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/lit/ - Literature

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15553886 No.15553886 [Reply] [Original]

Post what you're currently reading

>> No.15553917
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>> No.15553929
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No bully pls

>> No.15553937
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Why, what would be wrong with that book?

>> No.15553944
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>> No.15554015
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>> No.15554020
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I'm at 1/3rd and so far it's good but not great.

>> No.15554050
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Very good choice anon.
Have you read any Pynchon before? Thinking about reading GR or M&D next (having read TCOL49 and V.). How do they compare so far?

>> No.15554051
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Cam on my son, you absolute beauty.

Haven't started pic related yet but will begin reading it today.

>> No.15554060
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>> No.15554065
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About 200 pages in. Liking it.

>> No.15554067

If you've read V, GR is a good next step.

>> No.15554068

just finished a book, what should I read next /lit?/

>> No.15554072
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>> No.15554073

Critique of Everyday Life by Henri Lefebvre

>> No.15554083

Looks interesting anon, I'll start it tonight! i'll post in a couple days with my thoughts, sit tight

>> No.15554164
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awful but it's short so might as well finish

>> No.15554170
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My first Mishima, not long into it but enjoying it so far. I want to go back and start his books chronologically after this

>> No.15554173
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>> No.15554180


>> No.15554185

His stories are relaxing.

>> No.15554186

Eyeless in Gaza by Huxley

>> No.15554189
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Going through some of the classics I've missed.

Great place to start. Highly recommend the Sea of Fertility tetralogy.

>> No.15554198
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Yea I really like his prose so far

That's what /lit/ told me to start with. I'm going to leave the tetralogy for the end, I've heard good things about it.

>> No.15554599

I think this is the greatest book I've ever read. It just changed me fundamentally. A lot of people told me that "Don't worry if all of it doesn't make sense". I don't even hang out with people like that, so I made it my mission to understand the book thoroughly, each and every pun, every formula, every equation. I read at least 50 research papers, all of Weisenberger, read the entire book thrice (back to back) and still didn't understand all of it (mostly the 20 pages of the book kinda drifted out into obscurity).

But I learnt so many things with this. I think Pynchon wanted us to put this effort and not just say "It's okay if you don't get it". Of course I started with the Newtonian model but soon moved into a friends theory. I also read Rilke and Borges as part of this, just to understand the structuralist take on language.

And while I still think that a lot can be said in criticism of the book, especially if you take Slothrop's journey, the book legit created new gestalts within me. From there on, I started reading more of post structuralism (Delueze, Focault etc. Didn't read much of Derrieda though). And after genuinely understanding their criticism, I feel like my life became easier. I understood desire as a creative force and not as a reactive force (lacanian model).

I still deal with the same problems in life, but I feel like from an imanent point of view, things became easier. All of this due to this book, I encourage everyone to read it and to read it good. Pynchon'd book is both a message and an initiation and it's honestly the initiation part that's more important.

Reading what right now? I read Crying of Lot 49 and absolutely loved it, so I jumped straight into GR. I tried reading V. But I found it boring (still 40 pages in and will probably finish it). Also reading Underworld by Don Delillo. Also reading papers on Delueze and once I have a good background will jump into Anti-Oedipus and Neitschze.

>> No.15554800
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Just finished the second book. This is my first Murakami and I'm really loving it thus far.

>> No.15555130


>> No.15555181

This thread is turning into a great reading list. Currently reading The Shining before I try to tackle something more thought-provoking.

>> No.15556097
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Great supplement to Baudelaire, can really see where the influence seeped through

>> No.15556155

The odyssey. Comfy as fuck

>> No.15556167
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>> No.15556179

The tartar steppe

>> No.15556485

The Bible
Epictetus-The Enchiridion
Rene Guenon-The Crisis of the Modern World

>> No.15556543

Gonna start lonesome dove later today. Just finished As I Lay Dying ehich was bretty gud

>> No.15556567
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>> No.15556583
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>> No.15556633
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