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15547888 No.15547888[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What are some books that will undo the race realism blackpill?

>> No.15547899

Just stop reading anything written pre-ww2.

>> No.15547900

>race realism
Just say racism.

>> No.15547902

Leftists have rendered that word completely meaningless.

>> No.15547906

Look up Jane Elliot

>> No.15547912

the bell curve

>> No.15547914

No they haven't. You're on 4chan, what leftists are you even interacting with?

>> No.15547937

Racist used to mean someone who looks down on others due to the color of their skin. Now leftists are saying every white person is racist just because of the color of their skin.

>> No.15547946

But you are considered a racist under either definition. And you are, in fact, a racist. So what's the problem?

>> No.15547954

Yea at this point "Racist" is just an anti-White slur

>> No.15547955

Undo, you fucknut.

>> No.15547969

Yes, I am racist because I'm white, even though I'm not even american (nor western, for that matter).

>> No.15547981

have you tried having sex?

>> No.15547990

But you are a racist. I could see you being unhappy if you were called a racist but you weren't actually one, but you are actually one. You are racist, why would you take issue with someone calling you racist?

>> No.15547993

This, but with a black man.

>> No.15548012

>But you are a racist
Not according to the original definition. I don't believe any race is superior to other and don't judge individuals according to the color of their skin.
I am white, though, so according to you I'm a racist.

>> No.15548015

I prefer the term bigot, it's straight to the point and accurate, especially when dealing with /pol/

>> No.15548016

>I don't believe any race is superior to other and don't judge individuals according to the color of their skin.
Then in what way are you a "race realist"?
>I am white, though, so according to you I'm a racist.
I never said that.

>> No.15548021

>google the word "bigot"
>a person who is intolerant towards those holding different opinions.
Sounds like every leftist ever.

>> No.15548032

As opposed to right wingers who are intolerant towards people based on their dna or degree of racial purity

>> No.15548034

No one aside from you has said you're racist just for being white. Race realism is just code for racism though, let's not beat around the bush here

>> No.15548039

I am a race realist in that I believe that there are differences in races. Blacks tend to be more athletic, whites tend to have higher IQs than blacks, asians and jews tend to have higher IQs than whites. Asians tend to have smaller dicks than whites, blacks bigger dicks than whites. I could go on and on...
Acknowledging statisical biological differences between races makes you a race realist.

>> No.15548045

Does this acknowledgement affect your behavior in any way?

>> No.15548065

that only happens on /pol/

>> No.15548069

Do you consider the Uber Eats to only make delivery free for black owned businesses racist?

>> No.15548076

The culture of critique

>> No.15548077

>believing there are genetic variations among human populations
This isn't what people mean when they say race realist, there's always more baggage attached what "race realists" mean. So let's say there's various genetic features across the spectrum of humanity, what do you mean by that and what implications are you pushing towards? For example do you believe that miscegenation should be illegal? Should brown people be round up and segregated from the rest of society? Do you believe that some people are more human than others?

>> No.15548082

Yes, If I didn't acknowledge it I wouldn't have made this post.

>> No.15548086

>This isn't what people mean when they say race realist
it literally is though

>> No.15548087

Total non-sequitur, very cool.

>> No.15548093

But how does it affect your behavior outside of 4chan?

>> No.15548094

Read these science studies that were landmarks in dissolving race realism:

>> No.15548095

What's wrong with being a race realist, anon?
Everyone accepts there are differences between individuals and between groups. (Those who don't are just tricking themselves :0)
Why look at these differences in a negative light?
The contrast between things is usually what defines them as valuable to different people for different reasons,
not to mention variation preceeds a variation in expressions just as it does on the individual level.
Celebrate these differences, maintain these differences, capitalise on the good and account the best you can for the bad.
There's nothing you need to read to undo this blackpill you think you've taken.
All you need is to gain a more positive perspective on the differences you see in the world and in others.
Racism is quite alright, OP. It's what you do with it that matters.

>> No.15548096

Yikes. Let's unpack this. You did a racism. You did an imperialism. You did a nationalism. You did a xenophobia. You did a white fragility. You did a no growth. This makes it abundantly clear you don't even understand the intersectional nature of the multiplicity of your offenses.

>> No.15548099

No it's not, stormfags are slippery and deceptive and they've always been this way. They start off trying to be reasonable, trying to trick people into believing that they're rational, until somehow you end up in a situation where suddenly genocide and cruelty towards people is "necessary"

>> No.15548106

My dude, you can't plant your flag of academic language to conquer debates.

>> No.15548111

>saying my dude
>falling for obvious bait
Very funny.

>> No.15548112

>everyone I don’t like is a stormfag nazi genocider
conspiracy theories belong on >>>/pol/ or >>>/x/, take your pick

>> No.15548121

my dude, you seem to be unable to distinguish between sincerity and irony. yikes.

>> No.15548122

You wont need to bicker with pseuds in this thread if you read this. Don't waste your time itt

>> No.15548126

>Nevertheless, without using prior information about the origins of individuals, we identified six main genetic clusters, five of which correspond to major geographic regions
uh oh anon, you accidentally posted the study proving race realism :/

>> No.15548130

/pol/ is unironically the most racially diverse place on the chans. People denying it obviously just shitpost about the board without having ever been there. That's also a reason for it being a shithole.

>> No.15548135

Just pick up any recent book on genetics/genomics.

>> No.15548136

>This isn't what people mean when they say race realist, there's always more baggage attached what "race realists" mean
Stating what I did is what got Watson stripped of all his awards and shunned.
>So let's say there's various genetic features across the spectrum of humanity
Just publicly acknowledging this would get you fired from your job today.
As for me personally,
> For example do you believe that miscegenation should be illegal?
>Should brown people be round up and segregated from the rest of society?
Lmao no, this is an idea that only leftists consider.
I do believe in the right of free association. if there is a community that lives in a town and unanimously decides they don't want black people moving in, that should be made possible. Same with black communities.
In my own country there are extremely few black people: it's largely ethnically homogeneous. I think that's a good thing because none of the numerous problems of multiculturalism that you see in the US right now present themselves to us.
>Do you believe that some people are more human than others?
Absolutely. For example, I believe the sadistic nazi doctors who experimented on humans were subhuman. A lot of hard drug addicts are subhuman as well because essentially they have no free will and are not able to think rationally.

>> No.15548138

Not my diary desu

>> No.15548141

I was complimenting you on your hilarious ironic post. That's why I said "very funny".

>> No.15548144

It doesn't. I live in an ethnically homogeneous country so it doesn't need to.
That wasn't an argument but a question.

>> No.15548150

The left simply SEETHES when you notice racial differences yet refuse to hate people. They must maintain the "hate" narrative in an attempt to deflect intelligent people from exploring the ideas of race realism. Fooled me for years, but I took the red pill, woke up, and discovered that you can be aware of the reality of racial differences and still be a good person. When I finally pened my eyes I saw that it is really the Left that is full of hatred and ressentiment (as FN put it)which drives their outlook on life, and causes them to project their own hatred outward on any who dare not think the way they want them to think.

>> No.15548158

Stop posting this retarded meme copypasta

>> No.15548164

>if there is a community that lives in a town and unanimously decides they don't want black people moving in
That's racist. Regardless of whether or not it's right, it is racist to exclude people based on their race. You are racist. I'm not accusing you of being a bad person and I'm not saying you're wrong. I'm just saying that you are racist because you are.

>> No.15548171

try reading the whole thing lmao

>> No.15548172

>It doesn't. I live in an ethnically homogeneous country so it doesn't need to.
So why make a thread like this? If it affects you in no way, how is it a "blackpill"?

>> No.15548173

So you can acknowledge that blacks have a lower IQ, but what conclusions are you drawing from that?

>> No.15548174

Yes, I've noticed they are way more hateful than the right wing people. For example, they seem to associate IQ with value as a human being. If you're saying that someone is low IQ, that means they're of low value. That means they look down on all retards (actual <80IQ people) as subhumans, a thing I've never seen a right wing people do. It's so bizarre. Right wing people tend to see inherent value in all human beings.

>> No.15548186

wOah, my guy, you shouldn't denigrate the entire mentally handicapped population by using such pejorative terms

>> No.15548188

Reich was my entry point to the full enchilada.
So based, but not what OP is asking for.

>> No.15548189

>That's racist. Regardless of whether or not it's right, it is racist to exclude people based on their race. You are racist. I'm not accusing you of being a bad person and I'm not saying you're wrong. I'm just saying that you are racist because you are.
Under what definition of racism?
Do you believe every country that does not have an open borders policy is racist?
I'm not the OP. I am, however, a race realist.

>> No.15548195

Everybody acknowledges that there's differences between populations, what people are against is attempts at relegating people based solely on their skin color, and often what people mean when they "see differences" are something completely exaggerated, that they're probing for.
Free association in small communities is fine, but don't expect everyone else to hold the same standards.

>> No.15548199

>that you can be aware of the reality of racial differences and still be a good person
How so? How does your redpill knowledge actually affect the way you act?

>> No.15548201
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>> No.15548209

Niggers are trash, muslims are trash, dhalits are trash. You can try to whitewash them, they will be trash forever.

>> No.15548211

>Everybody acknowledges that there's differences between populations
Delusional. Just saying that will get you fired from your job. Just look at James Watson.
Try posting "there's inherent biological differences between populations" on facebook and see what happens, if you don't believe me.

>> No.15548220

>Under what definition of racism?
Discrimination or prejudice based on race.
>Do you believe every country that does not have an open borders policy is racist?
Of course not. If the policy is "no black people can come here" then yes, that would be racist.

>> No.15548225

>Delusional. Just saying that will get you fired from your job
doubt it, going on race rants in a multiracial work environment is another story.

>> No.15548237

Everyone has different abilities! IQ predicts for lots of things but it's not by any means the only thing that matters.
I dream of a world where different groups of people have the autonomy to govern themselves in ways that work the best for the differences in how they function on a collective level.
I'm happy to see this being done in certain respects in ethnically inspired methodologies in research, but why not extend this to governance?
Why restrict these peoples under the rules suited to a differently abled group of people? It doesn't seem fair at all.
We don't appreciate banter like that here, anon.

>> No.15548238

Rednecks like you are also trash

>> No.15548240

What he means is that a racist person is not a bad/evil person by default.

>> No.15548244

>Discrimination or prejudice based on race
Would you have reacted in the same way if the person who killed George Floyd was black? Obviously not. So according to your own definition, you're a racist, because you discriminate based on race.
Also let me ask again: do you believe that the new Uber Eats policy of only making deliveries free for black businesses to be racist?
>>Do you believe every country that does not have an open borders policy is racist?
>Of course not. If the policy is "no black people can come here" then yes, that would be racist.
What about universities' racial quotas? Do you consider them racist? Affirmative action?

>> No.15548247

>doubt it
Bot the other anon, but how deep into denial of reality do you need to go?

>> No.15548249

Post "there are inherent biological differences between races" on facebook and show results.

>> No.15548256

At least rednecks admit they’re trash and don’t try to hide it like everyone else LARPing as
>muh love not hate world peace bro we’re all like equal
Rednecks have real convictions which drive your stupid little dialect.

>> No.15548261

>Would you have reacted in the same way if the person who killed George Floyd was black? Obviously not. So according to your own definition, you're a racist, because you discriminate based on race.
Lot of assumptions there.
>Also let me ask again: do you believe that the new Uber Eats policy of only making deliveries free for black businesses to be racist?
Yes, that is racist.
>What about universities' racial quotas? Do you consider them racist?
Depends on the specific context.
>Affirmative action?
Depends on the specific context.
You're changing the discussion. My only point is that you are racist, and I think I've proven that.

>> No.15548265

You are racist.

>> No.15548267

I have. Race still exists.

>> No.15548281

I don't know how you came to that conclusion, but I guess I am to some degree.

>> No.15548284

Did you honestly just ask if exclusion of people based on their race... is racist?

>> No.15548286

Either autistic or dishonest

>> No.15548297

>um wow did you just ask to define a contentious term? wow I literally can’t even right now

>> No.15548308

How so? Post it and see for yourself if you don't believe me.

>> No.15548316


>> No.15548322

Very sad to see petty arguments and lexical semantics on this topic once again. I'm sur that's why OP used the term 'race realist' to try avoid this devolution. Hope you were able to get the recommendations you were lookign for, OP.

>> No.15548329

The smug progressist reveals himself, incapable of leaving his own preconceptions. Probably amerimuttoid too. Secure in repeating the meme that anyone not believing his new gospel can be dismissed as belonging to the set of people that it is ok to publicly hate among his peers (literally no one cares about rednecks outside the us).
I'd be surprised if rednecks spontaneously mentioned dhalits.
They are also on another level than niggers. Sure they're bad, but there are degrees, how is that 'no u too' even supposed to work.

>> No.15548331

Instead of just accepting that you are racist, you decided to get defensive and change the subject.

>> No.15548341

But I am not racist according to the old definition. I don't look down on people or mistreat them because of their race.
I'm only racist according to your new, meaningless, definition, by which almost all people are racist.

>> No.15548342

I am racist.

>> No.15548362

It's a clarifying question to understand your position on the matter more. Your answer would be very revealing of your thought process so it is relevant.

>> No.15548364

Discrimination or prejudice based on race has been considered racism for a very long time. It is not meaningless, and everyone is racist to some degree, you moreso than others.

>> No.15548372

What definition of racist don't include people who think it is fine to close borders on imigrants of a particular race?

>> No.15548389

Yeah american liberals love to blame rednecks for our woes while simultaneously saying theyre being left behind and are largely irreleavant at the same time. Basically their "Jews"

>> No.15548393

It's simple, being shitty towards people for no reason (someone being a particular race is not a valid reason for shittiness) is always uncool. The racist will pull up statistics of how xyz race is loathsome, but their hate extends to those who have never done malice towards them.

>> No.15548404

You're not racist, you're just a racial discriminatist! Hope this distinction makes you feel better.

>> No.15548411

The one's who believe in communities self-determination. I believe it is alright for an african country to close its borders to anyone the please just like an european country. That doesn't mean I close the door in my own house for such people, it's just that I respect other people's right to self-determination. The logic of how that makes me racist evades me.

>> No.15548423

Fine, you are not racist. You just take no issue with others being racist.

>> No.15548426


>> No.15548432

What’s wrong with being a racial discriminist?

>> No.15548436

the modern academic definition, for one

>> No.15548439

The sheer number of times you've changed what you meant by the word "racist" supports my point that the word was rendered completely meaningless in the past couple of decades.

>> No.15548440

The consensus is that most people in the west are fairly tolerant towards people as long as they assimilate, and it's the same anywhere else.

>> No.15548444

Nothing at all. Proudly scream it from the rooftops.

>> No.15548451

You jest, but there is truly no wrong doing in separating the wheat from the chaff.

>> No.15548456

I have not changed my definition a single time. I define it as discrimination or prejudice based on race and I have reiterated this several times.

>> No.15548468

Yet 10 times out of 10 the white supremacist is chaff tier

>> No.15548470

In the west, maybe.
China discriminates very much based on race. As a white foreigner, it's almost impossible to achieve the same legal status as a citizen. I don't take issue with China trying to keep their homogeneity.

>> No.15548481

Who said anything about racial supremacy? Each fits his societal niche where they fulfill their maximum human value. To suggest otherwise is antithetical.

>> No.15548488

But one race has to fit the highest societal niche.

>> No.15548492

Leftists are extremely hateful and believe IQ determines the worth of a human being.

>> No.15548494

>food analogy

>> No.15548499

>and it's the same anywhere else.
this is the level of delusion it takes to be a leftoid

>> No.15548500

Why talk about IQ at all if it doesn't determine anything?

>> No.15548508

I know. It's so baffling.

>> No.15548510

If you continue to view the Idea of Hierarchy from the racial standpoint, then yea, you will. Maybe you should try being utilitarian instead.

>> No.15548515

If it weren't for their government you would probably be able to assimilate just fine as long as you aren't completely autistic. Overall humans are the same everywhere, in spite of various differences.

>> No.15548516

It determines a lot of things, just not the value of a human being. It determines how well one is likely to do academically, how much money he's going to make in a technologically advanced society, what kind of job fits him &c&c...

>> No.15548518

just watch tv

>> No.15548521

The real blackpill isn't le epic race differences, it's that the only kind of successful political mobilization is done along ethnic lines, covertly or explicitly

>> No.15548522

>IQ isn't the only thing that determines the worth of a human being
>oh so it determines nothing haha gotcha
No one is dumb enough to fall for such a cheap rhetorical trick, so what do you hope to gain from this?

>> No.15548523

Leftists are extremely kind, but this kindness deluded and clouds their ability to objectify subjective phenomena. They are good natured, but misguided in faith.

>> No.15548528

>Overall humans are the same everywhere, in spite of various differences.
you really should try interacting with a group of people other than white leftists at least once before drawing conclusions like this

>> No.15548531

I'm not talking about governments, I'm talking about down at the human level. If you can speak someones language, you can adapt and find acceptance. Human beings are adaptable in the sense that someone of any racial makeup can hypothetically assimilate to other tribes, and this has always happened whether you want to admit it or not

>> No.15548532

>If it weren't for their government you would probably be able to assimilate just fine as long as you aren't completely autistic.
Why don't you look at testimonies of white people living in china, especially in the more rural areas and see what it's actually like instead of hypothesizing. I have seen and read those. Rural chinese people are naturally extremely racist (more so towards blacks than whites). You will never be considered one of them. Tribalism is in human nature, just like all other animals'.
>Overall humans are the same everywhere, in spite of various differences.
Ridiculous claim unsupported by any evidence.

>> No.15548539

Racism = the idea that there's a spiritual and/or biological hierarchy between the races.

Race realism = the many races have different traits, wich may have some distinct social effects.

>> No.15548544


>> No.15548551

Read Henry Kissinger’s On China. You’ll see how race has no meaning when all the world’s superpowers are wrapped together in private discussions of foreign policy.

>> No.15548553

>i'm not talking about the actual world that we live in, i'm talking about my delusional leftoid fairy tale land
we know

>> No.15548561

Why is it a blackpill? Because we can't live in a fantasy cartoon world where everyone is the same?

Even if you had only one race (the best race there is), you'd still have lots of people who are dumb or ugly or whatever. You'd still have conflicts.

You can acknowledge this, while still striving for improvement. The secret to not getting blackpilled is to face reality and become more active.

>> No.15548563
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Why are leftists always so dishonest with their arguments? I'm honestly so tired from arguing with them in this thread. They're extremely hateful, always claiming you said something you never did nor believe, always making blind accusations....

>> No.15548568

Based and rational therapy pilled

>> No.15548570

>That doesn't mean I close the door in my own house for such people

Cause that would be racist, right? So how would closing the borders not be?

>> No.15548572

Some people are racist, yes but you shouldn't generalize an entire race of people. You can find human hospitality anywhere in the world. People are on different wavelengths, but you will find nice people anywhere if you're able to communicate with them somehow

>> No.15548575

The quantifiable differences between significant genetic clusters of humans.
A term for an individual who accepts the concept of Race.
>Race Realist
A term for an pussy who is scared of being socially ostracized for their views.

>> No.15548577


>> No.15548579

>the modern academic definition, for one

Which is?

>> No.15548580

Why are you talking in plural? it's pretty schizo

>> No.15548589
File: 10 KB, 193x293, bell curve.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This one will help you out, OP. Make sure to read it all the way through!

>> No.15548594

only good answer itt

>> No.15548596

I don't think you know what it means to say everyone is the same, it means across all races you have kind, nice, thoughtful people and bitter, violent, evil people

>> No.15548601

I don't disagree, but political mobilization is for plebs, pretty much by definition.

Politics is just something that needs to be done, like cleaning your bathroom or something. You shouldn't get too worked up about it or seek to fulfill some idealistic goals.

>> No.15548615

Why are race realists so evasive and slippery?

>> No.15548620

Your opinion is bad and you should feel bad

>> No.15548627

yikes, are you seriously discriminating against neuroatypical people? you're doing a heckin bigotry, sweetie. be better.

>> No.15548631

The only person evading reality is you, dipshit.

>> No.15548634

Case in point: Trump became president by dogwhistling disdain for Mexican immigrants. Case in point: BLM is mobilizing global support for a racewar narrative without a single point of data supporting them, effectively energizing the most racialized form of political consciousness

>> No.15548636

the leftoids that are even moderately capable of thought know that they're factually wrong, but they believe that their ends justify any amount of lying and trickery

>> No.15548642

Drink bleach, scum. Your opinion is trash - like your life. End it.

>> No.15548651
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We are eels

>> No.15548654
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>> No.15548659

Everyone is the same as in everyone has the same psychological properties/potentials (IQ being the most commonly mentioned one).
That's obviously not the case. Populations are different in that aspect, to the point that it has some real world implications.

>> No.15548666

>this distinction makes my racist sociology real
it doesn't

>> No.15548668

It's a mistake to look down your nose on the narratives that rule the people who are surrounding you

>> No.15548671
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>> No.15548689

Race is often oversimplified, there are a multitude of reasons why certain populations develop the way they do that are separate from absolute biological genetic determinism. Humans are far too complicated to really pin down and grasp completely, almost every attempt is always proven wrong eventually. Remember that white people were once living in huts and worshiping poop, it's almost as if we're not bound to one narrow mode of consciousness

>> No.15548709

How does your knowledge of evolution affect the way you act? Does that make you any less opposed to Creationism? Hmmmm, big thoughts for big boys ITT.

>> No.15548738

Honestly most people going in circles, driven by negative emotions. It's impossible not to look down your nose towards trivial shitflinging. Obviously you have to be smart, but it's like waves in an ocean of piss type scenario

>> No.15548753

Politics shouldn't be ignored, but the masses will always be ruled by petty emotions. At least until their collective IQ gets upgraded, which is unlikely to happen any time soon (we're currently going in the opposite direction).
You're not going to find a lasting solution in politics, something that would guarantee a permanently stable society. It's an endless struggle.

Sure, it's not 100% biology and many people oversimplify this stuff. Still, the biological differences are big enough to be noticeable in some cases. The genie is out of the bottle at this point.

>> No.15548756

Virtually every category is an oversimplification. Common understanding of sex excludes X/Y aneuploidy. Our understanding of France excludes Brittany.
But is the solution to just get lost in abstraction, or is it do develop and refine our categories to better describe the world around us? Maybe there’s a balance to strike?
But saying “almost every attempt is proven wrong eventually” is just “science is a liar sometimes.” You’re resigning any rigorous attempt to understand the world to even more retarded, ideologically delineated, categories.

>> No.15548766

>or is it do develop and refine our categories to better describe the world around us?
That's what globalism is doing, and you guys complain about it

>> No.15548778

When the fuck did I mention globalism lmao holy shit.

>> No.15548783
File: 113 KB, 1054x629, IQ and social advancement.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The primary conclusion you should draw is that the majority of the problems in the black community are not the result of current systemic racism, and that attempts to resolve systemic racism will inevitably fail, which will be blamed on whites.
Pic related from a Pew study, blacks with the same IQ as whites have the same social mobility.

>> No.15548792

No I mentioned it.

>> No.15548799

>That's what globalism is doing

How so?

>> No.15548819

Globalism subsumes useful categories (national identities, local cultures, etc.) into liberal abstraction, same as “the only race is the human race” hand-waving.

>> No.15548847

You can't. I've already begun to discuss it with my leftie parents, and they just won't admit that there are differences. They just think it's all based on social factors instead. It's exhausting to present so much evidence just to have them bury their head in the sand because it's inconvenient for their narrative. I hate it so much.

>> No.15548899

It’s okay. Lysenkoism only lasted as long as Soviet influence did.
After the rise of illiberal political and economic power in coming years, China will sweep this bourgeois Western nonsense into the bin of historical trivia where it belongs.

>> No.15548906

Dif anon
This is an interesting question
Racist like nigger has assumed a magical glamour or power but whereas nigger's clearly on the wane (blacks themselves have done much to defuse it) racist is most definitely on the rise, and what's more racist is beginning to look like the more powerful term all things considered. Whereas nigger's still hurtful, or can be, it's been overused, and primarily for stupid reasons of (white) self affirmation (when used by whites). To be called racist however (even falsely) can not only hobble one's social rise, but completely void one's future economic opportunities! Ultimately it's a fair word (given history) and American blacks would be stupid to give it up for reasons of 'sensitivity' at this time or any time in the near future. I can think of few other words or terms that pack the power these two possess

>> No.15548919

but you can't just sweepingly pronounce differences among populations

>> No.15548945

you can when they exist

>> No.15548966
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Why not? If a difference exists then it should be known. How can you care for or write legislation for a group of people if you don't know their strengths and weaknesses?

>> No.15549039

>strengths and weaknesses
absolute pleb-tier analysis desu

>> No.15549043

This. I actually like most races. I understand race realism and am also a racist, but they are not the same thing. I hate negros and Chinese, but I'm fine with everyone else. However I still understand that "diversity" is retarded and everyone belongs with their own flock.

>> No.15549048

Nah, dude. Everything about the human body is biologically explicable and influenced by genetics, from height to metabolism, but brains are cut loose from genetic predestination hurr DURR.

>> No.15549091

You need to understand that people tend to think in religious/ideological terms. Even if it's not an "official" religion like Christianity or Buddhism or whatever, they have their dogmas and taboos that structure their reality.
That's why, for example, Americans freak out over a racist statement, but don't even blink when their leaders bomb some ME country, killing innocent kids. The first one is a "sin", the second one is "just how the world is".

>> No.15549093

You’re right, a 75 IQ is in no way a weakness.

>> No.15549099
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This. I think most on /pol/ are actually pretty fine with other races, and I've had many good discussions on there, so calling them bigots is retarded. Sure they hate leftist garbage but any sane person does. Some might hate other races too but most of it is just shitposting. Real race realists don't want supremecy of one race, and advocate for true diversity, not globo homo crap.

>> No.15549108

New jim crowe

Also just go to the protest and talk to people.

>> No.15549136

Why are you putting words in my mouth when you should be drafting laws for retards? Go away.

>> No.15549147

How embarrassing.

>> No.15549179

Yeah, I understand that clearly now. Especially with the way people are acting because of the BLM demonstrations.

>> No.15549191

>hate negros
How? They're among nicest, most hospitable people on earth. Do you just not know any?
t. white

>> No.15549212

Nogs from Africa are nice, although also quite dumb.

African-Americans are the worst scum on Earth.

>> No.15549213

>Do you just not know any?
Do you? I've lived around them my whole life. They can be fine when alone, but in groups they literally become monkeys. The beautiful and lucrative continent of Africa has been wasted on these baboons.

>> No.15549223

Lmao, yes, they’re noble savages.

>> No.15549238

I never said that dipshit. I'm one of the anons in this thread arguing for IQ as genetically determined. I literally referenced The Bell Curve. Maybe you should try Reddit to avoid this kind of confusion in the future?

>> No.15549244

I was being facetious and agreeing with you, anon.

>> No.15549290

Grew up in a predominantly black area in SE VA and my experience was a good one. I'd far rather attend a black picnic (for instance-and generally speaking) than a white one because not only is the food better but everyone's positively interacting, not just standing around in select groups putting on airs and barely speaking at all..
I could go into detail but it would fall on deaf ears. Pity, really

>> No.15549333
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try pic

>> No.15549383

Why though? Wouldn't you rather bring the positive, racial unity that allows the blacks to be like that to your own people? If you honestly prefer another race to your own, you need to reevaluate your thinking. It's not natural.

>> No.15549407

It's strange how bad people have bad experiences with people of other races

>> No.15549412

Not him, I believe you. But when you take into account all other aspects, things get more complicated.
At some point there are political decisions that need to be taken, such as "should we have more blacks in our community?".
All things considered, it might be easier to make whites loosen up more at a picnic and the food issue is just a meme at this point.

>> No.15549424

So you're just racist towards mixed people? What a nice guy

>> No.15549437

This is about mass mixing idiot. Individuals are different from the majority.

>> No.15549438

all first world negroes are

>> No.15549457

Mass mixing? Are women being mass raped and inseminated by blacks against their will?

>> No.15549480

So you're acknowledging that blacks and whites behave differently and you prefer black behavior? That's great, because theres entire countries full of them on a different continent if you'd like to go there

>> No.15549501

No but if you encourage the illusion of "diversity" then yes, mass mixing would be the end goal. Which is unlikely and the alternative is a race war. If race realism is adopted and acted upon now, it will save more lives in the future.

>> No.15549515

>is not a valid reason for shittiness
People decide on their own criteria. Like you are doing right now saying racists are always 'uncool'. I guess it doesn't count because -your- values are really metavalues so it's not the same. I guess virtually no one was cool before 1965 too.
I'm pretty sure my dad is racist as fuck and is quite 'cool'.
>those who have never done malice towards them.
If you wait for everything to interact with you before acting, you're completely dysfunctional. I cannot believe for one second that even the most self hating person follows even a mild form of this proposition. This is purely empty rhetoric. Do you wait for the rain to actually fall on you before blaming the stormy clouds visible for an hour before?
>i-it's not the same with humans, applying empiricism to humans is like, so evil, because they are all so different, except racists who are all big bad meany baddies

>> No.15549521

>If race realism is adopted and acted upon now, it will save more lives in the future.
You truly sound like a shithead politician.

>> No.15549549

Leftists will always ignore social trends if they dont go along with the narrative.

>> No.15549568

what they did to the word bigot will always be hilarious

>> No.15549581

he's lying through his teeth to sound woke

>> No.15549583

What's natural is identifying with environment, not biology.

>> No.15549593

How is he wrong? Enlighten me.

>> No.15549599

What is your solution? Forcing the government to crack down on race mixing?

>> No.15549609

Learn to read, mate.

>> No.15549610

Go outside, make frens, stop going on 4chan.

>> No.15549621

Legit only retarded Reddit liberals think genetic clustering disproves race realism. Every modern day HBD enthusiast (racist) understands that genetic markers are shared across populations. Races are identified because

1) we still have sets of people that possess unique genetic markers across their population and this matches our intuitive understanding of them as some ethnicity
2) we are able to identify combinations of genetic markers that are frequent across unique populations (allele frequencies)

No racist nowadays is so stupid as to assume intermixing does not happen between ethnicities and that the "white blood line" is pure in the sense of one not having "bred outside of one's race". Every natural ontology understands we can break down categories into its parts until we arrive at a continuum. Human intelligence (unless you're autistic) is being able to abstract from this continuum based on unique qualifiers and shared characteristics. We can do this in a number of ways and when it comes to humans, race is one of them.

>> No.15549656

In my opinion you should never argue with your family about stuff like this.

>> No.15549659

Tell me 3

>> No.15549667

>I think most on /pol/ are actually pretty fine with other races

>> No.15549701

This is a bad paper if I'ever seen one
Quite glad I am European and I don't have to suck cock to an Ivy Leaguer

>> No.15549709

Not the guy you're talking to, but soft eugenics. Every society has employed it and it is also happening right now. Jail, inheritence law, marriage are all forms of soft eugenics. Nowadays we have a chaos of factors along the same lines: social security, birth control, wageslavery etc. For how much this board memes Plato, you guys have either not read him or understood very little. The question of human civilization has always been one of eugenic management.

Ideally, we would simply select for traits. Your IQ is below 85? No reproductive rights for you (50% of the black population already gone). You are predisposed towards severe genetic diseases? No reproductive rights for you/genetic testing prior to reproduction. You are a whore? No reproductive rights for you (childbirth being tied to marriage as an institution). Your criminal records includes violent offenses? No reproductive rights for you. There are many variables along which we can influence who birthes children and who does not. Race realism is just the inevitable consequence, as some races share more desirable and others share less desirable traits. Try explaining to 50% of the black population that they have lost their reproductive rights while only 15% of the white population lost theirs (wrt IQ). This number will increase further as we control for traits such as aggression or monogamy.

>> No.15549721

Yes. Either that or balkanization and establishment of ethnostates. Blacks can have Louisiana, Mississippi, georgia, alabama. They will have to fight Cubans for Florida.

>> No.15549727

I'm not racist, and i'm not white. So seeing arguments for race realism and not being able to refute them is truly a black pill, like OP said. And i refuse to fall for the absolute cope of leftists ideoligies wich consider whites as the main reason for ALL the bad things about black people in and outside of Africa.

Maybe read about the history of Africa (and other non-whites regions) to get a better picture of things, most people just based their perceptions about it on anedoctal evidence.

>> No.15549729

Every single race realist ranks the races in terms of IQ. It’s literally the only thing they do LOL

>> No.15549738

Because IQ is the single most important metric we have, although ideally you would include measures such as intellectual curiosity and conscientiousness too.

>> No.15549746

I learnt my lesson.

>> No.15549756

t. never been on /pol/ for more than five minutes
They are fine with other races and people in their region. There is some flag larping and country specific memes. Some Iranians might be shitposted the same way there are Brazilians bashing Frenchmen who in turn think (accurately) that the Dutch are pure evil. If anything Africans get slightly more positive reception.
Of course in the globalist agenda, everything is 'diversified' into a vague brownish mass.
This whole debacle is really a failure of recognizing the real question of space. Only a minority of political scientists (Schmitt, Ortega y Gasset, Jouvenel, even fewer in the current year) give this fundamental issue its primary importance.

>> No.15549761

Most racists do not desire the destruction of black people, just separation.

>> No.15549763

The Underground History of American Education

>> No.15549766

Its not

>> No.15549773

Please keep your denial private and don't just voice it into this thread. Thank you.

>> No.15549783

It's important in the sense that every major economy is driven by technology, technical innovations, software and infrastructure which requires intelligence to build and maintain. It's the "hard cash" of biology

>> No.15549786

Kek, what? Biology is part of nature retard.

>> No.15549792
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OP sounds like he needs to read Cardinal Sarah.

>> No.15549802

If you're a proponent of Eugenics and controlling birth rights, you would logically have to extend that to exclude autistic dudes, manlets, ugly men, basically the majority of /pol/ and /r9k/

>> No.15549808

Why are you sharing this about yourself, anon? The question is rhetorical, btw. I was just pointing out the enabling of a racist sociology.

>> No.15549809


>> No.15549812

We already have eugenics for that, it's called society

>> No.15549813

IQ is just a terrible unreliable measure of g factor.
How useless are psychologists that they haven't come up with a more direct measure of g in a century?

>> No.15549814

>t. jew

>> No.15549823

You can say that defining patterns is important and it indeed is, but patterns are different depending on the type of work you do
Patterns are not a straight up thing, if you recognize a type of pattern doesnt mean you will recognize all of them

>> No.15549832

It's not terrible though, considering what a vague and hard to understand thing it's measuring it does a very good job, better than it should be expected to given the absolute state of most of psychology.

>> No.15549837

Have you not heard those retards constantly acknowledge themselves as being failures, "having lost the genetic lottery", and being autists in general?

>> No.15549849

non-american here, can you give me a quick rundown on Florida meme?

>> No.15549854

I'm sure there are all kinds of special beautiful intelligence that's all equally valid but the intelligence that matters is the one that gets bridges built, power plants to function and drugs to get developed

>> No.15549864

Cubans and other central south Americans usually try to escape to america by rafting and generally make it to Florida. There is so many that they have successful human trafficking operations leading to many more living there

>> No.15549878

Actually, manletism by itself isn't undesirable. Smaller people require less resources, smaller houses, cars etc. A world with smaller humans would be objectively better for the environment and the economy.

>> No.15549890

Stubby little baby fingers typed this post

>> No.15549911

I don't have a problem with that, although excluding "ugly men" is a retarded metric.

>> No.15549912

actual manlets don't look right, their bodies aren't proportioned properly, such that I suspect there are just genetic problems in general with them.

I don't support eugenics anyway though, all you'd have to do to return to naturally eugenic social forces is abolish welfare.

>> No.15549916

How so?

>> No.15549918

Ok paco

>> No.15549934

IQ tests are the best possible measure of g, capturing it up to 90%. What the fuck are you talking about?

>> No.15549948

No, there aren't. People have tried and every measure of alternative intelligence fully dissolves into some personality scale.

Pattern recognition just provides the most concrete IQ score. Tests which are more intensive provide even better results, but usually do not measure more than 3 scales/forms of intelligence: visual-spatial, mathematical-logical and verbal IQ.

>> No.15549958

IDK what "actual manlets" means there, but you have entire 3rd world populations with 5ft people and they look normal in terms of proportions. Same for white people from 200 years ago.

>> No.15549980

>being short and ugly is as detrimental to society as being a literal retard
hmm yes very logical premise in your argument

>> No.15549982

Manletism is not desirable but tall people are a slightly illogical adaptation. The selection for them has been rather recent in the first place and likely arose out of the reproductive success of a few tall people. Just 100 years ago people in the Netherlands were of average size.

>> No.15549985

>if there is a community that lives in a town and unanimously decides they don't want black people moving in, that should be made possible
Yes, in your property, you should be able to decide who comes in. The problem is giving a state the power to make such decisions

>> No.15550005

the recent increase in height is due to nutrition. Sexual selection for larger males is pretty much universal on the other hand. When species shrink it's because the larger males are starving, not because females stop choosing them.

>> No.15550022

What I am referencing has been adjusted to nutritional quality. The increase in height in the Netherlands specifically is unique and cannot be explained through rising standards of living. It has also not been observed in other countries, such as Germany, where the average height is still around 5'10" to 5'11".

>> No.15550034

My mistake then, I didn't know about that. What is going on there exactly?

>> No.15550063

>t. manlet

>t. ugly

>t. short and ugly

>> No.15550068

They got tinderified a century earlier and women refused to open their legs to any but the tallest quarter of men.

>> No.15550074

You know the rules, tits or get the fuck out.

>> No.15550078

Have you actually looked up the meaning?

>> No.15550079

The rise is due to the Dutch's attraction to the sun.

>> No.15550080


>> No.15550089

I'm having trouble imagining the social and economic circumstances that could have caused that 100 years ago.

>> No.15550145
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>> No.15550153

>As I look ahead, I am filled with foreboding; like the Roman, I seem to see the River Tiber foaming with much blood.
It was our blood all along.

>> No.15550277

What a great argument.

>> No.15550282

none. even shitlibs like DFW recognise niggers as niggers

>> No.15550340


>> No.15550402


>> No.15550422

Why would you assume that?
If there are differences between populations there are many potential reasons to highlight them that are not just to make them feel bad or whatever you're implying.

For example, what if blacks have a higher prevalence of a gene for MAO-A That makes them more aggressive? Then maybe discrimination and economics isn't the thing keeping them down and maybe it's worth investigating seriously.

What if it turns out Africans are on average less intelligent than whites and Asians are more intelligent?
Then maybe it's a bad idea to allow too much African migration and instead promote Asian migration if migration is deemed necessary.

>> No.15550454

Stop being a brainlet and a loser and it won't be a problem. It makes absolutely no difference if the average colored person is "worse" than the average white person to the way they will be treated by anybody with an IQ worth mentioning and a comfortable position on the social dominance hierarchy. People who use it to justify treating people with prejudice are inept brainlets and midwits looking for something to hate that isn't themselves.
Also, if you examine the science, and the ethics of it, you'll find that alot of it rests on ill-appropriated facts and psuedoscientific garbage pushed by deranged white supremacists, of course an intellegent person wouldn't be interested in such a frivolous inquiry anyways. You can't cure dullardism but you can certainly start treating yourself like a dullard. And on the off chance your a colored person who was duped into self hatred by this narrative, you can rest assured that the huwhites that duped themselves into hating you are equally dull.

>> No.15550478

It matters because programs of wealth/power distribution and cultures of hatred towards whites are justified on the basis that disparities in outcomes between races are due to white racism rather than inherent differences in groups.

>> No.15550508


Using this phrase outs yourself as a pseud retard.

>> No.15550534

>blacks score lower on IQ tests than whites because scientists are all secretly nazis

>> No.15550542

>It makes absolutely no difference
It does, though. It has many political and societal implications. You can choose to ignore it and it might not matter for your personal life at all, but it won't go away.

>People who use it to justify treating people with prejudice
We all treat people with prejudice all the time. You're also doing that right now, when you're assuming that "all racists are the same".

>> No.15550550

Best start believing in Great Awakenings, you're in one!

>> No.15550554

Please prove that disparities are caused by white racism. Please explain why Indians, East Asians, and Jews do better than whites on average in America.

>> No.15550569

>It matters
No it doesn't. I don't know about biological racial disparities because it's not something I find very interesting. How ever, the history and reality of white racism is obvious, and its effects are well supported by the evidence. So I suppose that their are racial disparities that are actually significant enough to effect society, that does not invalidate the reality of racism and it's consequences at all. In that case, both would be true and it's illogical to treat nigs being dumb as a contradiction of racism. It really is practically irrelevant for the following reasons:
1. Black people being dumb or whatever is no reason to treat them any differently, an average difference in IQ of 20 points is virtually indistinguishable.
This is hard for dumb people to understand because they aren't used to being smarter than almost everyone, you'd know this if you had to treat someone with an IQ of 120 the same as a retard or a child.
2. It only reinforces the racism narrative. If this is important because racism is not real, what is being racist going to do besides reinforce a narrative that is not true? So if it's only of political importantance, it's best to just treat the races as equal and move on.
publicly acting out the "race realism" doctrine only makes sense for people who want to start a race war
3. Etc.

>> No.15550576

Keep telling yourself that midwit. If you weren't a midwit, you wouldn't even bother objecting.

>> No.15550582

>How ever, the history and reality of white racism is obvious, and its effects are well supported by the evidence. So I suppose that their are racial disparities that are actually significant enough to effect society, that does not invalidate the reality of racism and it's consequences at all. I
You would have to be able to measure differences in ability to determine whether the differences in outcomes are due to racism or to inherent ability.

That is why it matters.

>> No.15550588

>How ever, the history and reality of white racism is obvious, and its effects are well supported by the evidence.
this is wrong and actually disproved in this thread

>> No.15550603

I invalidated this in the portion of my post you did not greentext. You shouldn't be worrying yourself with this if you can't even read and respond to written communications. Like I said, treat yourself like a dullard who can't form a clear conception and it's importance will disappear

>> No.15550608

You said that there is evidence that the differences are due to racism. You can't know this without first knowing the level of inherent differences.

>> No.15550614

As I proved in the rest of my post, it pragmatically does not matter wether racism is real or not, unless you want to start a race war.

>> No.15550623

>an average difference in IQ of 20 points is virtually indistinguishable.
pretty good b8 up until this point, but this was way too obvious

>> No.15550625

This is tiring, you can't even understand my argument, DUMBASS! shut the fuck up.

>> No.15550626

best post in the thread, time to close it up

>> No.15550634

lol nice b8

>> No.15550635

Wait I said was both true and bait, only a brainlet would think that speaking the truth and trolling can't be done at once.

>> No.15550637

I hate using ad hominems, but you're a bugman. Incapable of looking past your little bubble of reality and of imagining a different one.
You might as well stay on reddit where people can validate your "correct opinions" with upvotes and you don't have to think too much.

>> No.15550643


>> No.15550649

The Progressive use the continued disparities in outcomes as justification for these programs and the antiwhite culture. That means they won't stop until the disparities are gone. If the disparities are due to inherent differences they will never be gone.

If you can't follow this and would prefer to distract from it you can do so, but im going to continue to point out the issue.

>> No.15550661

>>I hate using ad hominems but
Okay retard, you are calling me a bug man in archetypical bug man prose.
I am the big man and you are the bug man.

>> No.15550686

This is just pure white nationalist propaganda dude. And illogical.
If racism(real or imaginary) is the justification for "anti white policies" how is being a racist going to do anything but justify more anti white policies. Get back in your cock cage you dumb loser

>> No.15550712

>PLEASE just use my word i worked so hard subverting it

>> No.15550724

If the races are different, for which there is a lot of evidence, then the disparities are not going to go away because they are not due to racism. The Progressives will continue to pretend(or honestly believe) that they are, justifying ever more measures to counteract something that doesn't exist, creating more and more hostility towards whites and redistribution of resources and power.

You don't actually have any argument against this at all.

>> No.15550729

There's no 'preference' at least on my end, but I do distinguish whiteness as a fact (we're all God's children, anon) and whiteness as an idea, which ironically trips up white persons more than it does anyone else, which is one among many of the reasons why it has to go, at least in the United States. It's not only unhealthy, it's culturally dishonest.

>> No.15550735

The word racist connects things like loving your own to mass murder and genocide, just another bad faith attack word.

>> No.15550748

Most white nationalists hate the majority of white people lol

>> No.15550749

>There's no 'preference' at least on my end
>but I much prefer black events, generally speaking
3/10 apply yourself

>> No.15550760

Look at it this way. Even if we concede that iq tests are accurate, have no biases, and that the differences between the races are purely biological, racism is still retarded and makes no sense. If blacks and whites are one standard deviation apart then 13% of blacks are still smarter than your average white and half of white people are still dumber than your average white. Even if you cede all of that, it still makes no sense to judge people based on their race or anything other than who they are as an individual

>> No.15550768

White people having a victim complex is one of the most pathetic things I have ever seen. You aren’t some victim because shaqandah said white people are racist on Twitter you fucking whiny cunt

>> No.15550790

>If blacks and whites are one standard deviation apart then 13% of blacks are still smarter than your average white
and 87% are dumber. do you think there are any society-wide implications of that fact?

>> No.15550793

Nobody cares about your opinion, whites(and asians) are systematically discriminated against by affirmative action, enormous quantities of black on white violence are ignored while the opposite and rare occurrences are broadcast as an epidemic, an entire culture of hatred towards whites is promoted by academia and the press and enforced by government agencies.

>> No.15550807

"The races are different" is literally the default position everywhere outside the west.

>> No.15550821

>Wouldn't you rather bring the positive, racial unity that allows the blacks to be like that to your own people?
It's cultural unity that "allows blacks to be like that"

You're grasping for some "racial unity" because you don't have a community to feel culturally united with, except on anonymous internet forums. But even if you threw out all the coloureds, the white people who don't want to associate with you already still won't

>> No.15550825

You might want to use a different term to describe yourself. Calling yourself a race realist just because you acknowledge racial statistics is a bit like if I called myself a national socialist because I love America (nationalist) and think we should have more regulations (socialist). Sure, by my definition I might be a national socialist, but when most people hear that word they think of nazis and antisemitism. Most people who call themselves race realists use it as a more appealing way to say racist

>> No.15550830

You're right, no racism will not end the disparities. Being a racist will however make it that much harder to move past this retarded media war about racism.
Clearly doing everything you can to improve the well being of everyone regardless of how intellegent they are is the most practical thing to do, and the most ethical. Treat others the way you would like to be treated.
Nothing about the disparities being, biological or not, justifies their existence, unless you are simply a heartless asshole that wants dumb people to suffer. I respect the dumbest retard more than a weak, improvident man who uses being more intelligent than others as an excuse to justify their suffering. If they really are dumber biologically, it only makes it more important for us to actively help them. And practically it makes this incessant arguing over racism an even greater waste of time. If you object to this moral argument, consider what it would be like for me to treat you like garbage simply because you are dumber and weaker than I am (as I undeniably am)

>> No.15550849

>Most people who call themselves race realists use it as a more appealing way to say racist
no they don't, this is just a story you guys made up because you were mad people weren't using the first word you subverted

>> No.15550852

If the differences are not admitted as being inherent Progressives will continue to use them as a political weapon against whites.

>> No.15550863

>Nothing about the disparities being, biological or not, justifies their existence, unless you are simply a heartless asshole that wants dumb people to suffer.
the fact that i can't fly is an aberration of justice. doesn't matter if it's genetic, you're a heartless asshole if you're okay with letting me suffer like this.

>> No.15550865

Black children aren't told it's evil for them to like themselves

>> No.15550870

Most events are cross cultural, anon, and a generalization of what I gave as a general instance (picnics-in general) is the type of knee-jerk thinking and lack of experience that makes your type of mindlessness possible. If you're unable to perceive that the moves made by many whites of late are inherently stupid (in despite of test scores!) then there's no hope for you.

>> No.15550895

All you do is criticize whites and praise blacks, you're like a cartoon

>> No.15550901

Either way it’s still retarded to judge people by their group rather than individually. Nice job missing the entire point of my argument, what’s your iq?

>> No.15550903

Horribly put together syllogism. If you are too dumb to do valid syllogistic logic then you have no business concerning yourself with racial disparities in IQ. Just resign to being a stupid person and you won't have any troubles.
If it were up to me, I would bar all stupid people from broad political discourse for their own good. That would also resolve this retarded non issue about race and IQ.

>> No.15550912

What are the possible ramifications of transforming the global hegemon into a nation like Brazil or South Africa?

>> No.15550918


whiny sissy

>> No.15550922

Neither are white children you sensitive snowflake. Stop whining, just because shaqnanda said “fuck white people” doesn’t mean you’re oppressed

>> No.15550926

>Bla bla bla white people are the most oppressed minority.
You are stupid, I don't really care about changing your mind. I just wanted to demonstrate you are stupid. Not to you, but to anyone else who might be reading this.

>> No.15550928

i didn't miss your point, i ignored it because it's irrelevant. the only people in this entire thread talking about judging individuals by the average IQ of their race are delusional, dishonest leftoids like you who want to avoid the actual substance of the discussion.

>> No.15550940
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You don't have to be a "racist" or a "race-realist" to be against affirmative action, its just a shit policy for everyone involved.

>enormous quantities of black on white violence are ignored
this is called crime. I can assure you the police are on your side for this one.
>broadcast as an epidemic
When it's abuse of police power. I do agree its a bit overblown by media and they don't have an easy job policing america. You do need more transparency however, less institutional protection of people who are clearly not suited for the job and are unnecessarily cruel/racist.

>entire culture of hatred towards whites is promoted by academia and the press
This is a problem, yeah. What you need is for cooler heads and reason to prevail though, not counter-racism, which will only vindicate the radicals. How do you do that in a media environment that rewards emotion above all else? Tough question

>> No.15550939

>Neither are white children
they literally are though

>> No.15550946

>Horribly put together syllogism.
it wasn't a syllogism at all, so that's not surprising
>I would bar all stupid people from broad political discourse
glad to hear it, you go first

>> No.15550953

Dude you literally gain nothing from calling yourself a race realist. Going back to my analogy, I could continue to call myself a national socialist, but if it makes everyone think I’m a nazi then why would I? If everyone thinks a term means one thing, then that’s what it means. You can insist on calling tables “socks” because according to your definition the word “sock” describes a table, but if no one else is using your definition it isn’t exactly a helpful definition.

>> No.15550954

The Gospel, the life of great saints, of martyrs especially.

>> No.15550956

You have failed to address my argument that Progressives will use these disparities as a political weapon about 5 times now, resorting to random insults and deflections. I don't think you're making anyone but yourself look stupid.

>> No.15550965

>Progressives will continue to use them as a political weapon against whites.

I’m white and I’ve literally never had my life impacted in any way by progressives talking about racism. Could it be that maybe instead of being oppressed, you’re just a whiny over sensitive faggot?

>> No.15550967

whiny just like the blacks whine about being arrested for committing crimes. But of course you're afraid of calling them whiny, because you're a bootlicking pussy

>> No.15550968

i've never called myself a race realist (if you were smart you would have noticed that), i'm just pointing out your obvious, stupid attempts at subversion

>> No.15550971

your opinions are not relevant to the open systematic discrimination

>> No.15550976

Okay, what’s your argument then? Is your argument just “there are statistical differences between the races?” Because everyone already acknowledges that, I don’t see what you’re arguing if it isn’t “...so therefore we should treat the races differently”

>> No.15550978

Yes white children are taught that they are wrong for being white, that they have to atone for things they've never done, that their people are uniquely evil.

>> No.15550986

I was raised to love myself, if you weren’t I think that has more to do with having a shitty mother than being white. Keep whining about how society was so hard on you as a kid though

>> No.15550993

>Because everyone already acknowledges that
such a weird thing to lie about. we can all read the thread.

>> No.15550994

The progressive is amusingly incapable of looking at large scale trends, understandable since any per capita analysis of racial issues would destroy their worldview.

>> No.15550998

You’re both whiny. Just because blacks are whiny doesn’t mean you aren’t being a snowflake too you fucking crybaby. The fact you can’t see your own hypocrisy and would call black people whiny when you’re literally doing the same thing shows your iq

>> No.15551001

No the argument is that the races should be treated the same, and when they have differences in outcomes it should not be attributed to whites being evil, justifying legal and social action against them.

>> No.15551003

>stop whining about your shitty childhood and man up, faggot
how many black people have you said this to? they're very fond of talking about hard childhoods.

>> No.15551004

>i've never called myself a race realist

I’m obviously intending my message to people who would call themselves race realists. If you don’t consider yourself a race realist then I don’t know why you’re replying to me

>> No.15551009

The systematic discrimination against whites and asians actually exists, it is law. There is no comparable legislation discriminating against blacks today, you can't name any.

Go ahead and call it whining, I really don't care, it's still true.

>> No.15551011

>then I don’t know why you’re replying to me
>i'm just pointing out your obvious, stupid attempts at subversion

>> No.15551015

1. This will affect their relative wealth
2. This will result in race conflict and they'll mobilize along ethnic lines (because that's the most effective way or doing politics) and suddenly the entire political apparatus and culture becomes a game of racial tit-for-tats

>> No.15551023

Other than the college issue which affects a tiny percentage of the white population I can’t think of any examples of societal discrimination against whites. Black on white violence is rarely race motivated and is almost always prosecuted so I don’t know why you’re whining about that, and the “culture of hatred” is a non issue, as I said your life isn’t impacted by shaqakaqa roasting whites on twitter and you are a snowflake if you are genuinely offended by it

>> No.15551028

No they aren’t. I’m white and I was never taught these things, stop being a snowflake with a victim complex. The fact that you are so desperate to look oppressed is pathetic

>> No.15551037

>a tiny percentage of the white population
University is necessary for any economic mobility now so it is not a tiny percentage. Black on white violence is often racially motivated, the SPLC and similar organizations refuse to classify it as hate crimes.

The US just burned down several cities over completely imaginary discrimination against blacks, justifying widespread hatred towards whites, so yes it affects people.

>> No.15551038

I haven’t seen a single person in this thread who said “there are no statistical differences between black and white people,” stop panicking over ghosts snowflake

>> No.15551044

Your opinions don't matter to me, and your absolute inability to grasp that your own experience is not the only relevant factor is honestly a bit bizarre.

>> No.15551045

What are you even ranting about now? This doesn’t address my comment at all

>> No.15551050

Oh big woop you can google syllogism, very smart indeed!
This doesn't change the fact that you made a trash argument. It's just petulant to argue about what is or isn't a syllogism. Fact is, I don't even remember what you said, only that it was illogical and I didn't want to demonstrate why. ain't gonna be vindicated that easily stupid.

>> No.15551052

You talked about your own childhood as if anyone cared about you and your whore mother when we're discussing large scale trends.

>> No.15551056

okay, so did you not read it or are you functionally illiterate? either way your position is starting to make more sense

>> No.15551061

I’ve never had a black dude cry to me about his mommy before, so I haven’t yet. Funny how you are so desperate to project your patheticness onto other people when confronted with it. Also whataboutism, black people being pathetic doesn’t make your whining any less pathetic

>> No.15551064

lol okay, here’s your (you), now go get a real job

>> No.15551072

Glad we agree

>> No.15551079

>The progressive is amusingly incapable of looking at large scale trends, understandable since any per capita analysis of racial issues would destroy their worldview.
Ah- the field guide cliche!
A classic trope of retard arguments. I'm uploading this to r/iamverysmart and there is nothing you can do about it.

>> No.15551078

you’ve never spoken to a black person, got it. not surprising you ended up like this

>> No.15551081

>the only type of discrimination is legislated discrimination

>> No.15551083

blacks do pretty much nothing but whine in the US. Their entire contribution to the economy could be described as Professional Whining, except this wouldn't actually properly represent what a massive net drain they are

>> No.15551088

Explain how I’m being subversive then

>> No.15551089

Im sure your subreddit would ban any discussion of race differences on sight, proving my point.

>> No.15551106

No they don't that just what you believe because you are a retard that only knows black people from the media and memes. Black people are people, they do people things all day. All you do is whine about black people on 4chan loser.

>> No.15551114

>it is not a tiny percentage

It literally objectively is, most Americans don’t go to college and of those that do most aren’t negatively impacted by affirmative action. There are very few people not getting into college who would have if it weren’t for affirmative action

Again, black on white violence is often prosecuted so I don’t know why you’re whining about it

>The US just burned down several cities over completely imaginary discrimination against blacks

Do you mean the looters that are being actively fought back against by the police? Are you really going to whine about injustice when the courts and police are actively on your side?

>> No.15551117

they are a massive net drain on taxes, this isn't a matter of opininon

>> No.15551125

You’re evidence has been just as anecdotal as mine lmao. Post some statistics saying the majority of white children are taught to hate themselves and maybe I’ll take your retarded snowflake argument seriously >>15551052

>> No.15551126

Black people play a major role in american agitprop, the idea that descendants of slaves can go on to become great musicians and basketball players is a good sell of the post-racial american paradise. Their value as the figurehead of America shouldn't be swept understated

>> No.15551130

You are a massive drain on the quality of the website

>> No.15551131

>and of those that do most aren’t negatively impacted by affirmative action
right, only the white and Asian ones are

>> No.15551134

I’ll admit I came into this thread fairly late. I’ll take the L here

>> No.15551141

There are many whites and asians that are affected by AA, schools that don't allow racial discrimination are almost entirely white and asian. The point is that the huge amounts of black on white violence are ignored while the media constantly talk about the opposite. The rioters were permitted to burn down their cities instead of being stopped.

>> No.15551144

>still on his weird whataboutism argument

Just because Jamal cries about his mommy doesn’t make it any less pathetic that you do. You aren’t oppressed, you’re just a whiny snowflake

>> No.15551145

Can you name some of them?

>> No.15551147
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>> No.15551154

see >>15551144

>> No.15551159

I was referring to evidence for race differences. There are no such statistics for whites hating themselves except that white Liberals/Democrats in the US have a marked bias against their own race, while White conservatives and every other race have a bias for their own race. So a substantial portion of whites do dislike themselves.

>> No.15551162

I was obviously talking about whites and Asians retard

>> No.15551172

nice opinion but whites are literally, actually discriminated against so it’s wrong

>> No.15551182

>the huge amounts of black on white violence are ignored

No it isn’t, it’s usually prosecuted.

>The rioters were permitted to burn down their cities instead of being stopped.

No they weren’t, many were arrested and curfews were put in place. Anyone that got away with looting got away with it due to limited police resources, not because they were allowed to loot. Who even told you that looting was legally permitted? What news source said this?

As for the affirmative action, I agree that that’s bad but it affects a tiny percentage of whites and Asians and is hardly enough to justify the idea that white people are oppressed in America

>> No.15551184

oh, yeah you’re wrong then so

>> No.15551193

>still hasn’t posted any statistics

>> No.15551208

It's ignored by the media and culture at large. And yes the police didn't do shit. Do you honestly think it's hard to stop a riot? Look at China.

It is not a tiny percentage of whites and asians and it is systematic open discrimination, so yes it is enough to justify that idea.

>> No.15551224
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>> No.15551229


>> No.15551245

there are also quotas for all sorts of jobs, signs saying white men need not apply, etc.

>> No.15551252

>It's ignored by the media and culture at large

Because it’s promptly dealt with by the police. Why would you get outraged at something that is immediately dealt with?

>Do you honestly think it's hard to stop a riot? Look at China.

The fact that there is still protesting in Hong Kong shows that you are talking out your ass

>It is not a tiny percentage of whites and asians and it is systematic open discrimination

Most white people go throughout their entire lives without ever feeling the effects of affirmative action

>> No.15551255

>I agree that discrimination exists but I don’t think it happens often enough for me to care about it
weird opinion but I’m glad we agree in principle I guess

>> No.15551257

This is a diagram, not statistics, you moron. The data could be imaginary for all we know. You probably aren't even statistically literate, admit it, you understand nothing.
The dumbest nigger is superior to you in every way.

>> No.15551266

every white (and Asian) person (or at least boy) who goes to college feels a negative effect from affirmative action

>> No.15551273

The source is written in the bottom left, it's a poll, the amount of people polled is shown below each bar.

>> No.15551277

That’s illegal and is almost always dealt with promptly. Again, I don’t see the point in whining about stuff that is almost always immediately fixed

>> No.15551280

>source listed in the image
>n-no it has to be f-fake I can’t actually be w-wrong
holy cope

>> No.15551282

Whites and asians are openly discriminated against in university and jobs their entire lives so yes they feel the effects.

>> No.15551288

Maybe I misrepresented my argument. I don’t mean to say that affirmative action doesn’t matter, just that it isn’t enough to assert that white people are oppressed, and that’s its whiny and pathetic to act like an oppressed victim over something as small as affirmative action

>> No.15551290

>That’s illegal
Not if directed against whites.

>> No.15551294

It is not illegal, companies openly promote goals of 'diversity', which is race/sex based discrimination.

>> No.15551295

Show some statistics backing this claim up and I’ll take it seriously

>> No.15551297

damn look at those goalposts go lol

>> No.15551300

What was the methodology for this study? It doesn’t seem like enough to me yet to claim that liberal whites hate themselves

This retard isn’t me btw >>15551257

>> No.15551310

So you literally just don’t even know what you’re talking about? Nice, glad I wasted this time talking to you

>> No.15551320

That’s what I asserted from the start, you might have to scroll up to find it though.

>> No.15551323

You can't seriously be unaware that companies have instituted quotas for race and sex? That is discrimination, they are not testing people for aptitude fairly.

>> No.15551346

for example

>> No.15551366

No you won’t, but you could start with e.g.
>Espenshade, Thomas J.; Alexandra Radford, No Longer Separate, Not Yet Equal: Race and Class in Elite College Admission and Campus Life, Princeton University Press, 2009.
for anti-Asian stuff. That’s actually mainstream so it’s pretty pathetic that you’d try to pretend it doesn’t exist just to win an Internet argument

>> No.15551376


This doesn't change the fact that it's a diagram, it doesn't change the fact that when asked to provide statistics, you were unable to demonstrate any understanding of the research literature and posted a single diagram from a single study, that isn't even a study, but a fucking opinion poll, like that makes you an authority, it doesn't change that you in all likelihood are completely incompetent as a statistician, a researcher, a scientist, etc and you only appropriate this as rhetoric for your puerile arguments.
You are the retard, fool, coward, asshole, you were born to lose this argument

>> No.15551382

I’m talking specifically about white people

>> No.15551411

>no you wouldn’t
lol called it. Anyway the same study has implications for whites, but you aren’t going to read it so there’s no point in going further with this

>> No.15551422

You probably have, you just don't realize it.
You have maybe been denied jobs, because of diversity hires.
You have maybe been denied enrollment into your favorite university because of preferential treatment to blacks with lower grades.
You are paying taxes for ineffectual programs so the progressives can feel good about themselves.