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/lit/ - Literature

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15552310 No.15552310 [Reply] [Original]

i didnt get invited to the secret club :(

what are some books i can read to start my own secret club, but for retards?

>> No.15552319

The entire For Dummies series. That means it's aimed at dummies, not that there are 4 of them.

>> No.15552325

blood meridian
120 days in sodom
american psycho

>> No.15552335

KEK Bro, there is this guy named Strindberg, he is legit af. I read 2 of his essays and they are quite cool. Check those out. They are easy reads and are about his life.

>> No.15552338


>> No.15552340
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>didn't get in
might as well quit, anon

>> No.15552344

I got in 4 times.

>> No.15552345

you can join the Boston Bro-Men, but only if you're not an out of towner yuppie college fag.

>> No.15552354

Rapture seems like a midwit cringelord. You take a glance at who our elites are and can imagine what he and his circle are like.
Also his services seem superfluous and non-productive because university libraries, courses and libgen exist.
You yourself are a massive pseud for applying to him.

>> No.15552377
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These are pedophile, cannibalistic cults

I want my secret society for frens


ikea dude? what does he say about secret societies?



what do you guys do, will i make frens

u sound like a mean retard

>> No.15552388

if you want a secret society, you’ve gotta fuck a few kids
i don’t make the rules

>> No.15552395
File: 8 KB, 204x247, download.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bible doesn't say that

>> No.15552409

Dont join a secret society if your a Christian. They are often hotbeds of sin

>> No.15552412

and yet...

>> No.15552418

our society is a hotbed of sin fren, but jc has shown me that i have the free will to resist

>> No.15552427

Aye anon. Just avoid them imo so they dont influence you :)

>> No.15552456

You were rejected because rapture hate Christians and is the Antichrist

>> No.15552545
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>> No.15552571

what are you talking about, we accept all retards no questions asked. just fax in your application with a completed IQ test to jack’s mom

>> No.15552576
File: 66 KB, 658x901, 1516139611859.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

idk how to fax

>> No.15552612

Lol seethe harder pleb
To go from a rapture thread to this..holy shit the absolute state of this board

>> No.15552634

that’s the trick, anyone who actually sends an application never gets in
welcome to the family!!

>> No.15552640

good Lord, to go from the quality of a Boston Bro-Men thread to this "rapture" speudery...
the absolute stat of /lit/...

>> No.15552666

I think he's the guy who will like mail you thousands of academic books for free if you ask him and he likes you.

>> No.15552711

What is this secret club and where do I apply?
>tfw you will never be secretly guided into Turmgesellschaft

>> No.15552723

it’s a club for likeminded readers with malleable minds :)
join my discord for more info

>> No.15552728

just shoot a fax to 'ol cousin Jackie's mum, she'll get you the deets

>> No.15552773

You seem not to like them. May I ask why? I don't know anything about this club.
A fax is the last thing I would shoot at Jackie's mother.

>> No.15552776

i like the Boston bros very much and was recruited recently, join us!

>> No.15552778

To go from a rapture thread to this..holy shit the absolute state of this board

>> No.15553086

you weren't even raptured, do not dare look my way. avoid my shadow

>> No.15553588


>> No.15553617

What's Rapture?

>> No.15553628

some namefag trying to be /lit/'s equivalent of the "Q" meme on /pol/

it's weird reading one of their threads at first, they all talk as if it's the biggest sensation on /lit/ and everyone's been talking about this guy for months/years but it's some random dude and everybody in the thread seems like newfags. it's basically a zoomer LARP.

>> No.15553713

seethe harder pleb

>> No.15553943

I have a hard time taking a guy seriously when of all places he chooses 4chan to advertise his book club.

>> No.15553949

Lmao this. It's obvious that it's mostly one dude samefagging, trying to make the impression that he's more important than he actually is.

>> No.15554307

Say NO to Anti-4Chanism!

>> No.15554333

lmfao, how will Rapture ever recover?
>bro, did you ask me a basic question about my organization's purpose? do you happen to work in marketing/PR? I don't get that question often
imagine being surrounded by airheaded yesmen all the time to the point where simple questions impress you. this guy is a veritable case of affluenza except for pseuds

>> No.15554356
File: 8 KB, 250x196, 9C9D6F31-8C31-4726-BF63-44343855208B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just got accepted to an even more secret club

>> No.15554382
File: 382 KB, 1280x1668, 1590401428988.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mfw I'm Grandmaster Ultramage Level 90 in my very own monomemberal secret club chamber

>> No.15554407

Shopping for members on /lit/ is pretty cringe. I went to Harvard for my masters and met more than a few autists hanging near the Starbucks on Harvard Square. They each had access to some “secret” knowledge or were preparing their manifestos blah blah blah. A few were legitimately insane.

This rapture kid appears cut from the same cloth. I’d be leery of this library clearly in a basement in Somerville no doubt.

>> No.15554420

>They each had access to some “secret” knowledge or were preparing their manifestos blah blah blah.
I once overheard a conversation in Harvard square about people paying other people to ghostwrite their manifestos.

>> No.15554476

so there IS money in shitposting

>> No.15554496

you all realize rapture is guenon poster, right? Pay attention to the stylometry

>> No.15554539

I’m just going to point out that this dude has a 40+ person thread with 260 replies, had 4 threads built around him by others just in order to chimp out and complain that they weren’t selected into some ducking stupid club of his
You faggots post and suck his dick so much you don’t see the gross and blind hypocrisy here?
Seethe more you stupid cunts. I hate rapture but I fucking hate you plebs more, can’t even exist outside the fucking shadow of this fsggot

>> No.15554549

>tfw you played multiple different posters who convinced Rapturefag to send an invitation, only to reject his offer and then BTFO him
God this guy is who stupid. not even midwit tier

>> No.15555942
File: 30 KB, 217x403, zsnkAAF02_14smolhs .jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>getting rejected by rapture
unironically one of my greatest fears as a Christcuck who doesn't attend church

>> No.15555967

40 : 270 person to post ratio is low, honestly encourages suspicions that he samefags hard

>> No.15556014

Haven't been on in the past few days, give me the basic gestalt over this rapture retardation.