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15562621 No.15562621[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

literature about society collapsing?

>> No.15562675
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Aimless bullet.

>> No.15562683

the turner diaries

>> No.15562685
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Mumbo Jumbo

>> No.15562691

Read the Culture of Critique

>> No.15562715
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kek the west is literally finished

>> No.15562769
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>> No.15562773

idgi, who was a racist?

>> No.15562774

>disband police
So who do you call if a nigger breaks into your house? Or do you just dome them and bury them?

>> No.15562784

probably the wrong place to ask really lmao, but can anyone tell me what it is """they""" actually want to come from all this? I'm pretty left but have just been ignoring all this shit because at this point in my life I don't care enough so idk what's really going on over in the US. what is the endgoal of these protesters? yeah I get it remove institutionalised racism etc etc etc but what do they want to replace it? if anything. do they just want a police force that has a better vetting process or something? it all seems pretty aimless to me, but perhaps some of you can tell me. though i expect replies to this will be most unhelpful lmao

>> No.15562789

>oh no, this racist to it's core institution is being disbanded to be rebuild to actually serve the community!
>but i'm the superior race!!!!

>> No.15562791

they literally make the worst decisions possible every time

>> No.15562794

I think it is important to consoder that asking that question comes from a position of privilege. Black and brown folks have invited more danger into their homes by calling the police. Now is the time for thinking different methods of societal management.

>> No.15562795
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>disbanding the police
Based as fuck

>> No.15562797

>replacing police with militant private security
now that’s based

>> No.15562805

Honestly, I don't think the protestors really want anything in particular. It's just a vent for generalized anxiety and unhappiness with the status quo.
All I've heard are things like disband the police, which basically leads to the libertarian fever dream of privatized security companies taking over. I've seen some people predict that it could lead to something like a federal police force instead of a more local organization, but they rename it to something retarded like "community support force". I don't really think that would improve the situation, but at least they feel like they accomplished something. I honestly think, this sort of stuff could lead us closer to fascism than anything Trump is doing.

>> No.15562809

'Police abolition' is a vague concept that has been put forward.

>> No.15562811

Anon... the places that these people shout the loudest are the places they have the most control. Aint no world ending protests against the police in Odessa, Texas or Casper, Wyoming. Its all majority black cities with democrat controlled police, democrat mayors and democrat governors in states that have been blue for longer than i have been alive.

They have total control, so it is not a question of "privilege".

>> No.15562812

>a federal police force
Reading that gave me the shivers. Fuck. No.

>> No.15562817

the reality is that they want black people to be a special class in society that don't have to answer for anything when it comes to committing crimes, they'll claim that it's to end "police brutality" but in the coming years we'll see with this defunded department how crime is minneapolis shoots up and they start blaming how little money the black community has (constantly shifting the blame to the point where if you keep giving into their demands you basically put black people in their own special caste), white people are involved in this out of empathy and because of an unconscious hatred of themselves that has been bred into them since birth (anyone who is proud to be white in any popular fictional depiction is the villain, anybody who is proud to be any other race is the hero, the greedy white man is always the villain, white people being a cohesive group is "unnatural" in fiction). black people who are proud to be black are also constantly pushed in the media whereas the only time you'll see someone in the media who says they're proud to be white will be in some sort of scandalous article trying to demonise them as much as possible. (i don't think the solution is to be "proud to be white", that's stupid, but i am just pointing out the hypocrisy in the media).

white people also have the most lenient moral stance out of anyone else on the planet when it comes to stuff like this, no other race would denigrate themselves like white people have, and would certainly never put other races above their own (the people pushing blm will claim it isn't about race but their rhetoric quickly changes whenever they're given a position of power, for some reason white people think that everyone must be telling the truth at all times and if they say something it can't possibly be to manipulate people into feeling sorry for them so they can later on use more violent measures when they have power)

i don't even like politics, i think it's toxic, especially racial politics, but this is the general game plan from my perspective

can you imagine any other apex predator in history lowering itself in the food chain out of "compassion" for the animals below it? whites do this on a daily basis because of the hollywood tier morality systems they have unconsciously inherited through decades of generational indoctrination

>> No.15562823

Agreed compassion and individuality are exclusively European traits those traits were our greatest achievements but now are the tool of our destruction

>> No.15562827

they want a police force that is in the hands of leftists, that doesn't police non-white criminals and that will target supposed "racists"
also they want more economic redistribution aka gibs

>> No.15562831

Whites literally allow other races to trample all over them and think they are Hollywood heroes for letting them do this, it's the funniest shit ever

>> No.15562841

wow this was a good read

i hope the tribalization of american society creates enough inter-tribe friction to prevent their shitty worldviews (and their preferred means of persuasion) from crossing the pond.
europe has been fucked plenty by their escapades, it's time to move on

>> No.15562849

i wouldn't be surprised if most of the supposedly self hating whites are just jews in disguise

>> No.15562851


>> No.15562864

schizo tier thinking, there are literally millions of whites out there that hate themselves unconsciously and you think that most of them are jews? LMFAO

>> No.15562872

Its just the unironic creative destruction that is American society. When you have no prevailing culture - just periods of dominance by individual cultures - and high levels of free-speech (americans fucking love speaking their minds) you get this crazy shit happening. Sometimes its bad - like the 1970s - but sometimes its good - like the 1990s. They constantly re-invent themselves and constantly challenge prevailing norms and for the most part it works out.

ps: most of the shit you are seeing is a tiny minority of Americans and is happening in a tiny minority of cities. 95% of the country has been business as usual over the last week with a virtue-signal LARP in the park on Saturday.

>> No.15562885

The private security firm you're paying because you can afford it. More accurately the patrolling guards will radio for backup while you sleep and then they'll reinforce out of their barracks that's located in the backyard of your mansion.

What's that? You don't have money for all of this? Then you better strengthen your doors and windows, buy a gun and learn to use it motherfucker or maybe hope you live in a decent neighborhood that can pool its money to afford some sort of second rate private security firm.

>> No.15562927

>people this naive exist and post on /lit/

>> No.15562948

>there are literally millions of whites out there that hate themselves unconsciously
do you have any evidence of it?
because from what i have seen the most vocal once end up being discovered as jews

>> No.15562978

look at the footage of the Bristol statue vandalism, mostly white people in the front lines which is ridicolous

>> No.15562983

I was repeating what lisa bender said when she was asked that question to the best of my memory

>> No.15563015

yeah, look at the millions of whites who put a black square on their instagrams for blm you delusional /pol/ LARPer

>> No.15563032

Not the guy you were replying to and I don't really think you're wrong, but I think a lot of what you're mentioning can be attributed to the fact that the '#blackouttuesday' shit is just a form of posturing that takes such little effort that most will do it for that reason alone. All you have to do is post a black square, a hashtag and, if you want some extra social merit, add a link to your bio with a GoFundMe or whatever. If I've learned anything in being around liberals so often in my life, it's that they fucking love receiving any and all social or intellectual merit, especially when it comes as easily as it has this past week.

>> No.15563034

White people have no reason to exist after WW2. There’s nothing left to do unless we miraculously make it space. Everything else is bugman tier.

>> No.15563047

Crazy how society decided to jump the shark worse than a Twilight Zone episode in such a short timespan.
You got shit like this, "health experts" saying protesting is all right but BBQs are still off limits, people lining up to kiss boots like AIDS is going out of style. It's fucking insane

>> No.15563050

The strange thing about it is just how insanely detached from reality it is. Blacks are clearly inferior, racism is clearly factual -- all you have to do is look at the data and be honest with yourself. I wouldn't even be that mad if the West died at the hands of an ideology that was actually in line with Truth and Goodness. But this? A schizophrenic ideology that can be disproven with a quick google search? It just leaves me completely nonplussed how such a thing could destroy one of the most prosperous societies in history.
I really don't understand what is going on in the present day. How is this sort of thing happening? What is motivating these people? "The Jews" feels like a cop-out answer but there must be SOME force, at least, that is propounding this sort of schizophrenia in society. Or is the explanation simply that people are stupid? I really don't know, but with how things are going I'm beginning to feel like maybe I'm the one who is crazy.

>> No.15563069
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>Nigger lives committee and antifa will inadvertently usher ancapistan

>> No.15563085

>can you imagine any other apex predator in history lowering itself in the food chain out of "compassion" for the animals below it
it might not be from their own will tho, """parasites""" can infest the brain of their hosts and guide their actions, but i guess being resistant to parasites is a prerequisite for the next evolutionary step, which currently they are not capable of.

>> No.15563088

lol what the fuck— no, WHO thw uck are you even talking to?

Who, off of 4chan, likes police brutality? You’re going to sacrifice the safety of everyone because of one dumb asshole who couldn’t drive around not-high-on-meth

if your so interested in anihilation put the gun in your own mouth, cowardly little cunt

>> No.15563094

It’s demons

>> No.15563102
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>can you imagine any other apex predator in history lowering itself in the food chain out of "compassion" for the animals below it?

I've seen some people theorize, that a new, less Christian, right will eventually emerge out of this.
I think it's become increasingly clear, that there is a tension between rightwing, nationalist thought, and the fundamental Christian message of loving your neighbor. How can you send away refugees or deny others what they ask for, and consider yourself to follow Christ? In the gospels, Jesus teaches self-denial and giving up everything to follow in his footsteps, so logically any follower of his would have to sacrifice whatever they posses out of love for others. Even if it is not exactly the same as liberalism, it's definitely closer to it than any genuine rightwing movement.
Obviously the attached image is a simplification and there are currents that would not squarely fall into one or the other, but you get the main idea. Either you advocate for alleviating suffering as much as possible for all, or for the strongest to rise above and become the best humanity can be. The former is ultimately self-destructive (as we can see now), and the latter is often barbaric. A middle path would be desirable, but I'm not sure if that is really in the cards.

>> No.15563111


>> No.15563120

>the west
Nah, only america, and you all truly deserve it.

>> No.15563122
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It's just self hatred combined with a holistic/collective worldview.
How such insanity came to be taken seriously is a complex matter. The yids certainly played along and made it worse but I don't see them being anywhere close to a monocausal explanation.

>> No.15563124

what Jesus said to people is love your neighbour, not some random somali half way across the world

>> No.15563126

European politics have reduced to spectatorship of America’s exploits
U just mad lol

>> No.15563133

>Who, off of 4chan, likes police brutality?
a good 50% of the site, if it's directed towards black people

>> No.15563134

christianity has no borders everyone is your neighbor

>> No.15563140

I mean lets be honest Nietzsche was probably right about christianity

>> No.15563152

its not like paganism wasn't just as universalist

>> No.15563157

You shouldn't twist the Christian scripture to fit with your own worldview. Firstly, the Christian mission diverged strongly from its Judaistic predecessor precisely in its what we would today call liberal beliefs about race relations. Paul is the one who said there is no Jew or Greek, no slave or free, no man or woman, for we are all one in Christ Jesus. But if there is no Jew or Greek, there is no white or black. In the early church we see a communion between Jewish, Greek, Ethiopian, Egyptian, etc. Christians. There is no way to take the Christian scriptures seriously without coming to the conclusion that racial liberalism is true.

>> No.15563160
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I was more talking about the slave morality mindset that christianity seems to foster these days

>> No.15563165

This is simply not true.
Trying to frame the gospels, let alone the entire bible into some progressive-friendly cause is extremely cringe. It's on the same level as saying Jesus was a socialist because of the one quote about rich people being tied to their belongings (meanwhile carefully ignoring the full contract freedom lolbertarianism in all the parables).
That would also imply that the church fathers weren't christian, and other bizarre takes like that. If anything men that do not renounce the world have a duty to expand their power over creation. The idea that only the wishes of other people should determine your actions is not at all implied in Christianity.

>> No.15563169

It's pretty clear that the US is on a course follow that of Rome. So what we'll likely see is
>Second Religiousness 2.0 under Neo-Augustus
You know that thing, where Neopagans say that Christianity is just spiritual slave-LARP for goyim? Pig feed for the soul to keep you nice and dumb for the Jews to reap the benefits? That'll be this but enforced at gun point. Jesus was a WOKE brown refugee fighting White Supremacy, say your prayers every night before bed and beg god for higher interest rates as Banks are God's Chosen People. Go fight in a Holy Crusade to expand Israel's borders. It'll be White Privelege getting bashed with a Bible. Wokeism is just a Christian heresy created by removing God to increase piety, the only way to increase piety even further is to just add God back in.

>Complete religious schizophrenia afterwards
Because of this hard fusion of religion and political ideology, the only way to disagree with Woke-Christianity will be to not be Christian. We'll see a flourishing of weird Eastern cults, new-age religions, and Christian heresies. As time goes on, it will be increasingly harder to actually say "no, THIS is what Christianity was like before it Went Woke", until eventually, the only choice will be to accept that no, Christianity was always Woke, it just hadn't figured it out yet, and you'll get nothing but Woke from Christianity.

>New religion
In order to justify a re-centralization of power under the hands of a new authority figure, some new Eastern religion will be picked up, and it will eradicate Woke-Christianity, ironically using the same tools that Woke-Christianity used to justify universal Imperium.

>> No.15563174

Lmao seethe more panicking losers

>> No.15563180

We protected our borders for 2000 years under Christianity. We can do it again. But you’re right that Christian beliefs and everyday reality are making people schizo

>> No.15563181

who ITT has actually ever called the police

>> No.15563183

BLM are anti-israel though

Not that any of this thread matters, its just a bunch of losers theorising while on break from their pedophile literature servers

>> No.15563188

The racial progressivism of Paul is one of the core tenets of his teaching. Paul actually fell out with Peter because Peter wanted to hang onto the old beliefs about race, only eating with his own Jewish people, preaching circumcision and maintaining Jewish traditions, and sometimes denying the possibility for goyim to be saved. This was one of the main divisions in the early church. And indeed the Pauline teaching of 'no Jew or Greek' is the one that became dominant within Christianity.

>> No.15563191

>the Black Lives Matter movement unveiled their first official platform. The 40,000-word manifesto contained many recommendations, including concrete policy proposals, for rectifying the wrongs perpetrated against America’s African-American citizens in the past and present.
>Unfortunately, the platform also contained a vicious bigoted slur against the Jewish state, which the document’s foreign policy section accused of perpetrating “genocide” against Palestinians.

>> No.15563195

It's like a civilizational-wide gas light is burning under my brain
What's REALLY maddening is that there is a viable alternative (even if there's some holes) to both retarded liberal politics of blind empathy, infantilizism, and commitment to unreality AND deterministic racism
These niggers unironically need to read Sowell. I'm still racist to a degree, ie I can acknowledge blacks have proclivities other races don't (for better or worse) but integrating a view like Sowell's would literally help everyone.
Hold the communities responsible for their destiny and acknowledge that culture matters

>> No.15563197

So you copied the part that states “off of 4chan” and then spout a made up stat about people on this site....

I’m thinkin kys?

>> No.15563200

There's no such thing as "Paganism". Most Pagan religions were far less Universalist than Christianity. Not necessarily as insular as Judaism, but most were pretty near to Shinto.

A big part that a lot of people miss with "There is no Jew nor Greek" is that that statement also dissolves the Greek identity, which was in many ways just as insular and closed off as that of the Jews. To be a Greek was a special blood, culture, and language connection that one could not enter. The Romans had to use military force to make the Greeks let Romans attend the Olympic Games, after all. Paul just used spiritual force to let the Jews attend those same Games.

>> No.15563205

modern liberalism+ late capitalism+new left = today

>> No.15563210

BLM is also run entirely by Jews.

Blacks have no power, they're pure biopower. A weapon to be used by their masters. Nobody cares what they think.

Against a foreign religion that was trying to wipe out Christianity. The Christianity you're referencing would have had no problem with the Turks coming into Europe had they been Christian.

>> No.15563212

hello rasen

>> No.15563215

i'm going to invest into a serious thoughtful reply and discussion in a racebait oneliner throwaway thread?

>> No.15563216

So those Jews believe that israel is a genocidal state? Based

>> No.15563224

When will christians just admit the mldern liberal religion is just a slight deviation of Christianity?

It's a cuckold religion.

>> No.15563227

There's a pretty large contingent of Liberal Jews who oppose Israel as an unnecessary threat to Global Jewry, yeah. If all of the Jews are in one place, that means it's really easy to see what the Jews are up to, and to say "no, we're not going to let you take advantage of us". Much better to be an amorphous blob.

I can explain more if you'd like, there's actually three big ideologies within Judaism.

>> No.15563232

yeah modern christianity is true cuckdom, but the void of god's death wasn't filled by something better

>> No.15563233

I agree then

Talking about European paganism, it wasn't particularly more ethnocentric than Christianity, just that they both developed in an age when multiculturalism/racialism wasn't even a concept or issue

>> No.15563243

are you not currently doin just that?
honest to god you are either incredibly stupid or just the worst b8er on /lit/

>> No.15563249

>>The racial progressivism of Paul
How can you reach the level of dishonesty to use such an expression?
There is nothing 'progressive' in any of this. Paul simply said (accurately) that the goyim could receive baptism, which by then way no one denied among the apostles. The situation was further settled in the council of Jerusalem about all of this. Presenting it as a massive division is also wrong. All the apostles fucked off to far away lands except James and John, with very low Jewish numbers and quickly went to the other nations. Peter was the first to administer sacraments to non-Jews.
It was also already stated by Jesus himself, who already recognized the faith of goyim.
You really need to stop seeing Christianity through Nietzsche or other pseud lens.
It doesn't even relate to current day politics. You go from the faith of anyone being receivable to 2020 anti-racism through a mere vague analogy.

>> No.15563256

Russia has a literal State Church and they beat faggots and feminists on the street, pass legislation to be more lenient towards men who beat their wives, and torture Muslims on a daily basis. It's western Christianity you're thinking off, in particular Angloprotestantism and post 2nd Vatican Catholicism.

>> No.15563258

The Decline of the West?

>> No.15563268

>haha i was just being retarded out of laziness haha

>> No.15563274
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based redpilled trad wheat field russia

>> No.15563279

They are moving to private security firms?

>> No.15563292

Russia also has the highest percentage of its core ethnic group (Rus) practicing a polytheistic religion of any European ethnicity, an army that is desperately trying to convert to some kind of Based Baganism :DDDD, a negative fertility rate in its core ethnic group, a government that exists to enrich Israel, and a rapidly growing Muslim population.

BASED Putin the WHITE SAVIOR is anything but, anon.

>> No.15563293

Christ said to follow the spirit and not the letter of the law, and if a poor beggar comes knocking on your door, the Christian thing to do is clearly invite him in for dinner & support him however you can.
Deciding to turn the beggar away because he is a net negative on your household, is very clearly not Christian in any way, shape or form.
I don't care how far-fetched of an argument you have to make, the Christian ethic very clearly demands helping those in need. And virtually every single major Christian person of authority would tell you exactly that. Ask the pope or the leader of most protestant congregations.

To make Christianity anything else requires a fundamental reinterpretation of it. As >>15563256 said, Russia is very different despite being Christian, so it's possible to reframe it, I'm just not sure how you would accomplish a feat like that at this point. Especially when religion is losing importance, and all that remains is its secular shell, I'm not what options you have other than starting a full-on mormon level cult.

Nietzsche was definitely right that liberalism is secularized Christianity.
Though he did have respect for Christ himself, he just despised the religion (and Paul, for that matter).

The difference is that for most of human history travel was long, cumbersome, and very expensive. Europe didn't need strict border control & immigration laws until a few centuries ago, because very few people had the means to travel anyway. When you had "refugees", until very recently, that meant that people from a neighboring village, that was just ransacked, were seeking shelter.
Now some negro from thousands of miles away shows up at your doorstep, and wants asylum.
Turning people in need away is very difficult to square with a genuine Christian belief though, no matter where they are from.

>> No.15563305

>Letting the faggots die is bad

>> No.15563314

>Russia has enough faggots that it can have 100,000 new HIV cases per year

>> No.15563316

The 'liberal'/progressive religion is rebranded gnosticism.
This was already clear by the analysis of the French revolution, and has only been reinforced since. On this you can read Voegelin, or de Lubac, or Donoso Cortes, even the lolbergs like Molinari or Rothbard. The more genuine ones also recognized it, like Engels citing Gnostic sects as his precursors.
Only a complete retard would consider Gnosticism a 'slight deviation of Christianity'.

>> No.15563319

>the reality is that they want black people to be a special class in society that don't have to answer for anything when it comes to committing crimes, they'll claim that it's to end "police brutality" but in the coming years we'll see with this defunded department how crime is minneapolis shoots up and they start blaming how little money the black community has

This is such an ironic situation. If you have too many police, they'll see any police brutality as an issue of over-policing of blacks, for instance; but, if you remove police presence and they're left to their wares, their community isn't getting enough help when they invariably continue to kill eachother.

This is an outcome of the perpetual victim complex that blacks have ingrained in their culture. Have they been victimized in the past? No question; but the days of Jim Crow are long gone -- and, funnily enough, many imbeciles are rushing in nu-Jim Crow ideals; of course, this time they're pro-black instead of pro-white.

>> No.15563321

great points, let me ponder on them a moment while I think out a thoughtful reply

>> No.15563327

They want an institution replacing the police that isn't shit at what it does. The police do a bunch of things they aren't good at doing, this is obvious, and attract assholes looking to have power while being a high school graduate.

>> No.15563335

No, it's pretty clear that what they want is to have the legal privilege of being able to take Whitey's stuff whenever they want. What with the whole "abolish police and let me take Whitey's stuff whenever I want" thing and all.

You should actually look at what these people want and say.

>> No.15563355

Are you seriously saying that propaganda meant to hoodwink people into letting people get away with something malicious isn't a trustworthy source of information on not only what people believe, but also the end result of those beliefs being put into practice?

>> No.15563364

>How can you reach the level of dishonesty to use such an expression?
It is true. Paul was attacked by the Jews and the early Jewish Christians such as Peter and James for adopting a very liberal stance on race relations, such as was completely unheard of in Jewish culture before. His view is really no different to the views of secular liberals today. 'There is no Jew or Greek' = 'There is no black or white', 'For we are all one in Christ Jesus' = 'We are all humans.'
>Paul simply said (accurately) that the goyim could receive baptism, which by then way no one denied among the apostles.
No, Paul destroyed the Jewish traditions, claimed that Jews and Greeks were equal, and berated Peter for being racist towards the Greeks by not eating with them and claiming that uncircumcised people were unclean.
>Presenting it as a massive division is also wrong... It was also already stated by Jesus himself, who already recognized the faith of goyim.
It was the main division in the early church between the Jewish Christians who wanted to preserve their ethnicity and traditions and the more liberal-minded Pauline strand which claimed that Christianity was now a religion for all people, that circumcision and Jewish rites no longer mattered, and that there is no Greek or Jew. In the Gospels we see the influence of both views, but it is in the later gospels after Pauline teaching had gained supremacy where the inclusive view is stronger. The interaction with the Canaanite woman, for example, was almost certainly influenced by the Jewish strand of thinking within the early church.

Either way, the exact history of the early church is irrelevant. The point is that Paul's teachings were very progressive and liberal in terms of racial thinking.

>> No.15563365


>> No.15563366

This is why you have to be a millenarian or a mystic in the 21st century if you want to be a Christian.
Christianity as a social institution will no longer work.

>> No.15563371

Russia is more actively homophobic precisely because it has many homos. Same in the Middle East and Africa which are riddled with faggotry (some estimates go for 3 to4x the rates of faggots compared to west Europeans).
Without these social practices the region would turn into a 24/7 gay parade.

>> No.15563389

>Have they been victimized in the past?

Oh no, blacks got to live in possibly the most prosperous nation on Earth during the most stable and wealthy period (post-civil war to 9/11) the US will probably ever see in its history!

>> No.15563402
File: 6 KB, 428x386, dumb wojack.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But they have to have JOBS and BATHE, anon! Don't you understand that that's LITERALLY WHITE SUPREMACY?!

>> No.15563403

Liberalism has been kicking the can down the road for a long time and it's almost reached a dead end.

>> No.15563412

White people are incredibly bad at calling other race's bluffs, this is true

>> No.15563432

It's because their families have too many sons

>> No.15563451
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>I really don't understand what is going on in the present day. How is this sort of thing happening?

People become spoiled and lazy. They forget what it takes to build and maintain a decent society.

>> No.15563461
File: 17 KB, 271x390, 2EE9421C-1D40-4899-AC87-ADFD8B2FBA8C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Stopping police brutality collapses muh colon, and society

>> No.15563469

I guess it's a silver lining that whatever muttified 60 IQ paki-congolese-arab horde will inherit historically white lands will never rise above sub-saharan africa tier anarchy and cultural/financial poverty without whites pulling their weight too. I can see the mongoloid insects eventually overtaking them, unless asians also get the kike treatment. As for kikes, I bet living in and ruling over a world full of muttified miscreants, will be as much fun as they envisioned.

>> No.15563470
File: 288 KB, 1166x1750, 2D63A9EF-1709-4BDD-A340-987D61D1F232.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>No racist thugs in control?
>Oof, right in my West!

>> No.15563477

Cities and civilization were a mistake.

>> No.15563481
File: 50 KB, 281x500, 7937D553-DAE0-4E03-909A-9B2DF19CB82F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well known around here for being trash, fyi.

Statue of Churchill. torie posters (the Boris Johnson posters) can’t stand it

>> No.15563487

Coming apart - Charles Murray
bowling alone, our kids - Robert D. Putnam
Boys Adrift, Girls on the edge - Leonard Sax

>> No.15563490

The guy that declared war against hitler on the basis of him being a genocidal racist.

>> No.15563491
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>> No.15563502

>privatized security companies

Now that you mention it, I can see the disarming of the government being the first step out of many for going from national armies to private military companies dutifully serving corporations that pay them. Actual monopoly on physical violence are among the last things corporations will acquire from the state, but there's practically nothing stopping them on the way there.

>> No.15563508

>on the basis of him being a genocidal racist.
American education

>> No.15563516

Don't forget ethnic gangs, most notably Hispanic Cartels.

>> No.15563533

Yes, those too. What I mean is that this very well could be a push from corporations to weaken state power so that they can fill the power vacuum until they eventually have to answer to no one else. A literal cyberpunk nightmare.

>> No.15563552
File: 160 KB, 1079x1093, D7F704C7-7275-4869-B7B2-C60C270BB113.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A new non-Christian right is the only way out of this but I don’t see a world where that actually happens. Wokeism is too dominant, even KPop groups on the other side of the earth are posting BLM shit. Who in the world is actually arguing against the narrative, aside from the lumpenprole in small conservative towns that nobody cares about and the overly online posting on a basket-weaving forum? Double speak already exists, say that London isn’t British like John Cleese did and you’ll be destroyed, but say it’s an “international” city in a positive tone and everyone will agree. The long march and takeover of every industry is complete, with only the government left to conquer, and even then every second of the past 4 years has been spent shrieking about the evils of Trump and other Republicans, who aren’t an effective resistance in the first place. The only futures left are totalitarian Western Wokeism or China emerging as the Middle Kingdom again.

>> No.15563567

The privatization of police force makes sense at this point. There are more private police than nationalized police anyways. What I don't understand is how these protestors are so pissed about racial inequality in the police force yet fail to address the underlying issue that allows police to exercise that racial inequality: statism. This isn't even some retard libertarian stance on the issue, but when an individual has individual agency, the case of whether a cop decides to be racist is only possible because was given a full monopoly of violence by the State. Without that authority or monopoly, he wouldn't have been able to exercise so much power. So how do you solve issues of racial inequality due to statism? Certainly by not continuing to have a nationalized police. We've been trying to do that since Rodney King and nothing has changed. The only logical conclusion here is to try privatized community policing, and see what happens.

>> No.15563601

I mean, it's only degenerate forms of Western Christianity that suffer from this. How much of a struggle do Greeks, Polacks, Russians, etc. have with runaway universalism? Islam is universalist too but they don't have the same problems.

>> No.15563606

Even if a real resistance could form, they stand zero chance against the unfathomably large and far-reaching surveillance state and its goons and brainwashed zombies. Nothing happens either in real life or on the internet without the silent approval of the watchful eye. The moment they deem you to be dangerous is the moment when you'll have glownigger bricks by the dozens integrate into your group, have the antifa working hand in hand with the state to harass you and launch smear campaigns/possibly violent attacks against you (with the full legal support of the state, of course, so if you defend yourself you'll have the book thrown at you but an antifa member will get away with a slap on the wrist), have the media paint you as Satan itself, etc.

And if you survived all that, and formed an actual armed resistance, they won't hesitate for a moment to mow you down with the army/police because you're not useful idiots like niggers and antifas are who get to be treated with kid gloves.

All in all, resistance is completely futile. The future has been decided, there's nothing that anyone could do to change its course.

>> No.15563626

>What I don't understand is how these protestors are so pissed about racial inequality in the police force yet fail to address the underlying issue that allows police to exercise that racial inequality: statism.

Before we can even address racial inequality in the police force, it's best first to analyze the levels of police brutality against blacks, i.e. if they've increased/decreased/remained stagnant. You're already accepting the claim is still true, i.e. police brutality is a widespread issue especially against blacks, but what does the data say? Then we can go from there.

>> No.15563629

The Islamic world has absolutely enormous problems with borders and universalism. Muslims are constantly at each others throats because of this stuff. The Greek Orthodox Church is a special case because it's an arm of the Turkish government, but the solution the rest of the Orthodox world takes (Ethnic Churches) does help prevent the problems we see in the West. To a degree. Sort of. They still have Poz, and it's still defeating ORDODOGZY :DDDD, but albeit at a slow rate.

That's why, as per >>15563293, it won't come bottom up, but top down. Eventually someone will get in power and realize the only way to keep power and survive will be to drop the Woke shit.

>> No.15563640

>implying all our leaders haven’t already made a deal with the devil

>> No.15563651

It's not going to happen anytime soon, dude. These protests aren't anything special, and in a month they'll be forgotten. This is a process that is going to take centuries.

We haven't even had our Second Religiousness yet. We still have a long way to go, and you and I will not see the end of this.

>> No.15563676

What books do you recommend?

>> No.15563686

You're proving my point with Islam though, they have problems with borders because they effectively operate on a clan basis. Its only the West that has this, but the Church explicitly broke up similar kinship networks in Western Europe. Not that that didn't have some positive side effects, but its probably an important factor in the problems we have today with runaway universalism.

>> No.15563687

What? This is a good thing or at least it could be if it isn't botched which is possible because we are dealing with Americans. Anyway looking through the thread you are all a bunch of edgelord "theorists" that don't know what they are talking about. Bad takes along with racism all over this thread. All the right does is complain about whatever the left does the left are.the only people that take action you are all embarrassing. It's like you want nothing to change and want to uphold the status quo. That's what I've noticed from all the /pol/ shitting over the past few days. You are just people that seethe in the background, that is all you are. Weaklings.

>> No.15563716

They're just going to federalize the police mate.

>> No.15563738

Itll just be taken over by the counties police and they swap out their patches most likely. Doesn't mean anything

>> No.15563790

Imagine what they'll write about this mess of a time in the future
We are living literal kafkaesque times

>> No.15563805

Spengler, anything by Spengler.

As for Rome, a book I really like is Roman Aristocrats in Barbarian Gaul. My bet is that this book will be pretty much prophetic of what's going to happen to Middle America.

>> No.15563853

They’ll just gloss over it at best or outright lie and paint an entirely different picture. Go read Days of Rage and contrast that depiction of the 70s to the one you were taught in school. Now multiply it by 100 where these events are hundreds of years ago where nobody alive remembers the facts and it’s all ancient history at that point.

You’re most likely correct unfortunately. Even retards who are trying their best to be left alone like Waco get their doors kicked in and end up shot and burnt to death. Best to start learning Polish if you want to truly escape but who can say how long that will last even.

>> No.15563873

>it's real
what the fuck

>> No.15563932

t. braindead commie

>> No.15563941
File: 670 KB, 344x426, 1591678776233.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw Urbanites now need guns for protection
>mfw Urbanites banned guns from their cities
Oh no hahahaha

>> No.15563961

Christian society was stable because it loved the sinner, but hated the sin. Secular society kept the love the sinner part, but took away the hate the sin one. Moral relativism is what cucked Western civilization.

>> No.15563971

So when the white flight start happening there?

>> No.15563977

I feel that butterdyke is behind these posts for some reason...

>> No.15563981

What did he mean by this?

>> No.15564096

Not him, but please do.

>> No.15564358

Some states don't require cops to have highschool diplomas.

>> No.15564363

I grew up in a black neighbourhood. My best friend and roommate in uni was a nigerian international student, we both did engineering.

Here is the conclusion I came too, you have two types of blacks. Hardworking ones and ones filled with self pity. The former hates the people protesting and the victim/democrat culture that makes them look like they are helpless and need to be saved. They don’t want anything in return. They are happy enough to be able to be in a country (most of these guys come from Africa as immigrants) that lets you get a good paying job with only hard work. Then the latter are pure trash, they grow up in bad households, violent neighbourhoods, no rolemodels/father figures. They don’t bother pursuing any noteworthy education, and get in a lot of trouble. They end up just filling all the stereotypes you see and when stuff like this happens they will constantly play the victim card. They hate seeing other people succeed because it reminds them that they don’t bother working on themselves. When I would hang out with my friend he would get stares and hostility by other black people because he looked and dressed formally/professionally.

>> No.15564434


>> No.15564450

They will never achieve their dream of world domination because the chinks aren't stupid enough to be their pawns and they will want to expand into their markets. A war with the zog and commie chinks will break out.

>> No.15564471

You've never read him

>> No.15564475


Based but for the wrong reasons. Churchill is a fucking meme and it sickens me that my fellow Brits think he's great. Idgaf that he was racist, I just despise the fat cunt's face.

>> No.15564478

Islamic world tried to ease the tensions between Shia and sunni when the Egyptian Muslim brotherhood decided to ally with the ahmadenijad. They got yeeted. Israel is 100% causing the problems in the Muslim world. If Israel got yeeted they would just unite under a single caliphate.

>> No.15564495

Do you think these people have forgotten their history? White people are going into fucking SLAVERY once they seize hold of our institutions and have enough manpower.

>> No.15564516

You're 15, you've never had a job not made an impact on society, let alone know the struggles of having a family and community to keep secure. You don't even have any historical examples to support this.

>> No.15564528

Amazing. It all ended in more austerity.

>> No.15564595

ITT: christcucks in denial

>> No.15564602

The first are the Orthodox Jews. These Jews live in incredibly close knit isolated ghettos. These are basically sovereign micro-states, typically lead by a rabbi or if large enough a council of rabbis, with lower administration run by the rabbi or rabbinical council's favored jurists. This is essentially the ancient Semitic bedouin lifestyle adapted to the present day. Men spend their days studying the Torah, or raiding goyim settlements for slaves; women do literally everything else, and slaves till the fields. Today, this raiding is done through acting as legal aid, ambulance chasing, owning low income housing, drug cartels, prostitution, child pornograpy rings, etc. In absence of goyim populations that can be raided (either because of isolation or because the goyim fight back) the Orthodox Jews are content to navel gaze, cultivate spiritual virtue, and practice their isolated incestuous (in every sense of the word) lifestyle in peace. To these Jews, The Holocaust was caused by the Jewish people's sinful leaving of the Orthodox lifestyle; separation is necessary for survival.

The second are Liberal Jews. These Liberal Jews must be understood to not be Liberal in the sense of "the Democratic Party", but rather in the sense of Liberalism, the dominant global ideology (Glenn Beck, Wolf Blitzer, Donald Trump, and Barack Obama are all Liberals). The Liberal Jews realized that they personally could benefit if they left the Shtetls and Ghettos and integrated into goy society, but only so much. Liberal Jews enter cosmopolitan spaces as in these spaces, ethnic, religious, tribal, and clan affiliations break down and people act merely in self interest. Here, the Liberal Jew can collude with other Liberal Jews; ostensibly, a Liberal Jew is a free agent working solely for themselves. In practice, all Liberal Jews are in active collusion via a virtuous (for them, vicious for us) cycle wherein it benefits each Liberal Jew's individual self interest more to work with each other than to fuck over each other. This gives Liberal Jews an incredible degree of agency and unity, as every Liberal Jew "Knows A Guy". Liberal Jews want access to as many markets as they can, and want to eradicate non-cosmopolitan spaces (to open up more markets). Liberal Jews advocate for the leveling of society into an enormous mass of atomized individuals so as to maximize their advantage by being able to work collectively. Liberal Jews work collectively, while goyim work individually. To these Jews, The Holocaust was caused by too much collectivism on the part of the goyim; atomization is necessary for survival.

>> No.15564625

The third, and final, are Zionist Jews. These Jews essentially believe in the cartoonish ideology attributed to Nazism, but the Master Race are the Jews and the inferior vermin are the gentiles. They believe in and support open warfare for the purpose of eradication of goyim. Whereas the Orthodox and Liberal Jews are content to allow goyim to exist as slaves, the Zionist Jew doesn't even grant the goyim that luxury. The Zionist Jew has adopted the Romantic European Nationalist view, but inverted it so that the ubermensch is the Jew. The Jew must till his own fields, farm his own grain, tend his own flocks, build his own society, work his own factories, etc, and he is free to take whatever he wants from the goyim, as Yahweh made the world for Jews, and everything on it exists to be exploited by Jews. Israel claims the entire world as hers, and the days of the goyim are numbered. To these Jews, The Holocaust was caused by the existence of goyim.

It should be noted that "The Holocaust" in Judaism is not the killing 6,000,000 Jew, but the direct negation of the Jew's Choseneness. When Hitler and Friends put a spotlight on Jews and said no, you cannot do whatever you want, you must be held accountable for your bad actions, you are not above punishment (deserved or not), that is a direct theological attack on the centerpiece of Jewish life: The Choseness of the Jewish People. The Holocaust is a theological attack equivelant to besmirching Jesus in Christianity, it is the single worst thing you can do to a Jew. The Holocaust, in this sense, did happen, and the Jews never want it to happen again, because to be a Jew is to be Chosen, and to be treated as an equal to the rest of humanity is a foul, abhorrent, heinous act that strips them of that Choseness.

>> No.15564655

Thanks, m8.

>> No.15564663
File: 85 KB, 642x637, 1520413741703.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

To think that two or three years ago I would've told you to fuck off back to /pol/ but now I know every word is true
What the hell happened?

>> No.15564670

Dr. Zhivago

>> No.15564687

In an ideal world you would be shipped to an asylum and force fed drugs until you died for being this much of a schizo.

>> No.15564693


>> No.15564708
File: 120 KB, 480x563, karl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>capitalism collapsing = society collapsing
ideology at work

>> No.15564726

imagine thinking they'll allow private police

>> No.15564730

Burying is a lot of work. You just dump them in their neighborhood.

>> No.15564734

He's literally right, though.
I don't even think it's a conscious choice or that they're genetic rats or vampires or something like /pol/ does, I just think that the behavior he describes is exactly what contemporary capitalism selects for, so smart in-groups willing to behave that way effectively seize control. In America, WASPs used to work remarkably similarly to the latter two categories and their status reflected it, but at some point in the mid-20th century that fizzled out.

>> No.15564737

This, they're firing people who are not doing their jobs properly and will replace them. Unfortunately with more people who can't do their jobs.
Police need to be licensed like doctors. Currently they have no real accountability and are above the law. They can murder, steal, and rape as they please because they are protected by the union which must be disbanded and reformed. The real psyop is the racial tensions within the protests. Since BLM is leading them it must be about black people only and not include people who are less focused on race and more on general police reform, justice, and transparency. The police union and the government do not want Americans to stand together against tyranny. It's one thing the left and right upstairs can agree on: preserving power. Classic move.

>> No.15564743


Not for you they won't. Persons of Money are and will continue to be allowed to employ Private Police to deal with POC (Persons of Crime).

>> No.15564752

It's so the rich don't have to subsidize middle class security and can just pay for their own private security.

>> No.15564759

This. Can't wait to start my own community militia.

>> No.15564773

Not inadvertently, capital makes sure their useful idiots always say the right thing.

>> No.15564783

Yeah that has absolutely nothing to do with the collapse of the Soviet Union or anything.

>> No.15564785

I agree with you generally, but police already are licensed, and it doesn't help. Pretty much all state and local cops in the US have to be POST certified, and it can be taken away with malpractice just like a medical license, it just doesn't help them stop being shitty.
The largest problem is the kind of person in the US who decides to be a cop is a cunt, the classes and programs ostensibly passed into law as photo-ops to curb brutality are headed by mid-level cunts with years of experience skirting around those rules, and any attempts at oversight of the institution as a whole are conducted by senior cunts or retired cunts on contract. I don't know what the solution for that is.

>> No.15564789

>he thinks Russian Orthodoxy is being displaced by some pagan larp
Lol, also Putin is implementing the same incentives Hungary did to raise the birth rate.

>> No.15564803

No, it's being displaced by Islam, and Putin is funding it. I was referring to the fact that the Russian military is filling with MUH BASED BAGAN RUSSIA :DDDDD types following the dozens of whackadoo polytheistic religions that fill Russia, humorously, because Orthodoxy is too nice to Muslims and Jews for many in Russia's tastes.

>> No.15564812

Who's gonna stop me? The police?

>> No.15564821


>> No.15564848

>quote from man stopped by police

>> No.15564863

there is no need for a solution because there is no problem
shit happens sometimes and niggers aren't that important but a certain faction likes to blow things out of proportion because it gets people out on the streets
do you think they'd ever actually declare victory and say "yeah, all that social momentum and political clout we acquired by focusing the spotlight on this problem we're selling the solution for, we've solved it now, so you can all be happy and go home now"? they never will, because they don't want there to be a solution, and the only way to ensure that there isn't one is to pick an issue that isn't even a problem in the first place
you are not immune to propaganda, the dialogue that's happening is "whether or not police are overstepping their bounds" or "what shape should police reform take", but the only thing they have to prove that this is even a problem in the first place is a relatively short list of dead niggers with rap sheets a mile long (who are exactly the sort of person police should have the most leeway and unofficial power to deal with) and occasionally a genuine accident here or there

>> No.15564890

>people this new post on /lit/

>> No.15564905

The rise of pre Christian religion in Russia is due to tribes in Siberia, white Russians aren't doing. The country as a whole is Orthodox. https://www.pewforum.org/2017/05/10/religious-affiliation/

>> No.15564916

>Damn her for posting on topic!
>Doesn’t she know we don’t read anymore?

>> No.15564925

You need to look at the holocaust as a mystical happening. By denying their own messiah and God himself, they chose their own race and laws as being divine. The holocaust literally means religious sacrifice. Christ sacrificed himself to give birth to a new reality according to his values. The holocaust is literally a perversion of Christ's sacrifice.

>> No.15564964

No, it's just an excuse for rent seeking.

>> No.15564970

Genuinely asking, why do African Americans care so much about Palestinians? It's so weird to me, they give more shit about them then they do for Liberians, which would actually make sense since Liberia was supposed to be their new home after slavery, and has some of them living there.

>> No.15564978

who dis be

>> No.15564993

>Blacks have no power, they're pure biopower.
Here we go again. Blah blah black people blah blah no agency blah jews blah blah blah.

>> No.15564998
File: 221 KB, 2358x944, self-hating whites.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My hypothesis.

The civil rights era ended with whites under the understanding that race didn't matter, that it was a social construct, and that we had moved into a colourblind era. As such whites raised their children without any racial consciousness.

>They worry that even a positive statement ("It's wonderful that a black person can be president") still encourages a child to see divisions within society.

Minorities on the other hand, because of their long history as minorities, still continued to raise their children with a racial consciousness.

>nonwhite parents are about three times more likely to discuss race than white parents; 75 percent of the latter never, or almost never, talk about race.

But the assumption that whites made - that people are naturally colourblind at birth and only see race when taught to see it - turned out to be incorrect. It turns out that everyone develops a racial consciousness at a very early age.

The result is, because minority children had been guided in their racial consciousness to see their race as something to be proud of, they grew up to be proud of their race. But white children, receiving no guidance but being bombarded with the minority victim narrative that is everywhere in the media, they developed a racial consciousness that is wholly negative and self-loathing, often schizophrenic.


>> No.15565018

I don't care about negros, I just hate cops. The problem has nothing to do with racism and everything to do with the fact that American cops kill EVERYONE at shocking rates. Your life is going to steadily get more totalitarian, and they aren't ever going to question a single step of it as they enforce it. Do you know how many people a year they kill on accident?
To be honest, I think you're right that the issue is being framed for us, but that the racism angle is intentional so we can "solve" that and then avoid the touchier questions of why so many Americans get merced in general.

>> No.15565069

>Your life is going to steadily get more totalitarian
This is the inevitable result of any outcome at this point. Accommodating either minorities or the police ultimately requires more restrictions on my life. It's lose-lose at this point.

>> No.15565072
File: 33 KB, 288x288, soy278.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Strawmen aren't arguments, anon. I thought you already knew.

>> No.15565078

>liberal black and hispanic people favor their own higher than conservatives
Powerful liberal faggotry at work.

>> No.15565095

I'm with you, by licensing like doctors I meant new licensing with real accountability (of course doctor licensing isn't perfect but it's better than the police). We basically need brand new police force management and I don't know how that will happen either since there is a need for experience but the experienced ones are the worst and they're not going to give it up. I think a start would be external oversight, but it's going to be a battle to get that and it can be easily corrupted too.
Too many cops are retards addicted to power, I've dealt with some at work that demand special treatment and discounts and are quick to anger when you don't give it to them. If that's how they act in a calm, normal setting then I wouldn't trust their judgement in an emergency. There's also the problem of hiring veterans with unmanaged PTSD and not filtering out people who just can't handle police work during training. Some of the cops beating people have weird blank expressions and don't even respond to other cops trying to stop them. If you can't handle stress and danger without flying off the handle then you have no business being a cop.

>> No.15565114

If you had a separate legal system for only blacks you would need far fewer police in the US. Even fewer still if you reversed illegal immigration and didn't have the Mexican drug cartels everywhere.

>> No.15565121

It's only the inevitable outcome because you swallowed the "it must be either minorities or police" bait, by design. You can in fact choose none of the above, we're just told otherwise every day.

>> No.15565157

I would be on board with this, but I can't really imagine any way for it to be possible in the next century.

>> No.15565183

seething nazoid

>> No.15565210

white liberals would fight it even if it had 100% Black support lel

>> No.15565224

They will dissolve the police department and make a new one with many of the same people, with slightly different training or goals, and more minority officers. Then everyone will forget it ever happened.

>> No.15565230

When did 4chan become reddit?

>> No.15565238
File: 242 KB, 500x683, hey-youre-hurting-my-wrists-hey-look-theyre-hurting-his-559186.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The problem has nothing to do with racism and everything to do with the fact that American cops kill EVERYONE at shocking rates.
there are two factors:
one is the attention given to isolated cases of this, and the other is the actual number of americans killed by cops every year
the latter is due to niggers who habitually resist arrest and have zero respect for police, whom they have a completely adversarial relationship with and frequently kill each other. the former is due to the latter, because now cops all have to be trigger-happy and paranoid so they don't get murdered by one of the subhumans they have to corral every day. this can happen in a moment, any moment, leaving absolutely no time for thought or any kind of deescalation if you feel like things are going south. literally every interaction with these quasi-people is a life-or-death situation, it should be no surprise when they act with an abundance of forceful caution to leave absolutely no possibility of losing control (like, you know, kneeling on some nigger's neck for ten minutes instead of letting him get up and fight you again)
this ties into my original point, which is that the people who benefit from pointing out "look, they're hurting his wrists!" a la pic related, would never suggest a solution that would involve giving up such a valuable position where they can mobilize tens of thousands of these people whenever the inevitable happens. they benefit from this and they actively make it worse, they lay all blame for self-defense on the cops and give the niggers even more leeway to resist arrest and fight back instead of submitting to due process, making the police that remain even more paranoid. now not only are pavement apes going to be that much more violent against their zookeepers when they know there are no consequences for this whatsoever, but the police now have their hands tied behind their backs too in dealing with them, giving niggers more freedom and leeway to resist and drive the situation towards life-or-death for the cop
they benefit from being able to call out "police brutality" and the "solution" they have is accordingly designed to make it happen more often, what else is there to think about? the only conclusion is that this was never even a problem to begin with - violent subhumans require brutal measures to control, there is no sane alternative that doesn't involve giving them more room to commit even more crimes than they already commit

>> No.15565248


ive never considered blacks fully human

>> No.15565251

what if it actually works lmao

>> No.15565255


>democrats are anything more than corporate controlled opposition to the parallel corporate strategy and actually represent the protesters’ interests

>> No.15565265
File: 47 KB, 700x448, 139748578856.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

niggas be gangbangin with impunity

>> No.15565282

There is an identity crisis of sorts going on. Essentially our way of life in unnatural. This didn’t start with the West, but the West is the peak of this sort of chaos. We are too possessed by ideologies, we have outsourced natural behavior for ideas, beliefs and ideals that govern how we act. We are all living in our heads and our bodies are paying the price.

>> No.15565294

if you don't understand what's going on or how it's happening read a fucking book, everything we're seeing is happening because it was always bound to.
history laid the table and if you had any relevant internalized analysis of the last century+ then all these place settings would make sense

>> No.15565300

how can it?
i'm sure they'll do something else, or revert it back, but during that time crime will go way up, fucking obviously.

>> No.15565301

can you explain it like i'm five

>> No.15565305

I don’t know if it “works”, but it may still be a good move. If they don’t want police, then they shouldn’t have police. If their issues start spreading outside of the city though, then the government should crack down in an extreme way.

>> No.15565312
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The racial aspect is probably one of the causes of police militarization with the crime waves that started in the late 20th century, and still ongoing in ghetto neighborhoods, as cops would naturally be forced to go from an extension of the community that patrols and walks their beat into something much more oppositional and aggressive to beat down the mob of violence. The kind of “us vs them” separation you see in occupying forces, but also you see in veterans that come home from a tour of war to civilians who just “don’t get it” since they’re sheltered from the violence. They’ve never been to Iraq or Chiraq.

I don’t see any way to go back though. There’s no easy process to demilitarize an organization once they’ve tasted that kind of power they won’t give it up willingly. Minorities aren’t going anywhere either and will clearly be calling the shots going forward, especially as demographic destiny sets in. This is just a taste of the future, Brazil is our destination.

>> No.15565317

So in other words, if we had socialism and decentralized governance

The establishment liberals, right and left would be opposed to losing that cash flow, of course. The “progressives” and fence sitting socialists would obviously welcome it.

>> No.15565319

what we think about this as anarchocapitalism or something?

>> No.15565320

go back

>> No.15565341

as if the only alternative to state-funded police would be... private.. police
this is the social project buckos, there's loads of possibilities, your brains are just tainted by myopic assumptions based on things as they are right now

>> No.15565342
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Not getting my hopes up, but do any of you know any great books on the Harlem Renaissance?

>> No.15565349

I've read genealogy of morals and thus spake. I've got ecce homo sitting across the room from me.

Post shelf

>> No.15565353

yeah, alain locke- "harlem, mecca of the new negro"

>> No.15565361

That's great and all but cops kill more white Americans than black Americans every year. Is that also the eternal negro's fault?

>> No.15565362

Similar things were done in Baltimore before and the murder rate went up by like 50%. The simple reality is that Blacks are very different from the rest of us and have different needs as far as the legal system goes, but we can't admit that because of liberalism.

>> No.15565368

Perennial Fashion - Jazz by Theodor Adorno is the only thing you'll need.

>> No.15565382

more like “let them figure their shit out by themselves if they don’t want help”. and I doubt it could even get much worse than it is already. it’s not like the cops have been keeping the streets clean from my understanding, they respond to calls only. their presence is already weak.

and if shit hits the fan and they beg for the police back, the police should be extremely strict when they return. like the old days.

>> No.15565400

>Negros will be killing themselves and swedecucks at accelerated rates

This is based desu

>> No.15565432

>So in other words, if we had socialism and decentralized governance
That's not socialism or decentralized government mate. If anything it's closer to a millet system.

>The establishment liberals, right and left would be opposed to losing that cash flow, of course. The “progressives” and fence sitting socialists would obviously welcome it.
What cash flow are you talking about?

>> No.15565444
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>> No.15565555


>> No.15565621
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>tfw your black bully is in your house fucking your mother and 911 wont answer

>> No.15565636

Liberalism is a stripped version of Christianity. Imagine a beautiful plant stripped of all its leaves. This is atheist liberalism.

>> No.15565649

I'm brown and have already had to deal with blacks breaking into my shit and mugging me multiple times. Guess it's time to invest in a gun

>> No.15565658


>> No.15565660
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>> No.15565666

What’s wrong with a federal police force? Wouldn’t that be better?

>> No.15565672

It's not a straw man it's a fact

>> No.15565678

world is changing

>> No.15565685

Pure racial tribalism, that's literally it. This is not about any other principle or political goal.

>> No.15565686

Nothing. It's just a bunch of unemployed idiots venting their frustration

>> No.15565688

lmao, shit for brains here

>> No.15565689
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cute I've got that book too

>> No.15565693


>> No.15565732

Isn't it incredible, they literally hate white people just as much as normal groups love their own.

>> No.15565771
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>alain lock

>> No.15565773

>ended with whites under the understanding that race didn't matter, that it was a social construct, and that we had moved into a colourblind era. As such whites raised their children without any racial consciousness.
holy shit this is such BS.
You really have no idea what you're talking about if you think people just made a sudden 180 and started accepting blacks and minorities because of legislature.
Reality works differently than what's written down in the books.
Shit, even 5 years ago gay marriage was legalized, but you can still find large groups of people opposed to it.

>> No.15565797

which books have you read that informed your understanding on the matter?

>> No.15565897

Lol did you even read Culture of Narcissism? The critiques of the 60's radical movement he makes applies directly to the BLM shit.

>> No.15565938

What if there's a serial killer?
Or an active shooter?
Or a robbery?
Or a high speed chase?

>> No.15566000
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>> No.15566034

Really? Lasch supports the rights of cops to kill whoever they like without repercussions?
Which chapter covers this?

>> No.15566039


>> No.15566050

I am Brazilian. That stuff happens here whenever the military police decides to go on strike.

Doesn't work. It's fucking obvious it doesn't work.

Amazing how you lefties let your ideology blind you to even the most basic facts, such as the usefulness of having a police force.

Anyway, I don't think they will be dumb enough to do it. They will probably just give the police another name and leave it at that.

>> No.15566054

anon we're all worried about you

>> No.15566075

you didn't know? trips means cia

>> No.15566083

>What if there's a serial killer?
No cops, no white people=no serial killers
>Or an active shooter?
The community would deal with it and come to agreements with one another
>Or a robbery?
When a thriving economy is allowed, lifted poverty will lessen this condition
>Or a high speed chase?
Speed bumps will aid the brother who flees from the cops of white zones.

>> No.15566121

I wish to kill every anglo and american but I hate those blm protesters and niggers, too. Where does that put me?

>> No.15566155

>Where does that put me?
in Quebec?

>> No.15566193
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The Federalist Papers -- I recommend because that society collapsed and they built a new one. Either that or The Great Gatsby, or any other work whose focus is the luxury that usually precedes the Fall.

I don't think society will collapse in our lifetime. We'll be threatened, for certain, but collapse I doubt. There's too much money and time invested in this project for anyone with any skin in the game, meaning, I'd assume, most of us , and that would go doubly so for world leaders, to just throw it all away. Of course there's always the chance some egomaniac pushes the button and we're all fucked, but in that case, everything was fucked from the beginning, all the way from the beginning of recorded history to when it ends.

We're lucky rn, and there's an opportunity I don't think these people who've been bogged down in racial or other sectarian-national conflicts realize -- we may as well, all of us, be living in one big great City. A new Athens. A giant mass of looming superstructures, artistic, religious, corporate, political, that spans the globe. Anyone can talk to anyone they want from wherever they want -- these boards are proof of that. The riots catching on, not just in the U.S., but across the globe, are also proof of that. Nations exist now only in name alone. Their citizens are no longer constrained by geography or devotion to them. The reality is we may be living in the first truly cosmopolitan time.

If you act fast, you can lay the groundwork, take a walk in this new City while the rest are shut-up in their homes or countries. Read as much as you can. Enjoy yourselves. One day at a time, lads.

I think we're on the edge of something great. I really, really do.

>> No.15566212

Hope you fags bought guns and ammo when you still could.

>> No.15566237

Strangely enough, Quebec is run by Italian organized crime.

>> No.15566244

>defunding the police
absolutely based. shows that violence actually works and peaceful protests are liberal trash used to maintain the status quo and neuter any real change

>> No.15566249

/k/ here, it's been so bad, all the normies are buying up absolutely everything for like 6 months now.

>> No.15566267
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Holy f*cking bugman.

>> No.15566269

The riots wouldn't have gotten anywhere without the blessing and institutional support of White Progressives, who are just using it as a pretext for federalizing the police and riling up the base in an election year. If the police are actually abolished in major cities, murder will go up 50+% like in Baltimore.

>> No.15566278

>real change
There will still be police, just with a different name. And there will still be violence, as long as niggers are around.
You're the liberal trash, pal.

>> No.15566305

>All the right does is complain about whatever the left does the left are.the only people that take action you are all embarrassing.

The MSM and (((health officials))) freaked out when people protested to open up the country again because of the possibility of spreading Coronavirus.

>> No.15566313

Buzzwords aren't arguments faggot. I don't agree with a globohomo government, I'm trying to see the positive side here. Regardless of your beliefs, by being here, on this board, talking to me, you are part and parcel of the problem. If you're so above it all then leave. But you won't because you are weak, limp-wristed, and have bugman photos saved to your harddrive.

Godfucking dammit faggots like you make me angry. Shitting up this board with this nonsense Orwellian buzzword filth. If you can't form a proper argument, and engage in a dialogue like a man instead of a chimp, then either leave or rot. No one has ever needed you and any one who has said they had was lying.

>> No.15566324

>If the police are actually abolished in major cities, murder will go up 50+% like in Baltimore.

No, of course not! When the police are successfully removed, the citizens in those areas become completely angelic beings suddenly. There's zero room for criminal enterprise to swoop in during such a power vacuum.

>> No.15566367

>If the police are actually abolished in major cities, murder will go up 50+% like in Baltimore.
Does anyone in their right mind think a civilization even remotely resembling our modern one could be kept going for even 3 days WITHOUT police?
Criminals don't fear laws, they never did. They fear a bullet to the chest, 20 years in prison, things like that.

>> No.15566380

things fall apart
colonial erasure and collapse of a culture

>> No.15566423

It could with minimal policing if you allowed armed citizens to defend themselves. How much looting do you think you'd see if the owners of those stores were allowed to shoot people looting and burning? Instead you have duty to retreat laws and the police functionally exist to protect criminals.

>> No.15566453

>criminals think about consequences
>t. braindead neo-liberal

>> No.15566484

Try living near a hasidic community in brooklyn and tell me that any of this is incorrect

>> No.15566495

I've heard that the American Hell's Angel produces their marijuana and meth up around Montreal and smuggles it over the border into New York

>> No.15566498

Take a glance at Southside Chicago. How're they working out with armed citizens? Wait, it's not the armed law-abiding citizens? Whoops. How ever could this have happened.

>> No.15566540

Tell that to Duterte

>> No.15566562

>duerte has niggers

>> No.15566589

The italians had a big civil war a few years back and the bikers gained some territory as a result.

>> No.15566605

I've always wondered how people who aren't directly involved find out about these things, even generally like this. I live in Atlanta and I'm so isolated that I don't have any idea who "runs things" here. Do you buy coke and make small talk with your dealer or what?

>> No.15566613


>> No.15566623

Lol do you think the average drug dealer in the Philippines is any smarter?

>> No.15566632

Everyone knows. It's basically local politics.

>> No.15566644

Christianity can't be reconciled with politics. It is a religion that explicitly relinquishes power, a religion of charity and accepting poverty.

The principles are almost suicidal from a pragmatic standpoint and you can't fit it into either Right or Left wing politics, which require that you gain power, that you amass resources, that you commit violence.

>> No.15566655

'resistance' is a Leftist meme. There are no revolutions there is infiltration of the state and military coups

>> No.15566665

>US with 30x time the incarceration of anyone else with third world tier jails
>doing nothing
so youre just plain braindead

>> No.15566670

>Christianity can't be reconciled with politics
Nigga you ever heard of Europe from the collapse of Rome to the French Revolution? Ruled entirely by monarchs using Christianity as a political tool.

>> No.15566675

it's that one tranny

>> No.15566684

Just make being a cop a high prestige job lol what is all this mental gymnastics, cops suck since they hire any fucking retard (probably bc we have so much crime that they need the numbers) jk americas fucked

>> No.15566685

That's because the US arrests people instead of shooting them, which is how they deal with crime in the 3rd world. Mass arrests have also driven crime down, that was the whole point of things like stop and frisk. Hence why crime rates are lower now than in the 80's and 80's. Reducing crime isn't exactly super hard to figure out, hit more criminals with more severe punishments and the rate drops.

>> No.15566705

This image makes me laugh because you see that tell-tale pattern again. The Asians follow the same distribution as the whites, more conservative=more positive about themselves. They fit into literally none of the boxes they're supposed to in the Progressive race narrative.

>> No.15566710

>stop and frisk
>exists in a 10 sq mile region
>nationwide policy
>has more influence over roe v wade
you need to shut the fuck up

>> No.15566722

im mad that butterfag stopped using his trip. now his dumb ass posts arent being filtered

>> No.15566735

Of course I'm aware of that anon, come on. I'm saying it doesn't work, and it was used dishonestly. Using a distorted version of Christianity as a state religion did seem to work well, that doesn't change that the actual content of the Gospels is extremely apolitical.

>> No.15566852

still waiting on an answer

>> No.15566884

it really is the contrary. you legalize something when there is minimum dissent and open acceptance of the public. if there is really large groups of people opposed to gay marriage you see serious protests here and there, not two or three fundamentalists freaks.

>> No.15566918

Retarded. Cope

>> No.15566934

They legalized it in California against the vote of the people. Most people who voted against just aren't going to go protest or something because in the big picture gay marriage is kind of not that important.

>> No.15567061
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>you need to shut the fuck up

>> No.15567070

>BLM is also run entirely by Jews.
Prove this, LMAO

>> No.15567072

>I'm saying it doesn't work
But it worked for more than a millennium.

>> No.15567123

European theocracies went along at an even pace, keeping the masses fairly ignorant, elitists waging wars, countless generations of sexual abuse. “Worked” in some sense, sure.

>> No.15567141

>is kind of not that important.
that is what i refer with "minimum dissent". my point is that whites dont have to do a 180. they are in the turn long time ago the law was approbed. the same with gay marriage. its not like it goes from strict antihomosexuality to opennes to gay marriage in a day.

>> No.15567146
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They know

>> No.15567162

For the same reason the Irish do, but the Irish are based and niggers are not.

>> No.15567169

Every diverse country goes the way of Brazil

>> No.15567170

I'm hardly endorsing it as the ideal system, but the conversation was the ability to use Christianity as part of a political system.

>> No.15567180


>> No.15567194

Is there a list of the entire BLM leadership heirachy and the ethnic and financial background of them? There's potential to get their lower class supporters to tear each other apart by highlighting wealth and ethnic disparities at the top of their movement.

>> No.15567199


>> No.15567212

I agree. Sowing discord and having them tear each other apart sounds like one of the better strategies at the disposal of those who oppose them.

>> No.15567218
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The trauma, the massive generational trauma... I cry every time... fuck white people!

>> No.15567225

based twitter bitches

>> No.15567240

This whole circus has been making me consider killing myself. I want to get off this nightmarish ride; I don't want to see how much lower is it possible for us to sink.

>> No.15567241

Hopefully we get Brazil-style policing.

>> No.15567248
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Nonono shut it down

>> No.15567273

oy vey

>> No.15567319
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It goes to ActBlue, which does not provide info on what they are financing exactly, but is a Democrat institution. Seems like money laundring and most donations will go turn into propaganda for the 2020 election.

>> No.15567335
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Original BLM has been complaining about this.

>> No.15567393
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Books for the advantage of having multiple identities?

>> No.15567440

The most striking turn of events in the last 30 years has been the weakness of the west and the strength of the east

>> No.15567441

and ignored.

>> No.15567470

Goes without saying both parties do the same. This thread is just about BLM

>> No.15567505

all this from seeing a black guy in a cartoon. take your meds

>> No.15567574

To be fair, most "whites" shit talking whites on twitter are jews. Stereotypes exist for a reason.

>> No.15567609

Is she mentally ill?