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/lit/ - Literature

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15558757 No.15558757 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.15558796


>> No.15558802

Honestly, I've read all kinds of things and would generally say reading doesn't make you "smarter," but I would add an exception. The only author who seems to cause me to think better after reading him is Shakespeare.

>> No.15558805

What could I have done that would illicit such a nasty response from a stranger?

>> No.15558812

iq is a meme
keep reading everything you want, it's good if you want to have vast knowledge
keep talking to a bunch of people if you want to have vast emotions to understand art/lit
keep discussing with people if you want to have vast wisdom

>> No.15558819

Mein Kampf
Himouto! Umaru-Chan Vol. 3

>> No.15558878

Thanks. I will check these out

>> No.15559485

what the fuck is with you ESLers and confusing "elicit" with "solicit" or "illicit"?
illicit = forbidden, it's an adjective
elicit = call out, the word you were looking for, it's a verb
solicit = force something out of someone (f.e. solicit sex), it's a verb
hope this helps

>> No.15559528

First sneak a look at what's on the test, then study that. Save ya some time.

>> No.15559598


>> No.15559617


Books dont increase your iq. There are people who have ready very little with high iqs. In short, your degree in english lit is still useless.

>> No.15559628

All of them, if you're stupid enough to make this post

>> No.15559659

This, but for some more basic stuff that will still boost it read Parmenides by Plato, the organon of Aristotle, or Einstein’s special and general theories of relativity

>> No.15559742
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More /sci/ than /lit/ but going through this and learning to mathematics really, really pushed up what I feel like is my mind's overall punching power. The important part is doing the exercises, not the learning though. You haven't learned something until you can do the exercises around it.

>> No.15560307

actually "solicit" isn't about forcing something out of someone. It's a general term for "asking for something."

>> No.15560463

everyone laugh at the stemfag

>> No.15560554 [DELETED] 

Great suggestions. May I also suggest Sayonara no Asa ni Yakusoku no Hana wo Kazarou

>> No.15560566

Smoking increases iq, reading doesn't

>> No.15560627

IQ isn't real

>> No.15560757

ESL-complainer btfo

>> No.15560824


Start. With. The. Greeks!

>> No.15560833
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>> No.15560846

>Fallen for Stephen Jay Gould's meme.

>> No.15560882

Agree. It's always coping midwits who say this. Dumb people know they are dumb, smart people know they are smart.

>> No.15560928

based retard

>> No.15561210

thanks professor, though I didn't solicit this information LOL

>> No.15562008


>> No.15562190

My diary desu

>> No.15562287

It’s basically impossible to raise your iq

>> No.15562295

IQ is genetic. You can increase it slightly if you try before you're done developing. After that there's nothing you can do about it.

>> No.15562324

complete fag

>> No.15562442

Mathematical introduction to logic, I saw a sentence in that book once and it went something like"x says something, now why did he say that? couldn't he just shut up about it, considering it wasn't relevant to the subject" it might seem obvious to you but ever since that day my brain was changed and always noticed when people kept babbling off and my reasoning improved tenfold.
Just go on quora and look up that "mind expanding" books question, you'll find a lot of good recommandations

>> No.15562448

Not really considering it's possible to decrease it, raising it would mean nothing less than bringing it back to its normal level.

>> No.15562464

>Dumb people know they are dumb, smart people know they are smart.

>> No.15562485

Dumb people know they are dumb. Smart people think they are dumb. Only midwits think they are smart.

>> No.15562490
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>> No.15562500

might seem odd, but does anyone actually know what the statue is? Looks cool, and I'm curious about it

>> No.15562504
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>solicit = force something out of someone (f.e. solicit sex), it's a verb

>> No.15562505

Dumb meme. You can raise your IQ and the lower your IQ is the easier it will be. Healthy food, sleep, physical exercise etc. are all obvious, staying mentally active is trivial, meditation is commonly heard of but not many would practice it, many stims increase IQ, some substances which increase neurogenesis increase measures of cognitive performance and then there are some substances which almost fall under the nutrition category such as creatine.

>> No.15562509


>> No.15562512

t. midwit

Everyone in my physics department (doing a Ph.D.) is aware they are several standard deviations above the average

>> No.15562524

One of my friends is a physicist. He quite literally thinks everything that isn't about physics as being trivial. A PhD doesn't exclude you from being a midwit.

>> No.15562525


>> No.15562529
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>tfw academically successful but still think I'm retarded and all my good results were flukes

>> No.15562530

A PhD doesn't, a PhD in physics almost certainly does. The average IQ of physics students alone is 130+ and if we account for the top performers of those to generally go on to do a PhD in physics we arrive at figures around 145. Having shit takes is not the sign of a midwit, in fact your friend exhibits a typical high IQ characteristic in being highly disagreeable in his perspective.

>> No.15562533

Well anon, if your degree is in an "easy" field and you are hard worker, you might very well be right!

>> No.15562541

It's not in literature if that's what you mean

>> No.15562547

I've got 132. Didn't feel the need to go into any field and I don't consider myself to be particularly smart. Also this guy is retardedly disagreeable. I had to argue with him the value of Aesop's fables and all he would retort with was "it's trivial" without even elaborating on it. If that isn't textbook midwit I couldn't tell you what is.

>> No.15562552
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There is worse than literature

>> No.15562562

I was banking and finance with the occasional economics and statistics module.

>> No.15562585

>student counseling: 105
>those who end up counseling the students are by and large less bright than the students themselves
Cool system bro.

>> No.15562594

>and all he would retort with was "it's trivial" without even elaborating on it.
I unironically used to do that all the time when I was 15, alternating between "that's trivial" and "that's irrelevant" it was a total retard Chad move.

>> No.15562595

Spark the science of exercise, then some books on nutrition

>> No.15562598

IQlet here. From online tests I've gotten a range of 94-136. On the more accurate ones like Mensa I get around 121. Do you think I'm too dumb to take philosophy or linguistics?

>> No.15562604
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>humanities and art

>> No.15562619

Lmao this guy is a grown ass man though. I'd be telling him "Aesop's fables should be taught to children so that they come into social situations more cautiously." and he'd rebut with "Fables and history aren't good for anything they should only be teaching kids math and science till uni."

>> No.15563059

>typical high IQ characteristic in being highly disagreeable in his perspective
that's not a high IQ trait

sounds like your friend is retarded, as are most physicists

t. mathematician

>> No.15563213


>He didn't go Quant

Enjoy fighting for tenure and being compared to Terrance for the rest of your life, nerd.

>> No.15563259


>> No.15563280


what an ugly statue

>> No.15563289

Isn't 105 still 5 points above average?

>> No.15563399

you just contradicted yourself. A huge proportion of stupid people don't know it, hence the existence of flat earthers, climate change deniers and other such groups.

>> No.15563416

I like it. Where is it or what is it called?

>> No.15563438

It's just digital art by someone named chadknight.

>> No.15563445

one's intelligence doesn't change (substantially) through life and by no means due to reading.

>> No.15563497

They all sound alike.
Actually a really understandable issue you idiot.

>> No.15563515

>caring about mental power levels
Are you insecure, OP?

>> No.15563691

anon... I

Look at all the other fields, 105 for student counseling means that they have a smaller IQ than the fields they are counseling, which is all of the ones above them. I really hope this is a troll because that post is 50IQ tier

>> No.15563710
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Math books.

>> No.15563797

Oh, do colleges have counselors in the US? I thought it was referring to grade and high school counselors. And even if they're counseling brighter college students, they should still be able to give useful insight if that's what they specialize in.

>> No.15564242

If you are interested in raising your IQ, question everything.

>> No.15564288


>> No.15564673


>> No.15565149

The Bell Curve by Big Noses 1 and 2