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15546348 No.15546348 [Reply] [Original]

He's right about everything. Prescient book that is vindicated more with each passing day.

>> No.15546363

Ummm no sweetie this guy is extremely problematic

>> No.15546375

What is his solution? Peaceful balkanization?

>> No.15546820

America faces no serious military threat or financial rival so get over that. Immigrants aren't rioting it's citizens over the same thing as 60 years ago and America is still the most religious developed country. You could write scarier literature in the 1960s predicting racial chaos and secularism since the prospects looked worse. Immigrants aren't causing trouble and if anything low skilled rural white evangelicals are psychotic and actually dangerous.

>> No.15547295

All sides of any argument will have idiots representing them as support grows.

>> No.15547309

Buchanan’s side is winning and you call this prophetic?

There’s already a rightwing thread. Fuck off pol

>> No.15547322

Sorry to disappoint, the US is strongest it itself has ever been.

>> No.15547327

News flash. There’s a depression coming

>> No.15547442

We're about to enter the worst depression in human history, China is about to overtake us in all meaningful ways, and over half the country have become fanatical zealots for progressivism at all costs.

>> No.15547822

USA in the 50s was 50% of the world's GDP, now it's 25%. Even if we ignore China and the demography problem the US is literally half as strong as it used to be economically

>> No.15548127

>We're about to enter the worst depression in human history
Even if so America has the fiscal capacity to deal with that better than others.

>China is about to overtake us in all meaningful ways
China can't produce shit like jet engines so whatever you mean by "all meaningful ways" is obviously bullshit. They're totally dependent on exporting consumer goods to America for dollars and have no plan on how to stop doing that.

That's because of WWII totally destroying the economies of Europe and Japan. Unless you think the recovery of Europe and Japan (a lot of people thought silly thoughts like that once) makes America weaker I don't see your point.

>> No.15548638

>Buchanan’s side is winning
>Fuck off pol

you think the riots are helping Trump?

>> No.15548747

China legit has good products. Xiaomi phones btfo most competition in value per dollar.

>> No.15548775

Haven't read it. Can you greentext his main points?

>> No.15548789


>> No.15548796

can't be worse than mine haha

>> No.15548804

Gonna pick it up this week. Thanks for the recommendation

>> No.15548813

>america faces no serious military threat or financial rival
Stopped reading there, this is obviously a power fantasy on your part

>> No.15548833

>china cant produce shit like jet engines
And ten years ago they couldnt produce computer chips, now they're the world leader in their production. They poach the best engineers from every nation on earth you're an idiot if you think they wont learn how to match and then surpass US jet engines.

>> No.15549009

China is still incapable of performing any sort of meaningful R&D in any field, the only exception possibly being biological experiments that other nations would find ethically untenable.

>> No.15549192
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China is getting its tenterhooks into Africa, and it already has the worlds largest neodymium reserves. If they managed to get a favorable foothold in certain South American companies, you can say byebye to cheap American consumer electronics. The centers of technological development will then move away from America. That is to say nothing of the large EU and British firms, including large IC manufacturers, that China is acquiring. Places like Britain welcome them with open arms, while places like Greece blatantly disregard the rest of the EU and block things like EUFRA report. The only countries that sounded the alarm on China's influence in the EU were France and Germany. Outside of the EU, many parts of the Australian Economy have depended on the Chinese Politburo for many years now; they even own parts of the Australian water supply. Meanwhile in America we have the media going "haha drumpf" at any opportunity while conveniently ignoring his incompetent foreign policy of handing China wins and alienating India, the best candidate today for crippling China by moving manufacturing away from it, thus forcing it to create it's own innovations instead of profiting from American ones. Hell how many chinese nationals own large amounts of property in the Bay Area, causing it to have some of highest cost of living in America?
You guys are delusional if you think that China isn't looming. They're far far ahead of us. They think that our democracy makes us divided indecisive and weak, and they are being proven right because the level of discourse in the American public is no better than what you see on CNN, Twitter, Facebook, Youtube, Reddit, and FUcking 4chan.

>> No.15549361

>Trump is on Buchanan’s side
if only :’(

>> No.15549371

They upload your info to chinese intelligence at fantastic speeds too

>> No.15549386

Every single consumer electronic made after 2007 uploads everything to Russian, Five Eyes, or Chinese intelligence agencies permanently.

>> No.15549857

when do i get chink gf

>> No.15549963

They don't think democracy makes us divided. They know it does, it's kind of the point. Amerikwa is doomed because it's not a nation, it's a cargo cult based around 18th century liberal ideas but none of the thought behind them. In a bizarre twist due to the weakness of Europe after the second world war they have allowed themselves to be cultural colonized by a force that is to them what a child's drawing is to a house. Europeans keep making the same mistake, thinking outsiders are like them. Hence they had no defence for the complete insanity of the typical American and have no ways to deal with it.

>> No.15549990

America's downfall will be due to corporatism. The corporate system is already ingrained in everyday ideal. It doesn't care about values beyond profit and it will erase every barrier to make sure that as many bodies are taking part in it as possible -- for better or worse; worse seems to be the outcome we're seeing.

>> No.15550009

You're naive if you think homegrown western companies don't do the same thing. Anything you say in the presence of your smartphone is being recorded and uploaded to a database for later use.
t. trust me bro

>> No.15550023

It will die just like europe, but europe has some good years left and it will take 50 more to America to end. We'll be all dead or old as shit by then, just enjoy it ameribros.

>> No.15550103

This is the perfect situation for palecons to take over.
Liberals keep selling insane witch hunts with quasi-religious fury while advocating for "black capitalism" and economic austerity otherwise, it would not be hard for paleocons to sell themselves as a universalist family values party + appropriating some ideas from Bernie and Yang.

>> No.15550134

too bad most of them are dead

>> No.15550144

Good, but does he offer any way to accelerate the downfall?

>> No.15550148

The most popular conservative pundit is a paleocon.

>> No.15550180

China is literally producing better air superiority jets than NATO at the moment since the F35 sucks. None of this hardware stuff matters as much as the fact that they are far superior to NATO in terms of cyberwarfare. They would win before the first shot was fired.

>> No.15550190

>>China can't produce shit like jet engines so whatever you mean by "all meaningful ways" is obviously bullshit. They're totally dependent on exporting consumer goods to America for dollars and have no plan on how to stop doing that.
I remember hearing that non-argument in 2005 when it was still believable. Exports in general are a decreasing part of Chinese industry, especially exports to mutts.
The idea that Chinese are all in sweatshops begging for mutts to buy their shit is only spouted by people that have never set foot there. Even orange dotard knows how hard it is to negotiate things with China now.
Then again Americans spontaneously stop in the streets to literally worship negores so I can't expect them to have a rational view on China.

>> No.15550407

Okay Steve Bannon, we get it, you don’t like Chinks

>> No.15550518

Mass immigration was the coup de grace to the American empire.

>> No.15550627

>consumer goods

Chinese owning some assets that can be seized isn't a big deal. Also if Trump wants to be hardcore he can zero out China's trillion dollar saving account at the Fed at any moment, he in't being tough and it's mostly bluff or he's just dumb.

I don't think you know what "corporatism" is or you'd know that better describes Chinas system than America.

ok retard

China's economy is still totally dependent upon exports. Their financial system is a total mess and if they seriously tried "delinking" from America it would end up a fuck up of galactic proportions because the last generation sent their kids to be indoctrinated in neoclassical garbage at Harvard lol

>> No.15550720
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Tucker Carlson is exciting lately because of how close he is getting to resurrecting paleoconservatism, almost as a one-man effort.

Anyone interested in what the fuck is going on lately in America and the world, and why things like Trump getting elected have been happening as a reaction to it, read pic related. He explains not only why Trump got elected but what Trump should have done.

>> No.15550747
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>hahaha ur a raycisss

You're exactly what's wrong with this world.

>> No.15550770

Do you have an epub of that? I really would like to get into Samuel Francis but I could only find that Jared Taylor collection on race.

>> No.15550787

It's up on libgen I believe, I actually bought a $50 copy myself. It's a shame they priced it so stupidly high, it's Francis' magnum opus if you ask me and he's one of the only thinkers of the last 30 years who isn't just regurgitating critical theory jargon.

>> No.15550839


>> No.15550876

/pol/ during non-happening time of year
>nothing but bots, shills, newfags zoomers who barely know what website they're on, and boomers spamming facebook memes about barack obummer

/pol/ during race riots in the months leading up to a decisive US election
>entire website descends on /pol/ to commiserate
>bots, shills, zoomers and boomers completely drowned out
>surprising unity of discourse and purpose

doesn't guarantee a trump reelection by any means, but raising consciousness is always the goal. rich white pseudo-leftists and their colored pets burning down the country isn't exactly bad for a law and order candidate, especially when the opposition's leaders will be expected by their own "supporters" to debase themselves in increasingly pathetic ways leading up to the election.

>> No.15550886

The 2024 election is going to be weird. Republicans like Hawley, Cotton, and Tucker are becoming more comfortable with socializing things... while the Democrats are starting to talk about privatizing things like the police because the government has too much "white supremacy" in it to be trusted over private companies.

>> No.15550910

>Even if so America has the fiscal capacity to deal with that better than others.

printing trillions a day to bail out financial institutions isn't "dealing" with any actual tangible problem. nobody's bailing out the 40 million people who recently applied for unemployment and things haven't even started to get bad yet.

>> No.15550932

Giving public money to private companies and protecting them from foreign competition isn't "socialization", that has always been the Republican platform from Lincoln to Bush

>> No.15550947

Styxhexenhammer recently talked about how a lot of the so-called alt right, which has up to now been confused by the whole "socialism=leftism??" thing into a crisis of identity, thinking they are supposed to be old fashioned country boys or some other caricature so long as it's anything but "socialist," is coming around to national socialism and the third position again. The right has always been split between libertarians and nationalist populists of various kinds, of course discounting the completely bogus neo-conservatives as not "right" at all.

We're headed into strange waters for sure. It's going to get a lot worse before new possibilities become possible, and by that point they won't be choices but grim necessities. Tucker wouldn't be a bad man for the job.

>> No.15550977

>printing trillions a day to bail out financial institutions isn't "dealing" with any actual tangible problem.
It's solving a solvency problem moron. Imagine you have a ton of USD debt and don't have access to those Fed swap lines lol

>> No.15550987

Tucker, from what I understand, is basically a mix of Bernie and Yang with American nationalism thrown in. The Paleocon movement as a whole took a lot from Distributism, which is not socialism but is still anti-capitalist and VERY protectionist. And there is some murmuring from the younger Republicans talking about how federal jobs guarantees and universal healthcare can be achieved as long as we shut down the borders. It's going to get bigger as the Boomercons who worship Reagan die off.

>> No.15550990

Richard Spencer's alt-right has been quite clearly on the "socialist" side for many years. But sure, many kekistanis didn't get the memo.

>> No.15551057

Do enough zoomers go in for this stuff that it will even matter by then?

None of this matters anyway if we don't get the borders shut. Maybe even that won't save us. The demographic thing is a tidal wave. I fear what will happen with ethnic tensions in the future. Either every white country will be South Africa or Brazil in a few years, or whites will bite back and start mass "deporting" (soft genociding) immigrant populations.

I wonder if looming foreign policy crises or even outright wars will force the latter option to accelerate. If business and financial elites, who currently favor disintegration policies because it increases the bottom line of their mass produced filth, suddenly flip to wanting safe stable nations to live in while the world burns, they will throw their weight behind reactionary governments. But they will prefer easily controlled corrupt ones that allow their class to keep dominating.

And we've played that game before. The good guys lost and we got another half a century of decadence under that stagnant ruling class. If we lose again this time around, we won't just get a renewed commitment to consumer capitalism and decadent liberal democracy like we did in 1945. We will get that, sure, but now with added Chinese style social credit and thought policing, all new forms of normalized degeneracy, and so on, all while the elites have another "time out" from dealing with the consequences of it, and that will be all she wrote for humanity.

The victory conditions are very narrow at this point.

>> No.15551094

Republicans will never embrace a jobs guarantee or public healthcare so you're totally delusional if you think that. High tariffs and protectionism is good for a narrow group of American corporate interests and history shows that can always come into fashion. Maybe you don't know but even the Reagan administration got really into Japan bashing, you should look into trade relations there.
The thing is young Americans have never experienced a real high rate of inflation. Notice Trump never tried rounding up all the illegal farm labour. If food prices and consumer goods were to start increasing double digits per annum anyone preceding over that would get unpopular really fast.

>> No.15551105

The reason American politics are so fucked up right now is because Republicans branded themselves as the "white people party" and the Democrats as the "everyone else party", so most issues get racialized by default.
However, I don't think this order will last much longer. The American conservatives are more adaptive than the progressives think they are. The progressives have been fantasizing about getting total control over everything because of demographics, but the conservatives can easily ruin this by rebranding themselves as the "family values party" and getting latinos on board. Rafael "Ted" Cruz would be the man to pull this off. Would basically ruin their dreams of a blue Texas as well.

>> No.15551171

>the conservatives can easily ruin this by rebranding themselves as the "family values party" and getting latinos on board
Yes, it's called George Bush. Bush did that already.

>> No.15551187

Even in terms of IC production, China is getting too expensive, it's moving to other SEA countries.
If by technological development you mean buildings that churn out shitty products, you are correct, but the Chinese way of developing ideas is to infiltrate corporations, steal data, and then make knock-off shit that fails.
Most scientists and engineers don't want to move to China because living in China sucks compared to practically anywhere in the first world, and this isn't just because of living standards, having some respect for basic human rights goes a long way. Who wants to live in a country where people are regularly disappeared and no one is allowed to talk about it?

>> No.15551210

That shit's not going to work anymore. The upcoming generation is literally fucking mentally retarded by mid-century standards and can be bought off with obamaphones and UBI. Public schooling has effectively been replaced with Instagram Discussion Jail. Future politics will operate on the level of children's cartoon logic if we don't do something fast.

>> No.15551341

I agree. The Republicans will never do this, but it won't be the Republicans doing this. I think they will die and be replaced by a new party that lacks the historical baggage.
For a long time, the Democrat strategy has been to pander hard to minorities and offer some populist policies in order to get white people on board. But the Democrats are getting arrogant because they think the demographics are at a point where they can just do whatever they want, so they're trying to push the populists like Berniecrats out of the party in favor of radical liberals like Kamala Harris who go all in on the idpol while sucking off giant corporations. The giant corporations are more than willing to oblige and change teams. Even Dow Chemical is woke now. The Republicans are a dinosaur party that is quickly losing their reason for existing.
But Duverger's law does not allow such a vacuum to exist. When a big party dies, it almost immediately gets replaced by a more fit one. With the Democrats embracing austerity and alienating a significant amount of the populace, a nationalist populist party will eventually emerge to scoop up the rest.

Neoliberalism keeps society in a perpetual state of "just bearable enough to keep functioning". This works well enough to keep people satisfied with the bare minimum in terms of comfort and enjoyment, but the imminent recession is going to take that away. The luxury blinded people of the early 20s were okay with the utter despotism and incompetence of their leadership up until the great depression struck. This will happen again shortly. We're in for a rough couple of years, and things will get much worse before they get much better.

>> No.15551348

They aren't going to privatize the police lel, just replace it with various woke NGOs that allow crime but illegalize self-defense.

>> No.15551358

which will create more white flight and more Detroits

>> No.15551371

Unfortunately for those suburbs, white flight will make them more Democratic. 2020 will secure Democratic hegemony for the rest of America's future - no one is going to wake up to the insanity of woke capitalism. Everyone else in the world needs to unite against America lest it throw us into a thousand-year Dark Age.

>> No.15551417

Woke capitalism isn't sustainable. It got booted out Denmark because of a coalition of social democrats teaming up with patriotic people.

>> No.15551434


>> No.15551470

I'm not American but I shouldn't have to tell you that the way the American political system works it guarantees it'll always be a two party system. The problem with a "nationalist populist party" would be twofold, 1. what is "America" all about (that's contentious), and 2. what is "populism" (that's a term used from William Jennings Bryan to McCarthyism). Remember Trump won a minority of the popular vote and that number might get worse this time (even if he still wins).
I assume you mean a rejection of multiculturalism and encourage civil nationalism with some evangelical religious revivalism to back it up. That seems really, really naive to think you can eliminate ethnic politics when that's what's exploding globally. America really was Anglo-Saxon and protestant at one point and that is what it was all about but by the time of the scopes monkey trial Bryan was an obvious buffoon easily mocked by every educated American (who was a lot more secular and perhaps less Anglo). That sort of populism won't work. Now you have the example of a Catholic Irishman like McCarthy who wanted to destroy the establishment... but how did that play out again?

Denmark is parochial and irrelevant. America is of world significance.

>> No.15551473

Yeah but it's not "endemic" to Denmark like it is in the US. That kind of coalition can't exist here.

>> No.15551489

they tried, we all fought back vs the Wuhan Woozies. Trumps black numbers are huge, so this is their last stand

>> No.15551511

The American political machine mathematically necessitates two viable political parties due to the flaws of FPTP voting + no proportional representation. The Democrats would either have to officially abolish democracy from the top (would probably start a civil war) or change the voting system entirely, which would not be in their best interest because fixing FPTP would suddenly make the Libertarian, Green, and Solidarity parties viable.

>> No.15551541

Abolishing Democracy would be a good thing in theory, but it would be bad if American Progressives did it.

>> No.15551550

If Andrew Johnson was just fucking impeached America could of easily evolved towards a more sensible system.

>> No.15551605

Do any of you imbeciles honestly believe Twitter trends into real life in any meaningful way? Do you think black boxes and "White Fragility" running off of Amazon are emblematic of widespread social change in the United States? It's bread and circus. There is no change coming. A single city council in a single city has elected to do "something" with its police. What that will look like has been left utterly open to interpretation and will, in all likelihood, greatly resemble whatever force they are seeking to replace. This was an undemocratic move - do you think the city council asked the black shop owners and property owners about their feelings on decreased police presence? Of course not.

No idea survives application. Minneapolis will be the staging ground for one of the worst economic and social reversals in modern American history. Broadcasting that there are no police will only attract criminals, as has happened in L.A. and other cesspits, and the resulting crimewave will lead property owners to leave, requiring property leasers to either charge more for the use of the property or liquidate altogether. Minneapolis will be the Flint of its state within one year. The Republican party is dead. Whatever will exist in the absence of Trump's next term will be a new political party.

>> No.15551607

>Buchanan has also made such comments as "'Capitol Hill is Israeli occupied territory' and 'If you want to know ethnicity and power in the United States Senate, 13 members of the Senate are Jewish folks who are from 2% of the population. That is where real power is at.'"

>> No.15551707

and of what use is rectitude?

>> No.15551733

America will eventually Balkanize. California and Texas can't coexist in the same country before one tries to impose its view on the other.

>> No.15551758

could have

sorry for pedantry, figured it was a greater evil to let you go on making this mistake

>> No.15551779

>Buchanan wrote that it was impossible for 850,000 Jews to be killed by diesel exhaust fed into the gas chamber at Treblinka in a 1990 column for the New York Post. Buchanan once argued Treblinka "was not a death camp but a transit camp used as a 'pass-through point' for prisoners".

>> No.15551795

What a hateful bigot.

>> No.15551910

>Three decades of post-Cold War foolish and failed democracy-crusading have left this generation not with the conviction and certitude of Cold War America, but with ashes in their mouths and no stomach to spend blood and treasure converting China to our way of life.
Holy based

>> No.15551932

It won't balkanize. If you paid attention to modern history you would know that the trend has been regional power > great power > superpower > hyperpower. We're already in a world controlled mostly by America and American elites aren't going to let that slide. If it does come to civil war it will result in a countrywide crackdown on ideology.

>> No.15552208

>Immigrants aren't causing trouble and if anything low skilled rural white evangelicals are psychotic and actually dangerous.

how fucking retarded are you no seriously

>> No.15552234

It's been flavors of white suburban retards who gave Trump the edge electorally in 2016. And another flavor of these white suburban retards are also responsible for woke progressivism, which according to numerous studies is a wholly white middle class PMC ideology. It's not the rich or the poor, it's the middle class that deserves bullets.

>> No.15552329

Based Uncle Pat was the President America needed.

>> No.15552341

based and anti-suburbpilled

>> No.15552357

>white suburban retards are also responsible for woke progressivism,
u wot
it's inner city whites and jews

>> No.15552899

This is the weirdest cope ever.

>> No.15553128

>if anything low skilled rural white evangelicals are psychotic and actually dangerous
lol. versus how many murders, rapes and assaults either by individual criminals or as a mob that city blacks are committing against everyone else and each other versus "rural whites". get educated you like a moron

>> No.15553260

>Republicans branded themselves as the "white people party"
they didn't, they've been branded that way for years and they desperately tried to escape it (still are). You are correct that there is a process of radicalization where one side can't agree with an issue because the other one is heralding it, dems and reps aren't yet non white vs white (it's rather "commies" vs "fascists/racists") but they will be in the future.

>> No.15554528

>Twink who dances around real issues like the JQ and race
>Was in some gay cult, still dresses like a faggot
Opinion discarded

>> No.15554559
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>potential depression on the horizon
>riots in most states
>chinks salivating

>> No.15554561

You had my interest but now you've got my attention

>""American"" Elites
You mean international elites, right? You do realize that the moment this ship starts sinking they'll just fuck off to Israel, New Zealand or Europe?

Real retard hours

>> No.15554581

If you're aiming for power there must be some crypsis on the Jewish question because the Jews control the power structures of the US, everything from the academy, the media, to the government itself. They will destroy any threat they detect. If you're not "dancing around the JQ" you're not just worthless, you're a liability.

>> No.15554643

Dude you just forced me to skim his wiki page.

Why even need a book for such brainlet takes?

>> No.15554704

>Who wants to live in a country where people are regularly disappeared and no one is allowed to talk about it?

>> No.15555425

ESL brainlets need to leave this board

>> No.15555724

You are under the illusion that manufacturing means anything
China is as others have pointed out, too expensive for it nowadays unless we should be scared of the VIETNAMESE MENACE too, I mean they beat the burgers once already
The overwhelming majority of the Chinese economy is to be found in really iffy banking and moneymarkets
Britain and Greece are siding with China because central Europe completely alienated them, should they find a better deal with the EU, they'll drop the bullshit like they have done in the past with other powers
Also, most of China's "foothold" on Africa and Australia can be seized with 0 consequences if China appears weak for even an instant
The moment the facade of Chinese power even begins to retract, the whole charade is over due to how they've developed their economy. This is why china behaved so autistically during the Corona disaster when they could have easily prevented everything.
Also, how the fuck did trump alienate India? India will never be China's friend in the modern geopolitical map by design

>> No.15555842

>Also, how the fuck did trump alienate India?

>> No.15555863

People as deluded as you is what will destroy this country. China loves this chaos going on in the US now, it weakens us internally and destabilizes us. But if China takes over the US, black people will wish whites ruled them again, China will treat black people worse than slaves.

>> No.15555880

>The overwhelming majority of the Chinese economy is to be found in really iffy banking and moneymarkets
'Economy' and 'finance' are two different and antagonistic things, you assclown.

>> No.15557156


We aren't a Democracy.

>> No.15557194

are you gonna cry like a bitch then?

>> No.15557255

Don't forget the Q tards. It's almost poetic how a bunch of people who aren't what you describe are fully emotionally invested in Q shit.

>> No.15557267

They're also looking to be the sole superpower in AI by 2030 and honestly if that doesn't concern you I don't know what will. They are rapidly outpacing us and they'll soon be ahead.

>> No.15557283

how will they treat white people

>> No.15557298
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>but the Chinese way of developing ideas is to infiltrate corporations, steal data, and then make knock-off shit that fails.

This is wrong. They steal data, make exact copies of western tech, along with thousands of other Chinese entrepreneurs because China doesn't value intellectual property at all. Then they tailor it specifically for Chinese audiences, because how they interact with the product is completely different than how Americans would. Then it becomes it's own thing. The Chinese are fucking ruthless when it comes to business, and they end up having their unrestricted unregulated competition to the end.

>> No.15557559

seethe mutts

>> No.15558627

The death of USRR was also the death of America.

>> No.15558637

>implying Pat Buchanan is pro-Israel

>> No.15558645

>ethically untenable
and that's why china will be the superpower in the next years, ethics makes you weaker.

>> No.15558974

I know nothing about the book or author, but I can tell just by looking at the cover that this is 3rd rate trite garbage. Like wtf is that font & why does it take up the entire cover, whole thing just looks mega trashy.