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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 22 KB, 593x347, lit quarterly.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15540833 No.15540833 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.15540850

special black lives matter issue when

>> No.15540858


>> No.15541013


>> No.15541086


>> No.15541287

All lives matter.

>> No.15541292

No lives matter

>> No.15541326


>> No.15541563

Has the Quarterly issued an official statement yet? Giving space to black and brown voices is really necessary now! It grieves us all is a big platform like this won't stand up against injustice.

>> No.15541871

>as the Quarterly issued an official statement yet? Giving space to black and brown voices is really necessary now! It grieves us all is a big platform like this won't stand up against injustice.
The lit quarterly gives us a voice, the truly voiceless. Blacks have enough space to be heard, christ, they have every company and news org giving them air time. Fuck off.

>> No.15541899

I fucking KNEW this magazine wasn't going to last more than a few issues. I knew in my gut that submitting here was a fool's errand.

>> No.15541925

have faith

>> No.15541951

The correct slogan.

>> No.15541962

just reject my submission already

>> No.15541969
File: 43 KB, 469x625, 1565166321200.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15542731


>> No.15542973

Who's that in the image?

>> No.15543066

The site looks pretty fucking good compared to when I last checked a month or two back. The read online option isn't set up yet, but it's a big improvement.

>> No.15543273

How many readers do you have assessing submissions?

>> No.15543361

Us being 4chan or what?

>> No.15543368

what site i look up lit quarterly and cant find anything

>> No.15543400


>> No.15543471


>> No.15543738

It would be cool if the magazine develops into a legitimate publication.

But then again, this is fucking 4chan and being published on The Lit Quarterly will likely come with a degree of stigma--especially being based in Canada.

>> No.15543913

Perhaps at a certain inflection point, the magazine might undergo a rebranding. But who knows? Maybe /lit/ will finally get fed up with the /pol/ folk and disassociate with 4chan as such.

>> No.15543941

We could just harass Hiro until the moderation on the board improves.

>> No.15544167

As long as the issues don't publish /pol/ trash that looks like it came from 4chan, it shouldn't be a problem. Nothing on the site or the issues I've read mention 4chan. Only way you'd know is if you saw these threads, which is why it's important that they don't publish trash.

Their submission periods are getting picked up and promoted by writing blogs/news sites and they're paying writers. They could probably boast a decent contributors list soon if they keep their nose clean.

>> No.15544176

Few lives matter

>> No.15544207

only one life ever mattered, the rest are just copycats and should be treated with disdain.

>> No.15544334

This is what I mean.

This isn't edgy or funny. It's just dumb. Keep shit like this out of the mag and it'll be golden.

>> No.15544360

Maybe it'll turn out like those guys who made Katawa Shoujo. Though, they had a little bit of a less on the nose name.

>> No.15544371

you absolute nigger

>> No.15544372

It was not really meant to be funny, certainly not edgy, not sure how anyone can mistake that for edginess, it was just following the eestablished pattern and looking at it from another perspective.

Also, already been published in the quarterly, moderately well recieved.

>> No.15544482

Any others similar to Lit Quarterly?

>> No.15544559

Stirner, my dear property

>> No.15544873


They did just have a giant worldwide shutdown to deal with that kind of affects your ability to get physical publishing done.

>> No.15544961

Just missed their deadline. Lame.

>> No.15544982

"lit quarterly" is a pretty inconspicuous name to begin with

>> No.15545034

do they count posts you've made on /lit/ as "previously published"?

>> No.15545064

Honestly really this rn>>15541563

>> No.15545069
File: 31 KB, 699x485, thinking retard pepe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It would be cool if the magazine develops into a legitimate publication.
>But then again, this is fucking 4chan
What if they don't know that?

>If, if is good

>> No.15545070
File: 30 KB, 747x747, 1584697992661.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Maybe it'll turn out like those guys who made Katawa Shoujo. Though, they had a little bit of a less on the nose name.
It is on the nose, isn't it.

>> No.15545081

The more established it becomes, the more likely that gets out.

>> No.15545097
File: 67 KB, 720x644, based.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We'll see.

>> No.15545099

I was wanting to do something like this, but more niche, but I don't have quite the same resources (seemingly).

>> No.15545100

I'm telling.

>> No.15545104

which niche?

>> No.15545106

What's the niche?

>> No.15545115


One story was literally about a glownigger spying on a suicidal 4channer what are you doing faggot

>> No.15545122


>> No.15545139


>> No.15545223

I told.

>> No.15546277


>> No.15546290

>the truly voiceless
Ah, yes, mummy's boy and his piss bottles need to be heard.

>> No.15546312

Why not, if "Daddy's little girl" (male) with her post-dilation blood bottles gets in, why not a precocious young lad?

>> No.15546328

thanks for censoring I feel much better now

>> No.15546341

I was merely projecting there.

>> No.15547294

this is neat

>> No.15547344

absurd to give in and "uplift" black voices... extremely patronizing POV that actually just reinforces the stereotypes, forcing black writers be the voice of the black community, lumping all blacks into one. Literature is individual

>> No.15547366

spoken like a true wh*teoid

>> No.15547722

spoken like a true /pol/ard

>> No.15547837

Although it would be cool for this to be successful and recognized, the attitude in this thread seems to be that we should be sneaky and hide what it is or what it's from to do that
I think that's omega cringe. If you're not being yourself what's the point in being popular?

>> No.15548008

Honestly I hope the magazine gets popular enough that Kyle isn't making a loss and is compensated for the time he and his partners put in.

>> No.15548052


Every issue has had references to it and too many people lurk to be able to hide it. A freakout is inevitable at some point because if calls for submissions are spreading on regular literature sites, people who don't read it and will never read it are going to submit. In general no writers actually read the magazines they submit to. Lit Quarterly is a weird exception to that rule because it's based in a community. So eventually someone from the Karen Left is going to submit, get selected, and then actually read what's in there and throw a giant tantrum and demand immediate cancellation of everyone involved. All the people who submit without reading it will freak out and try to protect their own ass by bowing to Karen and saying they knew absolutely nothing.

>> No.15548159

Yes it would bring a sort of notoriety to the magazine that we don't necessarily want. Perhaps it's waiting to happen.
Broadly speaking, some of us want the magazine to be popular and more widely read (notoriety would accomplish that just fine: the more attention they give us, the more popular we get and there is no way for them to make us stop), while some of us want the publication to remain niche. I'm not sure where I stand, but ultimately I think the decision has been taken out of our hands.

>> No.15548375

Exclusively digital tech era in setting, content, or form.

>> No.15549708


>> No.15550328

Where can I read this without paying for a physical copy on Amazon?

>> No.15551729


>> No.15551759

Can someone post a snippet of an article or something?

>> No.15551953

No live