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15541434 No.15541434 [Reply] [Original]

Playing chess increases your IQ and makes you a better writer.

>> No.15541452

VIRGIN d2-d4 vs CHAD e2-e4

>> No.15541454


>> No.15541456

wha it wrong with people

>> No.15541469


>> No.15541479

The London System is objectively the best opening in chess.

>> No.15541484

for me, its pushing d5 after c4,e4 and Nc3

>> No.15541496
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How can one man be so based?

>> No.15541513
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please recommend chess books like this
i dont wanna do puzzles I wanna read about cool games

>> No.15541514
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They fear the claw.

>> No.15541518
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*blocks your path*

>> No.15541521

for me it's h2-h3

>> No.15541539

Why? It’s just another willy nilly game with a large following, of which some are really good at it. The only difference between this and Starcraft is that chess is old enough to have literal centuries of pseudo intellectual posturing associated with it

>> No.15541562

>playing blizzard rtshit

>> No.15541568
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>Anon you can mate me in four

>> No.15541577

jesus, he was literally the penguin from batman

>> No.15541579

Go is better than overrated Chess and shitty video games anyways.

>> No.15541581
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Logical chess. Great book that outlines the reasoning behind the moves in many classic games.

>> No.15541635
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I bought this book years ago so I can learn chess but I just can't get past the moves like d3 to f7. How the fuck do you remember letter/number is on the board?

>> No.15541636


>> No.15541638

>not f2 g3

>> No.15541643

Look into Kasparov's multi-volume series where he annotates the games of the masters.

>> No.15541647

>He can't remember 8 letters and 8 numbers
Are you retarded for real?

>> No.15541657

Stay mad chink

>> No.15541662

for the most part, playing chess just makes you better at playing chess
there may be some other ancillary benefits, like forging the determination necessary to study and practice, the fortitude necessary to wither over-the-board tournaments, and perhaps the ability to recognize patterns (chess tactics are all about recognizing patterns and characteristics on the board)

>> No.15541664

Go is the big boy brained choice.

>> No.15541672

Every time someone posts a chess board on 4chan expecting me to make a move; I open up Chessmaster 2000 and have it play for me because it has some of the best chess AI of any game I've ever seen.

>> No.15541685

Isn’t IQ largely pattern recognition?

>> No.15541702


>> No.15541727

Remember Luminosity? They're not doing so well now that their claims of 'transferrance' have been debunked.
Doing logic puzzles makes you better at doing logic puzzles - it won't improve your abilities in maths or science or anything outside of little logic puzzles.

>> No.15541735

Logiclet cope

>> No.15541750

>increases iq


>> No.15541753
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>USA team

>> No.15541758

#BlackChessPiecesMatter bigot.

>> No.15541762

The more you play the more it becomes second nature.

>> No.15541764

There was a study showing that introducing chess to schools decreased suspension rates and increases test scores.

>> No.15541766

>for the most part, playing chess just makes you better at playing chess


>> No.15541769

i honestly dont know. but in regards to OP's question that sparked this thread, isnt IQ usually defined as some sort of innate characteristic, as opposed to a trait that can be cultivated or improved?

>> No.15541774

Coding and Lions Mane do too.

>> No.15541777

Tfw no man for the rest of eternity will be be better than a computer at chess

>> No.15541778

1. What is a good book to get started on playing chess?
2. What is a good ELO score for an amateur average internet player to shoot for as a goal?

>> No.15541786

That's right, we need to lobby the government so it is mandated BLACK moves first instead of Whitoid losers.

>> No.15541787

Now, let's see a Computer program it self.
The Computer is an Extension of the Man Anon.. In the future we will not Have men competing in Chess, we will have the Programs of Men competing against each other.

>> No.15541789

this could possibly be explained through non-IQ factors. playing chess means less time being a delinquent, and less time being a delinquent may make you more likely to display non-delinquent behavior, like studying and doing your homework

>> No.15541796
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>white to play

>> No.15541804

but the Magician from Riga is much more fun to watch imo

>> No.15541807

who cares, human vs human is more fun, even low rated players games are fun

>> No.15541812

it's more likely about focus / learning to focusing on something than intelligence

Chess for Dummies unironically

>> No.15541865

I can’t find a link to the study itself, but
> A study of 4,000 Venezuelan students produced significant rises in the IQ scores of both boys and girls after 4 months of chess instruction.
You can read more about it here:

>> No.15541878

>*Sits in the corner with his hat pulled down over his eyes*
>Heh...you want to challenge...ME?

>> No.15541895



>> No.15541910

I found the study
> India Abstract — Systematic training of chess has been shown to significantly increase the IQ and cognitive functioning among children. The study assessed the impact of chess intervention on the IQ scores of children and analyzed the cognitive functions that contributed to the IQ gain. Eighty-six school children, boys and girls in the age group (4-15) undergoing chess training were assessed using Binet-Kamat Test of Intelligence. Chess intervention consisted of standardized bi-weekly training sessions of 2 hours’ duration over a period of one year. Individual attention was given to every child by assigning one coach for every 4 students. Paired t tests and regression analysis were carried out. increases were observed inSignificant IQ. Regression analysis indicated that non-verbal reasoning, language and memory significantly contributed to the dependent variable IQ. The study has important implications for education.

>> No.15541937

chess would be so mainstream if they made books/movies about famous games instead of just dropping guides and quizzes

>> No.15541940

Chess revolves around rote memorization. No limit texas hold 'em is the real writer's game, requiring not only an intimate knowledge of the human condition but also a brazen courage and willingness to sacrifice everything to the hands of fate.

>> No.15541957
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>> No.15541965
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Make room for the king.

>> No.15541976

Seconding this, has anyone read bobby fishers 60 games? Is it any good?

>> No.15542004

Something about the precise manner in which chess is futile itself appeals to me anyways. That people would associate something with IQ despite how menial it is to the right machine. A quantum computer can solve problems that would be essentially impossible for others, while taking more time to do simple tasks.

>> No.15542012

hail to the onions king

>> No.15542020

Wrong, expertise in chess only correlates moderately with intelligence and there is no evidence to suggest otherwise. As for your second claim, there is hardly any evidence that far transfer occurs at all; it most definitely doesn't occur from chess to writing.

>> No.15542033


>> No.15542048

This is why you’re a bad writer with a low IQ.

>> No.15542062
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>"Come on anon! Make your move!"

>> No.15542066

How many artists actually played chess? I only know Kubrick and Nabokov did (and Nabokov made chess puzzles too), but I can't think of anyone else.

>> No.15542072

Every chess player is an artist.

>> No.15542076

I was a chess prodigy that got bullied to studying 10-12hrs a day and then when I was deemed only to be a decent 2000 player they stop taking me seriously.

But chess did get me into reading a lot more, the history of chess is insanely intresting.


>> No.15542078

the whole idea that "chess is for intelligent people" is a meme perpetuated by brainletts like Stephanie Meyer.

Like the rubrix cube, any moron can pick up a book on strategy or watch some youtube videos, remember some patterns, and become good at chess.

>> No.15542080

put your cheatcode manual away, thot

>> No.15542084

oh yeah i love watching him unbox his new computer and talk about how much he makes in the stock market while speaking badly of every player when he's the poster boy for fucking redbull, fucking piece of shit

>> No.15542096

Fuck you

>> No.15542108


>> No.15542115

Seething chess brainlets in the thread

>> No.15542120

I've noticed this too, you have to be brilliant to play chess at a master or grandmaster level but the expertise from that doesnt translate well into other forms of intelligence.

>> No.15542131

my favorite anecdote is Najdorf running to Tal and kissing him after he sacrificed his queen against Hecht

>> No.15542143

Chess is a western meme and one should play Go or Shogi instead.

>> No.15542149

but would you consider someone intelligent if he picked up a rubix cube and solved it without knowing the pattern and just by analyzing it or by instinct? i think i would

>> No.15542159

There are many child prodigies out there who can play instruments young but do not become Mozarts

>> No.15542171

face to boob 2

>> No.15542175

>dat logic
You don't play chess and it shows. Sad!

>> No.15542181

you're a moron

>> No.15542185

Too bad he is not a good player like tal.

>> No.15542186
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Ivanchuk is the only relatable player left and he doesn't even play anymore, the rest are totally unlikeable except Grischuk

>> No.15542259

> those eyebrows
are billowing eyebrows the surest sign of a powerful intellect?

>> No.15542276

retarded coward

>> No.15542285

Chess is from the East.

>> No.15542317

>Chess is from the East.
how so

>> No.15542347
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>are billowing eyebrows the surest sign of a powerful intellect?

>> No.15542360

It originated in India.

>> No.15542375

Prokofiev and Ravel. Even played each other once. https://www.chessgames.com/perl/chessgame?gid=1579921

>> No.15542376
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It originated in America
t. American

>> No.15542531

Fucking based

>> No.15542580

Use a small travel chess board to play out the moves of the game so you don't have to hold l the pieces and their moves in your head. It's worth it.

>> No.15542581

It's also extremely boring without an opponent to face and shittalk.

>> No.15542618


>> No.15542716

Yet more revisionist bullshit to try to eliminate all white culture.

Chess is 100% a western game. The early version of the game was brought by traders from India and Arab lands to Spain in the middle ages, and then it migrated to Italy where they stripped away all the bullshit rules and made it into a completely new game that became the modern game we know as chess around the 1300s.

>> No.15543461

VIRGIN 1...e7-e6 vs CHAD 1...e7-e5

>> No.15543490

Ivanchuk is based and he still plays.
Grischuk is also based and Carlsen is also pretty cool but not as.
Jobava and Shirov are also pretty based.

>> No.15543502

Based botez

>> No.15543510

Playing chess makes you a better chess player. Writing makes you a better writer

>> No.15543520

You remember 26 letters for the alphabet didn't you

>> No.15543594

You know what the letters and numbers mean right?

>> No.15544105

Reading and studying his games basically makes all other players look like pathetic pussies. Tal was a turbo chad that literally gave zero fucks and somehow that translated into winning.
Studying the games of defensive players like Karpov is like watching paint dry.

>> No.15544182
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>> No.15544909

Stefan Zweig

>> No.15544917


>> No.15544969

I started playing chess this quarantine but stopped due to the fact that it’ll always be on my mind. If I played chess for 4 hours one day I’d definitely dream about a chess game that night, I found that instead of thinking about writing I thought about chess, so I stopped playing chess. Maybe I got into it too suddenly? I might start again.

>> No.15545076

Sorry I luv shogi better. Chess is too boring and predictable.

>> No.15545085

It's what happens when you first get into it, it goes away after a month.

>> No.15545119

Yea same thing happened to me. I lost track of time playing in my head and was in the shower for a whole hour.

>> No.15545131

No, it doesn't. Kasparov is the biggest midwit faggot alive outside of chess.

>> No.15545143

I remember a time when i had i girlfriend that was hugily into books, politics, philosophy and all that stuff and i was just watching movies and shitposting. I said that im interested in chess and she said that she will win. I said "you are a woman, you can't". She got very mad about it since in our relationships she was "the smart one" and "the one who read and does research". So i destroyed her 3 times in a row. After that i dominated her in bed.

>> No.15545176
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Go on and post your lichess/chess rating without lying. I'm 1800 on lichess. Anyone down for a /lit/ chess tournament?

>> No.15545191

I want to start playing online. Which server is better, lichess.org or chess.com?

>> No.15545233

I mean you're wrong. There's more potential moves in a chess game than the number of atoms in the known universe. You literally cannot memorize every single move, and neither have super computers.

>> No.15545255

Lichess, especially for learning, because half the site isn't behind a fucking pay wall.

>> No.15545277

George R.R. Martin :^)

>> No.15545311

any books or good channels?

>> No.15545419

>2 mutts and 1 incel
Oh no no no

>> No.15545429
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He legit reminds me of that inbred tiger

>> No.15545466

Tried chess a while ago but then I realized that there are apparently a bunch of retarded rules about moves you're not allowed to make. For example you do not seem to be allowed to make a losing move. What sort of shit is that? If I want to be a retard and do an opsie then I don't want the game stopping me.

Made me hate the game. At least on the computer, as no one does this shit when you're just playing with friends.

>> No.15545493

Playing chess will not impact your IQ, but it will make you used to being analytical and thinking ahead

The good player is always lucky

>> No.15545539

What the fk are you talking about retard

>> No.15545544

no, chess makes you better at chess.

>> No.15545680

she is actually somewhat ugly if you watch her videos, her face is weird. lots of chess players who are prettier, you can find them even easier these days with chess exploding in twitch and youtube

and the middle one, Caruana is also inmigrant right? it's interesting that white americans seem to be bad at chess

>> No.15545698

no lol Fabi is the only one there who was actually born in America, though he lived in Europe for a while.

>> No.15546724

I was nostalgic and so rewatched this guy literally yesterday after about 7 years. The topic made the video relevant I suppose but what a coincidence.

>> No.15546964
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what about watching 100 day chess game?

>> No.15546982


>> No.15547009

That prick is a better businessman than a chess player

>> No.15548565


>> No.15548786

VIRGIN "d2-d4" "e2-e4" vs CHAD "d4" "e4"

>> No.15548801
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>> No.15548854
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>> No.15548998

Carlsen is a racist though; he makes very problematic "jokes".

>> No.15549008

>Mensa Norway
Magnus is trolling him.

>> No.15549011

i'm roughly 1100, i suck but its enjoyable to me. anyone want to play? i'd make an invite link myself but i don't remember how.

>> No.15549050


go back to re.ddit

>> No.15549063
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>makes you a better writer
>this obituary will be vastly improved by saying how much better I am at chess that he was, and I can even slip in a bit about how I cucked him once

>> No.15549075

No sweetie, this is not your safe space.

>> No.15549089


>> No.15549580
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chek. mate.