find similarities. You are not especial.
>Human tendency, but I admit when I’m wrong.
You never admit you are wrong. Several anons have prove you wrong several times and yet you refuse to accept that.
Kek, you literally care about your own ideas. Never show respect for people who disagree with you.
>? *Expresses my opinion to others.
Shilling your opinions to others and trying to subvert threads. Is more than evident that you that.
>It’s a very immature environment, but I can’t think of any instances. Perhaps I was joking.
Using ad hominem, insulting your oponent, or posting pics of random whores are signs of an inmature person. You literally don't even do it with intention of shitposting, but just because you want to win the conversation.
>Naw. You project this. I respond to people with my attentions
Why you use the retarded trip? Every time you post you have clear signs of showing yourself. You want to see you.
>For the efforts the working class gives, it does in fact owe us. Since it does not, I want a better deal for all. Why you won’t fight for this too shows how cucked you are
Society does not own you something retard. You are probably not a person of the working class. You are just a retarded larper. A classical sign of narcissism is to think that society own you something just because you are X. In this case an oppress minority.
>>Egoistic, though I am a shy woman, I must become greater than this. Perhaps this chafes you.
At least you claim you are egoistic. This probably chafes many people here not only me.
>I do it out of love. I’m serious.
Retarded excuse. Trying to ruin conversation just for your own sake is terrible. Another clear sign of narcissism. Wanting to be the center of attention.
>I am making plans for the second half of my life. Do you plan to fail?
>Naw. I have been treated especially cruel by nu-lit, and I do not appreciate it
Not shit sherklock. "Gee, I wonder why people hate despite that I act like a narcissistic bitch, ruin threads and treat others like shit."
>Why do I try to help you all the time?
You don't help at all. In fact, the only thing you do is ruining threads.

>> No.15566845
File: 154 KB, 1080x465, 20200603_193337.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I know. I care too much
Do I post the screenshot of the anon claiming you were a bad person. This nigga literally needed help, he was suicidal and you post a retarded video forcing your ideas own him. Very empathetic indeed.
>I receive quite a few death threats from anonymous. I will not wilt before an actual attack
"Gee, I wonder why people hate me so much to the point that they make death treats. Is because I am a bad person? Nah they are wrong"
>I’m sure you have something special about you deep down too
You use this as way to get more attention. Another sign of narcissism.
Also, pic related. You need to even show that you get appreciation of people in this board.

>> No.15566947


>> No.15566970
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I am addicted to feeling emotions. I am an emotion junkie. They are my drug of choice. It is what drives me above all else. Sometimes it creates problems.

>> No.15567084
File: 7 KB, 250x200, 1588627322853.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Take the manga pill.
you convinced me, anon. I've never read manga seriously (only few naruto volumes 10 years ago), where should I start? suggest me something pls

>> No.15567118

I thought I met her. I thought that was her, it wasn’t. Let me start from the beginning, no, there’s too much to say. Where do I begin, well, there, when I thought there a person I met. It’s not that I don’t love her anymore, but that the person I love isn’t even real.

>> No.15567173

Yeah, she's an annoying cunt.

>> No.15567224
File: 49 KB, 850x400, quote-i-love-being-a-struggling-artist-it-makes-me-feel-very-alive-jonathan-evison-122-17-73.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have tons of ideas, but I just can't get the 1st paragraph right. And we all know how important that is.

>> No.15567246


>> No.15567254

As absurd as it sounds but i wish i'd know what i want. Im sensitive to external stimuli yet im unable to really listen to my hearts voice.

>> No.15567312
File: 302 KB, 1660x1200, Japan Tengu Party Illustrated v01.zip-Japan_Tengu_Party_Illustrated_v01_c01[MS]-Tengu Party v01c01p022-023.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not him, but here are some manga I would recommend to a discerning /lit/izen:

Alexandros by Yasuhiko Yoshikazu (check out his other stuff too)
Japan Tengu Party Illustrated by Kuroda Iou
National Quiz by Sugimoto Reiichi
Onward Towards Our Noble Deaths by Mizuki Shigeru
Soil by Kaneko Atsushi
GoGo Monster by Matsumoto Taiyou (check out his other stuff too)
Ultra Heaven by Koike Keiichi

There are other good series out there, but those are the ones I would recommend to an adult who isn't interested in the typical tropes and tricks. Most of the "manga for adults" you'll hear recommended are really intended for teenagers.

>> No.15567387

I don't know if you're messing, but I feel this way to some degree too. I feel like my life and it's themes are guided less by huge events and more by some nuance of powerful emotion that comes from God knows where. Though as I get older this becomes rarer and less potent, unfortunately.

>> No.15568164

I miss having passion, interest, curiosity and wonder. I spent all winter waiting for spring to get the back but the coronavirus just meant I had three winters in a row to deal with.

Depression has robbed me of everything that I am, and I'm tired of waiting for the real me to come back

>> No.15568223

I'm sort of shaking and idk what's gonna happen to me. I just want it to be over.

>> No.15568480

any other symptoms, or just shaking?

>> No.15568523
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I am told that there is no danger because there are no riots; I am told that, because there is no visible disorder on the surface of society, there is no revolution at hand.

Gentlemen, permit me to say that I believe you are mistaken. True, there is no actual disorder; but it has entered deeply into men's minds. See what is preparing itself amongst the working classes, who, I grant, are at present quiet. No doubt they are not disturbed by political passions, properly so called, to the same extent that they have been; but can you not see that their passions, instead of political, have become social? Do you not see that they are gradually forming opinions and ideas that are destined not only to upset this or that law, ministry, or even form of government, but society itself, until it totters upon the foundations on which it rests today? Do you not listen to what they say to themselves each day? Do you not hear them repeating unceasingly that all that is above them is incapable and unworthy of governing them; that the distribution of goods prevalent until now throughout the world is unjust; that property rests on a foundation that is not an equitable one? And do you not realize that when such opinions take root, when they spread in an almost universal manner, when they sink deeply into the masses, they are bound to bring with them sooner or later, I know not when or how, a most formidable revolution?

This, gentlemen, is my profound conviction: I believe that we are at this moment sleeping on a volcano. I am profoundly convinced of it. I was saying just now that this evil would sooner or later, I know not how or whence it will come, bring with it a most serious revolution: be assured that that is so. When I come to investigate what, at different times, in different periods, among different peoples, has been the effective cause that has brought about the downfall of the governing classes, I perceive this or that event, man, or accidental or superficial cause; but, believe me, the real reason, the effective reason that causes men to lose political power is that they have become unworthy to retain it.

Think, gentlemen, of the old monarchy: it was stronger than you are, stronger in its origin; it was able to lean more than you do upon ancient customs, ancient habits, ancient beliefs; it was stronger than you are, and yet it has fallen to dust. And why did it fall? Do you think it was by the particular mischance? Do you think it was by the act some man, by the deficit, the oath in the tennis court, Lafayette, Mirabeau? No, gentlemen; there was another reason: the class that was then the governing class had become, through its indifference, its selfishness, and its vices, incapable and unworthy of governing the country.

That was the true reason.

>> No.15568534

i want to dance but i rolled my ankle and my knees busted

>> No.15568551

That's not a good thing anon. You don't know shit what's gonna happen either.
Panic attack

>> No.15568642
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What caught me off guard was how readily she admitted it, and how it didn’t dampen her spirits to bring it up and to set it down with both candor and demure. She stayed by my side as if I was a tree walking around, kept under my shade she would hurry back to see what I was doing. I would turn and hide before she notices just to get that look on her face, where she looks around slightly lost and starting to worry where I went, and then I would casually come out and see see her find me, and beam and run back. Walking I would look ever her, and she would know, and her smile would curl, and if I did it long enough she’d glance up, there was no other place she would rather be. In the middle of night I would call her and dare her to get out of bed and drive over to my moms house. I slept on the living room floor those days, and she came with her pillow, all the way from her house, just to lay on the floor beside clutching my hand to her chest and backing her warm young frail body inside the pocket of my sleepy embrace. In the night I would wake up with her face over me, her hand, on my cheek, repeating my name, assuring me it was only a dream

>> No.15568734


Good writing anon

>> No.15568763

start writing pieces of it then put it all together

>> No.15568768

i think im gonna kill myself

>> No.15568788


>> No.15568823

i love you anon

>> No.15568839

I fear I'll be a Brenton Tarrant one day

>> No.15568852

you fear everyones gonna be a brenton tarrant someday

>> No.15568927
File: 3 KB, 224x225, A775BCD9-00C5-4D8D-B404-BDA0E50AA9F6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bros, I am terribly needy right now. I want attention but loathe attention-seeking behavior. Sometimes, it is nice to be looked after but the idea of requesting to be doted on makes me cringe, so I watch Youtube videos for partial fulfillment.

>> No.15568943

That didn’t take long

>> No.15568961

...but why? I'm not going to cry about it, but he accomplished nothing

>> No.15568970

I hope he rots

>> No.15568973

why fear it?

>> No.15568985

I don't want to hurt anyone. But these riots are making me have violent thoughts about non-whites. I don't like it and it scares me.

>> No.15569051

White and black people have taken part in protesting and the riots. What makes you think black people are at the root of our problems?

>> No.15569062

There is no hope for the black race as a whole because of IQ

Blacks individually can be cool though

>> No.15569068

Honestly this. Even when I meet a Black person up-in-arms about this, they're usually pretty reasonable about it. Lefty Whites are way worse; they're just using the whole situation to jerk themselves off.

>> No.15569084

IDK dude. My city got looted, and it seemed like it was mostly black kids from the ghetto who were doing it. It made me really, really angry watching the videos. I think I'm just racist though I don't want to be.

Ora pro me.

>> No.15569104


honestly, contrary to popular belief, racists have higher IQs than non-racists

(not talking about rednecks, etc)

but for example, look at Nazis. All of them had near genius level IQs

why is that?

>> No.15569112

If you killed those kids, would the world be a better place? Or would their blood only hasten our slide into hell? How would you even find them? You'd just go on a random shooting spree and hit completely innocent people.

>> No.15569116

I am tired. My body aches from pain I’ve only put through, and a day has passed imposing it’s sight on the time I most recently thought it was before, slipping as it be to do as it once were, but only so to see what was not had. Wait, what did I find? I’m lost. This interpretation, drawing on what was once before; the Melody, familiar. I remain on this remanence, remembering the reason. How quaint. I thought I was thinking about you.

>> No.15569136

I’ve finally realized after years of angst, depression, and edginess that the purpose of life all along was just to take care of your family and friends and enjoy up time with them. To see your tribe flourish, if you will.

Feels good man.

>> No.15569145

I had to go to that fucker's wedding years ago and I had to sit at the table with this geek and this fat kid. It was Hell on Earth, let me tell you. I would rather shave Rose's hairy cunt than go through that torture again. What a bunch of fucking geeks.

>> No.15569150

Racism is an effective tool for societal control. It goes back further than nazis. Wealthy US plantation owners had a vested interest in slavery and using racism to incite poor white southern men into joining the Confederacy.
So it's no surprise that intelligent men have been racist.

>> No.15569180

What do you do when you realize this, but find most woman whorish, have no friends, ruined your last relationship, grew up estranged from your extended family, and am deeply suspicious of other people?

Feels like I'm too much of a misanthrope to experience the human condition

>> No.15569189

where can i get cesium and nitroglycerin

>> No.15569191

And his fat idiot brother would drone on about Bazinga and they would make me sit through it. That is why I hate it so much and have a Pavlovian response to it. I think about how obnoxious those dimwits are and about sitting through Bazinga and it really peeves me off. And Charlie Brown too. If they didn't make me sit through that trash I certainly wouldn't like it but I wouldn't really think about it or rant against it either. It's like okay, I don't want to watch kiddie charlie brown crap and I don't think my grandma does either. Turn on the fucking news or something else.

>> No.15569274

This sounds familiar. Is it you? It can't be. The borders of sleep must be playing with my mind. After years of sifting through strangers' thoughts, I thought I heard you a few times. You've always been an incredible writer; Effortless and ethereal while I remain mired in fact. Writing is a tool. Writing is a spirit.

I'm a little brain-damaged. I couldn't possibly craft prose the way I used to to try to catch your attention. The years of constant stress and abuse causes something to contract, retreat, ossify. Names slip right through. Not yours, of course. Yours is carved on the alter within some deep chamber. God only knows where it is.

>> No.15569295

You love her more than I do stupid

>> No.15569336

It dawns on me that I am emotionally stunted.
It comes as little surprise. I am literally autistic. What emotions I do feel, I rarely fully comprehend. Still, maybe it goes some way to explaining the emptiness of my life compared even to that of other autistic people.

Perhaps a lack of emotional depth is why I feel so unqualified to be an artist of the sort I would like to be, much moreso than any social inexperience. There's very little beneath it all, and what there is I do not comprehend. Things just happen. No depth, nothing to share with others.

>> No.15569350

stop calling me autistic pls

>> No.15569359


>> No.15569372
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it's supposed to look more relaxed and casual. if they only do it when sneering but otherwise use proper grammar, it's either because they're knocking out a reply quickly without wanting to properly capitalize it, or because they want you to think that they're doing that. (even if what you said stuck in their throat and they spent a few minutes thinking over their reply.)
if they're always doing it (even when among friends) that's part of a whole thing (broadly touched on in pic related) about how some communities use text to convey different emotions. (where full stops convey more seriousness/finality and so on) as people drift into certain left-wing circles they're more likely to adopt those typing conventions simply as a matter of accurate communications within that group. (i.e. even if you personally aren't trying to convey ironic laziness, if you're speaking with tumblr users, and they're speaking like tumblr users, you'll start to do it too. you never thought "hey, this will make me look cool and cute", but you'll naturally fall into doing it.)

on this website there's a third level where people who want to emulate teenage girls from tumblr will slash the punctuation from their bait post calling someone a racist to add authenticity to the impression that they're an outsider.

>> No.15569377

Remember to livestream your suicide

>> No.15569401

I’ve been thinking about doing porn

>> No.15569412
File: 84 KB, 282x279, fing7.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hwo do I know I am real?
I am told that I am handsome. that I am intelligent an dcapable. that people like me, I’m just a bit mean to everyone and if I were nicer than I would be a lot better off.
I found love once, and lost it. it is my nature to destroy what I love. never gonna escape it.

There is always an edge to every conversation, every shared joke, every instance of flirting, every interaction wit ha stranger. I know that if I were to drop the facade for eve na second, I would be eviscerated.
the sense of displacement lasted beyond high school, into college, and even whe n I gota job and had a new social setting with its own rules I saw everyone around me get along and meet up outside of work and engage in relationship s and I realized the world at large had no place for me.
I yearn for companionship, for someone to understand me, and then I realize ther is nothing ot understand. you cannot endure a decade of isolation and emerge whole.

I do not feel like a real person. I do not believe anything about me is authentic, it is all mimicry. I simply copy what I see, nothing I say is real, everything I believe was put there by soemone else whether intentional or not. I am able to converse with strangers, I can talk to friends and flirt with women. but tehr is no understanding. I feel liek I wss given the instructions in a different language. taht must be a large part of why I am rejected socially and romantically, people subconsciously realize that my behavior is not genuine and are put off by it, they feel there is something wrog with me but probably can’t pinpoint it so the y simply leav eme out. everyone can see that I am a facsimile. a fake. an amalgam of everyone and everything that has ever made an impression on me.
everyone talks a bout wearing a mask, I know it’s a common sentiment, but for them it is painful because there is something under it that htey are hiding.
take away the deception ,the usually carefully planned words and actions, and yo uwould find nothing, because there is nothing there. I do not exist

>> No.15569413

What kind? For profit or for personal reasons?

>> No.15569418


>> No.15569441

Really wish I didn't relate to this post as much as I do.

>> No.15569451

What is wrong with me? I'm into a lot of depressing things, which is fine, but I can't get myself to read/watch anything that isn't depressive or edgy.

>> No.15569452

I love you anon, I hope you have a great rest of your night and know I care about what happens to you

>> No.15569479

we are doomed to ro am the worlld, able to observ,e but never taking part. I wonder how many of us therare, "hollow people" i think we should call us.

>> No.15569483


>> No.15569486

You shouldn’t compare yourself to others anon

>> No.15569499

have you ever have your penis sucked? doesnt sound like it...

>> No.15569502

based retard

>> No.15569516


I mnetioned above I found love once and everyting it entails, sex, companionship, love maybe.it lasted 2 years and it ended in october. and i have n't been the same since.

>> No.15569524

I'm noticing more and more that when I have ideas they tend to be significantly better than before, but I'm losing my ability to actually communicate. My typing is getting worse, my speaking is getting worse, and to top it all off, earlier I had something that felt like a panic attack but it wasn't how my panic attacks usually are: usually I just start breathing rapidly/shallowly and I lock up, this time my breathing was fairly normal but I was shaking, my arms felt numb-ish, my chest hurt. It wasn't a fun time, I think it's the stress of everything getting to me (that's the only thing that makes sense). I'm hoping it's just a temporary situation too, as mental and emotional disorders run in my family, as well as heart conditions, and I'd rather not be either permanently losing my mind due to stress exacerbating preexisting conditions or straight up fucking dying, as I've still got shit to do. My cat would miss me, I still have to aim for grad school, my gf would probably kill herself, and my little sister would still be stuck in that pot smoke filled house.

>> No.15569532


Suddenly i feel really good right now

>> No.15569539

full of sound and fury

>> No.15569543

If you have the money for it, get some food you like. Not fucking McDonalds, actual food. If it's food you have to cook, even better, provided you like cooking. Listen to some music that's somewhat relaxing, preferably with some candles rather than garish lights. Find a comfy ASMR video (preferably a roleplay) and proceed to fall asleep to it. If you're a coomer, do that too, but take your time with it; don't edge for hours because you're bored, but experiment with it, relax, and just enjoy yourself. Even in the candlelight. Just make your night about you, anon.
Then, tomorrow, work on talking to people.

>> No.15569544

Alright, try drawing furry porn.

>> No.15569554

This is the definitive recording of that soliloquy. I don’t know what >>15566151 is on.

>> No.15569556

I feel like someone just helped me take out the trash

Demons are real and they control this world

>> No.15569595

It's my mission from God to write the greatest work of art of the 21st Century.

God alone has given me the talent and the drive to do it. I can't do it without Him, but with Him, all things are possible, including this. I will get this done, even if it takes me years or decades. I just pray that, in turn, God doesn't kill me before I'm finished.

I have such a deep love for God that I want to give my gifts as an artist back to Him, and what better way to do it than by using my gifts to create a work whose primary purpose is to glorify God, and draw all souls to Him? That's what I want to write. Some of this is narcissism and arrogance. I WANT to be that great of an artist. But I know it's narcissism and arrogance. I know this is a thing I feel and I've always felt. So my hope is that I might redirect my arrogance and narcissism into a cause that's good. That my demand that I be great, and be perfect, will be bent towards the glorification of God, in the form of a work that extols and praises God in its very marrow, not as a kind of empty, simple praise, but a great story, a tale, of subtlety, of grandeur, of beauty, goodness, and truth, that draws the reader to God not overtly but through its most fundamental and subconscious motions.

This is what I want. This is what I feel called to do.

>> No.15569621


>> No.15569634

K anons I'm going to read Lolita

>> No.15569649

tfw no sea raiding mannerbund
tfw no steppe invasion horseman band
tfw no vandal army
tfw no knightly order
tfw no savage pict tribe
tfw no Atlantean barbarian brothers

>> No.15569703

KEK at the first line. Nabokov is a genius, the guy invented pedo bear. I'm sorry for doubting this meme, anons.

>> No.15569903

There will come a time when I will die and I will die and I will die and I will die. Die and die and death and die and I will cry and I will die. The and the and the and the. The. The. The The. I'm so high I could fly and die and die.

>> No.15569943

Oh my. Oh my. What a guy. God. God. God. God. Fly so high. I could die. Male in his 30s. I'm dying. I'm dying. I'm dying. I'm dying. I'm dying. I'm dying. I'm dead. I'm dead. I'm dead. It's all red. It's all red. It's all red. It's all red. I'm dead. I'm dead. I'm dead. This is the end. This is the beginning. There is no end. Just a beginning.

>> No.15569966

I don’t know if I’m horny or not

>> No.15569968

Considering starting an instagram account, mainly because I'm convinced it's the only way I could find a decent girlfriend as someone who doesn't interact with people much irl. A few friends of mine did it, but they were artists who post their art. What would I post? Selfies captioned with Plato quotes? Probably not for me.

>> No.15569987

there'sn othing to compare to others. thereis nothing there.

>> No.15570007

Centuries ago your conviction could’ve produced something. I doubt your love for God. I doubt you live in accordance with his word. I don’t blame you though. To live in God’s image today is a fool’s task. The world has been bereft of him for too long. Civilization is in a spiritual drought. You can accept this or withdraw. Withdraw from industrialization, and with its atheism behind you, create new gods.

>> No.15570051

Not to rub salt in your wounds anon, but I’m thankful none of this resonates in me. I have no problem expressing my authentic self. This makes new social situations a beautiful thing. People are often surprised at my openness and eagerness to express my identity. It puts some people off and I’m fine knowing they won’t understand me, at least they respect me for not lying to them. Those who do understand me I can build a quick relationship with because I have given permission within the interaction to share intimate details. Walking past a stranger they may seem closed off, but people actually really like talking about what personally excites them.

>> No.15570063

I would guess everyone on 4chan is emotionally stunted/autistic. We suffer from an autism induced by addiction to technology, specifically the internet.

>> No.15570072

Congrats anon!

>> No.15570079

Not a bad thing to fear tb h

>> No.15570086

Mmmm, no, there’s something you’re missing

>> No.15570096

I'm the ruler of the ruler of the ruler of the ruler. Ruler of the ruler. I'm the ruler of the ruler of the. The I'm. Ruler of the ruler. Ruler I'm the. The what the? Ruler-er-er-er. Ru-ler-ler-ler-ler-ler. The ruler of the uh the uh the uh the uh. Of the. The. The. The Ru-the-ler uh. What ruler? What ruler? What ruler? Uh. Uh. Uh.

>> No.15570109

You’re right anon. Use your foresight to get ahead of the curve before it’s too late.

>> No.15570113

God once appeared to me in a dream and verbatim demanded I become a poet. I also feel that this is what I was made for. Even now I suspect I came across your post just to be reminded of all this. Still, I don't think much of it, even though I had the greatest pleasure writing my few poems. I think my main complaint is that even if by some divine inspiration I managed to write something great, it will go on unnoticed because our public lacks what it takes. Great art is not in demand anymore, not even in intellectual circles. What is in demand is terrible and I wish to have none of it. Why bother? Just to be mocked? If we lived in another time, I would have applied my whole life to this, but sadly we don't live in 19th century anymore.

>> No.15570117

My dear gentleman, do yourself a favor and read less Tristram Shandy, Gentleman.

>> No.15570126

Fate has brought you a long darkness. Can you rise beyond yourself and chase this shadow back, emerging stronger and grateful it appeared?

>> No.15570137

It’s not absurd. Keep exposing yourself to new things and diversity of experience will give you sufficient information to make clear your path.

>> No.15570144

The first draft of the first paragraph isn’t important at all. What matters is producing something able to be given form and polish after the fact.

>> No.15570158

It may help to honestly flesh out who she is even if it seems impossible

>> No.15570169
File: 540 KB, 1781x888, de733b372d5270264c567976c9ef61aa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, his artwork is something else.

>> No.15570178

Have you looked? If you search and fail search more until you find something. Do that or suffer.

>> No.15570193

I think I’ll do this eventually too. Post Plato quotes if that’s what you want to do. Creating a facade of yourself will only cause problems later. You could also try a dating app if you feel up for that.

>> No.15570194

Weird flex but okay

>> No.15570197

Take your meds

>> No.15570201

I’m jelly

>> No.15570205

This happened this morning. Someone somehow fried french fries bubbling and swurling and popping on electronics screen screetching screams screaming steamy sex. Oil grease bubbles pop in Samsung TV please me on-screen eye see icy creamy cream weiner screaming bubbling cream. Sumo-size franchise fly-flies french-style right-wise screw crime. Time to die hanged hooded handsome street thug Mansom. Yo his yougurt blows dirt, Kurt from Star Trek died right, courtesy of Moldbug or was it Goldbug, rotting ham insectman canned. Weaponized bean sandwich fart sand witch cries for Santa's Santa hat in Walmart.

>> No.15570217


>> No.15570224

I tried quite different thing but the problem might be that im unable to synthesize those experiences into something meaningful. Take for example my bachelor degree - i wasted 5 years on it but it didnt lead my anywhere - no profound realization or clarity. I think the real question is whenever something major is absent in my cognition (i have a very strong suspicion that i might be suffering from neurosis which acts as a blocking force) or its just not enough experience.

>> No.15570234

Today Frank Shiller walked into Marty Hanson’s house and told him that if he didn’t allow his daughter to marry him he would shoot him dead on the spot. Marty dares him and Frank withdrew a 44 magnum pistol and emptied seven rounds into Mr Hanson’s body. At 4pm Frank drove to Albatross Square and picked up Ms Hanson from work. She was apparently speaking to a new male coworker, Colin Caplin, when Frank picked her up. We have word that they are now at the Jinny’s Ice Cream shop, which is across the street. I need four cars circling the entire of Irving and Jordan Blvd. I and four others will go as customers and make the arrest after we buy some ice cream.

>> No.15570236


>> No.15570238

Mines fat

>> No.15570250

What was your degree?

>> No.15570274

I would, but the problem is instagram is visually oriented. That's why it worked for my friends with their artworks. As another example I just looked up my brother's page. It's mostly pictures of him in vacation with beautiful sceneries, him out night with packs of friends, or him playing sports. My posting Plato quotes would look ridiculous compared to this. It would quite literally look like chad vs virgin meme. Dating apps just feel like too degrading to use.

>> No.15570292

Bro if you can’t pull one off the street your just going to be a disappointing blind date

>> No.15570328


>> No.15570340

You have to develop a visual sexual personae to engage in romance. It will take time to develop this part of your identity. If you’re like me, you always dressed plainly and never used social media. But these things are signals that situate one in the modern social matrix. Without them it’s harder to socialize. What I’ve been doing is experimenting in these mediums in accordance with my personality. It’s resulted in attention from women. Although I’m generally averse to social media it’s an important part of modern interaction.

>> No.15570347

Why physics?

>> No.15570354

I agree with you but I have no idea how to do this.

>> No.15570376

It’s starts by taking dumb stabs in the dark. Eventually one of those stabs will land informing you about what to do next. Then those successes compound and voila!

>> No.15570436

I thought it was interesting back in HS but i realized how boring it was for me in 2nd year. I didnt know what else to do with my life so i finished the bachelor and wasted time.

>> No.15570439

This is the recipe for every success, but in a sensitive matter like this one really bad experience could lead to a life long renunciation, wouldn't you think?

>> No.15570441

I had a baby. No regrats

>> No.15570446

If the world could no longer read and understand language, and the news simply a set of photographs, sound recordings, and video footage of events, how would we interpret that footage? If I posted photos of beaches and mountains onto my facebook page with no context as to why I've posted them, would people take that as me visiting those places? I would quite like to record my days at university now, blur out any text, distort any spoken language, and post the resulting footage. Right now, language seems completely ridiculous with little value. How many books have been published? There are likely more poor quality books than poor quality TV shows. Photography seems cheapened by the fact there's no shortage in the supply of photos. Also, I wish I never did a STEM degree, but I never had a choice.

>> No.15570449

Of course but don’t you want to ameliorate that?

>> No.15570461

What do you do now?

>> No.15570462

Yeah, you're a better person.

>> No.15570467

Thank you

>> No.15570476

Neet'ing away for 4 years. Im completely lost and terribly afraid.

>> No.15570479

I would if I knew how.

>> No.15570547

Don’t discredit yourself. The fact that you’ve existed as long as you have means you must have some skill even if it’s undeveloped. Reach into your past for instances of social success. There has to be at least one time where things worked out. Try to recall your thought process then and the surrounding factors that lead to that success. Salvage those positive aspects and transplant them into your current situation accounting for the obstacles you face now.

>> No.15570554

You sound so depressing

>> No.15570559

Im so glad i fucking went to russia last year. I know its a shithole but i unironically want to move there.

>> No.15570575

Yet I’m not depressed

>> No.15570580

Do you read? If yes what?

>> No.15570605

Truer words have never been spoken, though I should note this is the only aspect of my life that I'm completely clueless in. In everything else I have done great, but on this matter I don't even know where to start.

>> No.15570624

yeah? Aside from the dead author memes, why do you want to live in a repressive regime?

>> No.15570628

Youde be suprised to know what depression can look like

>> No.15570632

Just do something. If we continue with the instagram hypothetical you could start by making an account. Don’t even bother with a profile picture or bio yet. Then continue with small steps you know you can achieve like following your friends.

>> No.15570637

I've delayed myself for so long. I know the course of action that would be the one for me, yet I find new ways to avoid it every day. My conscience is always beating at me for ignoring this, like clockwork incessantly driving away it's time.

>> No.15570638

Are you saying you’re depressed?

>> No.15570639
File: 29 KB, 500x500, 1588804665417.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thanks anon

>> No.15570645

It's been 5 years and I am still thinking on the first sentence. I am not sure if I can make it.

>> No.15570647

Linear time is a brutal master. If only there were another way

>> No.15570664
File: 103 KB, 624x468, 26343514.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Reichstag is a building devoid of any architectural value. Everything that is remarkable about it stems from its historical connection with Germany's decline.

It started off when emperor Wilhelm I.'s hammer was split during the groundbreaking ceremony, which is traditionally a bad omen. As far as parliament architecture goes, it always had been rather mediocre, being outdone with ease by the likes of London, Vienna and Hungary. Naturally, a monarchy that has to build its people a parliament has given itself an expiration date a long time ago, and the wartime addition of the "DEM DEUTSCHEN VOLKE" letters was just the icing on the cake. When Weimar rolled along, the foul nature of parliament politics became visible for fourteen years, and as the republic had made itself ripe for its demolition, the Reichstag crumbled in flames, of little use until the propaganda shots for Stalin in 1945. The husk lay there on the border in a nation ripped apart, and as it finally was reconstructed, its charme was that of a cold amd bland federal German office complex. Its current state once more speaks for Germany as a whole; nothing more than a rotten corpse getting eaten away by the despicable maggots inside.

>> No.15570669

You say that like every western nation on earth currently doesnt live under a repressive regime anon. I'd rather live under one that was at least guaranteed leadership every couple of years, that way i dont need to think about politics and policymaking beyond my own. Also because when i went last time it (moscow, not st petersburg, which is just london but colder and wetter) just had a much more aesthetically pleasing and genuine feeling to it.

>> No.15570685


>> No.15570721

I'll see what I can do. Thanks for taking concern on this by the way.

>> No.15570767

I read psychology and various ficion books. My previous book - camiu notes, current one - on the road and next one - 2666

>> No.15570768

Sure thing! Talking to someone else helps me too.

>> No.15570780

At least you read good literature. That’s far better than playing video games and smoking weed.
Do you write at all?

>> No.15570844

This building is a symbol for the perseverance of democracy and transparency of the political process. Keep seething in sight of its glory.

>> No.15570930

I'm really sorry desu, things can and will get better.

>> No.15570943

based high IQ take.

>> No.15570944

That's a Murakami-tier line right there.

>> No.15570951
File: 285 KB, 1920x1280, 001_A_secure_family_is_a_nations_strength.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15570987

I want my soul to feel pure and light again. I used to see the spark of life in every person. Now it has almost gone out within me.

>> No.15571005

I actually never considered writing as a career purely because i have nothing to write about (no ideas) nor energy. It feels like my mind is in Silent Hill fog. Btw, thanks for taking your time to talk with me.

>> No.15571017

>emperor Wilhelm I.'s hammer was split during the groundbreaking ceremony, which is traditionally a bad omen
where can I read more about this kind of thing

>> No.15571042

since when did this board have such a high reddit presence?

>> No.15571066

take your head out of your ass

>> No.15571067

I'm codependent and in love with a woman who doesn't have any feelings towards me. We are excellent friends, but her willingness to give affection to me when I am upset has made me totally dependent on her due to having had a childhood deprived of affection and interest.

>> No.15571074
File: 263 KB, 1280x960, san-jose-city-hall.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The government buildings of atrophying democracy always have a frigid look. They're too big and too godless for their inevitably greek motifs. Too full of sad people to emanate any spiritual warmth. Too practically required to keep out the malcontents and dissidents to be built like a place where anyone is meant to go.

The problem is exacerbated for the reconstructed Reichstag because it's supposed to be a symbol of the reunification of a nation that's still fractured, which no longer has a purpose for which to be Germany. And this is true of all purposeless places. The building that represents it becomes dead inside.

>> No.15571091

>posting scrap metal
for me, its the house of commons

>> No.15571100

My ban just ended for having posted a thread about the philosopher Joseph de Maistre. Can we vote to get rid of the jannies for this board?

>> No.15571113

I got banned from /ck/ for making a thread about kosher salt. fucking bullshit.

>> No.15571126
File: 190 KB, 1300x955, file-photo-dated-070813-of-an-exterior-view-of-the-house-of-commons-KP47HE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how do I get in

>> No.15571152

through the front door, dont think theres an underwater entrance yet

>> No.15571180

go to /b/ or something

>> No.15571281
File: 59 KB, 800x600, c_scale,fl_progressive,q_80,w_800.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

last friday night the protests at city hall turned into a riot that spilled onto our street. people were burning dumpsters, a bicyclist got hit by a car, some people looted a UPS truck right beneath our window. one guy taking a selfie in front of a burning dumpster. within the hour, though, a line of riot cops pushed the mass of rioters down our street and presumably arrested them somewhere out of sight. the last thing I saw before it all calmed down were two scruffy white guys with their hands up, walking backwards against the black line of police. since then, the protests have peacefully operated during daylight hours, organized by BLM and the NAACP. for over a week now, crowds of hundreds of people have rounded the same three city blocks over and over shouting the same slogans with dissonant timing. there's no unison. the protests are not subsiding, but they're not changing either.

I do think cities like these are hell. the endless conurbation is alienating. schizophrenics are everywhere. they're digging through dumpsters for nothing and overdosing and hitting each other with frying pans. nobody but college students has a community. everyone is suspicious of everyone. 60% of the people are living in debt hell where they pay their car loans and student loans and phone loans off $50/month at a time. all the plants are the same plant planted in the ground by committee. all the material objects come in boxes from cloning factories in china. all the buildings are efficient. I think these are characteristics of hell, and I've spent the last year wondering what kind of force it would take to unseat the mass of roots that makes all of this shit necessary. so why don't I want these riots?

the one thing the police have that the protestors don't have is hierarchy and order. if the protesters were marching in step, chant in time, like a military formation, they would be 50% more threatening without the need for any weapon.

the media around the protests is nauseating: the "If you're silent to the injustice, you propagate it", the sentiment that white privilege is an original sin that must be cleansed, the sentiment that every mediocre person is capable of doing something, and that if you can't do something "you should at least donate" to these bloated charities, bloated protests with ill-formed demands, and no one with vision leading the thing. no leader. no charisma. just mass.

the protests are a tradition inherited from my parent's generation, dragged out every ten years for a new cause, for the same old cause, parties thrown so that each guy in the crowd can say "I was there". remember "occupy wall street", and how the angry masses dissipated into homeless encampments, and then flickered out? in another ten years, will a new generation of 21-year-olds get their opportunities to be tear gassed, to spit at a riot helmet, and then to go home and spray milk on their faces?

>> No.15571494

Very based post. Fuck butterfly

>> No.15571506
File: 384 KB, 840x859, AngryWojak.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish I could unswallow the redpills lads. Specifically the one about a woman's sexual partners and chance of divorce. I love my girlfriend but she was such a gigantic whore plus has done loads of drugs and other shit in her past. If I was someone else hearing this I would tell me to ditch her but it's not that easy, i've never met a woman like her and doubt I will again, but i'm quite certain she would not be a good wife and mother, and I have always wanted to get married and have kids young.
Signifying nothing.

>> No.15571712
File: 42 KB, 882x757, z1MfWwK.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hate Swedes so fucking much. I don't know what faggotry I have within me that I attract them like a magnet. Somehow, despite there only being a few million of these fuckers, they're always around me. I add guys from 4chan - always Swedes. I glance at the trade chat in WoW - more Swedes! I check my work-related email - hey, what do you know, Swedes again!

>> No.15571770

>I hate Swedes so fucking much
This a pretty common sentiment apparently. Strange how such a small country can be so infamous.

>> No.15571786

Swedes, and to a lesser degree all Nordics are heavily overrepresented online for several reasons.

First they very quickly adopted the internet and have easy access to fast internet.
Secondly they are a solitary people so solitary activities are preferred to social activities compared to other nations.
Thirdly large parts of the year the weather is so cold most people prefer to see Tay home even if they are social.

>> No.15571820
File: 130 KB, 759x1035, a0895248234_10 (2) (2019_06_24 16_41_56 UTC).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to be a filmmaker one day but I just don't know what to do.
People say "just pick up a camera and film stuff, duh!", well the things is, I have zero friends so no actors. And my town is fucking BORING. Like I just don't know what exactly to capture, there's nothing happening, like ever. I hate this repetitive consumer lifestyle that I'm currently living, but being actually productive and creative feels so meaningless. idk what to do frens

>> No.15571893

what changed, anon?

>> No.15571898

idiot only to you whose eyes are blind and mind that's bound by the limitations of human cognition and temporality,

>> No.15571907

>just pick up a camera and film stuff, duh!
This. Work with what you got. Stop making excuses.

>> No.15572904

Sounds like selective devil’s advocating
Possibly could be obnoxious though so I get that

>> No.15573820 [DELETED] 


NY Times is a joke.

>> No.15573891

I actually have more sympathy for them now.

>> No.15573935

t. homo bundesrepublicanensis

>> No.15573984

Da liegst du verdammtnochmal richtig.

>> No.15574203

Every 14 yr old's dream is to be lectured about Bazinga by some fat fucking retard. That's what the kids want.

>> No.15574251

wake up head empty

>> No.15574290

>I have zero friends
Fix this first.

>> No.15574396

"It's frightening. You call out the names in this strange incomprehensible language, and you're looking into the glass and there appears to be this little man talking to you. It just works."
-- Alan Moore

>> No.15574604
File: 14 KB, 292x173, 1564225698956.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wanted to communicate something, but in the end I realized that my troubles are so pedestrian that they're not worth the feelings that they cause.

>> No.15574634

I think i might be in love with one of my drawings :(

>> No.15574651

post it here, you'll never improve without criticism

>> No.15574737

I’m at work and can’t more of her right now :(

>> No.15574746


>> No.15574772

Yeah I know. I'm probably going to college this year where I'll hopefully meet some like-minded people. Haven't had a friend in years

>> No.15574826

Me too

>> No.15574838

>tfw your country is rapidly turning into a totalitarian regime but your parents are in denial and refuse to make preparations to leave

>> No.15574876
File: 487 KB, 1000x718, 1588286993814.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

To have friends, you don't only have to want them, but also put in some effort. If you're for some reason unable to do the latter (anxiety, disgust, immaturity, repulsive character, laziness, depression...) your life will be hell.
If you can (i.e. are a normie) just bee yourself, all good things will come to you

>> No.15574920
File: 1.09 MB, 828x1029, 139B5FD9-CF9A-47BA-9F95-E311D80204E9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Isn’t it strange? How a trauma can become a lesson, a wound can build immunity, how a breach can tighten security, how failure leads to success?

>> No.15574941

Maybe you could try writing for your personal sake. For example I right down my thoughts multiple times a day even if it’s just three words. When I started this several years ago I also thought I thought nothing worth recording. But eventually I got into a feedback loop where I wrote more and with better quality. This resulted in a picture of my identity.
I have many times attempted transcribing mental fog. It feels stupid in the moment but then I reread it the next day and get some idea of my own mental state. Through this process I’ve gotten to know myself and dispersed the fog.
>Btw, thanks for taking your time to talk with me
No problem

>> No.15574945


>> No.15574966

I don't even fucking care if you want to dress and act like weirdos. It's the fact you have to bitch and whine that someone doesn't want your company. Grow the fuck up.

>> No.15575017
File: 96 KB, 1200x675, rebels-of-the-neon-god-1200-1200-675-675-crop-000000.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel the impact of being friendless on an everyday basis. Not being socialized has had such dramatic influence on the way I am, the way I think and the way I behave.
I suspect that I have aspergers (not yet confirmed) which sometimes makes me say really cringy and stupid shit. I also mumble or even stutter sometimes which leads people to believe that I'm stupid (I'm no genius but I do consider myself smarter than average). I really do try to talk to people but I'm just so bad at it. Nobody has ever told me how important socialization is. I was told to focus on school all the time.
It also doesn't help that I have practically no hobbies that are meant to be enjoyed in social settings. I can only hope that by the time I go to college I have my shit together.
A few nights ago I had this surreal dream where I had met my old best friend from elementary school and we were walking down a sunny path. I was on the verge of tears telling him how miserable my life has been and how much I miss him and he let out a huge laugh. I lighted up and we continued walking, and then I woke up and cried for a good minute. I don't know a lot but I do know that being alone for this long is the essence of a lot of my problems.

>> No.15575066

This sounds like me before I went to college. Things got worse before they got better. For many people they never get better. Know that if you want to make friends in college you need to make large personality changes. Best of luck

>> No.15575094

>you need to make large personality changes
what does that really mean? Am I supposed to become this really extroverted bloomer who goes out partying and shit?
Like I'm a very agreeable person. I'm not confrontational at all and I like being in good terms with people. I just want to find people with similar interests and ask them to hang out or whatever. Is that really so difficult? Is being yourself not enough?

>> No.15575133

Personally I cope by creating things, communicating through writing, music, drawing. It's like I'm trying to impress some imaginary person, become worthy of being their friend. If I express myself, and somebody likes what I've made, it's as if they like me as well.
You see, I'm a loner because of my good manners. I would never want to impose myself on anyone. There is absolutely nothing I can offer another person that they can't get from somebody else. So there is no reason to burden anybody with my problems and immaturity. I'm expendable anyway.

>> No.15575149

Don't listen to that guy, even if you can successfully change yourself and make friends you won't be happy. Don't overthink this stuff, if you want to hang out with someone just ask. It took me several months to make any friends in college, but we've remained very close throughout the years

>> No.15575221

What if I find everybody to be just plain boring kids?

>> No.15575277

People who don’t pray and read and properly communicate with good will and a sense of humor I feel completely estranged from. People have chips on they're shoulder, or they’re busy putting on, or they are what they do, or too late in the game or weak with ideas or too full of them, or just bitter or angry- some are from no fault of their own by nurture and/or nature just dead ends, glimmers of ancient aspirations of “just surviving”.

>> No.15575302

Then you might be an asshole

>> No.15575321

Yes, people are cool. I did some semesters of a Physics course and had fun with a lot of people. I miss people there sometimes, just be interesting and you'll get interesting conversations out of people.

>> No.15575391

Look people are cool and interesting sometimes to talk to, no one is debating that. And it’s easy to project the image of robin williams on every person who has a hard time “making friends”, but that all too easily ignores the real difficulties those who aren’t mongrels find in interacting with others in highly populated areas. It’s really fucking difficult to talk to anyone because you just know, from years of doing this, that what you tried to do by improving yourself was doing what others wouldn’t and that has had the consequence of being in a different class, regardless of hierarchical orientation. Right now a lot of people are lonely because they are literally too good for the mon that decades of mass media and propaganda has fashioned to its own aims and those discontents are gonna play a bigger role than merely passing the time chopping it up over some brewskis.

>> No.15575427

>those discontents are gonna play a bigger role than merely passing the time chopping it up over some brewskis
Me, I'm a man of culture. I drink alone and shitpost on 4chan

>> No.15575450

I smoke and pop the cork

>> No.15575469

>what is the Pennsylvania Gazette

>> No.15575470

You could rebuild the concept of aristocracy in a modern country in a matter of weeks. The United States already has a de facto aristocracy. All you'd need to do to make it de jure is to excise the Emoulements Clause from the Constitution (or just ignore it) and have the President start granting titles of nobility. It would happen within a month and nobody would actually do anything about it, except for maybe a bunch of left-wing Zoomers who would protest for a few days.

>> No.15575486
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>> No.15575506


stop saying tommorow

>> No.15575517

>did some semesters of a Physics course and had fun with a lot of people
I don't want to engage in shallow social games. I want something more genuine, but it seems to me that in order to be social you have to put on a "mask" in the first place. Then again, I guess anybody that is going to have enough trust and self confidence to be honest is alone like me anyway.

>> No.15575542
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>> No.15575545

Good god you are insufferable, no wonder you don't have friends

>> No.15575578

If you disagree with any of that you are a npc lifetime member

>> No.15575601

Oh, I don't actually say that very often to people. I just avoid others from disgust in the first place.

>> No.15575611
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Thinking about taking the god-pill.

>> No.15575623


>> No.15575628
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>> No.15575630

Still trying to induce mania, moved from coffee to benzedrex. This stuff always wears off quick. Will take another shower soon, wish I had alcohol

>> No.15575642

Oh yeah, i've been writing a diary for a couple of months but it seems more of a venting thing than meaningful introspection. Maybe im doing it wrong.

>> No.15575665

My parents look down on me for once saying that multiculturalism doesn't work.
We live in a central-eastern white ethnostate.
>nooooo, you're a racist if you think we shouldn't welcome muslims and black people in our town

>> No.15575684

>central-eastern white ethnostate
meant to be central-estern European

>> No.15575693

>this is what kids care about in 2020

>> No.15575709

Keep crying about how you want some poorly-defined "deeper relationship." In actuality, you begin every interaction looking for reasons to disqualify people from friendship because having any sort of relationship, deep or not, requires more care, understanding, and vulnerability than you are capable of mustering. I began by giving sincere advice, but it seems like you don't even want friends, you just want to revel in your loneliness, thinking that it means you're better

>> No.15575722

Just for example, and I’m not trying to pick on anon, but imagine meeting anon and he tries talking to you about why multiculturalism doesn’t work. It begins
>what do you mean by multiculturalism
>why do you think it won’t work
OH KAY. So you gonna draw the problem and then say, see, isn’t it in-itself a problem? And then you just think, duck bro, is rather be listening to Noel coward rn

>> No.15575731

I don’t care dude. This should be the last thing that bothers you. Stop going to /pol/ so much

>> No.15575735

I listened to an interview with Michael Silverblatt and David foster Wallace just now and liked how they softly stuttered and struggled through their thoughts. I've always been self-conscious about not having an authoritative and self-assured tone when speaking so hearing two intelligent men who deal with words for a living speak like I do was extremely comforting

>> No.15575764
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Combination of thinking working a con, always have done, even at highschool 10+ years ago. So if you are going to work it may as well be for something "more" than your bosses bonus.
World's moving too fast for me. I've always been a bit of luddite at heart. Now it seems like every week there is some new word or thing you are supposed to believe or not believe. Frankly cant keep up.
And honestly, the religious people ive met have always been much healthier on mental level and nicer than the average irreligious person (im in the uk so visible religious is relatively rare). Met Sikhs, Muslims, Catholics, Hindus and they've all been much closer to the person i want to be than the irreligious majority in the uk .

>> No.15575766

Nobody's crying anon... and frankly, I find the notion that being alone is somehow bad to be disgusting.

>> No.15575767
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I ate muenster cheese wrapped in sun-dried tomato basil turkey wrapped in muenster cheese.
What's on my mind? How to control my mind and imagination. I'm kinda tired of anxiety and random fantasies influenced by said anxiety. It's so bizarre.

>> No.15575779

getting my medical school entrance exam results tomorrow

already starting to feel the dread and anxiety, last year i didn't pass, this year i did a ton of study, so now, one year later, i hope the outcome is different

i kind of feel sick thinking about it, thinking i might have wasted an entire year and not gotten something out of it

i just really really hope i'm wrongfully doubting myself and it'll be alright. when i get the e-mail notification tomorrow i can already imagine how my heart is gonna race

>> No.15575790

just become an EMT

>> No.15575794

No dude like first off, we aren’t planning a fucking coup of the government to reestablish parliament under the people who live their moms. Second, I’ve taken time out of my day to do something, and if yapping to people about your opinions is some sort of social feat and accomplishment, no dude I’m listening and being very friendly and cordial and even giving in my two cents but, just between me and you, my mind is rolling it’s thirdeye

>> No.15575801

More and more I'm getting the impression that people in IT are actually really fucking stupid. Not STEMfags in general, but IT seems to attract the worst kind retards.

>> No.15575805

One is literally who and the other hung himself

>> No.15575817

not really what i want to do, i've had my eyes set on medicine for the past few years and now i'm attempting to get in

>> No.15575819

i'm so tired of political discussion being commonplace virtually everywhere now, it's totally inescapable, just constant political dogma being broadcast from both sides of the political spectrum with no breaks, just a 24/7 loop of slop being forced into my consciousness

everybody now has a political agenda that they want to push, even my own family now sit and discuss the latest reality TV-esque political dog shite that they're talking about on every radio station and every tv channel and every website imaginable. why the fuck should some guy being killed by cops on the other side of the planet enter my awareness? why should i know about this? why should i know about any rioting that is taking place in these countries? it's completely irrelevant to me and 99.999% of the people who have heard about it yet people are focused on it as if it's something happening in their own lives, it's pure neuroticism

>> No.15575842

I never said that being alone was bad, but being a dick about it is

>> No.15575845

>I’m offended

>> No.15575848

I think a lot of people feel this way anon, you are not alone.

>> No.15575852

Welcome to adulthood dude. You don't remember all the partisan shitflinging during Obama and Bush?

>> No.15575866

They aren't stupid, they're horrifically uncultured, 90% of people I've met that work in IT share the exact same fucking hobbies, personality and opinions; the only thing more horrifying to them than racism is their inability to profit from that very same racism.

>> No.15575873

no I'm not obsessed about 'multiculturalism bad', see my post again. the thing is that I literally just once said this and now they think of me as some nazi or something. but find me a state where multiculturalism doesn't lead to racial struggles.
also, I'm 20, give me a break. it's normal living with my parents at this age, especially since I study.

>> No.15575877

I'm not offended, I don't know that guy and he hasn't said anything against me. But his attitude is repellent and obnoxious

>> No.15575883
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>> No.15575887

As a person in IT, I agree. Currently trying to get out to a different field while ideally capitalizing on my computer skills still.

>> No.15575894

Not the point

>> No.15575896

I agree and you can't even run away from it without getting attacked dude. I posted a harmless, non-partisan comment politely expressing your sentiment when a major non-political group I was in made some temporary changes to honor George Floyd and everyone viciously tore into me. It's like they wanted to tear me apart limb by limb for questioning whether police brutality had a place on a completely unrelated page. People have gone insane, I see the appeal of the in-a-woods lifestyle more than ever now

>> No.15575899

Why even ducking talk to people you know think the opposite of you? Just saying, normies are usually combative partisans

>> No.15575904

Not him but I remember and no, it was nearly as bad as this. If you went to political sites there was rancor but now it's expanded to every facet of life

>> No.15575905

>Why even ducking talk to people you know think the opposite of you?
Stop living in your safe space.

>> No.15575909


>> No.15575912

It was in context. Wanted to say my opinion on a topic that was discussed and I'm now a black sheep.

>> No.15575946
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>the only thing more horrifying to them than racism is their inability to profit from that very same racism.
"Yes, our platform has been utilized to successfully scam hundreds of thousands of people, accidentally funded African warlords and propagated child slavery but yesterday we successful unionized because somebody we mildly disagreed with tried to sell a comic book"

>> No.15575955

Black lives matter

>> No.15576081


>> No.15576103

I just can't fucking deal with the fact that I'm gonna be spending most of the time I have left on this earth wagecucking.

>> No.15576109

stop spending so much money

>> No.15576112

KEK better than nothing. People used to do that for food and shelter.

>> No.15576120

Doing nothing for food and shelter? Sounds great, where do I sign up

>> No.15576124


>> No.15576126

inmates actually have to wagecuck in the us

>> No.15576148

hate my job...can't leave it, too much student loan debt. so desperate for human company (never had any friends) that I've started posting on 4chan...things are going downhill

>> No.15576171

Should i masturbate or go to sleep? Very hard decision

>> No.15576200

I feel kinda sympathetic to blacks, but I really really fucking hate their upper middle class white 'allies'. If America purged everyone but the darkies, mexicans, and trailer trash it would be a much nicer country to live in.

>> No.15576202

No they don’t. Jobs are given to them as a privilege

>> No.15576248

white sperm, black shit

>> No.15576296

The outside world is ignorant of the fact that history repeats itself, and that the greatest defense against this is our history.
Now, the fools seek to attack authority and destroy history in an attempt to answer the call of "Your generation never did anything", when the reality is our generation didn't HAVE to do anything but stay the course.
There was less hate, less danger, and less to be angry about, but led astray are the lambs; convinced they have to use violence and hate.
We abide by the words of demagogues; slaves to their call as they sit in ivory castles; and tell us to burn down our own homes. Blacks were my family. I loved them. But now they wish I was dead for my skin color.

The injustice has only begun, and the new racists are here to show the world their hateful nature against whites.

>> No.15576483

I’ve been practicing mindfulness / westernized zen / whatever you want to call it. It’s helped a lot with my anxiety, but it’s still something I have to consciously maintain to avoid slipping into old, destructive thought patterns. I hope with time it will become more natural, I do feel greatly at peace when I get into the groove of it.

>> No.15576519

Hol up... is you sayin lynch all niggers?

>> No.15576555

No, I'm saying I yearn for the time of one year ago when racism faded and waned; the last glimmers of the torch held by a previous generation; and a component that could be left out of the torch for ours to carry forward and use to light the steep path forwards.

Instead, that future was taken from us by, one again; the democratic parties ever burning desire to force the minorities of the world to align with them. With nothing more than fruitless promises. The apple tree was purchased, and yet it bears no fruits.

I wish I was allowed to be white; yet everyone out there I once knew; denounces my skin as evil.

>> No.15576675

I don't know, bro. You just start doing things. Provoke thoughts on people. Honestly? Just read Socrates and mess with people when you feel like having a more deep conversation. You guys really read philosophy to turn into boring pieces of shit?

>> No.15577261

I'm coming to accept the neoreactionary argument that modern progressivism is a religion.
But where they ask the question "how do we destroy it?", I ask the question: how does one convert?
Specifically, how does one convert without the zeal of the converted? How does one raised in a different tradition become the rather casual, lapsed member that makes up the bulk of any modern religious movement? To take christianity for example: one raised in a Christian household who doesn't go to church or make much of it, but still ticks "Christian" on the census form and says "god bless" from time to time and nods along to vague claims of "Christian values". If one isn't raised in a Christian household, can one convert to being that sort of Christian? or does the conscious effort required to convert invalidate that approach? If one was raised on 4chan, is it possible to convert to the genuine (but casual) beliefs of the Tumblr-Twitter crowd?

This shouldn't be confused for an entirely false conversion - it's trivial for anyone to pretend to be a member of any church. What I seek is a genuine, but low-intensity conversion. I fear that as usual in life, Path Dependency may render that impossible.

>> No.15577575

this is only the beginning man, welcome to the club

>> No.15577874

>You ironically tried to show how superior you are to anons in several ways.
You have self confidence issues, anon. I’m sorry but you’re not tough enough to post on this website.
Your fragile ego will only be made fun of

>> No.15577926

Nice try narcissistic bitch. You are always trying to act superior to everybody. You are ironically egocentric and hateful.

>> No.15577941

She’s removed herself from inferiority and superiority because somehow she figured out how to be self focused, to people who project power politics they will inevitably appear superior for this reason, but the difference is not commensurable on the basis of power itself, but generation, growth, self love.

>> No.15577969

I doubt you didn't read the whole post whore. He made good point and you don't refuted anything. Seethe more.

>> No.15578010

She is narcissist. Read the other points.

>> No.15578037

im thinking, would i rather add 20 points to my IQ or 2 inches to my dick and I truly cannot decide

>> No.15578042

What is your IQ?
How big is your dick?

>> No.15578087

above average but nothing earth-shaking in both categories so it's not like I NEED either one. I feel like having a longer dick is the safer bet though, there's no guarantee that more intelligence would improve my life or make me happier

>> No.15578111

Nice post.

Let my answers stand on their own. There no “refuting” it

>> No.15578125

Your answers were refuted by this anon. All he say is true. Why you use that retarded symbol in first place? You literally want attention and you seem quite self-centred.

>> No.15578159

>choosing length over girth
Never gonna make it.

>> No.15578255

>Why you use that …symbol in first place?
For myself.
>You lit—
You don’t get to tell me what I think, or who I am.

>> No.15578282

>You don’t get to tell me what I think, or who I am
You literally are exposing yourself here. Your true nature is one of a narcissist.

>> No.15578487


>> No.15578957
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>> No.15579286

Philosophy and literature are not for everyone and never were. I would not go to an automechanic forum and begin impotently ranting about barbie dolls because someone who spurned me a decade ago posts there. Food for thought.

>> No.15579290

In the Republic, Socrates says not everyone is a philosopher king. You need the low level grunts to do the manual labor. Not everyone is cut out to be a philosopher king.

>> No.15579308

I feel this

>> No.15579333

I actually just thought of a really funny joke from Mindhunter. They're interviewing Ed Kemper and the interviewer is like "this guy was in the force such and such. He knows EVERYTHING about criminals and himicides and policework" and that type of bullshit and Ed says sarcastically "WOW, he must be a really smart man. I'd LOVE to pick his brain." That cracked me up.

>> No.15579386

Is it a caste all over again?

>> No.15579545

As someone who actually likes multiculturalism, sees virtue in cosmopolitanism, etc., I'd way rather talk to the other guy than you. You sound like an insufferable douchbag who gets insecure any time people have a conversation deeper than "sure is nice weather we're having".

>> No.15579549

We can either have a hierarchy or we can be the Borg. Which one do you want?

Man I'm in a sour mood. Everyone can get hurled into the sun. Especially that middle-of-the-road, tepid, oh-wait-that-affects-me fucker: the studio audience himself. That fucker can get fucked. Then there's the action hero and his manicured loops. No! It's not sad! It's the best! You're the best, buddy! Look at you! Like him, you are! Just like him!

>> No.15579560

Do you know how they make those?
Do you know how they make those?
Do you know how they make those?

>> No.15579571

I want sex

>> No.15579643

Shortly after the call, the troops had reassembled. A new plan to follow was given and the second-in-command was quite adamant : this mission had to be done at all costs. It seemed that crucial intelligence didn't arrive in time before the battle, which explained why more than half our squad didn't show up.
The recruits looked down as he gave his speech but I did not. He looked at me and smiled and then I felt a strange feeling creeping over my mind. I gave an eye to the papers and memorized my next course of action. My mission was slightly altered, this time, I didn't have to confront anyone and had my day off. I did not give it any thought and went to bed early.

I dreamed of the bloodied body of the captain and woke up in fright. After a sleepless hour, I opted for a walk around the settlements and witnessed something unexpected. I first thought it was two people that belonged to the infantry fooling around behind some boxes but, soon enough, I realized they moved a tad bit too carefully infantrymen sneaking around to drink booze.

As I grabbed my holster and got closer, I heard a voice calling out to me in the dark.

>> No.15579751

I just spent the last of my money buying books. A grand for both academic and fiction books. I haven o idea what the fuck happened to me.

>> No.15579758

iamthekidyouknowwhatimean iamthekidyouknowwhatimean iamthekidyouknowwhatimean iamthekidyouknowwhatimean iamthekidyouknowwhatimean iamthekidyouknowwhatimean iamthekidyouknowwhatimean iamthekidyouknowwhatimean iamthekidyouknowwhatimean iamthekidyouknowwhatimean iamthekidyouknowwhatimean iamthekidyouknowwhatimean iamthekidyouknowwhatimean iamthekidyouknowwhatimean iamthekidyouknowwhatimean iamthekidyouknowwhatimean iamthekidyouknowwhatimean iamthekidyouknowwhatimean iamthekidyouknowwhatimean iamthekidyouknowwhatimean iamthekidyouknowwhatimean iamthekidyouknowwhatimean iamthekidyouknowwhatimean iamthekidyouknowwhatimean

>> No.15579864

How the fuck can one smile articulate that incoherent cuck spiel?

>> No.15579962

>repressive regime
westerners so cucked

>> No.15580009