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File: 309 KB, 960x1452, sowell.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15562999 No.15562999 [Reply] [Original]

based or cringe?

>> No.15563086


>> No.15563097

Literally no black man makes whites seethe harder just because he won’t be their obedient house nigger
The most based; bring on the would-be-slaveowning whitebois who don’t like a nigger with self sufficiency

>> No.15563098

Incredibly based

>> No.15563139


>> No.15563512

Not a libertarian but you can't deny Sowell and Friedman had some huge brainpower

>> No.15563520

is he some american? african american? 13% of 4% of the world?

>> No.15563535
File: 2 KB, 123x125, E7968D98-3BCC-43D1-8887-934DE3089BEC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15563541


>Literally no black man makes whites seethe harder
You forget Malcolm X, and more recently, Floyd.
You forget your political caveat, anon.

>> No.15563672

crypto marxist

>> No.15563730

Sowell is my nigga but this based/cringe dichotomy is reductive and unhelpful.
Try to lead discussion about the actual content of his works and the reasons they appeal (or don't) to your sensibilities.

The first book I read of his was Race & Culture: A Worldview. The international perspective opened my eyes to patterns of behavior outside the insular US.

>> No.15563753

I think thomas makes people seethe harder because malcolm is dismissed as not being part of polite society. You can sidestep the idea by pointing to the means or tone and call it icky. Thomas can not be dismissed in such a matter, he jumped every hoop and landed higher than they did.

Now this makes me curious.

>> No.15563822

He used to be when younger, but he snapped out of it after being predictably disillusioned working for the federal government.

>> No.15563837


>> No.15563845

They hate a black man who criticizes the gangster rap and victimhood cultures

>> No.15563850

House negro of the white establishment.

>> No.15563866

He should have been the first black president with Friedman as vice. Nigger culture would not exist today.

>> No.15564086

your seething only makes him stronger, tranny

>> No.15564176

Friedman and Sowell in charge of the country might have been enough to turn the place around. Too late now though.

>> No.15564249

>white-guilting crypto-racists don’t love being scolded by chiding black activists
the one thing a bitch boy liberal crypto racist hates more than anything is a black person saying they don’t need/care about them.

>> No.15564261

seethe dilate cope cuck simp bluepill cringe.

>> No.15564324

Based and empiricism-pilled.

>> No.15564541

Friedman already had his libertarian dream tested in Chile and it failed miserably.

>> No.15565109

he's just OK
many people here definitely just want a smart house nigger to point to when they need to justify cutting social insurance programmes because of "welfare queens" to counter claims of racism
on the other hand, many are dismissive because of his polished appearance and beliefs to the point where their refusal to even engage with his works, though not revolutionary, makes them appear to be childish brats

>> No.15565136

extremely cringe

>> No.15565154

>I think thomas makes people seethe harder because malcolm is dismissed as not being part of polite society.
Well you think stupidly. Sowbug defends a bankrupt system to feather his nest, like any common liberal. MX transformed over and over into something formidable until J. Edgar had to snuff him out. Now that’s seethe.

>> No.15565211

>Not a libertarian but you can't deny Sowell and Friedman had some huge brainpower
When your central theoretical claim turned out to be totally empirically wrong you shouldn't be taken serious. Around the end of his life Friedman said he would of placed less stress on the money supply but he never really admitted he was ever wrong about anything and Sowell was predicting hyperinflation around the time Obama was elected.

Chile isn't his prime failure... it's the fact all the major central banks tried to follow Friedmans ideas in the early 1980s, went into major recession, abandoned his targeting money growth ideas and then excessive inflation disappeared nonetheless.

>> No.15565344

I don't agree with everything he says, but he is extremely careful and rigorous in his writings.

You can disagree with him, but you can't deny the intellectual value of his work.

Only Humanities students who are unfamiliar with rigorous thinking would say he's ''cringe''. Even his critics are very respectful of him, just like they were of Milton Friedman.

>> No.15565591

Based. 89 years old. Still writing writing about book a year.

>> No.15565601

neoliberal negroid sounds kinda cringe.

>> No.15565874

friedmen was de facto president for almost 40 years without having to show up at the office

>> No.15565886

funny way to spell louis farrakahn

>> No.15565893

would make a great hip hop album title tho

>> No.15565903

Nobody gives a fuck about his critiques of kneegrow culture. He is hated because he's a talentless shill for neoliberal capitalism.

>> No.15565920

The dudes were black. Were they NoI people?
Even if so, FBI could have manipulated and set them up to assassinate him

>> No.15565928

He literally uses Marxist arguments when trying to argue against Marx. He tried to distance himself from Marx while still operating under the Marxist formula

>> No.15565957

whites won't even let blacks have their own assassinations, gotta colonize everything

>> No.15565989

Farrakhan didn’t really have a motive. The US security state did and clearly assassinated JFK and MLK

>> No.15566007

bro farrakhan even admitted to it

>> No.15566020

Compelling YouTube link, brew

>> No.15566051


>> No.15566074

He's not even really a neoliberal though

>> No.15566417

Swell is based, but his fans are cringe (me included).

>> No.15566752

He promotes 'free-market' global capitalism. That's cringe enough for me.

>> No.15567125

Based. Very based. Second only to Friedman.

>> No.15567128

>Both discredited market fundie fools

>> No.15567139

Commies HATE him

>> No.15567149

>seething crypto-racists
can’t handle a black man making money the way whitebois have for generations huh? typical leftist inferiority complex.

>> No.15567164


Cringe and utterly btfo

>> No.15567864

Anyone have any good reading material about the success or failure of Friedman's ideas? It seems like his defenders just claim everything that went wrong was because of government interference and his ideas were never properly tried.