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15558079 No.15558079 [Reply] [Original]

Is anti-intellectualism/academia on the rise?

>> No.15558098

No, but it should. Let's stay elite while the other proles stay mindless.

>> No.15558151

because universities are absolute cancer nowadays
I got told that I should shut up because I have white privileged and that I dress like a bourgeois pig
everyone (the lecturers included) is a hardcore marxist ~ fuck those jealous poorfags

>> No.15558155

Yes, it's what happens when society tries to distill education to everybody. Too many layers of insulation producing a grotesque image of what should end up being simple in the end. It's like selling cars to people with missing parts or a video game in alpha that you never bother to finish cause you made the big bucks already

>> No.15558169

Keep seething

>> No.15558204

Yeah it is. Earlier, I was totally appalled. I saw a tweet with 600 likes or retweets, I don’t remember correctly. Anyway, the person tweeted that an teacher refused to give preferential treatment to black students and that it was disgusting because of what is happening in Minneapolis. Thus they decided to make a petition to get him removed from the university. Soon after there was a update claiming that he was put in leave and his student would have another teacher.

>> No.15558293 [DELETED] 
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>> No.15558302

They always were

>> No.15558305 [DELETED] 
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>> No.15558310 [DELETED] 
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>> No.15558318 [DELETED] 
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>> No.15558326


>> No.15558328

Small brain: Being anti-intellectual
Normal brain: Thinking anti-intellectuals are dangerous morons
Big brain: Being anti-intellectual, but exclusively for humanities and liberal arts

>> No.15558336

It should be. Universities seem more concerned with maintaining an artificial scarcity of knowledge/accreditation than actually training or teaching people. In particular the various administrators should be lined up and shot.

>> No.15558340 [DELETED] 


>> No.15558378

>he thinks egalitarian anti-racism beats "righteous" "empowered" anti-white/pro-black racism
i guess he'll learn soon enough

>> No.15558445


This world is completely doomed. The idiot populace now has hold of morals. What a tragedy

>> No.15558460

fucking plebs always get drunk with power

>> No.15558472

Of all the sad words of tongue and pen, the saddest are these: Plato was right again

>> No.15558478

More like /pol/ato

>> No.15558508 [SPOILER] 
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No, but rebellion against the Establishment and Questioning Authority sure is. People are opening their minds and no longer letting the mainstream paradigm control their thinking. They think forbidden thoughts and examine forbidden data!

>> No.15558539

in my country, yes
i guess in usa too, based on the retards that post here

>> No.15558547

shut up bourgeois pig

>> No.15558572

This meme is a cope to put yourselves in the "big brain group" while you guys are just brainlets, sorry to break it to you

>> No.15558687


>> No.15558691

It is on the rise in publishing:


>> No.15558712

Much as I hate to say it, this was his own fault. He should've just politely refused the request and moved on, getting snarky with these types just gives them ammunition. Especially with the current zeitgeist he should have realised how precarious his position was.

>> No.15558717

la gabiota....

>> No.15558720

It’s not his fault for standing up for himself you bitch nigger. God I hope he’s tenured

>> No.15558735 [DELETED] 

It was not a smart move, but he can definitely not be held a fault.

>> No.15558745

Oh yeah, the Germans totally would’ve loved to keep the Jews alive, but—whoopsie!—the supply lines kept them from doing that! Oh well.

>> No.15558752

I don't understand which part is supposed to be the racist part. What are the extreme leftists mad about. It's he answered plain 'no' would it be better?

>> No.15558769

> he answered plain 'no' would it be better?
Yes, obviously. He got cute and snarky and it bit him in the ass. His response was not professional whatsoever.

>> No.15558787

Guys, even if you agree with his decision to not grant the student's request, you have to admit including a line about white students suffering as a result of being called racist was a pants on head retarded thing to say in this situation. He absolutely is at fault for replying in such a way to the student instead of refusing and moving on

>> No.15558790

Jesus America is really going to turn into an Idiocracy over this century

>> No.15558791

better yet, just don't respond it was obviously a rigged question from the start why even dignify a response?

>> No.15558814

I'm sorry that you're not in the "big boy brain" group.

>> No.15558817

if i saw her in the street right now i'd knock that bitch down without hesitation

>> No.15558867

If he wanted to be cute and snarky, idk, he could’ve doxxed the kid and mailed him Hayek’s book The Road to Serfdom. All I see is SJW outrage culture and some baby whining cause big professional professor doesn’t care about your feelings. The dude is an accounting professor idk what you expected. It’s not a fucking daycare.

>> No.15558906

Who’s that dickhead in the movie about the prodigy drummer kid? Fuck I forgot the title. That’s real shit. This is bullshit. The niggiest bitch to ever nigger bitch a bitching nigger bitch. A retard bitch.

>> No.15558918


>> No.15558931

>Just keep cucking it out year after year goy!

>> No.15558932

Idk. It's very much a professor reply. I didn't even blink at reading it. Poor guy. I bet he's got long unruly hair that puffs out, a wife he's in a long, but quiet marriage, and kids he likes to do dad jokes to. I've seen so many professors like him how can you be mad at him

>> No.15558939

Your "big brain" is idiot teir muh useless degrees stem worship
>Uploaded one hour ago

>> No.15558950

>nooooooooo you can’t just hurt the heckin blackerino’s feelings you deserve to be fired!!!!!!!!!!!!!

>> No.15558964

For every decent thing that comes out of the lib arts and humanities world, you get 20 Robin DiAngelos and Peggy McIntoshes.

>> No.15559006

America v. America
Either the Russians or the Chinese have been doing a fantastic job at during American citizens into Left v. Right chimps after the Cold War.

>> No.15559040 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.15559056

can anything be said to be on the rise? is anything on the decline? is anything even happening at all?

>> No.15559095
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>is anything even happening at all

>> No.15559104

>you have to admit including a line about white students suffering as a result of being called racist was a pants on head retarded thing to say in this situation
The situation of people unfairly losing their jobs and reputations because they're white and therefore seen as racist if they refuse to capitulate to every demand from political agitators? Yes, how terrible of him. Obviously he deserves to be punished to the utmost degree, on account of his white nationalist tendencies.

>> No.15559217

No fuck off the professor was entirely in the right. Answering stupid questions with snark is not grounds to be fucking fired from your job. Your a mouth-breathing retard

>> No.15559229

All it takes is one leader with the courage to open fire, and this ends.

>> No.15559246

Academia is itself anti-intellectual. Most of those people only pursue advanced degrees for the idealized lifestyle where they *cue the toni morrison/groupon nyc greentext*

>> No.15559256

Ends in civil war you mean.
Seems like that's what everyone wants these days anyways. Even if they don't admit it.

>> No.15559260

I believe in you anon.

>> No.15559270

Yes, it would seem that a civil war is the natural end result of this culture war. Conservative rural America that loves guns and Jesus is not reconcilable with progressive urban America that wants a woke secular bureaucracy to control every aspect of everyone's life. I guess the American Caesar could just show up suddenly and change the course.

>> No.15559305

Well that got dark fast.

>> No.15559318

She cute

>> No.15559320

>I dress like a bourgeois pig
post fit

>> No.15559346

The right is on the rise so
Climate change is a Chinese hoax

>> No.15559364

You are either a virgin or a really ugly guy if you think that thing is cute

>> No.15559365

>Right wing in the Anglosphere literally denies climate change entirely
>The Anglo "left" wants soft green liberalism with bug burgers, carbon credits, and nothing else
We're all gonna die because of partisanship

>> No.15559380

Given that academia is largely seen as a means to get a job yeah probably

>> No.15559449

This is the danger of using labels. You can be pro environmental conservation and racist at the same time, for example. You can hold both "left" and "right" views; there is an extreme danger in thinking you need to take the whole package. Political views are things you develop yourself, not something you have to choose between.

>> No.15559463

I got told rolling my own smokes was bougie and that I should start buying packs to keep my privilege in check.

>> No.15559479

This divide is not as stark as you'd like to imagine

>> No.15559486

Well what do you want them to be, full on anarchists?

>> No.15559495

Rollies are cheaper per smoke, but I've often seen rich kids adopt them as a kind of prole affectation

>> No.15559507
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I unironically wish I was grug. Read a lot about Cro-Magnon. I'm so tired of all of this.

>> No.15559518

All governments must take strong action in order to prevent ecological disaster, not just feel good nonsense like making your packaging cardboard. Private enterprise can no longer be trusted to save the planet.

>> No.15559529

I don't know, man. All the people I know are extremely polarized right now, barring the grillpilled centrists who don't pay attention at all.

>> No.15559539

That's literally the reason I roll my own. It's fresher and cheaper. I'm dirt poor and get called bougie by all these fucking fresh out of highschool trust fund zoomers.

>> No.15559547

Even at that, they pounce on the grillpilled and associate them with whoever their opposition is. "If you're not with me, you're against me".

>> No.15559644

I dunno either. All I can offer is anecdotal evidence that people with wildly different political views can get along. And honestly, more people are grillpilled than you'd think

Well that's unfortunate. Don't take it to heart dude, they're just jockeying for position in the wokeness race and will eventually grow out of it when they get called out for some stupid shit

>> No.15559679

It never went away, people are too proud to read or learn. The proles think of education as prescriptive, and are unable to imagine that they are able to learn by and for themselves.
What a desperate bitch

>> No.15559718

I think Massimo Pigliucci sums it up nicely when he says that much of the faculty at x studies departments see themselves as activists first and scholars second. There is so much dishonest, unrigorous trash published in these fields.

>> No.15559732

You are either a incel or a really ugly guy if you think that latinx is ugly

>> No.15559748
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>> No.15559758
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>can anything be said to be on the rise? is anything on the decline? is anything even happening at all?

>> No.15559769

Yes and it's well deserved. Intellectuals are continuously having to be more and more hypocritical to justify liberalism and it's burning all credibility to the public.

>> No.15559782

>God I hope he’s tenured

He probably is. The non-tenured ones (especially at the UC) tend to be very taciturn with regard to touchy topics. They're not going to spoil their future shot at tenure because they took the bait from some spoiled shitskin brat who threw a temper tantrum.

>> No.15559787

Unironically, I think I've only ever heard middle class white women use this term.

>> No.15559970

It won't lol, once the children of the affluent are punished appropriately, this will stop. The French and Russian examples show us that cucking never works.

>> No.15560049

Fuck that noise and fuck you, that bitch got off easy. She should have been failed for trying to bribe a professor with a current event that has absolutely nothing to do with her performance at school.

>> No.15560058

Academia =/= Intellectualism

>> No.15560118

This. Really changed my perspective seeing how many people came out to try and making "rioting" or "looting" racist words. Don't give two shits about cops in the USA, but it's obvious that what happened was poor people lashing out due to quarantine and already there is a strong narrative that it is about an overarching meta-narrative of racial oppression and any criticism of opportunistic theft and random mob violence means you have 'suspicious' political beliefs.

Fucking insane. Especially with how omnipresent social media and cameras are, you can never know if saying something seemingly neutral today will get you branded a thought criminal tomorrow, all that is certain is that if violence or illegal activities are directed against you and you aren't "with us" somebody will be working hard to justify them the next day.

Because nobody can speak frankly about any issue these days, problems like poverty, economic collapse, lack of social net, collapse in social trust, and the pandemic that we were all in the middle of a week ago are obscured in silence, every activity is explained in terms of an multiple century spanning meta-narrative so no one can be sure what the situation actually is, and no petitioning for individual rights are ever seen as legitimate because they are reactively contrasted against hundreds of years of group oppression.

>> No.15560258

Anti-academia is and for good reason

>> No.15560335
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yes, it's a shame that so many reactionary conservatives fell for the "sjws control academia" meme. college education may be indoctrination but so is the entire world, every piece of media, and every internet forum post. at least an education gives you tools and provides more of a challenge than mindlessly absorbing pol propaganda. an education is what you make of it, if you don't see the benefit of an education you're genuinely a slobbering retard or a sheep.

>> No.15560544

>Because nobody can speak frankly about any issue these days

In academia, as hiring becomes even more competitive and schools continue to dismantle tenure this is going to become an even bigger problem.

>> No.15560575

Preserving theses posts from the memory hole. This deserves to be seen.


>> No.15561854

>like a bourgeois pig
If you wore a suit to a college class (unless you’re a frat boy in which case the insult would be implicit anyway) you absolutely deserved to be called this

>> No.15561872

That's why I deleted all my social media, it's just there to act as surveillance to target you. Discuss all this in person instead.

>> No.15561876

Not today, CIA!

>> No.15561882

Even bigger brain: Being Anti-intellectual for all things taught in a university, (especially arts tho)

>> No.15561889

I went to one of the most left-leaning universities in the country and I can't even imagine being called out for something like that, most people just kept to themselves. If someone wears a suit in class everyone just assumes they have some formal event to go to afterwards or something

>> No.15561890

Strongly agree with this assessment.

>> No.15561897


Yes, and deservedly so.

>> No.15561912

Yes, it is. I believe it may be a form of resentment.
Anons love to talk about le SJW nightmare but realistically it is just normal.
I did my stint at uni, got good grades in dual degrees, got out. Never experienced anything out of the ordinary even in the supposedly most liberal college in the US.
The cost of education is of course shit but I landed a job right out of college and it will pay itself in a few years.

>> No.15561938

I also went to a "SJW" school (hell we might even have the same alma mater) and ironically the most SJW students were some of the least likely to come to class. Going to a very liberal school is not what boomer conservatives imagine it to be (i.e. lectures constantly monopolized by "woke" students constantly calling out or "cancelling" the professor or any classmate left of Bernie)-- lectures go on as usual, ideas (even conservative ones) are exchanged and discussed, while at the same time woke SJWs protest Blumpf on the green instead of being in class

>> No.15561986

They were never good. You can find people saying same thing throughout time.

>> No.15561993

> If someone wears a suit in class everyone just assumes they have some formal event to go to afterwards or something
Actually you're right, I have no idea why I wrote what I did.

>> No.15562270

Ok, so not too long ago black people were literal slaves with no rights and now sulky white boys get outraged because being called a racist is not fair? Get you views straight.

>> No.15562290

Never argue race with a white American. Their cognitive deficiency when it comes to the topic is astounding.

>> No.15562391

>and that I dress like a bourgeois pig
and they are probably right on that aspect

>> No.15562432

Try over 150 years ago. Black fragility is astounding.

>> No.15562475

Things are easy when you have historical amnesia.

>> No.15562492

suits are not expensive and dressing well is not a crime

>> No.15562498

Not on the rise, more at a constant high.

>> No.15562517

I was told that having a pocket watch to make writing easier was bourgeoisie and that all my writing should be ignored. Faggots.

>> No.15562545

>Philosophy is humanities
>Philosophy literally kick-started the most important STEM subjects

>> No.15562574

i wasn't aware that physical suffering was actually transmitted through DNA

>> No.15562663

In fact it is in some sense as experiments show where mice transmit certain fears to future generation. But that technicality aside which I did not imply, what is your point? Does the "unphysicality" of historical awareness negate its existence in your opinion? Why do you care for being called racist yesterday then?

>> No.15562678

>Does the "unphysicality" of historical awareness negate its existence in your opinion?
It negates your right to claim retribution for suffering that you did not undergo through.

>> No.15562735

But the retribution is claimed with respect to the current socio-economic inequalities which cause the current suffering. I might as well have evoked the current situation to ridicule your petty notion of unfairness but the history served me better in that regard.

>> No.15562879

>But the retribution is claimed with respect to the current socio-economic inequalities which cause the current suffering
What makes you think those inequalities are not actually due to biological factors instead, your claims are just as much non falsifiable as mine and trying to derive benefit from it is moral dishonesty.

>> No.15562933

So you think it's in the blood of white people to be cruel, thievish warmongers and slavedrivers?

>> No.15563008

I hate the ignorant masses.

>> No.15563048

Yes, they are successful conquerors and civilisation builders, which is due to their genetics.

>> No.15563339

What a useful tool and challenge that is woman studies.
Education is completely useless to 90% of people, and the current form of education is less about educating and more about indoctrinating/churning out wage slaves or future indoctrinators.
You are also being disingenuous as all hell with your implication that everything is supposedly indoctrinating therefore education must be too. Nothing is completely unbiased therefore we must be completely biased (towards my viewpoint, of course) is your reasoning.

>> No.15563431

>at least an education gives you tools and provides more of a challenge than mindlessly absorbing pol propaganda
i see you’ve never attended an american university

>> No.15563439

>>Philosophy literally kick-started the most important STEM subjects

>> No.15563466

How does having a pocket watch make writing easier though?

>> No.15563554

it just makes you look like TheReportOfTheWeek but somehow more chromied up, homeslice.

>> No.15563561

same way wearing a gay monocle and ass-less chaps makes me a better writer

>> No.15563603

Yes and it's a good thing, the high/low culture distinction needs to die if either sphere of art can ever be revived, the segregation has bred stagnation and ruin for all

>> No.15563636

retarded. they’re less segregated than ever

>> No.15563871

And you consider it worthy for these civilisation builders to follow the ethics of might is right?