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File: 28 KB, 641x401, hahahaha.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1555211 No.1555211 [Reply] [Original]

Ah, i'm glad at least someone got the right interpretation of that phrase

>> No.1555214


>> No.1555217

My heart pumps blood. It doesn't find things.

>> No.1555218

That's because you're thinking with your brain, not with your heart

>> No.1555222


That's just the way God made me,

>> No.1555224

god gave me the rare condition called micropenis ":(

>> No.1555230 [DELETED] 

Believing with your heart is a metaphor for believing in irrational and in emotional terms.

Females have a genetic disposition to think this way, which is why there are more female theists than male.

>> No.1555231

Believing with your heart is a metaphor for believing in irrational and in emotional terms.

Females have a genetic disposition to be this way, which is why there are more female theists than male.

>> No.1555232

how embarassing

>> No.1555234
File: 27 KB, 318x414, stephen_colbert.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1555235


Fuck you man 4chan isn't exactly intuitive when you're on your mobile.


>> No.1555237

god gave me the rare condition called trips.

>> No.1555242

god gave you shit.
it's genetics
it's a computer algorythm
BTW - avoiding logic with the Disney-argument "think with your heart" is a nice twist.
this way you don't have to proof shit.
Well - guess what - my heart has the suspission that you are trying to undermine my reasoning !!

>> No.1555256

I think this guy has a point, I see way more male atheists than female.

>> No.1555259

females = more gullible by genetics?
I think that is the root of sexism.
I know some pretty intelligent females.

>> No.1555263

u mad in your heart?

>> No.1555267

Wasn't Hemingway a Catholic or something?

Anyway, off topic. Religious "debate" belongs in >>>/b/

>> No.1555289

the way you are talking all I have is my heart.
since you throw the brain out I might as well think with my penis:
ok - my heart is supposed to feel.
well, my penis whisperes: "they just wanna fuck you"
then my heart goes:"what? no! they seem like nice people."
penis:"yeah - how do you talk to a girl u wanna fuck?"
heart: "nicely?"
penis: "oh snap"

>> No.1555295

that's fideism, not atheism

>> No.1555300

fideism is just another word for saying you argue PRO faith.
it literally means "faith-ism".
that has nothing to do with reason, logic, etc.
atheism has everything to do with reason and logic.

>> No.1555301

hemmingway owned


>> No.1555304

oh you are right ^^
my penis/heart analogy fights religion on basis of fideism.
lololol !
thx /b/ro.
seems I can argue both ways against religion ^^

>> No.1555308


>> No.1555318

pro faith, but counter to reason... which seems to be exactly what OP's post is saying
If you don't believe me, why don't you look it up?

>> No.1555320

What organ was Hemingway thinking about when he jammed a shotgun in his mouth and blew his brains out?

>> No.1555321


Atheism may rely on logic & reason, but it concludes that God doesn't exist and that it is irrational to hold faith

Fideism concludes that there is no rational basis for it, but that faith is still a valid position (just not based in reason)... some people who believe that way believe BECAUSE it is irrational

>> No.1555332

well, my argument still holds.
that i am a fideist doesnt have to mean I believe in god.
it just means I CAN believe in unrational things, not that I MUST.
Or it would force me to believe every unrational thing in the world - which contradict themselfes often.
So even in fideism I can dismiss God as "just doesnt feel right"
for it is unreasonable to NOT believe in unreasonable things when you are a fideist.

>> No.1555335

I hate it when people think being an atheist is some kind of mental victory. I hate it even more when they stay that way into college.

>> No.1555341
File: 39 KB, 401x388, Screen shot 2011-01-25 at 15.39.13.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I never said there were no intelligent females, however all the evidence and statistics suggest that men are more likely to be very intelligent or very stupid where as women are more likely to have a balanced average intellect.

And it's not sexist to assume that women feel more than men think. That's why women are more likely to be bipolar where as men are more likely to be schizophrenic.

I said more likely, I didn't say there was no exceptions.

>> No.1555344

atheist dont think they win
we think of us as the only normal people. no winning involved.
we are just the most common thing.
we only separate ourselves from impossing systems, like religion and other unjust, opressive and regressive orders.

>> No.1555348

all right all right - I take it back
you are only talking in probabilities and statistics
not in world-views.
i understand now

>> No.1555355

You're probably the only tripfag I like--but, why do you use that shitty photo all the time?

Oooh how I hate! that group tripfag photo.

>> No.1555370
File: 222 KB, 1021x663, lit_tripfags.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


What this one?

>> No.1555371
File: 29 KB, 400x268, truman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I just thought that picture was irreversibly synonymous with my trip.

>> No.1555386


Who is 'poke' anyway? I've never seen them. Although the chick with the red hair is esceptionally attractive.

>> No.1555389

i have a picture that goes with your tri-oh wait.

i'm too cool for that

>> No.1555390


>> No.1555411
File: 14 KB, 300x300, thomyorke.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I wouldn't take that picture as an accurate representation of what the tripfags actually look like.

For example; onion is a girl and I have long hair.


I know you won't bro, but ty or tom might.

>> No.1555415


I was under no illusion that the tripfag called Poke resembled the lovely lady, I merely commented on her saucy, short-haired redheaded loveliness, while questioning who the tripfag in question was.

>> No.1555424
File: 101 KB, 259x278, DavidMitchell31.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would never do such a thing.

>> No.1555425


I think she was chosen to represent Poke because Poke is seen as a cute name.

However, he/she posts infrequently.

>> No.1555427
File: 767 KB, 200x200, 1270480196933.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>aactually likes truman
goes to show how terrible anon generally is.

>> No.1555435


>> No.1555436


Why do you always make such an effort to insult me, onion?

>> No.1555443

it's just a gentle poke nothing personal.

>> No.1555444


or perhaps because everyone wants to poke her?


>> No.1555447


it's okay errybody knows what i look like
they mirin

>> No.1555448 [DELETED] 

Priest once told a scientist he was close-minded because he couldn't see God. Scientist thought the priest was close-minded because he said he saw God.

You're all idiots. Back to /v/ with me- where at least the subject matter is more interesting.

>> No.1555449
File: 92 KB, 604x800, wbyeats.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


This guy is right, let's get back on topic.

I'm not sure that there are nearly as many arrogant atheists as there are atheists who feel they have to restrain their beliefs because of the aggressive, anti-clerical image created for atheism by the media and by the disdain for Profesor Dawkins among other intellectuals.

>> No.1555457

preponderance of religious thinking is just the result of failed general science education. christians should gb2school.

>> No.1555469

there are still a lot of unanswerable questions in science. if it was all figured out religion would've died years ago. the problem with one side is they assume too much of the other. back in newton's day science was considered a process in which to define God.