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/lit/ - Literature

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15549913 No.15549913[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Over the last decade the limits of what ideas one may be able to express in both the public and the private sphere have been getting narrower and narrower. This has being going on both IRL and online, with classic writers being denounced and removed from the curriculum, and new authors and intellectuals being promoted. While these new authors proudly parade their diverse ethnic backgrounds, they nonetheless all espouse the exact same ideology. Any figure who express a contrary opinion to the mainstream is being shamed, deplatformed or banned. Even this very site, once called "the asshole of the internet" for allowing expressions most other websites wouldn't suffer, has in affect lost this quality with the arrival of new users and mods who agree with the mainstream view of the need to censor illiberal ideas.
I can't tell how far this shit will go, but it already makes everything feels sterile and vain. I feel very frightened and anxious about the future.

>> No.15549940

You overstate things. If you study literature at any respectable uni, you will be studying the greats. Moreover, many right-wing authors still get published. The Strange Death of Europe is a popular white nationalist book published in just 2019, for example.

>> No.15549950

Any literature about this?

>> No.15549953

You'll notice even that book is published by a gay man who is worried about the effects of Islam on gays and women(which from a liberal perspective is actually completely reasonable).

>> No.15549969

>I can't tell how far this shit will go
It will go on forever. These people are pathological revolutionaries and have the urge to turn over everything they can get their hands on. They will oppose the very things they've instituted themselves pretty soon, as nothing is ever good enough.

>> No.15550012

Why should anything be "good enough?"

>> No.15550027

Because human nature isn't perfect and can't be made perfect.

>> No.15550037

This is the attitude a spoiled child has.

>> No.15550047

Improvement isn't perfection

>> No.15550056

And this is the attitude of loser bitch who just takes whatever indignity comes his way

>> No.15550065
File: 68 KB, 1022x731, It's_All_So_Tiresome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are such a fucking fag it's unbearable. I sincerely hope your life is a wreck and you never get anything you wish for.

>> No.15550093
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>If you study literature at any respectable uni, you will be studying the greats
This may still be true for a little while longer, but the writing's on the wall.

>> No.15550096

Wish all you want, my life is fine and so far I've gotten a lot of what I've wanted. What's truly "so tiresome" is people like you who think that we can't try to improve society or the conditions of the general population

>> No.15550108

>muh for the greater good
Yes the problem is your ideas always worsen society and starve the general populaiton

>> No.15550109

Everyone who has ever tried to "improve" society has made it objectively worse. You people are evil at the very core of you being and deserve unimaginable suffering.

>> No.15550141

>everyone who wants to improve society is a Stalinist

>> No.15550147

Everyone who wants to improve society is legitimately an evil fucking rat.

>> No.15550155

Based and Confuciuspilled

>> No.15550157


>> No.15550174

Yeah, actually they kind of are. Stop trying to "improve society", focus on improving yourself and then maybe you will see that society works best when people are free to do as they want, even if they're "unimproved".

>> No.15550503

>society works best when people are free to do as they want
But you would need to improve society in order for this to be possible.

>> No.15550520

You would have to remove hundreds of years of people "improving" it. Which is impossible. There is no exit. We are perpetually stuck living in a world that is dictated by disgusting fucking do-gooder busybodies.

>> No.15550524

>society works best when people are free to do as they want, even if they're "unimproved"
Funny that you think this is the kind of society we live in

>> No.15550547

In the UK, all decent unis still offer courses on Chaucer, Shakespeare, etc. I studied in uni recently and untranslated Beowulf was on the first year (meaning it was compulsory). University courses are about supply and demand and, insofar as students want to study topics, the classics will survive.

Here's a little look into the how this demand will never die as well:
In early secondary school, I studied Shakespeare. He was revisited multiple times over secondary and was easily the most read author/playwright. Our poetry section included Shelley, Tennyson, Browning, Blake, etc. This was all before we were 16. In college (what we call our schooling between 16-18), we had the option to study a few dozen topic but 90% of them were pre-1950. We studied Chaucer, Atwood (meh), Shelley, Shakespeare and Tennessee Williams. What I'm getting at is the classics are still being instilled into the school system, regardless of what Twitter tells you.

>> No.15550557

OP's point is Americentric, and he is right. There are already calls to decolonize our bookshelves and minds. The civil rights movement has replaced the American revolution as our founding myth and the religious pursuit of liberty has been replaced with a religious pursuit of anti-racism.

>> No.15550578

This shit affects Canada too. For some fucking reason we have to be fed all this shit about racism and slavery in America like we had anything to do with it. We had to read To Kill a Mockingbird 2 years in a row and learn about racism in the south. I'm so far up north it's still fucking spring here.

>> No.15550589

I'm surprised your local woke liberals are so lazy. I live in Yankeeland, so our history class guilt tripping is more about turning away Jewish refugees, trail of tears, and driving some tribes to extinction. You'd think they'd localize it for Canadians and what happened to the inuits and first nations.

>> No.15550629
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Retreat from the social to achieve a state of ataraxia is the only option.
What did the gnostics and hermetici do when they faced quietism or death at the stake? What did communists do during the cold war? How did intellectuals, those now running parts of the Chinese Central Party, survive the cultural revolution? How have intellectuals always survived cultural revolutions?
>There in the depths of the still Siberian winter I was suddenly caught up in the whirling storm of mad revolution raging all over Russia, sowing in this peaceful and rich land vengeance, hate, bloodshed and crimes that go unpunished by the law.
>No one could tell the hour of his fate. The people lived from day to day and left their homes not knowing whether they should return to them or whether they should be dragged from the streets and thrown into the dungeons of that travesty of courts, the Revolutionary Committee, more terrible and more bloody than those of the Mediaeval Inquisition
Take to the hills. Retreat however possible from daily life. Start planning an escape route. Even if you necessarily live in the city, scope out abandoned valleys and mountain peaks where you can hide out if things get bad. Start cultivating relationships, but don't even show all the cards in your hands.

>> No.15550646

They didn't have the surveillance state we now have though. We're progressing towards a Bostromian singleton and whoever achieves it first gets their ideal political system enforced for the rest of human existence without any possibility of change.

>> No.15550654

>Bostromian singleton

>> No.15550666

mmyeah or you can just not be racist or sexist it's not that hard sweaty :)
have you tried not being a fucking bigot? :) oh no white males are not getting published like they have been for the last 1000 years the worlds ending!
words = violence, forcing white male authors on students = violence, not giving spaces to marginalized bodies and voices that need to be heard = violence
fuck trump fuck the police im out peace

>> No.15550671

They teach us about what happened to the natives somewhat, we get guilt trips on smallpox till maybe 10th grade. I'm French Canadian so a big part of it towards the end is about what the English did to us, which is something the English don't learn. That's why they call us rude when we ask to be just left alone. Kinda makes me understand why blacks self segregate when they learn that kind of stuff in American classes. When you learn all the shit some other group has done to your group you can't help but want nothing to do with them.

>> No.15550679

Is this an ironic pepe post?

>> No.15550726

Whoever invents the first superintelligence has the leverage to craft the world into any system they want because they have a near insurmountable intelligence gap between the side with the AI and the side without the AI. The AI would be able to calculate what needs to be done to impose such a system, and then it would be able to figure out how to indefinitely keep it going. Just as AlphaGO can beat literally every human being at Go by analyzing countless games of Go, the superintelligence would be able to beat humans at every form of espionage and resistance by analyzing countless tactics and refining them over and over again in simulations that real humans cannot pull off. It would be able to create an oppressive surveillance state that numbers, marks, and tracks every single entity 24/7, putting down all dissent by force, and turning society into a panopticon where any form of resistance is futile. They would have a total monopoly on humanity and its future. You could get permanent automated luxury communism, you could get permanent fascism, you could get permanent woke technocracy, you could get a permanent Christian theocracy, permanent "socialism with Chinese characteristics", permanent Moldbuggian corporate monarchies, permanent Atomwaffen Iron Gates hellworld, etc....

>> No.15550741

the superintelligence is going to wipe humanity out. You mention Bostrom and I don't see how anyone could read his book and not come away with that conclusion.

>> No.15550756

The only solution is full retreat from our current technological state. The sheer quantity of information right now means that it is easy to keep a low profile. Remember that many ancients kept their opinions, beliefs, doctrines, etc. alive only by word of mouth, esoteric orders, copying by hand ancient manuscripts, etc. it is comparatively far easier now to organize and disseminate information.
It is said that one influential businessman kept, during his country's civil war, two parallel journals. Both chronicling the same events over the same period of time, but one showing the utmost sympathy towards the government while offering nothing but harsh criticisms towards rebels. The other dairy did an about face, criticizing every action taken by government, recording ever massacre, ever breach of trust, while supporting whole-heatedly the rebel fractions. As soon as one side took definitive power, he immediately burned the journal critical of them, and sent the other to a publisher.
The surveillance state, as it is now, is omnipresent, but it is also entirely optional. Only participate with the knowledge that you are being watched, and you can survive.

>> No.15550758

Bostrom has written more than just that book.
Here is someone arguing that creating such a panopticon would be a good thing

>> No.15550779

Super-intelligence already exists in the (non) form of the divine. You are an ant deifying a child holding a magnifying glass. In fact this child has not even arrived here. You are deifying his shadow.

>> No.15550792

big if true

>> No.15550815

>Ossendowski quote
Nice. His book has more to do with being Lawrence of Mongolia than escaping from the revolution, though. I'm halfway through it and it's not what I expected.

>> No.15550820

When faced with the choice between slavery and uncertain passage through the desert, faith was the sole saving grace of the Israelites.

>> No.15550880

I've read that SSC post and it's fun but let's be real here, he doesn't have an argument he is just saying it would be nice if AI were a friendly God that reversed the patterns of all of life up until now.

Ill check out the other Bostrom

>> No.15550959

Yes, I think you're right. I feel like there will be a big movement in the coming decades where conservatives buy out remote land and create self-sufficient communities there because of the mainstream cultural climate becoming unbearable. This will be pretty easy in the USA and Canada, but I'm not sure about the rest.
Another thing that progressive people often forget is that religious conservatives have a LOT of kids, and even if a few of them abandon their values, most of them will not. Meanwhile, the progressive technocrats have one (extremely spoiled) kid at most. Mormons and Amish in the USA, Mennonites in Canada, Laedstanians in Scandinavia all pump out babies at absurd rates.

>> No.15552749

Lol even jews admit that the story of the exodus is not based on history. No evidence of jewish slaves in egypt.

>> No.15552758

To go from a rapture thread to this..holy shit the absolute state of this board

>> No.15552855
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The OP clearly has some sort of mental illness, being unable to distinguish between what some niche websites tell him about reality and the actual state of affairs. There is no reason to take such a thread seriously. Although given what you have said here, you may not be of sound mind yourself.

>> No.15552860

everything the op said is true

>> No.15552915

Just because the social contract means people can exclude OP for being a racist asshole or for calling tranniea freaks to their faces doesn't mean we have fallen into a world of censorship. I have never once had the government tell me not to say something. Though I suppose maybe the OP can't post CP if that is what he is angry about?

>> No.15552924

you belong on twitter or reddit

>> No.15552934

I think beastality porn has florished under Trump's administration.

>> No.15552938
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Tyranny in democratic republics does not proceed in the same way, however. It ignores the body and goes straight for the soul. The master no longer says: You will think as I do or die. He says: You are free not to think as I do. You may keep your life, your property, and everything else. But from this day forth you shall be as a stranger among us. You will retain your civic privileges, but they will be of no use to you. For if you seek the votes of your fellow citizens, they will withhold them, and if you seek only their esteem, they will feign to refuse even that. You will remain among men, but you will forfeit your rights to humanity. When you approach your fellow creatures, they will shun you as one who is impure. And even those who believe in your innocence will abandon you, lest they, too, be shunned in turn. Go in peace, I will not take your life, but the life I leave you with is worse than death.

>> No.15552986

lol someone is mad because they lack the ability to enact their will. how is it being the untermensch?

>> No.15552992

being a bootlicker who just repeats what he's told is not 'enacting your will'

>> No.15553040

if you cant convince the general populace of the validity of your idea either you or your idea sucks. possibly even both.

>> No.15553055

You didn't convince anyone of anything, you just repeat what you're told because you're afraid.

>> No.15553063

>acknowledging that Europe has a massive immigration problem means you're a white nationalist
Well I suppose "technically" you may be correct

>> No.15553099

Please enlighten me on what I am afraid of o wise one. Your levels of projection are insane. Anyone can spot it, especially with the knowledge that conservative ideas are more prevalent in those with overactive fear responses. I hope you stop fearing that the majority of society is going to silence you anon, long term exposure to stress hormones is not good for your health and intellect.

>> No.15553113

Shoot down a minority, be the hero we all need

>> No.15553127

you're a coward who convinced himself that he just happens to believe exactly the set of beliefs that won't get him in trouble

>> No.15553134

what you're referring to is the slow collapse of the three-network television consensus. the mid-century ideal could only be maintained by strictly controlled media channels and said consensus became frayed as the cable system expanded. now the internet supersedes television's function so the legacy corporations from the golden age of network tv desperately mimic internet forms to try to maintain their lost control. the censorship you refer to only afflicts one specific pacified sector of the internet but the wrongthink just gets chased into newer areas. it's dialectical materialism in real time

>> No.15553140

conservatives can only conceive of the state of nature as the inversion of liberal order

>> No.15553156


>> No.15553168

That is not cope that's pointing out that even the example of ''''white nationalism''''' the guy found is being defended from the perspective of gay and womens rights, which are liberal progressive causes.

>> No.15553191

Sucks that the world is not the way you want it go be. Maybe fucking write a book to convince people to vote the way you want or something, but all you have said in this thread are platitudes with no firm basis in reality. Youve been btfo by multiple anons with multiple responses to why you arr incorrect. It is fine yo have your own beliefs but an inability to rectify your beliefs with actuality is suggestive of a latent mental illness flaring up.

>> No.15553202

Try to explain for example why you think the races are equal when all available evidence indicates that they are not.

>> No.15553216
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The twenty-first century will be filled with millions of writers, artists and musicians. A real abundance of art and new ideas began. But what value is it if made by the hands of slaves?

>> No.15553224
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Dude I've caught on to your writing style, you're in like every thread trying to stir shit with people by being aggressively normie. You always stick around and reply to each one of your replies trying to get the last word. It's the most pathetic thing I've ever seen in my life. You should probably do something more productive with your time, but I know you won't.

>> No.15553233

I don't understand the question, everyone is going to be different based on genetic and epigenetic expression and as a result will have slightly different natural capabilities. This is not controversial unless you are anti-science. Again I think you are exhibiting classic signs of mental illness and would suggest you see a professional.

>> No.15553242

>It will go on forever.
I highly doubt it.

>> No.15553247
File: 396 KB, 1422x1626, 1590795332438.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Another classic sign of mental illness. While I am reaponding here while I slowly fall asleep, I only post in one or teo threads per week. You radically underestimate the size of 4chans userbase.
Pic related, im assuming it is the face you made when you though you had me with your ad hominem gotche post.

>> No.15553253

There are significant differences in IQ between blacks and whites in the US, which create imbalances in wealth and educational achievement, as well as crime rates. The Democrats have for decades used this imbalance as evidence that blacks are being oppressed by white racism. Since the gaps will never close, it is and endless source of political agitation to be used to attack whites.

All of this is forbidden to be said in mainstream society, which is the subject of this thread.

>> No.15553255

>society works best when people are free to do as they want
I also highly doubt that : there's a few nutjobs out there, would you really want them to do as they please?

>> No.15553269

Ah yes and the mental illness comez out in force. It is [group]'s fault that I dislike [group] and cannot call them subhumans in polite company. This is tyranny!

>> No.15553289

The literature on IQ is well established, replicated dozens of times over the decades. The justification for affirmative action and anger against whites is similarly uncontroversially the existence of these differences in outcomes.

>> No.15553300

take your meds

>> No.15553306

Dude you always do this shit where you call the person mentally ill with a super condescending tone trying to get people to sperg out at you. You have a really easy to catch writing pattern. I'd link your posts but the threads are pruned. I'm not going to waste any more of my time on you since you're inevitably going to reply to this post. Just dropping by to let you know it's just really fucking sad and pathetic.

>> No.15553310

Well I hooe you find a community that accepts you so that you all can be happy without minorities around and take care of yourself. Oh wait, youre going to bitch that you deserve all the benefits society and the social contract bring but demand you not be held accountable to the agreed upon rules yourself. I dont understand what your problem is. If you hate a group then dont be around it, but you don't deserve a place in society just because you are born, people are welcome to ostracize you for being a cunt if they please. And guess what, such things happened before the advent of democracy.

>> No.15553313
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Pic related for example is the correlation with crime of poverty, unemployment, and percentage black and hispanic, showing clearly that it is not poverty or unemployment responsible for the extremely high rates of black crime.

>> No.15553318

I didn't propose any policies. The only one I would propose is race-blind aptitude testing for schools and jobs.

>> No.15553323
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A super intelligence will be smart enough to understand that variation is the defense against getting wiped out by a single unknown freak event. If a brainlet like me understands this, surely super intelligent tyrants will be smart enough to plan for their own blindspots and would purposefully allow variation of many suboptimal configurations.

>> No.15553324
File: 47 KB, 468x473, 1591567128557.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's a proven lived experience of POCs that numbers are racist, anon.

>> No.15553332

without data on other factors, such as the number of police officers assigned to areas based on population and area size, and additionally the racial and socioeconomic makeup of the police force, these numbers are top suspect to take on face value.
If you had ever taken a single statistics class you would not be making such poor arguments.

>> No.15553335

This pepe is freaking me the fuck out guys

>> No.15553343

You yourself have not presented any number at all. Can you give an example of a black population with crime rates similar to those of whites?

>> No.15553355

Here's a prime example of why you don't argue with a pseud. Whatever argument you provide will not be addressed, and they will make up whatever reason to justify their denial. Reminder that if you argue with an idiot you'll never win. Don't even bother with people like this.

>> No.15553365

You have complained about society not allowing you to speak what you think is true. This is not going to change as the majority disagree with you with good reason and your arguments are similar to those of schizophrenics, meandering all over the place with ideas that seem to fit together on first glance but without any actual evidence (some graphs that do not pass statistical rigor do not constitute proof, lol). And also I do not see where in my post I mentioned you proposing any policies, is this another example of your mind pulling together some idea where there was none?

>> No.15553376

The burden of proof is on the one presenting the ideas you retard. You still have not proven how people not liking what you say is equivalent to censorship and how it is going to "get worse" or whatever your thesis was in the original post.

>> No.15553381

It is a fact that mainstream society doesn't allow discussion of this topic. It is also a fact that all available evidence, eg. IQ scores, brain sizes, gdp per capita, crime rates, point towards race differences. This is a good example of something where the evidence obviously points in one direction, but it is forbidden to speak about it, and not only that, but laws are passed based on the assumption that the opposite of what the evidence says is true.

You can provide no evidence for your position of relative equality of the races.

>> No.15553382

based wise sageanon

>> No.15553384
File: 138 KB, 1539x926, 1516tg21.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how do you explain pic related? also why are you using pictures from Color of Crime, a report published by white supremacist Jared Taylor? Is that really the best source you have?

>> No.15553392
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>The burden of proof is on the one presenting the ideas
>Throws out mental health accusations like it's going out of style
lmao you're an actual retard

>> No.15553393

Anyone noticed an uptick in /leftypol/ shills with chips on their shoulders lately? I've noticed some really dishonest ones and they're always butthurt about "the state of /lit/."

>> No.15553398

Here is a good overview of some of the data for race differences. You are welcome to provide evidence that there are no race differences if you have any.

The process of anti-white rhetoric and legislation has been accelerating but there are no statistical studies about that, it is simply obvious, you only deny it because you are a dishonest and cowardly person.

>> No.15553406

the reality is that liberalism necessitates an inversion of the natural order

even this phenomenon you invert

>> No.15553410

Anyone who publishes accurate data about race will be called a white supremacist, regardless of the data showing East Asians as having higher IQs and lower crime rates than whites.

>> No.15553415

How much of your worldview is based on falsifiable internet pictures? I'm glad you're enjoying your first year on 4chan, but please return to your containment board.

>> No.15553421


>> No.15553425

Lol how many times are you going to be bumping your own thread? You know people see the number of unique posters in a thread go up when new people post? Is this why you project so hard on people being the same poster all over the board? If many people have suggested you're crazy, maybe they are onto something.

>> No.15553427

No one's buying your diversion tactics, tranny. Kill yourself.

>> No.15553431

There is no evidence in existence that shows racial equality, try to post some.

>> No.15553434

I am >>15553427 and one of the replies you linked was me.

>> No.15553436

I'm fine to continue posting the evidence for race differences with you as an example of the antiracist side not having an argument, which is what happens every time.

>> No.15553439

>Your ideas are bad if other people dont like them

Have you ever heard a more NPC tier take? Appeal to popularity is the worst form of validation you can get for credibility. News flash, most humans are stupid animals who dont know what is good or bad for themselves. They are mindless sheep who regurgitate whatever the state/media tells them to say. These people (like you) have no autonomy, no self agency, they have never had an original thought in their lives. If people dont like my ideas is usually because they are too stupid to understand them, and they have been programmed to reject them by their masters. They would never do any research to understand my ideals because that would mean breaking the conditioning, which they could never do.

>> No.15553441

Name one unequivocally piece of antiwhite legislation that has been passed in the United States (as in this mentions whites and you arent putting together a conspiracy in your head about how whites will be damaged because you have to pay taxes)

>> No.15553449

I wish you would examine the internal consistancy of your worldview. If moet humans are idiot animals you should have no problem convincing them that your ideas are correct if you are so superior to them.

>> No.15553451

affirmative action legislation promotes race quotas which make it legal to discriminate against whites in the name of hiring less competent blacks.

>> No.15553456

There is no reason to think that humans believe things because they are sensible, and it is in fact obviously not true considering the speed at which public opinion changes, often contradicting opinions held only 10 years earlier.

>> No.15553461
File: 9 KB, 479x182, retard detected.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Funny how you accuse others of being schizophrenic. Again, nobody bother with this idiot.

>> No.15553465

Please link me to a state or federal statute with race-related quotas in the United States. You will not find any.

>> No.15553466

> will be called a white supremacist
except Taylor is actually a pretty open white supremacist who believes living with other races make life worse for white Americans. Its not just part of some larger data project hes working on, showing statistics that make blacks look bad compared to whites has been his life's work for the last 30 years.

Don't you think it weakens your argument if all your facts come from such a biased source?

>> No.15553471

The statistics themselves are fine, and are in line with every other piece of evidence, such as the complete absence of a single prosperous black city on earth.

>> No.15553473

Anon you know that this person is not going to admit that. They will simply claim it is their area of academic interest or something. They are not participating in this debate with an open mind.

>> No.15553477

>every other piece of evidence,
could you post some of that other evidence than, instead of leading with documents published by a pro-eugenics white supremacist think tank.

Seems like an odd and biased choice for someone who has a "scientific" argument

>> No.15553479

>. In 1986, the Supreme Court ruled that courts could order race-based quotas to fight discrimination in worker unions in Sheet Metal Workers' International Association v. EEOC, 478 U.S. 42. In 1987, in Johnson v. Transportation Agency, Santa Clara County, California, 480 U.S. 616, the Supreme Court ruled that sex or race was a factor that could be considered in a pool of qualified candidates by employers

>> No.15553486

yes but they always leave or ignore it when I actually prove them wrong. Its funnier watching them try to play dumb and act like they don't know who Jared Taylor is

>> No.15553487



and you cannot dismiss evidence by insulting the person who has amassed it. You yourself cannot provide a shred of evidence for racial equality, only try to dismiss the evidence against it.

>> No.15553488

Not the anon you're talking to but I'd rather see a falsification of the data than a circumstantial ad hominem attack against the author. Taylor has biases but it's only within your worldview (which is exactly the thing you're trying to prove the validity of here) that he is evil and tainted by it, and willing to do anything underhanded to spin the data and trick people into buying it.

To me it seems like he would have an equally good reason not to spin the data. It's going to be scrutinized by people like you. Presumably he would only present data he's highly confident in.

>> No.15553491

in b4 >>15553465 moves the goalposts again.

>> No.15553506

Do you have a source on that?


A source. I need a source.

Sorry, I mean I need a source that explicitly states your argument. This is just tangential to the discussion.

No, you can't make inferences and observations from the sources you've gathered. Any additional comments from you MUST be a subset of the information from the sources you've gathered.

You can't make normative statements from empirical evidence.

Do you have a degree in that field?

A college degree? In that field?

Then your arguments are invalid.

No, it doesn't matter how close those data points are correlated. Correlation does not equal causation.

Correlation does not equal causation.


You still haven't provided me a valid source yet.

Nope, still haven't.

>> No.15553507

If your research shows that venomous snakes are dangerous but you also have claimed you don't want to live around venomous snakes, then clearly your research was just biased.

>> No.15553508

Okay so the courts ruled that quotas can be used to fight discrimination, thatcwas thr extent of it. It is boy a law demanding quotas as you seem to believe.
I am beginning to believe you are trying to argue in bad faith.

>> No.15553518

>, the Supreme Court ruled that courts could order race-based quotas
>It is boy a law demanding quotas

>> No.15553525

Nothing I said is contradictory. These people are stupid, and stupid people tend to listen to whoever is loudest. In this case that would be the state. When people are being bombarded by state propaganda every waking hour of the day my voice will be drowned out. I could reach a few of the more intelligent individuals out there, but the masses would never listen because that would mean breaking from the pack, which NPCs would never do. And even then the intelligent, non NPC's might continue to conform out of fear of being ostracized from society.

>> No.15553530

Called it.

>> No.15553543

or look at this
>In May 2015, a coalition of more than 60 Asian-American organizations filed federal complaints with the Education and Justice Departments against Harvard University. The coalition asked for a civil rights investigation into what they described as Harvard's discriminatory admission practices against Asian-American applicants.[143][144][145][146] The complaint asserts that recent studies indicate that Harvard has engaged in systematic and continuous discrimination against Asian Americans in its "holistic" admissions process. Asian-American applicants with near-perfect test scores, top-one-percent grade point averages, academic awards, and leadership positions are allegedly rejected by Harvard because the university uses racial stereotypes, racially differentiated standards, and de facto racial quota

That same thing happens to whites too, only they're not even allowed to get mad about it.

>> No.15553550

>insulting the person
I simply reminded the thread of Taylors job. If you consider being an avowed white supremacist an insult that's your opinion on it.
>You yourself cannot provide a shred of evidence for racial equality
I don't know what "racial equality" means here.
>cannot dismiss evidence
main problems I am seeing in the first 2 pages alone are 1-multiple citations of Murray's discredited and politicized Bell Curve. and 2-you assume that a 15 pt IQ difference must mean minorities are dumber, but there is a large body of scholarly work criticizing the concept of IQ as a measure of intelligence. Even the assumption that 1 number (IQ score) can quantify a person's complete social and economic value seems spurious
>try to dismiss the evidence
all I said is that citing a white supremacist publication seems a little biased.

>> No.15553556

I asked you fora law and you gave me a court opinion saying certain things could be mandated in very specific cases (combating discrimination, which is not the same thing as achieving equal representation in a group). So I am sorry to say that it is you who has moved the goalposts. A court ruling is not a law (something being called case law does not in fact make it law). This ruling is saying that the government can put in place quotas when it has determined that there is discrimination going on, it ia not outright forcing people to hire folks who cannot perform the job. You keep grasping at straws to try and prove your worldview but the evidence just is not there, Im sorry mate.

>> No.15553557

I believe you are both mistaken having an explicit racial quota for college admission has been illegal since 2003 per Gratz v. Bollinger

>> No.15553559

The Bell Curve is not even vaguely discredited among anyone in the field. IQ is predictive for many outcomes, which are relevant here in addressing disparities between races in the US, which disparities are used as justification for AA.

>> No.15553560

They pick up these mindless platitudes from eachother all the time. They see the same opinions and talking points regurgitated by everyone they like, instead of actually understanding the topic. They think "can you provide a source?" means "bad man who disagrees will stop". He will walk away from this conversation thinking he was your intellectual superior.

>> No.15553571

Wow and this also is not a law, it is a private institution accepting the students they want. While I may not agree with what they do, this still is not an example of quotas being legislated you dumb fucking idiot. dont you get tired of being wrong with every post you make?

>> No.15553576

Satan used to be more eloquent.

And with that, it seemed to be the end.

You didn't respond to the argument, and seem to think no one else will notice. Sigh I guess >>15553355 is correct.

With numbers of killings so small and life so complex I'd expect what you are seeing is noise.

>> No.15553583

The government can force companies to hire a quota of certain races. Yes that is discrimination backed by law

>> No.15553587

You didn't ask ME for anything. I just accurately predicted that no source provided would ever be enough for you and that you would move the goalposts, which you did. Didn't bother reading past "law" because you're a moron who isn't worth anybody's time. As stated here >>15553355

>> No.15553592

You are getting angry because of the vast amount of evidence of racial discrimination in job hiring and university acceptance being upheld by the government that is being shown to you. You know you can't argue against this so youll try to weasel out of it

>> No.15553597

100% this

Notable examples from the largest demographic suffering from cognitive dissonance and amnesia: The Left.

1990s: Illegal Immigration hurts the working class and should be stopped.

Today: No human is illegal! Everyone has a right to be here! In fact, dont call them illegal they are just "undocumented!"

2000s: Gays are sick perverts who should not have the right to marry.

2010s: Love is love bigot! Everyone should be allowed to marry.

2008: War is bad for America, we need to pull our troops out of Iraq. Obama will finally bring our boys home.

2016: We need to go to war with the evil Russians! They are a threat to "our democracy" and are ruining everything!

There are plenty more examples but I think you guys get the point. Leftiods are always changing their beliefs based on whatever the state wants them to think. This is an issue for humans in general but it is more pronounced in the American Left. Point is, popular opinion is a terrible metric to judge the credibility of any idea. Ideas need to be judged based on how they work in practice along with all consequences, not shitty appeals to popularity.

>> No.15553598

Ausfag here, this was essentially true for high school. I go to Adelaide Uni now and the intro to English course is pozzed. Had a great curriculum two years ago which included Dickens, Wilde, Woolf, Pynchon among others. This cow Meg Samuelson replaced it with Toni Morrison, Crusoe and Coetzee, essentially turning it into postcolonialism 101. Not sure if anyone has had a similar experience

>> No.15553612

It seems small but this is how you kill a nation. Cut people off from their traditions. Every class full of kids who didn't read Shakespeare multiple times, enough times for love of him to settle in, has at least one kid in it who might have been a future intellectual serving his people.

>> No.15553615

Pointing out your bad arguments is in no way based in anger. If anything I am getting a great deal of amusement out of this.
I already told you earlier in the thread I am not arguing with the premise there is slight differences in different populations of humans. It is just laughable that you make a thread trying to be a crypto-racist and claiming it is about freedom of speech, but so quickly and easily fall into bait and reveal your true intentions. You must have a minority-level IQ if you can have the wool pulled over your eyes so easily.

>> No.15553621

post body OP

>> No.15553625

>The Bell Curve is not even vaguely discredited
thats a lie. Not only have Murray's conclusions about IQ been widely discredited. But the book itself has ridiculous political bias with its anti-welfare policy recommendations.

>IQ is predictive for many outcomes,
you are wrong this statement is hotly contested among modern science. This article links 5 studies that question IQ value in the first 2 paragraphs >https://theconversation.com/the-iq-test-wars-why-screening-for-intelligence-is-still-so-controversial-81428

>> No.15553631

>slight differences in different populations of humans.
Very significant differences.

If you want to pretend it isn't racial discrimination backed by the state for the Ivy League schools to have these de facto quotas, and for companies to all be expected or in certain cases forced to have them as well, then you can. Nobody finds this convincing, it's slimy, dishonest behavior.

>> No.15553635

>I was only pretending to be a retard

>> No.15553640

this is whining gibberish about random bullshit

Link to the studies showing that IQ isn't predictive for many outcomes.

>> No.15553654

>this is whining gibberish about random bullshit
could you please engage with the facts instead of doing desperate ad hominems?

all the links to IQ studies are on that page try to summon the massive effort of scrolling down 3 inches and clicking a hyperlink. I realize its asking a lot.

>> No.15553668

I opened one of them and it was a study that showed that poor kids performed better on some test(not even an IQ test) when they were told it wasn't about intelligence. If you think this in any way shows that the decades of replicated studies showing IQ predicting for life outcomes are flawed you are simply retarded.

The rest of the article was crying about eugenics or something so I concluded it was idiotic and not worth reading.

>> No.15553675
File: 262 KB, 700x394, EW-gQaPXQAIjs1H.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>could you please engage with the facts instead of doing desperate ad hominems?

>> No.15553681

You haven't shown "decades of studies" about life outcomes so far ITT I have seen a /pol/ image macro of crime rates and a paper that leans on Murray's discredited Bell Curve. Where are these decades of replicated studies predicting life outcomes? link them.

I showed evidence you're wrong and now you're seething. Sorry thats what happens when you say dumb shit

>> No.15553687

You did not show evidence I was wrong you linked me to a trash article with links to studies that don't evne come close to analyzing the IQ data.

>> No.15553699

here is a paper showing the relation between IQ and income

>> No.15553700

Just stop engaging with this guy. He's not going to stop replying. He's going to keep changing the subject, and he's going to come away from this thinking he was a super genius either way.

>> No.15553701

>close to analyzing the IQ data.
what IQ data? you never posted any. Im supposed to be analyzing imaginary data you never posted? you're an idiot

>> No.15553708

And the Bell Curve is not 'discredited', you have no idea what you're talking about.

>> No.15553711

j-just stop talking to the person proving nazis wrong h-he doesn't know what hes saying hes so evil!!!

>> No.15553719

You haven't even begun to 'prove nazis wrong'. Supposing you managed to argue against IQ(you won't be able to), you'd then have to deal with the other evidence, like brain sizes, and you know the complete nonexistence of a single functioning black country.

You have ZERO argument, nothing to back up your position.

>> No.15553731

You can just keep ignoring him while he masturbates about his clearly 500+ IQ. He'll try to engage but all he should get is silence because he isn't mentally competent enough to engage in conversation. Refer to >>15553355 . Idiots always get the last word. He'll probably stick around and post a bit in a desperate attempt to get more (You)s but don't bother with him.

>> No.15553737

>author Murray, Charles
hmmm where have I heard that name before...

>not 'discredited



none of that is relevant I am not arguing about medical science I am arguing about the people drawing social and political conclusions from this supposed genetic inferiority. I bet you get really scared when it seems like people are leaving your cult

>> No.15553765

>while molecular genetic markers can predict educational attainment, we find little evidence for the proposition that we are becoming increasingly genetically stratified.
It confirms genetic influence on life outcomes, and disagrees with the assortative mating theory. Not even going to reply to a Slate or SA article, that's not actual research.

>none of that is relevant
All of that is relevant, it is more evidence for race differences. Reminder once again there is 0 evidence that the races have the same abiltiies on average.

>> No.15554692
File: 8 KB, 225x225, ewfjdkjsfk.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be 14
>repeating racist jokes i red in mongolian poterry forum last day
>someone BLUEPILLED says I AM RUDE
>be OP
>make cringe thread on /lit/
>2015 migrants from reddit tell me i am indeed redpilled
>sigh of relied

>> No.15554727

>If you study literature at any respectable uni, you will be studying the greats.
Someone clearly didn't study lit at a respectable uni because I did and it was a dumpster fire.

>> No.15554996

>wanting things

>> No.15555022

Yeah, I’m a britbong, went to Bristol uni and it was much the same there, if not worse. My final year was entirely post colonial and slave narratives. The post-colonial stuff was actually pretty interesting because the tutor was a monstrous Chad but the slave narratives were insufferable, not least of all because everyone in the room was white middle-class including the lecturer.

>> No.15555050

The whole idea of liberalism is built on the idea that all people are fundamentally the same. That's why any demographic differences in society like blacks committing more crimes and men dominating stem are seen as signs of discrimination. Not only because that is the only argument which would uphold the liberal doctrine, but also because it allows followers of the liberal doctrine to enforce policies which shape society in such a way which would support the assumptions of the liberal doctrine. The core idea here being that if everyone are fundamentally equal, a fair society would be one where everyone are represented proportionally to their overall demographic. Hence why liberals believe in a system of equality of outcome rather than its equivalent of equality of opportunity. But sadly for the liberals, we live in the real world, where people's genetics determine more than just their appearance.

We live in a world where liberals are infesting the very roots of our society, most of all the educational system, where children and young adults alike are indoctrinated into these beliefs. As a result, our society has, especially in recent years, grown a strong stigma for anything related to identity, especially race and sex. So much so that some even refuse to even acknowledge their very existence. Because doing so would expose the cognitive dissonance between liberal beliefs and reality. Liberalism has placed a taboo upon human identity despite it being an integrate part of us humans, it is something that's very dangerous to the integrity of these liberal beliefs.